Hotter than Hades - a Halloweentime 2015 trip report (finished 12/6)

Day 13 part 2: A Miracle on Main Street

I throw the bags in storage and somehow make it to Town Square without heatstroke. My friends have set up camp near that door we all know some well.

Cruella comes out first.

Oh bugger, it's a Firehouse show after all. The time looked so suspicious. I lost count of how many times someone told me munks were coming for a meet and it turned out to be a show.

And really, the munks come out right after her - in fact you see the paws on the pictures already. But yes, they look to be heading for the Firehouse again. My friends call out for them, I squeal... and they stop. We all three get proper posed photos. Teamwork for the win!

No photos yet - not on my camera. We had absolutely no time for a switch.

We follow them to the Firehouse. And there something really odd happens.

Posing sessions.

Followed by an impromptu dance party!

Of course Cruella won't let Chip go anymore.

Someone save the munk before I do something that might get my AP revoked! :P

Dale's more smart, he grabs people from the audience. After a couple of Japanese girls suddenly there's an extended furry paw in front of me and I get pulled in! :cloud9:

Again we'll have to wait for my friends. I somehow managed to dance and not die, but that wasn't quite the position to take selfies. :D

Cruella and Chip doing an encore.

Dale runs off in front when they're going back.

Cruella screeches at him to come back and...

But wait, the show's not over.

Cruella has had enough of it, she doesn't want to share the spotlight anymore.

The munks won't hear it though...

Miss DeVil, are you ready for your close up?

The munks haven't given up.

Fabulous my Darlings.

Of course now I need a picture with the one and only Cruella too.

Oh my god, what a show. We later realized that they were missing Goofy - we're guessing that's why this change. So glad we caught it.
Day 13 part 3: A new record

My friends have to get back to the airport. Parade time for me... along with a special dinner to cool me down.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Hot Fudge Sundae.

Parade picture spam time again! This time taken from the second row, standing.

I set up camp near our famous door. Almost hoping the duck doesn't show. My friends missing him that closely would really break my heart.

And now I have offically seen the Flat Retreat more often that in the last 8 years combined.
Day 13 part 4: Another record falls

After the flag retreat... anyone wants to guess. No. Duck.

Mickey and Minnie interpret me waiting totally wrong...

Okay, I guess I am getting dinner and checking back in after Paint the Night. I'm not giving up now... Mr Murphy has raised his ugly head too often.

Walking out...

At least I find some interesting lanyards on my way to Disneyland Hotel.

Angus Hawaiian Cheeseburger.

The burger was nice, but I still can't quite warm up to the coleslaw.

The trip to Trader Sam's is cancelled. The hotel hosts a conference, there's actually a line of mostly business people to get into Trader Sam's that's well on the way to Goofy's Kitchen.

I take the Monorail and duck into Tomorrowland before the fireworks. The Buzz line is that short that going in and out again and again is feasible.

And really for the first time...


Do I have to mention all three transmissions got an error? :sad1:

PTN is over when I arrive at Town Square. The usual response: no duck. Why is this so hard for crying out loud? This feels like I am trying to negotiate World Peace!
Day 14 part 1: Prior to the Party

The morning was an offsite trip.

For those of you who haven't caught on to that yet ;): I am a pin collector.

Ghiradelli Studio Store and Soda Fountain - the former Disney Soda Fountain - is one of the locations where you can get pins that are not in the park. There's also a store called Company D where only Cast Members can enter. Well enter and bring some friends, I've been there before. They have some exclusive pins as well. And the third is Walt Disney Imagineering, or "WDI". This is in Glendale and really, really hard to get into.

Now WDI had a release this morning - princesses and princes in the Storybook boats, with their respective scene in the background. Of all things it had to be princesses again!

Cue: mass panic. Poor Sabrina was a complete wreck.

Thank god for good friends. Aaron came in the morning to get me and Jackie, and another friend kindly signed us in.

We really just about made it. We went to get our ice cream brunch at Soda Fountain which is only a short drive away - of course the PTDs had flipped again the day before too! - when my friend texted that Rapunzel and Ariel were sold out.

It's a really pretty 8 pin set: Rapunzel and Flynn, Ariel and Eric, Belle and Beast, Sleeping Beauty and Philip, Cindy and Charming, Pocahontas and John Smith (which were quite possibly the ones I was most excited about), Naveen and Tiana, Snow White and Prince and Aladdin and Jasmine. I kind of wonder why no Mulan and Shang seeing they even thought of Pocahontas, but well, I'm glad to get what I have. :D

Back from that Jackie has to leave and I go over to the park.

Lunch at Jolly Holiday. Roast Beef and Blue Cheese on Traditional Baguette.

Once I had it: really good. It wasn't that busy though, but yet they left me standing there for 15 minutes. Turned out my order was never passed on to the kitchen.

Wristband handout if you're already in the park is in Frontierland. Works much smoother than last year. I do get in line a bit earlier than handout time, but have my wristband within 20 minutes.

With wristband I get in my costume and start looking around to get more pictures.

Goofy is still in Town Square.

But that's about it. Even most Photopass people have disappeared.

Pearly Band on the Carousel.

Next up is check in at the Blue Bayou for "Mystical Spirits of the Blue Bayou" - the premium dining experience during the party. I love Princess and the Frog. So this was really a special thing for me, and it had been hell to get in because apparently they weren't really prepared for solo diners.

I give my name and I'm given the menu requests I sent in by e-mail to crossread. Umm... no, that's not what I ordered. And there's only two dessert choices, kind of hard to screw that up. I correct them, am assured I will get the corrected order, and also give my allergy list.

Okay... guess I'll get in line at Toontown. Dan and Jon recommended to do that early.

I'm trying to time for Donald and Daisy. But things have been majorly switched around. Mickey and Minnie are now switching with the munks. Donald is solo and switching with Daisy. Goofy and Pluto never even show.

Minnie immediately recognizes my costume too.

It's probably sounding silly, but that attention really meant a lot to me. I always had been telling people I couldn't sew or stitch. This costume was a pretty major thing for me to do. I knew they'd at least have a general idea at T, but characters reacting was way more than I was hoping for.

Donald breaks out into another air guitar solo when he sees me too. Not quite - I'm the keyboarder. :D

Now the munks.

They clearly have no clue who I am, but Chip spots what I have on my shirt and decides to try and arrests me as precautionary meassure. Dale immediately jumps in to save me.

As much as it pains me... I can't try to get through Daisy's line. They are seating at the Blue Bayou soon and I really want to make it through the villains line. I book it across the park, for the Villains photostop and Main Street Train Station.
Day 14 part 2: The Villains

The line is way less bad than I thought. One of the reasons could be that people don't know where to get into it. Town Square is a sea of people. They again opened some backstage paths, but some genius decided to make the incoming one into a treat trail too. That and sending the Tremaines out roaming immediately doesn't really help.

The first group coming out are the girls. Due to traffic unfortunately on foot - but I have an appointment and beggars can't be choosers.

The Queen isn't quite happy with me... after first showing up with the parasol now I even have the wrong outfit!

Cruella isn't particularly interested in "a critter" - she wanted puppies!

And now my favorite of the group: Maleficent.

She gave me a message for "my friend the Mad Hatter"! Tickled pink is an understatement.

Also she isn't happy with me though that there is no reminiscence to her. Wait, I got the parasol!

That gets me back to her good graces.

Off to Blue Bayou!

Wait... Aladdin and Genie have no one waiting. *screeching halt*

Aladdin also realizes I belong to the Mad T Party, but getting this across to Genie isn't easy.

Waiting in line at the Blue Bayou.

Now I wasn't expecting this to go smooth. It was the first time this was done at Blue Bayou, and on Friday there had been a fire alarm and the whole area was evacuated. So today was the first full event for them. I wouldn't call it fears. But little did I know. Some of you know may that line from Fantasmic, the one about your fears turning into an overwhelming nightmare. And a nightmare was what I got.
Day 14 part 3: The Facilier Fiasco

My table is waterside, but a little more far away from the stage they set up than I was hoping. I guess I can blame that on the 3 hours it took me to get that booking in.

The cast member seating me checks my menu selections with me... and again wrong. I correct her. Really, this shouldn't be rocket science.

Dr Facilier's special drink.

More on the sweet side, I really can't tell you what it was.

The next CM comes, reads another wrong selection to me... and finally figures out I am at the wrong table!

I saw the reservation slip. I have no idea how they mixed up our names, they were not even close.

So I'm being moved. Closer to the stage too. Yay, at least I guess it's yay.

The next Cast Member shows up to check with me on my selection. Anyone wants to guess? The next wrong menu, this time even containing selections that clearly were on the allergy list I gave! I politely correct them yet another time, but I am seriously beginning to wonder if I should even eat. If they try to serve crab cake and Red Fish to someone who has a seafood allergy listed god only knows what may be wrong with the other dishes. It's not like you can see much in that place.

Bread basket.

The last server eventually got me a cherry coke though that was not on the menu. That at least gave the place a slight plus.

Facilier's throne.

Goat Cheese Tart.

The Cadaver Dans come in to do a set.

And finally Facilier appears, along with his "Bayou Belles" - basically zombie brides. He does his usual entrance song and welcomes us.

Main Dish: Bourbon Glazed Chicken Breast with White Cheddar Polenta with crisp asparagus and Thyme jus.

At least that's what the menu said it was. I couldn't detect any cheddar, I've had way tastier Bourbon Glaze, the asparagus was far from crisp and if the sauce had seen any thyme I'd be surprised.

One of my complaints is something that may be easier if you're not a solo dinner: long periods of nothing. No entertainment, not even background music.

Finally Facilier comes back and starts to mingle.

The Belles go around handing out beads.

Facilier started at the other end of the room. When he reaches my area he promptly skips me! I have no idea if he thought someone is missing - they placed me alone at a six top - or genuinely overlooked me (and I've been told it's kind of hard to overlook me if I am in "overly excited mode".. and I was at that point because this meet was what I was clinging on to).

Anyway, I do the sensible thing and ask a Cast Member for help. They first don't even get what my issue is. Erm... I paid 150 bucks for this. So far I am not exactly having a good time, and now the only character here even skipped my table. I want my photo with him and I want him to sign my drawing, that is the issue.

She tells me she'll go speak to him, but I'll have to wait til the end of his round. Not the end of the world, I'm not going anywhere until we leave for fireworks either.

Nothing to do again... I end up staring at Facilier walking around most of the time. The CM I spoke to comes back and tells me to stop worrying, she spoke to him, he'll come back. Quit lying to my face. I've been watching him, you didn't even get close to him, much less spoke to him!

The dessert. Almond Praline Cheesecake with Petit Honey Beignets.

Figures. The dark chocolate Creme Brulee was what I looked forward to most foodwise. Never materialized despite asking for it repeatedly. No "beignets" as in Plural either. And some places have strictly refused to serve me almond citing my allergies.

Facilier finishes his round and promptly passes my table again. No actions from the CM. So for 150 bucks I end up having to yell after him. "Doctor Facilier, you skipped me!"

How I managed to crack a smile on that picture I really don't know. Never got my signature cause it was basically oh sorry Miss, photo, bye.

Alright, manager it is. Enough is enough.

Funny enough all suits who had been watching have now disappeared.

The last act barges in before I can do anything... cursed pirates.

They do a little skit, open a treasure chest, we get candy.

Facilier appears again shortly for a good bye.

And we're being ushered out before fireworks. Ushered is the very friendly way to put for this "kay thanks bye" routine.

Due to my fruitless tries to find a manager I end up in the last group.

Now the other main draw of the package was the "preferred fireworks seating."

However, some genius had decided that the area BEHIND the Partners Statue was part of that seating too. I end up in the second to last row. Basically at the other end of a hill, with a statue in front of me and people sticking iPhones, iPads, iGodKnowsWhat up. I don't see a damn thing. This is my only somewhat presentable photo of the fireworks, and that happened cause I was so frustrated in the end I just held up my camera and pressed buttons.

I guess it's City Hall time.

At City Hall I lodge my complaint. I get some nods, the CM writes down three sentences and tells me he will pass on my complaint. Umm... sorry. Not good enough. Oh, if you want anything done you need to go back to the Blue Bayou, now. Umm... this was a special event. They'll be closed. No, someone will be there. If you want a refund go now. You *censored* bet I want a refund.

Beeline to Blue Bayou it is. The restaurant is closed as predicted. I fight hard to resist the very strong urge to go back to City Hall again and yell at someone. Let's try the restaurant tomorrow. I wasted almost the complete night on this already. I have a little under an hour party time left. Let's try and have some fun.
Day 14 part 4: Piratepalooza

The Treat Trail at Piratepalooza is still open and doesn't have much of a line. Let's try that one.

And indeed, Pluto is still out and about.

I don't know if he sensed something was off. I have one big weakness: when I get angry I start crying way too easily. And I was beyond angry. Even worse, due to my medical issues when that happens my face immediately puffs up, it looks ten times worse than if it happens to another person. That's why I am wearing the glasses on the photos too, I really hate when that shows on photos. Anyway, Pluto can't have seen it... too dark. But still, when some new music comes on and he pulls me in for a dance!

He whirls me around for a good 5 minutes until the song is over. I don't know how I got this honor, but the smile he made appear was really much needed at that point.

Meanwhile even additional guests have showed up... my boyfriend(s)!

I go along the Big Thunder Trail to check on Bullseye - as expected the Toy Story shoot is closed already. But surprisingly Mickey and Minnie are still meeting, and the line isn't even too bad. Okay, that's normally one I wouldn't do, but under these circumstances...

Minnie still thinks I'm cute.

I'm sure there's been a closing announcement and we didn't hear it. When I leave I get CMs trailing behind me, trying to make sure I don't go deeper in the park again. I'll try to be nice and make it fast - but after this disaster I have earned my right to take some night time photos.

Sorry that you paid so much for the blue bayou event and were treated so poorly I hope you got/get it resolved
I'm afraid being a solo diner at Disney is not a good thing, particularly if you're sitting at a table at which they could put a larger party (with presumably larger tips). I had a similar situation last year at Carthay Circle that ended with me in tears. I've never been treated like that at any restaurant before. I swore I would never take a large table again; if they offer me one, I'll wait.
Sorry that you paid so much for the blue bayou event and were treated so poorly I hope you got/get it resolved

I have my money back meanwhile, but had no contact whatsoever from this mysterious "Special Events Department." When I went back the next day at Blue Bayou I was promised a call back within 48 hours. Now we passed the two months mark. Silence.

I did get a call from "Guest Relations" after an e-mail. The guy basically asked me what I wanted, I had been given a refund. Umm... maybe someone telling me the refund had been done in the first place? That's not quite the customer service I am used to from Disney, just randomly tossing the money back on the card without any info. Never mind someone at least pretending to be sorry? I told them as much and was promised someone would still contact me. Nothing.

After a written complaint through the mail they called again before Thanksgiving - at midnight my time although I had even mentioned in my letter to please not call after noon their time as Germany's nine hours ahead of California. Guest Services again, same guy. "I thought we were good." I guess that's what you get for telling the customer service person who ends up calling you that your issue is not with them, but the whole situation. Now he told me I won't be receiving any contact from Special Events because "they can't phone out." So I guess no one reads the incoming mail to that e-mail address anymore? He was kind of surprised I had taken note to that address.

He also had all kinds of excuses on why the early dinners were cheated out of Tightrope Girl and the Bride appearing. "Not ready." Sorry, but that is poor planning on Disney's part. You still charged us full price.

Not exactly a resolution per my definition.

Supposedly I will have something waiting for me at City Hall on my next trip in March, though I guess that's at best the pins they never handed out on my evening either. And I didn't get that "reference number" he promised me for that stunt yet either.

Blue Bayou did what they could, though getting there was yet another step down the ridiculousness slope. I'll get to that in the next part. ;)

I'm afraid being a solo diner at Disney is not a good thing, particularly if you're sitting at a table at which they could put a larger party (with presumably larger tips). I had a similar situation last year at Carthay Circle that ended with me in tears. I've never been treated like that at any restaurant before. I swore I would never take a large table again; if they offer me one, I'll wait.

You know, your experience was what came straight to my mind when that whole ordeal started. "You should have refused that table, remember what they did to Jennafoo."

I didn't think much of it first cause the tables seemed to be preassigned and as this ordeal was clearly labeled as "tax and tip included". I've done a lot of solo dining at three parks - DLR, WDW and DLP - and while Paris did have some questionable experiences this one took the cake. In Paris always something happened that at least made me smile once... never happened at this ordeal.
Day 15 part 1: Surfs Up

It's fairly quiet. Guess everyone's sleeping in.

But Lifeguard Mickey never leaves his post.

When Daisy gets to my table no one is around. She helps me hunt for someone to take the photo and even finds a matching background.

Move over Pamela Anderson, the beach's got a new Queen!


The usual breakfast offerings.


Rice and chicken.

Minnie arrives.

I've seen Stitch coming out, but where's Pluto? I ask a CM and am being told he's got a vet appointment this morning. Umm... there is now a mandatory 4.95 service charge on the bill, but there's no replacement when a character in a cast that small can't make it? Not quite amused. Seems to be a definite cut to me, Sabrina was told the same story when she went there in August.

When Stitch shows again no one around...

Finally some Japanese girls are seated and take pity on me. Well Stitch didn't seem to mind the photosession - I most certainly didn't.

I stroll through Downtown Disney til park opening. I'll try DCA first - the Incredibles have been evading me and I don't think someone will be at Blue Bayou that early anyway.
Day 15 part 2: A morning in DCA

No Frozone, no Incredibles. *keeps mumbling "the app is just a guideline"*

Doc McStuffins is meeting though.

She spots my sunglasses, the parasol and the travel mug I'm carrying. I get doctor's approval - I'm ready to deal with the heat.

I ask her handler and she informs me that the Incredibles and Frozone are not meeting, they "haven't gone back to the old schedule yet". Can someone please inform whoever is handling the app about that delay??

In Off the Page I order my traditional trip sketch - Megara this time.

I walk through Hollywoodland cause we had good look finding pins there. Sulley is at his ride. Now that is new, he's been at that door at Hyperion forever.

Flik's hanging out in Bug's Land.

Dug is at the Groomer again. I still need Russell, but no Wilderness Explorer Ceremony close on the schedule. Plus I got to go back to Blue Bayou eventually.

The munks however won't let me pass that easily.

A quick stopover for the Bootstrappers.

It gets more and more busy, but for some reason their crowd seems to die.

Blue Bayou. Take a deep breath, Petra.

I ask for a manager at Check In, mentioning I had issues at the special meal last night.

A male CM shows up, offers me to go out of the waiting area - hell no, it can't hurt if others catch that - and asks me to explain my story again. I do. His reaction? "Let me go and get you a manager."


It's not that they had added enough insult to the proverbial injury already, right? At that time I was mentally really beginning pricing a trip to the dark side aka Harry Potter next year.

I somehow managed not to cause a scene. I don't know how, I guess I was too much in "is this really happening?" mode.

Female manager shows up. Story time again.

She agrees with me that last night very obviously was a trainwreck and asks me for a chance to make this right, I could come again tomorrow. Ummm... no. Firstly I am meeting friends. Oh they can come too. :rolleyes1 While I guess that this definitely counts as "trying to make it right" on their part that makes me wonder how many bookings they had.

I decline, tell her we are character fans and that frankly speaking I had wasted enough time on the meal already, I wanted to go for my characters now. Could I please have a refund. She tells me that she will "definitely request it", but it has to go through some mysterious "Special Events Department". They'd contact me within 48 hours.

Yes, please do that. And I'd most certainly appreciate a response from them. I know this really isn't your fault.

She takes down my name, AP number, three phone numbers (after that trouble with Dan contacting me I wasn't going to take any chances) and asks me if I am in a Disney hotel - guess if I had been that would have meant a gift basket? She also invites me in for lunch, they'll comp the meal. I almost tell her no. I just had a large breakfast, I'm really not hungry. But in the end we agree I'll come back later. It was unlikely I'd be hungry then, but now I was in a "I am not going to let them get away this cheap" mood.

As of today (November 29, more than two months after the incident) I have not heard a single word as explained above. Money back without further comment from that mysterious department.

Let's go to Frontierland to hunt lanyards. I need to blow off steam.
Day 15 part 1: Surfs Up
Thanks so much for writing such a detailed AWESOME TR!! We are WDW vets and heading to DL for the 1st time in April. We are going to Ariels and Surfs Up so I just LOVE the details and the pics you are posting

It's fairly quiet. Guess everyone's sleeping in.

But Lifeguard Mickey never leaves his post.

When Daisy gets to my table no one is around. She helps me hunt for someone to take the photo and even finds a matching background.

Move over Pamela Anderson, the beach's got a new Queen!


The usual breakfast offerings.


Rice and chicken.

Minnie arrives.

I've seen Stitch coming out, but where's Pluto? I ask a CM and am being told he's got a vet appointment this morning. Umm... there is now a mandatory 4.95 service charge on the bill, but there's no replacement when a character in a cast that small can't make it? Not quite amused. Seems to be a definite cut to me, Sabrina was told the same story when she went there in August.

When Stitch shows again no one around...

Finally some Japanese girls are seated and take pity on me. Well Stitch didn't seem to mind the photosession - I most certainly didn't.

I stroll through Downtown Disney til park opening. I'll try DCA first - the Incredibles have been evading me and I don't think someone will be at Blue Bayou that early anyway.
You know, your experience was what came straight to my mind when that whole ordeal started. "You should have refused that table, remember what they did to Jennafoo."

I didn't think much of it first cause the tables seemed to be preassigned and as this ordeal was clearly labeled as "tax and tip included". I've done a lot of solo dining at three parks - DLR, WDW and DLP - and while Paris did have some questionable experiences this one took the cake. In Paris always something happened that at least made me smile once... never happened at this ordeal.

Well, now we know...hold out for a smaller table! (Though if tips are included, there goes that excuse so your poor treatment makes even LESS sense.) All in all, it just sucks that you paid that much and didn't have a good time. And I can't believe they said some of the entertainment "wasn't ready"; for $150, it had better be complete!

Also, I'm sorry that when you think of me it's for a sad story I told! :P Next time you're out I'll have to plan a trip down to give you a hug!
Thanks so much for writing such a detailed AWESOME TR!! We are WDW vets and heading to DL for the 1st time in April. We are going to Ariels and Surfs Up so I just LOVE the details and the pics you are posting

Thank you, and I am glad I can give some pointers. :)

Well im glad you atleast got your money back

Yeah, I was prepared to have to fight for that more for sure. But as silly as it sounds, I'd rather have heard one genuine "I'm sorry, we messed up."

Well, now we know...hold out for a smaller table! (Though if tips are included, there goes that excuse so your poor treatment makes even LESS sense.) All in all, it just sucks that you paid that much and didn't have a good time. And I can't believe they said some of the entertainment "wasn't ready"; for $150, it had better be complete!

Also, I'm sorry that when you think of me it's for a sad story I told! :P Next time you're out I'll have to plan a trip down to give you a hug!

Exactly my thinking. You charge an arm and even more than a leg, for that price everything has to be ready. I had put the guy on speaker because understandably my boyfriend was standing next to me wondering what was going on. He almost wrestled the phone from me to have the guy a piece of his mind after that statement.

The place was far away from being full too, I estimate 2/3 at best. So "couldn't they have seated a larger group at that table" definitely was out as well. Tips were indeed included, at least that's what my confirmation e-mail says.

I've actually been thinking of you more often during that trip, I swear. :D But that was one of those moments were something really springs to your mind.

My next trip is actually pretty soon. A friend is going to the San Francisco area for study for a bit and we're meeting in Disneyland over Easter. March 23 to April 4.
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Day 15 part 3: Surprises, surprises

On the way to Frontierland I pass the Petrified Tree where I spot a Facilier style hat. Oh, I didn't realize that they sell the hat from Paris here too.

Thank god I do a doubletake... it's not someone wearing Facilier's hat, it's Facilier!!! :moped: Eeeek!!!

At least 5 suits standing closeby making notes. One of them catches onto me basically freaking out and tells me this is a test. Hmm. Princess and the Frog Meet maybe when most attractions in the area go down? *crosses fingers, toes and anything that can be crossed*

Back to DCA, they said I could pick up my sketch before noon. I get in line to pay and surprise... Megara has black hair on the sketch. What? :guilty: I usually let the artists pick the colors and so far anything I bought looked fantastic. But that is not what I expected.

The CM huffs when I complain and tells me he doesn't know if the artist has time to change it. No worries, I can wait. I'll come back before you close.

Wandering back looking for pins. Alice and Hatter have finished Musical Chairs at Coke Corner, but they are still taking pictures.

Sign number one you have met Hatter quite a number of times? He takes one look at you, then at your pin lanyard and says: "You had a different pin on there last time." :joker:

Back to Town Square. Diamond Donald has to come out eventually, hasn't he?

I almost come across a victim of a traffic accident - the car driver so did not spot Cruella.

Nope, of course it's Halloween outfits again. *sighs*

Not that I hold any hope, but let's try City Hall.

The first CM again clearly does not get the problem. "Donald is out right now." Yes, I know. But it's pumpkin Donald. I want Diamond Donald.

An insanely nice CM overhears, understands the issue and actually offers to go and find the main character manager for me. Oh yes please!

Ten minutes later she's back. He may be doing a walk around later, if that doesn't work out come back and find her tomorrow, she'll set something up then.

Where have you been hiding the last two weeks? ;) Thank you, thank you so much.

I set up camp again. No duck, but...

Fine, all three out means no Diamond Donald anyway, they'll just spread out.

But they don't split. Instead they're heading for the entrance.

Oh *German expletive self censored*.

I give chase.

Of course meanwhile pretty much all Japanese have caught on as well, and I find the three in front of the Mickey floral with the line from hell. I'm one of the last to get through.

Heading quick in for the cursory Diamond check.

Nope, just Dale going back from the Firehouse show.

The group quickly goes back in too.

I do the usual round for pins, go on Buzz and then when I do another peak at the floral the Fairy Godmother is hiding in the shade of the ticket booths.

She spots me, smiles and asks if I am back again, we had met at Minnies "some time ago." Nope, not back... still here. :D

It's time for Blue Bayou act 2. Heading back to New Orleans Square.
Day 15 part 4: Blue Bayou 2.0

I do fully admit that at this point I wouldn't have even been surprised had they turned me away when I show up at Blue Bayou.

But no, I'm seated, waterside table even. The Pirates boats are going through again.

Lousiana Lemonade.

Bread Service.

House Salad.

I really can't say much. I got refills for my lemonade speedy, but no one even stopped to ask the usual "how is everything?", let alone the manager coming to check on me again.

Citrus-marinated Chicken Breast - Oven-roasted, served with Bacon and Sweet Pea Risotto, Haricots Verts, and Sun-dried Tomato and Mustard Jus

Now the risotto was one of the better things I had in there. Still I couldn't quite find the bacon.

Dessert. I wrote down what it was, but now I can't find that piece of paper anymore. I think the normal Creme Brulee - at least that sounds like me ordering that one then.

The server appears again and tells me I'm all set, my meal is comped. Guess that's my cue to leave then.

Overall: I do appreciate the manager tried to do something. But after three tries there now I can't see myself heading back anytime soon. Average service at best. When the "Strawberry Accident" happened at Cafe Orleans waitstaff was all over us, and that was way minor than what happened here. I actually had never been to the restaurant in all my years of going to Anaheim and was pretty excited to finally go there with the Fantasmic meal. The food really wasn't as outstanding as I'd expect with that price level either. Certainly didn't live up to the reputation. Give me Cafe Orleans over that one any day.

Back to Off the Page to get the sketch. Picture taking on the way.

When I arrive at Off the Page

the Pixar Play parade is running.

Okay, that wasn't on the plan. But there's a passable spot standing in row 2 - might as well watch. At least the water will cool me down. :D

No other photos than that, sorry. Too much water squirting and I had had one scare with the Sprite and my camera already.

Due to a line at Off the Page I wander into Animation Academy again. Anna and Elsa still have absolutely no line, and that although I am being informed Fastpass has been taken away for "a test."

Hmm... I don't have a signed photo by them yet. Might as well. :D

Elsa spots my Stitch as Mad Hatter pin and really likes it.

Well thank you, but you still can't have it. :P

Second try to get Megara. Still not happy with the hair - he clearly just took off some of the color trying to make it look lighter. Oh well. Not much that can be done now. I'll have to keep that in mind for next year.

Back to my usual camp out spot on Town Square, Flag Retreat must be over by now.

Saying hi to Oswald on the way - only two people in line.

At Town Square are... Goofy and Pluto. Seriously, this isn't funny anymore!

I had started a new group signature on a drawing in the morning. Goofy's pretty afraid to screw up, so I double as table.

Pin hunting and some spins on Buzz until Paint the Night is over. Still: no duck.

Hopefully the City Hall Lady can help tomorrow.
Thank you, and I am glad I can give some pointers. :)

Yeah, I was prepared to have to fight for that more for sure. But as silly as it sounds, I'd rather have heard one genuine "I'm sorry, we messed up."

Exactly my thinking. You charge an arm and even more than a leg, for that price everything has to be ready. I had put the guy on speaker because understandably my boyfriend was standing next to me wondering what was going on. He almost wrestled the phone from me to have the guy a piece of his mind after that statement.

The place was far away from being full too, I estimate 2/3 at best. So "couldn't they have seated a larger group at that table" definitely was out as well. Tips were indeed included, at least that's what my confirmation e-mail says.

I've actually been thinking of you more often during that trip, I swear. :D But that was one of those moments were something really springs to your mind.

My next trip is actually pretty soon. A friend is going to the San Francisco area for study for a bit and we're meeting in Disneyland over Easter. March 23 to April 4.
I will be traveling to Disneyland April 1 to 8th. What do you think the crowds and weather will be like?
I will be traveling to Disneyland April 1 to 8th. What do you think the crowds and weather will be like?

I'll be perfectly honest, I've only ever done fall trips. So this reply is really nothing more than an educated guess.

I expect the crowds to be huge with Spring Break. But I survived Dapper Days, it's going to be doable for me. But then again I am really not a ride person as you've probably taken from the report. Give me a few characters a day and some entertainment and I'll be happy.

Weatherwise... my friends say the mornings still would be chilly, but not too bad. As long as we don't suffer from 100 degrees plus again as last month I'll be overjoyed.


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