July W.I.S.H - Summer of Independence!

Great kid news, @piglet1979 and ShannyMcB!

And great pics, @MickeyMom76!

Best wishes to all about to take trips as well!

DS had one test yesterday (good results) and will have another this morning, so hopefully we will have some answers and a solution in the works soon. Crossed fingers, prayers, good vibes...whatever your thing is, are greatly appreciated!
I’m thankful I was able to get my vacations in this year. I’m thankful my body was able to help me take the small hike at the Grand Canyon and kayak the Colorado River. I’m thankful my body got through day 1 of my new workout program, 9 Week Control Freak. I’m thankful for the great memories we made during our vacation. I’m thankful for my teens who are developing into responsible, independent people. As hard as it is for me to let go of my babies needing me constantly, this is what the goal of parenting is, right?
Thankful for the beautiful weather this morning-sitting on the deck listening to the birds sing.

Thankful for this upcoming vacation with family. Looking forward to those early mornings with my grandson when we have the best conversations.

Have a good day, everyone.
I'm thankful to have had a little bit of work quiet time yesterday, to gather myself up and get something done.

I'm thankful for my pedicure appointment this afternoon, I was able to book the longer 'spa' one, which will make for some nice quiet relaxing time.
I am thankful for beautiful summer weather.
I am thankful that I live near the beach and have a pool in my backyard.
I am thankful for my family and friends, and the vaccine that is enabling us to reunite in person.
I am thankful for my vacation beginning tomorrow at 3:00AM when the car comes to drive us to JFK.

I am thankful for all of you and your support!
I'm thankful I went out to breakfast this morning with friends!
I'm thankful we're going to start some house projects from our "deferred maintenance" list!
I'm thankful DH is so much happier now that the nest is empty!!
I'm thankful for all the young people I know getting married and starting a new life.
I'm thankful I have a clothesline and can dry my clothes on it. Which I now need to do! Have a super healthy day!!
Friday recap...

I can't say I succeeded in balancing my nutrition, so I'll have to have another go at it next week. It has been a week of trying to use new life skills to navigate the necessary dietary changes and changes at work, and overall it has gone OK.

I did do a thing I told myself I would stop doing... settling for what I can find when I just have to have something instead of waiting until I find the right thing. This time it was ordering an end table I was so-so about. When I got it put together I realized I didn't hate it so I bought a second, and for the first time in forever I actually have two end tables that I'm OK with. I also ordered a table lamp for one of them, and that I really like. I feel so grown up having a lamp that isn't from Ikea. I'm determined to actually finish decorating the living room (I've lived here 10 years, so it is about time), so this weekend I'm going to do something else I told myself I would stop doing - go to Home Goods looking for a new throw and pillows for the sofa.

Wish me luck.
Today started with a lovely walk with a friend I haven't seen in a while. I'm popping out to a mall later to see if I can find a dress for DS1's wedding. I despise shopping so we'll see how this goes!! Babysitting for about an hour this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon. Those are the only plans I know about! Pretty quiet around here. :fish:
I am thankful for good doctors and hospital care in my area. It has been a long week.

Not much going on here today. It is DH's birthday today. He doesn't want anything and doesn't eat sweets. So he took a half day off from work and is fishing with a friend of his and DS. DD is still in pain so she didn't want to go. For dinner he is making his homemade pizza. This is his favorite. I would make it but he is very specific on how the dough is made. Later tonight DD and I are getting our hair done.

Tomorrow is a busy day. DS has a soccer tournament this weekend. 3 games are tomorrow. After the games we will go to my moms for a redo of Christmas and the missed birthdays for the kids. I ordered a DQ cake that is Christmas themed that said Happy Birthday with the kids names. This will be the first time we have all be together since about a week before the shut down in March of 2020. I have seen them all separately this summer but just not all together.

Sunday will be 2 more soccer games for DS then we can relax.
The doctor sounds fantastic-you must have all been very relieved.
What a relief.

Thank you. She is still in pain but I am hoping with rest it will start to get better.

DS had one test yesterday (good results) and will have another this morning, so hopefully we will have some answers and a solution in the works soon. Crossed fingers, prayers, good vibes...whatever your thing is, are greatly appreciated!

Sending good vibes your way for some good results.
Good morning! Thought these were fun-I would have loved doing these in my library!

Guess the book from the emoji!



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