"If you can dream it, you can do it"


Jun 21, 2011

I’ve been a member of DisBoards for a few years now but I am new this section of the board: runDisney. I decided to make this training journal to try and hold myself accountable for my goals and I hope some of you will get something out of reading my posts about training and diet - maybe we can help each other, comment and give advices. :chat:

About me

I think I’ll start introducing myself – this paragraph became much longer than I expected. Feel free to skip it!

My name is Rebekka, I am 23, live in Denmark and is a medical student at University of Copenhagen.
I’ve always, since I was a little girl, been a huuuge fan of Disney and when I visited Disneyland for the first time at my 12th birthday I simply fell in love. I love the movies, I love the history and story behind it all, I love visiting the parks and now I also kind of love runDisney.:teeth:

Since I was a teen I have had a strained relationship with my weight and exercise. I weighed a bit too much in my teen years and as time progressed I ended up weighting 45-50lbs too much. In fall 2013 I decided to do something about it. I had been on a diet a hundred times before but I never succeeded losing more than 5-10lbs and I always gained it back again. But this time I actually succeeded!! After just under 6 months I had lost almost 50 pounds, I was feeling stronger, I ran my first 5k and I really just felt good about myself. I had gained some good habits when it comes to healthy food and regular exercise and I had gained so much self-confidence.

It was difficult in the beginning to know how to keep my weight constant but I found the balance and my weight was pretty stabile (+/- 4lbs) for a year. Unfortunately I hit a bumb in the road and got down with depression and anxiety. A combination of loss of control, emotional eating, lack of exercise and hunger as a side effect from the meds, I gained 55 pounds within the first year. It is now 2,5 years since I was diagnosed and it has been a roller coaster and a struggle ever since. I feel much better now, but I still struggle and I shift between “good” and “bad” weeks or months. This makes training and healthy eating a challenge since I really can’t be sure I have the energy to workout or cook proper food.

But enough about all the bad stuff! I have to KEEP MOVING FORWARD!


Right now I am following a couch to 5k training schedule. I’m at week 4 (out of 12) and it’s tough since I’m in such a bad shape but I’m doing it and I’m so happy about it!
I am also a member of the local gym. I haven’t been there as much as I want but my goal now if to go once or twice a week. I want to focus on my walking/running but also think it’s important to train some other muscle groups and do cardio in other ways than running.


Future races:
- August 2017 – Virtual running shorts 5k
- September 2017– Disneyland Paris 10k + half marathon challenge
- January 2018 – Disney World marathon

Past races:
- July 2017 – Unmasked 10 miler (Hogwarts running club, virtual)

- September 2016 – Disneyland Paris half

- June 2016 – Local 10k (didn’t finish….)
- June 2014 – Local 5k


Of course goals changes over time, when you reach a goal you set a new one. But here are my 3 current main goals:

1) Run a 5k (running shorts - August)
2) Finish both the 10k and the half at DLP half in September
3) Finish the full marathon at Walt Disney World in January

I’m trying to train for one goal at a time. So right now I’m planning on doing:
Run/walk 3 x a week
Gym 1-2 x a week
(1 “long” (+5k) distance walk 1 x a week)

This should make me capable of running a 5k in 8 weeks.

- and of course try and stick to a healthy diet!

I plan on updating the thread with a weekly post (probably Sunday) where I write about how the training has been and then of course other concerns, doubt and the small victories!

If you made it through this loooong post, congratulations! I have a good feeling about this thread and hope some of you will follow my journey - and give me lots of advice and help me along the way. :worship: I'll try my best to guide wherever I can.

See ya'
- Rebekka
Feel free to follow me on Instragram: @weightlossanonymous

English is my second language and I’m not excellent or fluent. So I apologize for all the mistakes I might make in this thread…..
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Thought I would share the C25k running plan I’m currently following and my progress.

Week 1:
5 minutes warm-up, 6 x 30 sec run and 3 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 31 min)

- I skipped the first week, since I could run 30 sec already.

Week 2:
5 minutes warm-up, 5 x 1 min run and 3 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 30 min)

Day 1: 3,21 km // 30:13 min // avg. pace: 09:24 min/km // outside
Day 2: 3,25 km // 30:10 min // avg. pace: 09:18 min/km // outside
Day 3: 3,23 km // 30:03 min // avg. pace: 09:18 min/km // outside

Week 3:
5 minutes warm-up, 5 x 90 sec run and 3 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 32,5 min)

Day 1: 3,56 km // 32:22 min // avg. pace: 09:06 min/km // outside
Day 2: −
Day 3: −

Week 4:
5 minutes warm-up, 5 x 2 min run and 2 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 30 min)

Day 1: 3,28 km // 30:03 min // avg. pace: 09:09 min/km // outside
Day 2: 3,31 km // 30:00 min // avg. pace: 09:05 min/km // treadmill
Day 3: 3,32 km // 30:01 min // avg. pace: 09:03 min/km // outside

Week 5:
5 minutes warm-up, 4 x 3 min run and 2 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 30 min)

Week 6:
5 minutes warm-up, 4 x 4 min run and 2 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 34 min)

Week 7:
5 minutes warm-up, 3 x 6 min run and 2 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 34 min)

Week 8:
5 minutes warm-up, 3 x 8 min and 2 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 40 min)

Week 9:
5 minutes warm-up, 3 x 9 min run and 1 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 40 min)

Week 10:
5 minutes warm-up, 3 x 10 min run and 1 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 43 min)

Week 11:
5 minutes warm-up, 2 x 15 min run and 1 min walk, 5 minutes cool down (Total: 42 min)

Week 12:
5 minutes warm-up, 30 min run, 5 minutes cool down

Week 13:

If all goes as planned and well, I the first week of September!
I'm participating in runDisneys virtual running shorts in August, so I'll test my 5k progress then :D
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Weekly update

This week has been just okay – not bad but not great either. I’ve eaten healthier and I’ve followed my running schedule so that’s good. I lost 0,6 kg this week which is really not what I had hoped for but I guess it’s better than gaining weight.

I can feel my legs are getting stronger. A month ago I could do 10-12 reps with 50kg leg press. Now I can easily do it with 63 kg and I think I’ll raise it next week to get to my max weight – I also think I need to push myself harder so that I can just take 12 reps and then need a rest. I actually thought I was pretty strong in my legs but from what I’m reading online I should be able to lift a lot more??
When I'm running I'm not really feeling a progress in my legs. After 1,5 minutes of running I feel my leg muscles are giving up. Hope to see some improvement soon.

This week I ran outside twice and then used the treadmill at the gym once. For me running outside is the best. I’m not a huge fan of the treadmill - I get dizzy and I really don’t think my gym has enough AC. On the other hand my legs doesn't hurt as much on the treadmill. When running outside my favorite running weather is cloudy with a few drops of rain.

Sometimes I'm really excited about Disneyland Paris half in just over 2 months..... but other times I really doubt if I can even finish and I wonder what the hell I've signed up for!

Running: x3
Gym: x2
Long walk/run: x0

Total km this week: 9,91 km (6 miles)

Weight loss this week: 0,6 kg /1,3 lbs
Total weight lost: 4,2 kg / 9,2 lbs


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