June 2023 W.I.S.H. Thread - New Season, New Start

School has been very stressful and hectic. We are losing our favorite administrator, and I have been feeling very upset, not sleeping well, and crying about it a lot. She and I both cried during my final evaluation meeting. On Friday, my DD held the 10 year memorial event for her friend. Again, I cried on and off all week about her friend’s death and especially felt so badly for her family, especially her mother. I cried during the entire event. With all of the emotional upheaval, I have been ultra sensitive, so when a coworker had multiple tantrums about one of my students being placed in her class next year, the third time she confronted me, I lost my temper in a way I never have during my professional career.

I haven’t had a moment to myself to post or think about myself.

Yesterday it was nice to be home, but I still felt shaky after my week. Today, I feel like me. We’ve started packing for our midweek journey to Cape Cod. I have never needed a vacation like I do right now.
Big hugs to everyone struggling!

Friday night we went to my parents' house. Did some work for them Saturday and came home after dinner. Laundry today then a phone call to our friends in Buffalo to plan our time together and then we have to babysit for six hours. Sigh. And I had pizza for dinner with chocolate pie for dessert and I did not have any tummy medicine. Last night was not fun and just another reminder to be careful of what I eat--which I already am and knew it was a mistake. But it was delicious and I bought medicine today at costco so I am set for a very long time should I need it. And I've restocked all my traveling containers so should be good to go!

In something to be thankful for on our way north we stopped to care for the family graves and someone had already done it!! What a lovely surprise.
School has been very stressful and hectic. We are losing our favorite administrator, and I have been feeling very upset, not sleeping well, and crying about it a lot. She and I both cried during my final evaluation meeting. On Friday, my DD held the 10 year memorial event for her friend. Again, I cried on and off all week about her friend’s death and especially felt so badly for her family, especially her mother. I cried during the entire event. With all of the emotional upheaval, I have been ultra sensitive, so when a coworker had multiple tantrums about one of my students being placed in her class next year, the third time she confronted me, I lost my temper in a way I never have during my professional career.

I haven’t had a moment to myself to post or think about myself.

Yesterday it was nice to be home, but I still felt shaky after my week. Today, I feel like me. We’ve started packing for our midweek journey to Cape Cod. I have never needed a vacation like I do right now.
Sending virtual hugs your way.
Great reminder to let the past be in the past - I did have a slip-up this weekend. I had some Office Depot dollars that were going to expire at the end of last month. For whatever reason, I spent them on snacks that I never buy and I grazed on them all weekend. It's time to move past that and get back into my good routine! Thanks for the reminder!
I'm now in the "buff-and-polish" phase of getting ready for the cruise, so it is heads down and keeping the goals in focus.

This week I have two acupuncture more appointments and my first reflexology appointment, plus my monthly massage appointment, followed by a haircut over the weekend. And my Sister is in town and we're going out to dinner two night, so it is going to be a busy, busy week. Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything.
Great reminder to let the past be in the past - I did have a slip-up this weekend. I had some Office Depot dollars that were going to expire at the end of last month. For whatever reason, I spent them on snacks that I never buy and I grazed on them all weekend. It's time to move past that and get back into my good routine! Thanks for the reminder!
I could really go for some Office Depot Twizzlers right about now…
I just finished report cards and submitted final grades. I cleaned up and put away my Ocean Unit materials (too many valuable things to have out with a substitute). I’m ready to go home and finish packing for my trip. It was about a reunion with a childhood friend, but it has become necessary for my mental health and well-being.
The weekend wasn't too bad slip up wise especially since I found the five guys nutritional info and was able to make relatively calorie conscious selection when we ordered from there (single cheeseburger with bacon on a lettuce wrap and a 1/3 of a regular fry). And one of the schools had a dine out from coldstone tonight. I had 3/4 of a servicing of icecream so not awful. It was very good so I am looking forward to a spoonful or two every few nights over the next couple weeks. Stretching 4 servicings to 8 or 9 (or more) would be a win.
Motivated by what I am seeing on fitbit. My resting heart rate is creeping back down again and I would like to keep it that way. When I was at my most stressed with my parents in 2020/2021 it was in the upper 90s/low 100s (BAD I know) and when they moved to the nursing home it slowly went down into the mid 80s, not good but a major improvement. When my stress was down and i was consistently excersizing it was in the mid 70s. When my dad had his stroke and when he passed i kind of stopped everything and it went back up and then my mom passed. For the first time since March its going back down to low/mid-80s with occasional high 70s. 10 min walks at work and periodic blogilates quick burns seem to be helping so I need to keep it up.

Good Tuesday Morning Everyone!!!

I could not resist a cute little Pooh picture to celebrate topic Tuesday!!!

What is everyone looking forward to this summer? One BIG event or a few small ones?

We don’t have anything big planned, but we do have some small things and a medium sized thing 🤭

Going to the zoo, Hershey park, DD has a week at camp, visiting the lake for the day and a 4 day trip to Ocean City in July. I am looking forward to all of it 😎
Happy Tuesday everyone. This cycle really beat me up! I was in bed pretty much all weekend and needed an extra long midday nap Monday, too. I woke up feeling more like myself, so hopefully I've crested the wave. One more to go...

I am, obviously, so excited for this summer. We've got a long weekend at Rocking Horse Ranch (cute, all inclusive kiddie resort with horseback riding, pools, etc) to celebrate me having an immune system again in July, then San Diego and Disneyland in August. The soundtrack of the next two weeks is, "Almost There."
We've got a long weekend at Rocking Horse Ranch (cute, all inclusive kiddie resort with horseback riding, pools, etc) to celebrate me having an immune system again in July, then San Diego and Disneyland in August.

Going to the zoo, Hershey park, DD has a week at camp, visiting the lake for the day and a 4 day trip to Ocean City in July. I am looking forward to all of it 😎

Great plans, both of you!

What is everyone looking forward to this summer? One BIG event or a few small ones?
Mostly small things here - having people over to the pool/fire pit, local stuff like zoos and museums, etc.

(We already took our big family trip at the end of February - beginning of March, and DS and I had a second mini-trip to Florida for my Dad's birthday last month.)
Biggest plan of all is to have a summer! Having the energy to do stuff and fully enjoy the weather and being outside is such a revelation.

Then of course the cruise, which is now just 12 days away. I am so ready for a good long week off and to do something totally new that requires so little of me... just get to Canada! Sister is coming to my place the 17th, then the 18th we take the ferry from here in town and drive up Whidbey Island, angling east until we get to the interstate I5, which we'll take across the border (yes, I've Google mapped it multiple times!). Allowing a couple hours at the border crossing, we'll be in Vancouver sometime after lunch, so plenty of time to wander around the city and get something nice to eat. Our boarding time on Sunday is 12:30, so we'll be able to sleep in and get a nice breakfast, at least if I'm not too excited to sleep!
Two mini trips this year...legoland NY in July and the White Mountains NH in August (couple small amusement parks there) and camp for the boys. DS8 and DD are in extended school year so they have a little extra schooling over the summer but it's like a more low-key version of actual school.
DH and I also have tickets to see one of my favorite comedians in August so looking forward to that too!
DS8 had is annual physical yesterday and is exactly 48 inches tall so all set for the HP rides at UO next summer!
Sounds like everyone has some great plans!

We are also going on an Alaskan cruise this summer - a couple weeks after @Oneanne - ours leaves from Seattle though, so getting so spend a couple of days there before and after the cruise! Very excited as we've never been in to Washington (or Alaska)!

This coming weekend is my aunt's 90th birthday party in the afternoon and then we have a graduation party of a friend's daughter that evening. Otherwise, we don't have many "small" summer activities planned - I need to get on that! I've been saying I'd like to try Top Golf with our 3 kids sometime, so I might try to get that planned.
Whooooohooooo Wednesday!! What are you celebrating today?

I am celebrating the adoption of our foster puppy to a great family! I’m so happy for her and can’t wait to see her grow up! To think that just over a month ago I didn’t know if she was going to make it or not and now she’s gained 11lbs and is off to her new life!!!!

I so enjoyed reading everyone’s summer plans-such a fun variety!!!
Woohoo... I solved two problems yesterday, at least I think I did. One was finally figuring out how to manage the work in my area, based on the new structure we're moving to. The other is a temporary but free way to keep deer out of the yard. The rhodys are done blooming, so I can finally prune some of the height off them and I tucked the cut branches into the fence to add height. We'll see who is smarter... the deer or me.

Woohoo... after feeling stuck with the weight loss a little bit was gone from the scale this morning... I'm still within reach of making my pre-cruise goal.

Woohoo... I had my first reflexology appointment yesterday. It felt great while she was working on me, but not gonna lie my feet have been super sore and tender since. She activated a lot of stuff and moved it around, so not unexpected and in the long run I think this is going to make a huge difference.


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