Jenem03's Running Journal...or some other more creative title.


Earning My Ears
Jan 5, 2017
Alright, so after many, many months of being a faithful lurker, I've finally gained the courage to start my own journal. To be honest, I'm not really sure if I will have enough to say or anything even remotely interesting but I figure this will help keep me motivated/accountable to continue running even if I'm the only one reading it.

So a little about me in general...My name is Jen and I'm a 34 yr old stay at home momma to two little girls and wife to Isaac. Lylah is 5 and just about to start is that even possible?! (I was going to add a picture but I don't know how...maybe later)

Sadie is my 3yr old and she gives us a run for our money. I call her my sour patch kid...first she's sour, then she's sweet. Describes her perfectly.

Anyhow, my best friend from college and I decided to sign up for the Princess half even though neither of us were running at all. Ive always wanted to do a half but never actually put in the effort. I ran a little bit in college and into my 20's but never super consistently. It always seemed like it was pretty easy to pick it back up at right about a 10 minute mile no matter how long of a break I had taken. Fast forward a few years and two babies later, and suddenly running isn't coming back so easily. So I thought maybe by creating this journal I could get some advice, encouragement, and accountability along the way as I see if I can actually do this...become a legit runner!
Excited to follow along! I ran the Princess Half this year and it was amazing! (It was also my first) You will have the best time :)
Excited to follow along! I ran the Princess Half this year and it was amazing! (It was also my first) You will have the best time :)

Hi! :yay:Im so glad to hear you had such a great time! I'm super excited/nervous so I'm really glad to hear from someone who's done it recently. I'm sure I will have tons of questions for you! I'm really hoping to get in a good corral. Well really I'm just hoping to not be in one of last few corrals. I'm pretty nervous about those balloon ladies.
It was amazing- sometime I hear people giving Princess a bad rap, but it was really fun. Are you planning on running a race for a proof of time? As long as you train, there is NO need to worry about the balloon ladies :)
So, even though I've just started running consistently, I'm planning on running a 10k on September 16th in order to get a proof of time. Initially, I thought it would be no big deal to get ready for this race...and then I started running. Haha so naive. Sure, running sounds super easy while I'm lying on the couch. Not quite as easy when I actually get out and do the work. In the past, I've kind of floundered around and just run whatever I felt like which usually meant I would quit pretty early on. So this time I figured I needed a plan so for the past almost 3 weeks I've been loosely following Hal higdons novice 10k plan. "Loosely" in that I get the mileage in each week but have had to switch days around to fit in with our schedule and the weather.

Earlier this week I ran 4 miles and averaged about 11:50 a mile. I felt decent during the run. I was definitely tired and ready to be done but I didn't think I was totally dying. But then I walked inside my house and my legs were instantly jello. It was not good. The next day was even worse. Walking was rough. I obviously took a few rest days :rolleyes1 and decided maybe there was something to this slow running I've been reading about in so many of the training journals I follow. Last night I ran 3 miles at right under 14 minutes/mile. It was glorious...well after I figured out how to slow my body down. I actually found myself able to zone out during my run. Usually I'm so focused on how tired my legs are or how much my lungs are burning and I'm not really able to enjoy myself. And the best thing...I wasn't dead last night and I can walk today! :yay: Phew! So all that to say, I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be doing but I will definitely be adding in some more slow, easy runs.
It was amazing- sometime I hear people giving Princess a bad rap, but it was really fun. Are you planning on running a race for a proof of time? As long as you train, there is NO need to worry about the balloon ladies :)

Yeah, I've read a lot of people having not so great experiences at Princess but I'm still excited. I love Disney and this is something I've been wanting to do for awhile. I am planning to run a 10k in September and hoping I can get a good enough proof of time. I know I won't get into a super early corral but if I can get somewhere in the middle I'll be happy. Just far enough ahead to give me some leeway for a pic or two and not be stressed about being swept.
Welcome out of lurkdom! Easily one of the best decisions I ever made several years ago. Excited to follow along! If you've got questions, we'll come up with some answers for you!
To be honest, I'm not really sure if I will have enough to say or anything even remotely interesting but I figure this will help keep me motivated/accountable to continue running even if I'm the only one reading it.

Exactly the same reason I started mine, and I think it's been really helpful! Following along, and welcome!
Welcome out of lurkdom! Easily one of the best decisions I ever made several years ago. Excited to follow along! If you've got questions, we'll come up with some answers for you!
Hi and thank you! I know I will have lots of questions!
Exactly the same reason I started mine, and I think it's been really helpful! Following along, and welcome!
Hi! I've been following along on your journal too and have really enjoyed reading about your journey so far.
Oh I can type in different colors...that's fun!!!

My plan for tonight is to run 4 miles but to take it much easier than my last 4 miler. Last time I could barely walk afterward and my legs felt like jello for a few days afterward. I have a pretty busy weekend coming up and need to be able to walk so...easy goes it.

My question is this...what is the deal with this slow running thing? I mean, I've read enough training journals to know that it works but I'm still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it. If I'm running 3 times a week, should I be running 2 slow runs and then push it more in the third? I can't just run slow all the time and then magically run fast in race day, right? I know there's a method to the madness. I just don't know what it is. Haha.:confused3
My question is this...what is the deal with this slow running thing? I mean, I've read enough training journals to know that it works but I'm still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it. If I'm running 3 times a week, should I be running 2 slow runs and then push it more in the third? I can't just run slow all the time and then magically run fast in race day, right? I know there's a method to the madness. I just don't know what it is. Haha.:confused3

Start by reading these and the included links within them. They'll give you a great basis of knowledge on how and why running workouts slower can improve your race performance.

Train slow to race fast: Why running more slowly and capping the long run at 2.5 hours may dramatically improve your performance
Why am I doing this run? The question every runner should be asking themselves.

Can you just magically run faster on race day? Actually, yes you can. Not necessarily magic though. But when I finally broke 4 hours in the marathon (with a 3:38) I also set a new 5k, 10k, and HM PR during the race. Not necessarily things I would have expected to do during a 26.2 mile run. But suddenly I was indeed faster because of slower training.
Start by reading these and the included links within them. They'll give you a great basis of knowledge on how and why running workouts slower can improve your race performance.

Train slow to race fast: Why running more slowly and capping the long run at 2.5 hours may dramatically improve your performance
Why am I doing this run? The question every runner should be asking themselves.

Can you just magically run faster on race day? Actually, yes you can. Not necessarily magic though. But when I finally broke 4 hours in the marathon (with a 3:38) I also set a new 5k, 10k, and HM PR during the race. Not necessarily things I would have expected to do during a 26.2 mile run. But suddenly I was indeed faster because of slower training.

Wow! Definitely a lot of information but from what I've read so far I'm super encouraged. In the past I always felt like with each run I was trying to go faster and go farther. And then, I felt like I was dying during each run which of course, led me to get discouraged and then ultimately quit because no one wants to feel like they are failing every time they go for a run. So, this idea that I am actually helping myself more by going slower is so mind blowing and freeing. It makes me more excited about running rather than dreading it.
In the past I always felt like with each run I was trying to go faster and go farther. And then, I felt like I was dying during each run which of course, led me to get discouraged and then ultimately quit because no one wants to feel like they are failing every time they go for a run.

This scenario is played out countless times in homes all across the US. We have this feeling like for something to be a genuine workout it has to be hard. But there's something to be said in the endurance world where you actually don't want to go hard all the time. In fact, some believe (like myself) that you really only do 20% hard and the other 80% is easy. But this isn't a unique concept as many of the top running coaches in the US all advocate for this type of training.

It makes me more excited about running rather than dreading it.

Isn't it strange? I can run easier more often. Enjoy it. And yet be better for it? Where do I sign up? Sounds like a "too good to be true" informercial.





For how often to run "slow"...I think it depends on how many days a week you are planning to run. I've done both 3 day a week and 4 day a week plans (also being a mama, I haven't quite figured out a way to fit a 5th day in yet) . So I have an easy effort day (usually Tue), and harder day that still includes a warm up and cool down so that the whole run isn't all at the hard effort, but a fair chunk of it is (usually Thur), then Sat I run easy effort and Sunday is my long run with my longest mileage and an effort somewhere in between easy and hard. It's usually my favorite day.
I have an actual custom plan from @DopeyBadger with miles per day and paces to try to hit by effort. But that's kind of the breakdown. Lots more slow, but not all of it is slow.
For how often to run "slow"...I think it depends on how many days a week you are planning to run. I've done both 3 day a week and 4 day a week plans (also being a mama, I haven't quite figured out a way to fit a 5th day in yet) . So I have an easy effort day (usually Tue), and harder day that still includes a warm up and cool down so that the whole run isn't all at the hard effort, but a fair chunk of it is (usually Thur), then Sat I run easy effort and Sunday is my long run with my longest mileage and an effort somewhere in between easy and hard. It's usually my favorite day.
I have an actual custom plan from @DopeyBadger with miles per day and paces to try to hit by effort. But that's kind of the breakdown. Lots more slow, but not all of it is slow.
Hmmm interesting! I'm running 3 days a week right now but am thinking I would benefit more from 4 but I get what you're saying...busy mama here too! Plus, my hubs has started running too so between the two of us taking turns going for runs, the nights we run are pretty much shot. Cue the mama guilt of not doing any fun kiddo stuff bc I'm either running or recovering from my run. (I.e. Showering and stretching) I guess right now my plan will be to try to run faster one day probably with less mileage that fat and then run 2-3 other day at a much easier pace and see what happens.
Welcome! Excited to follow along with a fellow newbie! :) This Feb is also my first princess half! :)
Hi!!! Yay for princess half! I'm super excited but a little nervous as to how training will go during the winter months. Especially since longer mileage runs will be happening during January/February :crazy2: Central IL winters are not all that fun!!
I got to thinking the other day (during my run bc I was running a super easy pace and my mind could wander instead of focusing on whether or not I was dying :rotfl2:) about what my motivation for running is. I mean, obviously I would like to lose a few (or more) lbs but I feel like there should probably be something more driving me since losing weight is not always (or ever) a quick process and I could lose motivation quickly if I don't see quick results. Anyhow, I started thinking about how in high school I had a friend who used to run for fun and I thought that was so odd. I played volleyball and hated the part of practice where there was any running involved. Like running a mile was absolute torture. Fast forward to college and suddenly I wished I was one of those people who could run but never really thought I could. I started running with a friend who pushed me and kept me accountable and I ended up really enjoying it. Maybe not totally enjoying it, but liking the way it made me feel. We ran a few races just for fun and I felt like a legit runner girl. Then, my running partner moved away and I kept it up sort of on my own but without that accountability I stopped and started more times than I can count. I've always had this desire to run a long distance though. I think because it's something I never thought I could do. Now that I have little girls, I want them to see a mama who takes care of herself and enjoys being active. I know there are many different outlets for that, but running appeals to me most I think because I am fairly introverted (hence why it took me months and months to comment on here:rotfl2:) and prefer to exercise on my own rather than with a group of people. All that to say, I feel like being a runner girl has always been in me and signing up for the princess half was the push I needed to realize this.

And then, after all these deep thoughts, I realized my capris were on inside out and spent the rest of my run wondering if any of the passing cars could tell...such is life.
Also a busy mama here. I switched to 4 day a week running when I started my @DopeyBadger training plan. The only way I could get it in was to switch to AM runs. I have to be at work (40 minutes away) by 7:30, so adding runs to my morning was a big ask, but it was important to me. I've come to love them, because the weather is normally better (cooler, and our afternoon storms haven't rolled in yet), and because my kid normally sleeps through them so I'm not missing time with her.

My schedule is a lot like @roxymama's, but I run T, Th, F, Sa. @DopeyBadger scheduled me this way to help me achieve "cumulative fatigue," where because my legs aren't fresh for my long run, it simulates starting your long run at a higher mileage (say, 4 miles in) instead of starting from zero. My Tuesday run is usually an easy run, Thursday is hard, Friday is my slowest, and Saturday is long run.


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