Jack Bauer is a Sissy Pants. 24- Disney Edition **** updated 9/22 (almost)

I was JUST wondering when you were going to update this again.

LOL. Top Secret meaning sleeping ??

Love your DD's pajamas. Looking forward to seeing more !!

Yes we were "undercover" for a bit! LOL! I never thought it would take so much work to do hours of "we were sleeping," but it turned out to be more of an endeavor than I thought.

I love those PJs too! Initially there weren't any plans to wear PJs that evening, but then we happened on those PJs and just had to get them for her to wear that night!
The following takes place between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m.

We got the need, the need for speed! Time to head to the Tomorrowland Speedway. The wait was posted as 15 min. so we jumped in line. Rather than each driving our own car, I decided I ride and let my co-agent practice her road maneuvers. She hasn’t been cleared by Division to drive yet, but if one has the opportunity to practice, one should, right? We get assigned a car, buckle up and off we go. Let’s just say it wasn’t the smoothest ride, and it wasn’t particularly speedy (we may have come in last), but it was fun as witnessed by this video.

(I should note there is more video documentation than photographic documentation of this portion of the mission.)

After the speed way we decide to visit the Mad Tea Party. We pretty much walked right on to this one, and then went on a wild ride of spinny goodness.


After the visiting the tea cups we made our way to Storybook Circus to take a spin on Dumbo.

Sadly Dumbo was closed for a couple of hours, and we’d have to come back. We walked over to the Barnstormer, but the wait was a bit long for us. So we just took in the sights of Storybook Circus.


It looks like it is snowing with the flash reflecting off the schmutz/bugs in the air, doesn't it?




The following takes place between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m.

We left Storybook Circus and decided to head back up to the Town Square Theater to see what the lines were like for the Mickey and Minnie meet and greet.

We passed the dance party at the castle on the way, and Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood wanted to stop and join the fun.



Despite what is in this picture, this group of CMs was dancing up a storm. They were very entertaining to watch. I just caught them at the wrong moment.

We stayed for about 20 minutes before I said we needed to move on. We headed down to the Town Square Theater to find the posted wait for the meet and greet was 15 minutes. Yes! Waiting paid off. We entered the theater to find many, many, many people sleeping on the sofas and floors that comprise the waiting area for Tony’s Town Square Restaurant. As we approached the queue to meet Mickey and Minnie, a CM had the unfortunate duty of telling us that the wait was actually 45 minutes and not the 15 posted. She explained they kept trying to change the sign, but for some reason it kept changing back to 15 minutes. Sigh. I could tell my co-agent really didn’t want to wait, but this was an important photo op, so we joined the line.



The following takes place between 4:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.

About 4:15 we finally made it up to the room to see Mickey. The CM that was playing “bouncer” at the entrance to the meet and greet was hilarious! He was cracking corny jokes and being just plain silly. It was all an effort to keep us, and probably him, awake. It was much appreciated because there is nothing like waiting in line for 40 something minutes to really zap the energy out of you. We finally get inside, and the wait was worth it. Mickey and Minnie were adorable!



That item checked off, I suggested we go back and try Dumbo since it was now open. Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood said she’d prefer to go back to the dance party, so that’s what we did.


I have a good bit of video from this portion of our mission. Unfortunately I am experiencing technical difficulties with the editor I need to use to assemble the majority of the footage. I have compiled a small video from footage take with my phone rather than the good camera as a sample of what the party was like.

There were many characters here, and some of them really could bust a move. At one point Goofy got in a dance off..a serious dance off…floor work and everything. It was very impressive considering how top heavy Goofy is.

We also danced with Donald and this guy


The dance party was raging, but as time wore on the crowd did get smaller- which was nice because it made dancing with the characters easier. If there was a down side to the dance party, it was that I was nearly taken out by the stilt walkers on several occasions. It was as if I was invisible. That much height and the dark of night do not mix.


The following takes place between 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.

The final hour of the Monstrous Summer Eyemazing 24 Hour extravaganza (cue the opening strains of that Europe song)

My co-agent and I would spend the rest of the event at the dance party. About 15 or 20 minutes to 6:00 a.m. the dance party wrapped up with the DJ telling everyone to head down to the end of Main Street for another surprise. I think we were all tired and not sure if he was serious, because most of the crowd just stood there, us included. He announced it again, and this time we all decided, “hey he’s serious,” and we made our way down Main St. This was a surprisingly quick process considering how many people were still around. I got to wondering what sort of “surprise” awaited us. I was hoping it was another cool giveaway. Alas it was not that. When we reached the area in front of the railroad station Mickey, Minnie, Plutoe, Goofy, Donald, Daisy, Chip and Dale were all up top on the balcony waving to the crowd. An announcer up on the balcony made a speech about making it to the end, and there was just one thing left to do, say good-bye. :sad1: So here was our good-bye. (fair warning: tissues may be needed)

Chip and Dale definitely won the cute PJ award! At this point it was 5:50, and they were waving us out of the Magic Kingdom. Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood and I stood around a bit in the entrance area. We had to stay until 6:00 a.m! I took a few pictures while we waited.





We took one last picture as the clock struck 6:00 and morning’s light began to once again light up the Most Magical Place on Earth.


OK. I just realized that I had to "highlight" the top secret portions - DUH !! That was fun. Oh eM Gee !! I love that photo of you DD and Mickey and Minnie in their PJ's. Sooooo cute !! I can't believe you stayed all night. I would never make it !!

OK. I just realized that I had to "highlight" the top secret portions - DUH !! That was fun. Oh eM Gee !! I love that photo of you DD and Mickey and Minnie in their PJ's. Sooooo cute !! I can't believe you stayed all night. I would never make it !!


You may not have seen the type the first time. I changed the font color to be more visible. PJ Mickey and Minnie were too cute!

That looked like so much fun! The pajamas are amazing!

They were really cute! I wish there had been more characters out in their PJs.

Great report! Job well done. Division is pleased!!!

Thanks! We look forward to our next mission! ;)
I hope you all read that title in Paul Harvey’s voice.

Our trip did not end with the 24 hour party. Oh no, we had a couple more days of Disney fun planned! So, I hope you’ll stay with us as we are on our own time, free of any encumbrances from Division.

We headed up to the resort monorail after the party was over. We had a 7:30 reservation for breakfast at Ohana! We have never been here, and DD loves her some breakfast. I had been hoping to get an earlier reservation, but it seems that the first reservation of the day is at 7:30. I thought once upon a time there were 7:00 a.m. reservations at these character breakfasts. Hmm. No matter, an hour and a half should be easy to kill, right? We were able to get on the monorail pretty quickly.


To kill some time, we did a couple of loops on the monorail. This may not have been the best idea because the longer we sat, the more sleepy we got. After our second time around, I decided we’d better get off at the Poly lest we fall asleep for good on the monorail! We got off and found our way to Ohana. There was of course nothing going on, and we had a little less than an hour to kill. We plopped down on some couches in the Ohana waiting area and went to sleep. I know, I know…not the classiest move. I will say it was more of intense day dreaming than actual sleeping, but still. I did set the alarm on my phone so I’d be sure to be up to check in to Ohana.

Finally the time came to check in to Ohana and lovely hostess tried to get us to take the pre-meal photo. Um..no thanks. If it isn’t obvious, I’m exhausted, and that is not a cute look!

Shortly after 7:30 our buzzer went off, and we were called into Ohana. Let me tell you, I was so happy that I insisted DD bring her hoodie to the MK, and I was sorely wishing I had mine because it was FREEZING in there. Holy cow! Time for some hot food to warm us up.

We were brought out some sweet pastry and fruit,



And this glorious nectar called POG.


For those who don’t know, it a blend of pineapple, orange and guava juice. We ordered some warm beverages as we waited from them to bring out our big bowl of breakfast goodness.

The bowl came out shortly, and I guess we were hungrier than we realized because we pounced on that bowl like we hadn’t eaten in a week. (as you can tell by this picture taken after we filled our plates.)


About that time the characters came out!

First Lilo


Then Stitch



Then came Mickey


And finally Pluto


In between the characters a man came around with Mickey Waffles.


Whew! No WDW breakfast is complete without Mickey Waffles!

Try as I might, I couldn’t get DD to participate in the little parade around the restaurant. All in all I have to say I really enjoyed Ohana. I prefer family style to buffet, so that was a big plus. The character interaction was pretty good. My DD is 13, so character interaction seems to be pretty hit and miss these days. I think Chef Mickey is a better experience, but the quiet and low key nature of Ohana (the restaurant was pretty empty up until we left) was much appreciated on this day.

Feeling somewhat energized, we decided to head over to Epcot for a bit before going back to Pop. So off to the monorail we went.
We were circling Future World on the monorail at 9:00 and disembarking moments later. Stop number one was, of course, Soarin’! I was hoping we’d be able to ride standby since we got there kinda close to rope drop. (If we are there for RD we can usually get two standy rides in before it becomes necessary to pull a FP) However, by the time we cleared bag check, and schlepped back to Soarin’ the wait was already 40 min. We decided not to wait and got a FP, and then headed over to Test Track!

This would be our first time on TT since it was re-imagined. I have tried my best to avoid articles, videos, pictures etc. about it. I learned my lesson about finding out too much in advance with ETwB. Saw videos, read multiple articles, and when I actually go to go, I wished I had known as little as possible about it so I could have been surprised and amazed at the attraction.

We arrive at TT to find a 40 min standby wait. The FP return time is into the afternoon, so single rider it is! We enter the single rider queue and find out we get to do a very watered down version of designing our car. You get to pick three things, and I’m not even sure what they were. There wasn’t much explanation as to what we were doing. At least we got to do something though! I wasn’t expecting that we would. We get in line and wait to be assigned to cars. Before too long we are off. So, I really, really like the new themeing- aesthetically. Very Tron like! What I didn’t like was that the ride really doesn’t seem to have a story now. I miss that about the previous version. Maybe if we were able to go through the full design experience, a story would have been more apparent..

DD and I meet up after we complete our rides and head into the post show area. Crikey, this area is fantastic! We did the design thing in there, played a game where we raced cars, but our favorite was the commercial creation station. That was fantabulous!! We probably spent a good 30 min. or more in the post show area, and decided to go ride again.

After the second round on TT we decided to go on Mission Space. DD rides the orange side, and I ride the green. I would love to do the orange side, but I’m old and my body can’t take the g’s from more extreme attractions anymore. We met up in the Advance Training Lab and decided to take a pass on furthering our astronaut training because it was time to make use of that Soarin’ FP!
We make our way over to Soarin. As we reach the point where you turn over your FPs, I see a family of four a few parties in front of us using Magic Bands to redeem their FP. Some people nearby must have asked about them because they appeared to be explaining to another group what they were and how they worked.

We got down to being assigned our glider and asked to wait for the row 1.


It is Richard Gere approved- It is the best. We had an awesome flight, but I was annoyed with myself for forgetting my earbuds. See, I have the Soarin’ music on my phone, so I sync up my music to the track during the ride. It is pretty fun. I started trying to remember to do this after one particular trip where several large groups of teens decided it would be fun to scream on the ride as if it were a roller coaster. Completely ruined the experience.

The ride was over all too quickly. We were going to ride Living with the Land- I had rode CoP after all- but the line was crazy long. So DD said she wanted to go check out Sum of all Thrills. I knew the line would be crazy there too. It was getting later in the morning and the crowds had picked up considerably. We got over there and the line extended beyond the regular queue. DD wasn’t up for waiting (neither was I), so we wandered around Innoventions for a while. Habit Heroes, which we haven't done yet, was also quite busy. Eventually we wandered into Innoventions West and checked out the new to us IBM exhibit.



My dad worked for IBM for 30 years, so I'm always interested in their stuff in the parks. This exhibit, I think I was just too tired to get. There was movie that ran on a loop, that I really don't remember. We'll have to check it out again when I'm more alert and can appreciate what it going on. We did get a neat little button though.

After Innoventions we decided to go to Spaceship Earth. The line there was pretty long there too, but I knew it would move quickly. We joined the line. While winding our way through the queue I took a picture of this palm.


The leaves were so white, and I really didn’t remember ever seeing such white leaves on a palm tree before. Crazy. Were the trees diseased? Were the leaves changing color for some reason like leaves do in the fall? Did Disney breed these trees to grow white leaves? Inquiring minds want to know. I checked into these “white palms” when I got home. I believe what we have here is a Silver Bismark or Bismark Palm. I considered it might be a Cuban Wax Palm, but the way the fronds grow out of the trunk looks different on the Cuban. This has been Horticulture Chat with Pixie Princess. Please join us next time as we explore what plant produces these lovely puff ball flowers.


Oh where the mind goes whilst waiting in line. We eventually made the final turn for the ramp up to Spaceship Earth.


It was a lovely ride as always. We were stopped temporarily just as we turned around backwards to make our return journey. We just missed being stuck in my favorite place. Darn. If I’m getting stuck on Spaceship Earth, I want to be stuck up at the top staring at earth among the stars. I was stuck up there for about 20 min. once. It was heavenly. So relaxing!

After Spaceship Earth, we were done. It was after 1:00 at this point, and it was all my poor DD could do to stand. Truth be told, I think we both took a nap on Spaceship Earth. We grabbed a bus back to Pop and took and nice long nap.

There really isn’t much to tell for the rest of this day. After our nap, we weren’t hungry enough for a CS meal so we just had PB&J with some chips from the food court. I wanted to go see Wishes and the newest version of the castle projection show, but DD wasn’t up for it. She just wanted to go back to sleep. So I went on my own, and met a lovely couple while waiting on Wishes. They were both Disney geeks like me, so we had lots to talk about while waiting.

After the show I high-tailed it out of MK for the buses, and promptly went to sleep when I got back to the room. The next day we’d be going to AK!
We loved the O'hana breakfast. Our seats were covered in glitter before we sat down, so apparently some little princesses were there before us.

I am so impressed you lasted as long as you did. You DD looks exhausted at Ohana.

See you SOON !!! I can't WAIT !!!

Great report and congratulations on finishing the day! Your theme was really imaginative and so entertaining. Thanks for sharing.


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