"I smell Elephants" and Forbidden Journey's, Jaydens Make a Wish trip !

Your so detail oriented, I love it. 1st time I've seen a video of the villas, was that one of the new ones?
Your so detail oriented, I love it. 1st time I've seen a video of the villas, was that one of the new ones?

I'm trying to be ! I'm so mad at myself because I took along a notebook and started taking notes .. but that only lasted like 1 day. Now I have to go by memory and I'm trying to remember the little things.

Yes .. it I believe it was one of the newer ones .. I think the older ones are more toward the front of the Village .. ours was a ways back. It was so nice .. I wasn't expecting it to be like a whole apartment ! :thumbsup2
Catching up on your trip report. :cool1:

Glad you made it through the limo ride. My stomach hurts everytime we fly and I feel sick until we land safely at MCO:lmao:
finally made it over to say :wave2:

sorry you had an "icky" start to your trip, thankful you all did okay with the plane!

your villa is really cute! and the boys looked like they were having fun swimming.....hhmm, see a trend...mac & cheese for lunch and dinner , should we start keeping track of how many they ate :thumbsup2

how nice of Daniel to hang with the boys and give them the pins!
Catching up on your trip report. :cool1:

Glad you made it through the limo ride. My stomach hurts everytime we fly and I feel sick until we land safely at MCO:lmao:

Yeah, I usually get queasy from flying .. but never in a car ! I think it was just too early for us. Nothing like the sight of those palm trees to make you feel better though ! :thumbsup2
finally made it over to say :wave2:

sorry you had an "icky" start to your trip, thankful you all did okay with the plane!

your villa is really cute! and the boys looked like they were having fun swimming.....hhmm, see a trend...mac & cheese for lunch and dinner , should we start keeping track of how many they ate :thumbsup2

how nice of Daniel to hang with the boys and give them the pins!

Hi ! :wave2:

The villa was awesome !

lol .. yup .. it sure was a trend .. mac and cheese and chicken nuggets. One of the reasons I cancelled all our ADR's .. that and my tummy still wasn't feeling 100% throughout our trip. :sick:

Daniel is wonderful .. my boys (all 3 of them) really like him ! Jeremy says he wishes we lived there so he could hang out with him more. :goodvibes
Daniel is wonderful .. my boys (all 3 of them) really like him ! Jeremy says he wishes we lived there so he could hang out with him more. :goodvibes

I wished that you guys lived closer too, so that i could hang with all of you. Hope that you are adjusting back to the "real world". Miss you guys. Glad that the boys loved their prefect badges.
Oh my goodness, I can't believe you're already starting your TR!

The boys are adorable as usual. I can't wait to see them in all of their fantastic park outfits.

Chew Chew train.... that is just precious.

I will definitely be reading along. :goodvibes
Oh my goodness, I can't believe you're already starting your TR!

The boys are adorable as usual. I can't wait to see them in all of their fantastic park outfits.

Chew Chew train.... that is just precious.

I will definitely be reading along. :goodvibes

I have to write it while it's still fresh in my head since I ditched the notebook after one day ! :rolleyes:
I loved all the outfits we got and got so many compliments on them !
I left off with us eating dinner at the Gingerbread House ..

While we were eating there was an Easter egg hunt going on outside. We realized this going into dinner .. but were starving so we decided to join the activities after dinner. When we got outside the egg hunt was over .. but they were giving all the kids Easter Baskets so we headed on over to get one for the boys.


Then we ran into this guy !


After we finished up with the rabbit .. we headed over to the ice cream shop for dessert ..
[/IMG] (stock photo)

At this point I was pretty delirious from exhaustion and I didn't take any pictures of our ice cream. I know I had vanilla with strawberries .. and I'm pretty sure Jayden had mint chocolate chip.

After Ice cream we headed back to our villa where I attempted to watch Survivor .. the boys were off to bed by 8:30 and I barely made it to 9:00.

We all had a pretty restless night .. but at least we felt charged and ready to go the next morning ! I think we woke up at 7:00 am. I was given a letter by Make a Wish telling me that Jaydens wish to visit Harry Potter World was to happen today ! So .. after a quick breakfast .. I had cereal and the boys had pancakes and waffles. The boys were dressed in their adorable Harry Potter World outfits and we were off !


Will the GPS behave and get us there ok ?? What does Make a Wish have in store for us ?? What other surprises are in store for us later that day ??
Love reading about your trip! The boys are too cute :) Hope you had a magical time!! I ditched most of our ADRs on my first trip with my girls, too! They just wanted quick counter service food so they could ride rides, play, swim, etc... :thumbsup2
Love reading about your trip! The boys are too cute :) Hope you had a magical time!! I ditched most of our ADRs on my first trip with my girls, too! They just wanted quick counter service food so they could ride rides, play, swim, etc... :thumbsup2

Thank you for reading along !

Yeah ... QS is fine for us. We don't eat big meals and we just like to grab something on a whim and not have to worry about times and being at a certain place. No worries and no stress ! Plus it saves a lot of money and wasted food. :thumbsup2
Loving your trip report. Sounds like you had an exhausting but exciting first day:banana::cool1:

LOL at your GPS wanting to take you home. We had problems with our GPS too. I'm staying tuned to see if she got you to WWoHP ok:thumbsup2
So sweet of Daniel to get the Prefect badges! I am loving all of the pics and as you know I can't WAIT to read all about HP! popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::
What a great first day. I loved the video of the villa. Looks like the boys had a lot of fun in the pool.
So after breakfast we went back to our villa to get the car and program our very confused GPS and headed off to fulfill Jaydens WISH !!

I was very happy when the GPS lead us to our destination with NO problems and we saw the sign (nope .. no pic .. I was driving !).
We drove over to the parking garage and when I showed him the parking pass he instructed me to turn on my hazard lights and follow the blue line (I think it was blue) and we were able to park in the handicap area.
The parking lot is a LONG way from the park area, so be prepared to walk a LOT (thank goodness for the moving walkways !!).
Now I guess you can use valet parking .. it will cost you .. but might be worth it if you do not want to walk so much.

I was given a phone number to call once we got into the parking garage at Universal from Make a Wish. I tried the number but kept getting a voice mail. Then my phone rang but for some reason I didn't hear it so I called that number and got guest relations from Universal. \
Finally I got a real person and they were sending someone over to meet with us over at WWoHP.
It took us about a half hour before we finally saw this ..

I was told a girl named Allyson was meeting us over by the Hogwarts Express .. so that's where we headed ..


Met this guy ..


Trying to get a pic with this guy proved to be more difficult than you might think .. people wouldn't exactly take "turns". Instead, people would just send their kids over not caring that people had been waiting for their chance (like us !). Finally the conductor noticed the boys trying to get to him and he yelled at the top of his lungs "STOOOOOP" and held his hand up to the people who were about to approach him and said "these young students have been waiting here patiently for me to inspect their tickets and you need to wait your turn" (or something of that nature) and a few people laughed while the girl whom he was speaking to looked totally insulted ! It was great !! :lmao:
The conductor would also "yell" at people if they are about to walk in front of someone trying to take a picture. It was very funny and the fact that he was in character made it even better. :hyper:

We stood off to the side to try and make ourselves noticeable for Allyson and the amount of people amazed me. This place WAS packed !!
I snapped another pic ..
When a young woman approached us and introduced herself. She said she was there to give us a VIP tour of WWoHP !!
SWEET ! The first thing she did was work us through the crowd over to Forbidden Journey. I was a bit worried about this ride for 2 reasons. First, I wasn't sure if the boys were going to make the height requirement. At last measure they were like 37. 11 !! So I knew it was going to be close. Allyson was secretly wondering the same thing. Then second .. I suffered a severe case of vertigo last spring and I still find myself getting dizzy really easy since then .. so I was worried about the affect the ride might have on my vertigo. :confused3

Will the boys get on the ride, even though they really aren't tall enough ?? Will I succumb to vertigo and spoil my day ??

More to come ...
cute photo of the boys with the conductor! good thing he yelled at the rude people....big pet peeve of mine when people do that :furious:

can't wait to see what happens.....hope your vertigo didn't show up, I had it last winter and got dizzy just moving my head to quick....
So we snaked our way through the massive crowd in Harry Potter world (at this point I was grateful that I had decided not to grab a stroller for the boys, it would have been impossible to maneuver it through this crowd !)
We arrived at the entrance to the ride with our guide and were directed straight to the boarding area. I was able to capture just a few pics .. it is very dark in there and my camera didn't do well trying to take pics.


This is a short video of some clips I was able to take real quick .. again .. its dark in there and hard to take pics and video. I have just a point and shoot camera and a Flip. Oh .. yeah .. you can hear me screaming in this video .. :eek:


Nobody seemed to even care if the boys were tall enough to ride .. they just directed us to a seat and off we went !!

Here's a pic of us on the ride .. as you can see from the looks on our faces .. it's very intense !! Its real hard to describe, except you get whipped around a LOT. It's very cool but goes real quickly. I had to close my eyes a few times.


They actually gave us this pic at no charge ! But I would have bought it if not .. it's epic !
One I exited the ride I was pretty dizzy .. but I was able to shake it off pretty quick. We exited through Filches Emporium which was just as crowded as anywhere else and so we got out of there pretty quick.
Once we got out Allyson made a phone call for Jaydens next surprise .. Ollivander's wand shop !!
Allyson took us around the side and we went through the exit and Jayden approached the counter .. now the pics in here came out bad as well. It was so very dark in there and I took a few pics with my camera and Jeremy took some with my phone. The Flip was useless in here .. this is what I managed though ..


So once Jaydens wand chose him .. we were preparing to exit when they called over Jesse ! He was going to get to get a wand too !!
I was SO excited and happy for him.

Once we exited the store we entered Ollivanders wand shop where it was elbow to elbow people. It was SO packed that it was pretty impossible to move around. I really wanted to be able to look around a bit but Allyson said there was a few things she wanted to show us. So they took the boys wands and put them in a bag for us and said they were a gift ! I was so shocked and happy. I would have paid for them .. it was what they both really wanted .. and so I was very grateful that they gave the wands to us. (it's not like we don't come back and spend a lot of cash later that day :rolleyes2)

What will Allyson show us next ? What will we end up buying later that day ??

Stay tuned to find out ..


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