June 2023 W.I.S.H. Thread - New Season, New Start

Today's WooHoo - It's only Wednesday and I've been so productive at work this week! We're leaving on the evening of the 22nd and will be gone for the rest of the month. That just means that I have to be super efficient at getting all of my work done for the month and so far, so good!

The last week is always kind of my "catch-up" week, so nothing really due that week - but work-wise, everything's lining up for a good getaway!
Thankful Thursday!!! What are you thankful for today?

I am thankful for my home and the ability to stay indoors. I cannot believe how smoky it is here from the fires and it is difficult to breathe so I am happy to be able to stay indoors for the most part!
Belated woohoo: I've gotten through another chemo cycle without putting on weight! I've been dreading getting on the scale because, between the fatigue and the junk I was eating, I assumed I'd be up a couple of pounds. Instead, I'm right where I was two weeks ago.

Today, I'm thankful for SW credit card offers that have allowed us to fly our family of 5 for free many times over between last year and this year. The fares for end of year dropped today and I was able to book a one-way and a round trip flight completely for free to finish off our time with companion passes. I'm also thankful to live in a major metro area where I can get to several airports within a two hour drive. While I wish SW would offer more non-stops from Philly like they did pre-pandemic, I'm glad that we are close enough to drive to BWI in order to take those free flights.
This morning I'm thankful for Tylenol because yesterday evening and this morning I'm having a nasty headache... thankfully for the first time in a very long time.

I'm also thankful for getting thru yesterday without really blowing up at anyone. The last two days have had full spectrum swings between really good stuff and really frustrating stuff and by the end of the work day yesterday I was done... and the headache didn't help.

And I am thankful that I am in a position to be able to take vacations like the upcoming cruise. Yesterday I set up the pre-paid tipping and fixed my passport photo in on-line check in, and while doing this saw that our stateroom had been assigned. Thankfully we are all the way forward on the 7th deck... been reading about propeller noise aft, so thankful to not be in that area.
Today, I'm thankful for parents - a co-worker was talking about how today is her parent's 55th anniversary. She said her dad is taking her mom to a local co-op's customer appreciation dinner tonight lol. We all got a good laugh about how when you've been married for 55 years, I guess you can do that - celebrate with a free dinner with a room full of common customers lol! Not too romantic I suppose, but will probably be fun because there will be a lot of people there that they will know and get to visit with.

My dad passed away 19 years ago (he and my mom had been married for 39 years), so my mom didn't get to have the super long wedding anniversary number, but we all have so many good memories with my dad - it's truly hard to believe it was that long ago. I was truly blessed with great parents!
Today's topic on the gratitude thread was friends. This is what I said:

My friend M---, who I am thinking about today because I'm looking forward to walking with her and her dog again this summer (She's a teacher, and will be done for the year soon.)

My "mom friends" from playgroup when DS was little - It was one of those "friends for a season" situations where we didn't stay in touch after the kids got older, but they were important at the time, and it was so nice to know they would just be there every week, without having to arrange to see each other (when we were all busy and tired, and wouldn't have made the effort.)

My DH's Lodge friends - this is a great group of folks, and I know if I ever had an emergency and needed a bunch of people to show up at the drop of a hat, they would!

And of course, you DIS friends! :wave2:
Thankful for the hard work of everyone that made DS10's stage debut such a success. The fifth grade put on The Wizard of Oz tonight. All the adult volunteers who pulled it together were wonderful. As a former stage kid I know how much work goes into these shows so very thankful for everyone who put in the effort to make it a success.
First (and only) snafu for the cruise... all parking at the cruise pier is sold out, so we're going to have to switch to a hotel by the airport where we can get cruise parking and then shuttle to the ship. Not a big deal at all, just a bit jarring since it is the only thing that hasn't quite worked right.

I've been totally off program for the past two days and it showed on the scale this morning. My body needed a little break but now it is screaming "get back at it woman", so I will. Today.

Saturday I have a haircut and Sunday a facial/waxing. I think I might go in for a pedicure, if I don't like it I can always change the polish myself during the week. I also need to get the oil changed in the car. Other than that it will be a lot of gardening, getting it prepped for me to be gone, putting more of the anti-deer fencing up (she did find a place to get over that I hadn't blocked off with rhody branches and munched on my snapdragons) and alot of walking and exercising. Plus going over to my Neices to feed and cuddle the chickens, as they are out of town.
Everyone’s weekend plans sound great!!!

DD, myself and my MIL went yard sailing yesterday morning and we did really well! Met my sister and scooped up my niece at some point in the morning so my sister could head to work, so I also babysat.

Yesterday evening DD, my MIL, SIL and myself went to see Moses at the sight and sound theater-belated Mother’s Day gift from my husband. It was absolutely amazing, we had the best time! If you ever get the opportunity to go I encourage you to visit!! We also had a delicious dinner before and a buffet of desserts on the ride home that we ordered at the end of our meal and had wrapped up to go.

Today DD works and I am treating my SIL (a different SIL than last night LOL) to a pedicure and lunch for her birthday.

Everyone have a great Saturday!!
Fun quiz... and Costa Rica is definitely on my list to visit some day.


Many pre-vacation boxes have been checked this morning. It is cold and rainy again today, so instead of working in the yard I'm headed to see a movie in a bit, then will tackle some indoors things. Tomorrow looks to be dry so I'll do yard stuff early, then off to my facial and waxing.

Checked the 10-day weather forecast for Juneau and it says high 50's with 50% chance of rain, so that helps with packing. My Niece is up in Hanes Alaska right now and when they flew in over Skagway she snapped a picture of the Wonder sitting at the dock... in a week +1 day we'll be on her!
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Have you ever dreamed of taking the adventure of a lifetime? Now is the time. Go on an incredible safari trip in Kruger National Park. As you drive around in a four-by-four, you'll see everything from lions and jaguars to giraffes and zebras.

Too funny because I have been thinking about safaris. But I felt like my answers were a different "country" every time!

Started my day (aside from laundry!) with a walk with a girlfriend. Then did some weeding (ugh, will it ever end?!). Watching hockey and cutting yarn for the fruit loop necklaces the kids can make on field day. Just three more days of school for them!!! Then two more weeks for me before vacation. Made some reservations for tours and came up with a pseudo plan for all the other times. Can't wait to see our friends in Buffalo!
I got Krugar National Park South Africa.

Yesterday was a long one. After a late night at DS10's show Friday had to get everyone moving and get ready for a local parade that goes from our city into the next one. DH got going early and dropped a car at the end of the parade route then I walked with the DSs and their scout pack/troop. It rained for a few min right in the middle and then got muddy so that was fun.
While I didn't feel uncomfortable after the parade I was TIRED. I can tell I need to get walking more during the day to build up stamina for vaca. Did 12k steps which for most people does not seem like a lot but as my desk job generally limits me to 5k a day it was a lot for me.
Self care today will be hopefully chilling out a bit. It may transition into tomorrow as I have the day off.
Having cake for my MIL today. I need to get back on my eating routine though. Saw a couple pics from yesterday and they were not super cute.


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