Hurricane Patti "hanname" died.

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. She unwittingly became a DVC board celebrity and I doubt any of us will forget hanname and, now, her story.

When your mom dies the whole world changes. My prayer for peace and strength is with you.
I'm so sorry for your loss! :grouphug: Thanks for taking the time to let us know, your Mom will be remembered by many of us for a long time.
Dear Janeen,
I'm so sorry for your loss! :grouphug:

It was with great sadness that I heard that your mom passed away.
Just last week, on another board, we were all reliving memories of the hanname thread she inspired and wondering how she enjoyed Sarasota Springs and whether she had bought any migs. It true that she was both a celebraty and a cause celebre on the DIS: I was enchanted by her spirit and her gift of humor and love. Trust that she will be long remembered here and that so many of us hold a little piece of her spirit close to heart.

It is so hard to lose a mom, and I could tell by your past posts how very much you loved her and wanted to protect her. Please accept my sincere condolences and prayers for your family.
Sorry to hear of the loss. My prayers go to you and your family.
We're so sorry for your loss, but please know that her spirit will live on in so many of us for a long time to come. We were at WDW this past Christmas and as we were leaving the CP on Christmas Eve I happened to think of the "hanname" thread with all the silliness and warmth and caring and love that surrounded it as the story unfolded and I wondered if there were others around me who shared that thought, too. In her honor, I will always keep "hanname" alive in my heart.
So very sorry for the loss of your mother. She brought such smiles to the DIS. My thoughts and prayers go with you and your family.
I am so sorry for you and your family. Over time warm memories of special happy times will help fill the void you now have. Our thoughts will be with you.
I'm sorry to hear your mother passed. I, too, have a mother on kidney dialysis and she also has heart problems. (She had bypass surgery six years ago and she fell last year and broke some bones). I know the feeling of trying to protect your mom, and helping her enjoy life with all the limitations, and working around her dialysis schedule, trips to the doctor, etc. Just try to find some comfort in knowing you did your best for her while she was here and how much pleasure she obviously found in her family. Your mother's sense of humor was a tribute to her spirit, and that will live forever.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. A mother is hard for a child to loose at any age. My mother passed away almost 4 years ago and I could stll cry thinking of her. It's a loss that is difficult to get used to. It does get easier but you will always miss her. The first year seems the most difficult. You miss her at every Holiday and special event. There is a void. I will pray for you and your family over the coming months. Keep remembering the times together. It helps.
Prayers for you and your family. May your memories be a comfort to you and them.
I'm very sorry. May you find strength and comfort in your family, friends and faith.
I am so sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

As others have posted, she brought a new spirit to these boards without even trying.
And to show her true colors, when she discovered the hanname thread she took it in stride and joined in with us.

Hanname to you and your family as we are all one big family.
:love: :love:
You have our prayers and hugs, many of us enjoyed Patti's wonderful good humor and she certainly was a major DIS celeb! I'm guessing she enjoyed the fun immensely. It will always be comforting to you to know how much she enjoyed WDW.
we are sooo very sorry for your loss :grouphug: Our thoughts and our prayers will be with you and your family.
So sad, so sorry for you. May God keep you close during this time. Your mother will live in many hearts here for a long time to come.
Sincerest condolences to you and all your family members. Your mother was a wonderful contributor to the boards and we so enjoyed her comments.

Warmest wishes,


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