January WISH, Journey into January with hope and joy!

Today should have been a day of service for me, to get out and volunteer…I wanted to spend the day at the SPCA, but it just was not in me. Not sure what’s going on, but I am super duper sluggish, I could have spent the entire day on the couch! DH and I have been staying up late watching TV so I don’t know if that’s my problem…

I did force myself to workout and walked the dog. Did some basic chores…I need to pick DD up at 7 from my sister and then I will be in bed early.

I did start loosely planning a trip to Puerto Rico for all our kids and significant others today…asked the adult kids if they would want accommodations and airfare instead of gifts next Christmas and they said yes so hopefully all goes well and next year this time I will be in Puerto Rico with all my kids 😎🏝☀️
@Summer2018 sorry for the rough few days you have been having! We have had some rough ones last week too but things have simmered down, hoping the same happens at your house ❤️

@Oneanne I am literally in awe of everything you have done in this past few weeks to make your dreams a reality-I am so proud of you!!

@ShannyMcB glad DD is feeling better!!!
Thanks. It’s tense, but better than yesterday. It helped me a lot to have a day to myself.
Didn't get everything done today that I wanted. I fizzled out. No grocery shopping for me today.

:badpc: After struggling and failing way too long to figure out how to get memory maker photos to my kiddos, I just created a google account and threw them in google photos. Sent everyone the account info and was done in like five minutes!! :cheer2: Looking at the photos made me very happy! I love Disney.
Topic Tuesday-How are your 2023 resolutions going so far?

I can say I have been doing ok! I had some eating goals which I am doing well with-I did have a piece of my nephews birthday cake on Sunday but that was my first treat since 1/1/23. I am on track with my 12 week workout and I have walked/jogged outside almost everyday, even if it’s just for 5 minutes.

My other goals were financial and I am on track with the savings goals I have set for myself, so I am happy with that.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
Topic Tuesday-How are your 2023 resolutions going so far?

Physical - continue (and maybe up a little) my walking routine:

This one got put on pause while taking care of a sick family member, but I still plan on getting there.

Intellectual - balance my reading to include more fiction

This one is on track. I am currently reading The Mind-Gut Connection for non-fiction and The Oysterville Sewing Circle for fiction.

Environmental - get back to decluttering

Right now that pretty much consists of putting away Christmas decorations, but I'll count it!

Social - regularly have people over to play games

Started yesterday 😎
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Goals/Intentions for the year:

Moving... well in hand. I think. I keep flipping between pride over what I've accomplished and panic over what is left to do.

Calling in my people... there's a block printing class at the Fort early Feb that I'm going to sign up for: I've joined the movie theater group, it's a wonderful old school little theater: I'll be going to knit night at the yarn shop the first Thursday I'm there.

One book per month... behind on this, but I did read the January chapter in Wintering. There is space in the new living room for a reading corner, so I'll get caught up soon.

Health and weight loss... I gained back one of the pounds I lost due to crappy eating, so I'm -3 for the month. Having purged the kitchen for moving I'm starting with a clean slate in the new house, and even tho the new kitchen is small I'll have double the counter top space to work at, so really looking forward to that.
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Hi everyone. I didn't officially make a New Years resolution. I do want to lose weight but I really haven't done much other then eating a bit better.

I did get a lot of walking in yesterday. DS got Cavs tickets for Christmas and the game was yesterday. We took my nephew (he is only 9 months older then DS) with us and I was hoping to get a close parking spot in the parking garage that is attached to the place they play. My nephew doesn't walk good because he has a mild form of cerebral palsy. I was downtown an hour before the game and it was already packed. THe lot closest was full so I went to where I park for work (there is an indoor walkway). No luck there either. So I dropped the kids off (nephew is 17 and DS is almost 17) at the stairs so they could go up and start heading over. I parked on the river (I used to park here before covid) and walked up the huge hill and up the stairs to the building. The game was a lot of fun for the boys. I was a bit bored as I don't watch basketball but watching them have fun and getting to spend some time with DS (and my nephew) was great.

DD will get her time when we go away for a night to see P!nk. It will just be the 2 of us.
I really want to lose 30 pounds by June. I don't know if it's a realistic goal, but I'm going to try. I've lost some of my holiday weight (DD's birthday,Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's), but the scale is up and down...mostly down.

I read fiction every night before bed for 30-60 minutes, Elin Hildebrand at the moment. I sleep better not being on technology right before bed. Getting enough sleep is very important for overall health, especially for weight loss.

I could exercise more. I'm walking, but I really miss swimming. I can't wait for the warm weather so I can swim in my pool.

I don't make resolutions really...but I am making a conscious effort to take better care of myself a little at a time be that physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual etc.

Like a I said downloaded a free fitness ap. You can pay to do challenges but I am just kind of challenging myself because all the videos are free and it keeps a tally of what I have done. 3 days 3 quick burn workouts. Plus 2 days of virtual PT. I would like to say i am going to do a quick burn every day but that's not realistic. If I can get between 3 and 4 in a week I'll be thrilled. Going to work my way up to longer sessions slowly. My back has not been happy so I don't want to push it.

Finished the book I started right before Christmas and started a new one tonight. Why was I putting myself through misery reading non-fiction when I wasn't enjoying it? To appear to myself to be smarter? Screw it I'm going back to my fantasy and murder mysteries and humor books. I flex through the last one. If I head back towards non-fiction it's going to be memoirs from people who are FUNNY....if you want a quick hit read I can't recommend "Bossy Pants" enough.

DD is feeling better...so glad...I was dreading a call from the nurse today. Now just got to get that little lighbulb on her brain to turn on to the fact you pee in the toilet not go into the bathroom and take your clothes off after you've done it. Although she was so cute yesterday. My inlaws asked to take the kids out for lunch...since I was trying to work this was a fabulous idea. The kids were getting ready so I helped DD on with her socks and shoes. When she is in the house these are a hard pass so when the shoes go on she knows something is happening. Next thing you know she hops up and ran over the her device and asked for her jacket. Even though my inlaws weren't due for awhile I grabbed her coat for her. After getting zipped up she ran over to her board and repeatedly pressed the buttons for car-seat and seat belt. She kept pressing them until we let her and DS10 go wait by the door....it's so amazing to actually hear her thought process now!
I am an off and on reader. I not good at reading and most of the time I don't like it but when I find a book I like it is hard to put it down. I tend to read non-fiction. But starting in 2020 I read the Bridgerton series. I read all the book but the last one. Life got too crazy last year. I will get back to it soon. Right now though, I just bought the book Spare and I am reading that. So far it is pretty good. In the past I also got into reading books about JFK. I am going to try to get back to reading a chapter (with Spare a few chapters. The chapters are short. Some only being a few paragraphs the longest so far being about a page and a half) a night before bed. I just need to get back into that routine.

Woohoo -- Hmmm. it has just been an ordinary week so not sure yet. I will come back for this.
Woohoo... two more days until I get to actually go in to the new house. And woohoo I came to the conclusion last night that I am ahead of schedule for packing and next week will be a very light week.

Woohoo... to offset the cost of moving I decided to only plan one big vacation this year and I am about 80% settled on that being a Disney cruise to Alaska. There is one leaving Vancouver BC on June 19 which is exactly when I would want to go, because it is around my birthday and is during the summer solstice when the sun just barely sets. I've started consulting with a travel agent on the planning.
WOO HOO! I'm mostly done with the first midyear standardized assessment and most of my grades are in for report cards. I have over a week to complete report cards.

WOO HOO! We're planning two vacations to Cape Cod. The first in June is while I'm still in school, so I will be using 3 personal days plus the weekend for my 40th reunion with my childhood beach friend. The second is in July to celebrate our 30th anniversary.

WOO HOO! It's hump day.
I have a woohoo. 1. kids grades are slowing coming in. DD has 2 grades that need to be finalized. Right now 1 is a B and 1 is an A. Right now she has a 4.08 term GPA it will be higher after these 2 grades. I am very proud of her. DS did good but has 2 classes that he has a C because he didn't turn in some homework. He has some grades that still need to be finalized as well but right now has a 3.5 term GPA. It will go up as well when the others are finalized. I am still proud of him but I need to get him to be a more organized.

My other woohoo, I realized that having just a normal week after last year is a woohoo. Everyone is doing good and I am feeling a bit more at peace and relaxed. I haven't had many weeks like this in the last year. Also, I no longer need PT so more appointments are dropping off.
I'm thankful that tomorrow is not only Friday, it is keys day!

I'm thankful that this move is happening and with how it has all come together.

And I'm thankful that I have the resources to travel and take fun vacations. The June Alaska cruise is a go and my Sister is going to come as well. It is the perfect trip for us to do together because we won't have to stay together and can do our own things and I won't have to be her "keeper".



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