Hotter than Hades - a Halloweentime 2015 trip report (finished 12/6)

Day 8 part 4: Aladdin

Five and Dime are just starting a show when I head over.

I watch a couple of minutes, but then I have to head over to Hyperion.

And there I luck out: front row and pretty much center.

So.... picture spam! :D

In one scene Aladdin runs off, prompting Genie to shout "Let it go Al!" followed by "that carpet never bothered me anyway!" when Carpet gives chase. You got to love improv. :D

Talk to the left hand cause you ain't right!

Expecto Patronum!

March Hare isn't the only one good at camera spotting. :D

Now that is another thing I am really going to miss. *sniffles* They have one more showing today... maybe I should just line up again.

I quickly run over to Bug's Land because of course the close by restrooms have the line from hell. That turns out to be my saving grace cause the Hyperion area is very wonky with phone reception, and in Bug's Land my cell starts buzzing like there's no tomorrow.

Does the hotel burn, is Chris Evans in the park...?

No, something completely different. The PTDs at Soda Fountain flipped, and one pin in the set is Toddler Charlotte from Princess and the Frog, which was a pin I was really dying to have. Oh crap. And of course the rental car places are closed now.

Aaron is endlessly sweet - he's currently getting dinner with his wife, but he tells me to go back to the hotel and wait, he'll pick me up.

I'm pretty sure I set a new record for getting out of DCA and crossing the Esplanade. And in addition I royally scare Andrea when I run in the room to drop off things. PTD flips mean waits of 2 hours plus, partly in a back alley. I'm not that crazy, I am leaving behind whatever I can leave behind.

Aaron shows up and we race to Hollywood. He drops me off to save our spot while he parks the car.

And then we wait. And wait some more. Getting increasingly antsy cause one of those rules I lost track of is they will stop selling at 10 PM. After that the next 75 people in line get a voucher and still get to buy. Everyone else: "Come back the next morning!" Yes, I am serious. There's so many kids running around that it is impossible to determine how close to the cut off we are.

When the clock strikes 10 PM we made it back on actual Hollywood Boulevard. Everyone around us claims it's a good sign. I hope they're right. I will never forgive myself if Aaron missed out on the pin cause he came to pick me up!

Voucher handout. Numbers 48 and 49. Oh saints be praised.

Half an hour later we have pins and ice cream and are on our way back.

It's almost midnight when Aaron drops me off at the hotel. At least we can sleep in a little tomorrow... Ariel's Grotto breakfast isn't that early.

The valet guy in the parking lot spots me juggling ice cream, grins and tells me: "You realize we got a Coldstone Creamery in front." Yes as a matter of fact I do - and their ice cream is really good - but last time I checked they did not have pins. :P
I plan on getting a PTD in April. How exactly does it work. I personally dont care which pin we get I jist want the experience.
I plan on getting a PTD in April. How exactly does it work. I personally dont care which pin we get I jist want the experience.

It really depends on the circumstances and on what characters are in the set.

They always issue the PTDs in sets of 4. You can basically buy 2 at the same time. The new set only is released when all four are sold out.

When there's a flip - that's what they call it when a new set is released - there's usually a more or less big surge because people start running there. The lines can get very big. We're really talking 3 hours plus big if it's popular characters.

I'd try to time it not to go on Fridays or Saturdays because that's when the new Limited Edition Pins are released. Releases always draw a big crowd and most people hang around waiting for a flip.

In general you just go to the counter (straight ahead when you walk in), tell them you want to order a PTD sundae. They'll ask you what ice cream you want and what topping - you get two scoops and a topping, also sprinkles and whipped cream if you want them. Then they ask you which pin you want. That's basically it.
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Day 9 part 1: Ariel's Grotto

In all of our years visiting we had never done breakfast at Ariel's Grotto before. I am not a real breakfast fan in the first place. But Andrea really wanted to give it a try, so off to Ariel's we went.

DCA opens a little early... we took the chance to take pictures while it was quiet. Those will be added once the Photopass CDs arrive.

At Ariel's Grotto the procedure is the same as for lunch. You check in, are giving a buzzer and once that goes off you are being escorted downstairs where you meet Ariel.

The menu:

I will admit that I never felt as rushed as I feel this morning at lunch. We have all food way before the princesses even arrive.


Pastry Basket:

Tri Tip - it certainly felt a bit weird eating this before 10 AM... but it was delicious as always.

Close up of Bircher Musli - not something I'd normally eat for breakfast. But I was brave, tried and it was actually pretty good.

Andrea's All American Breakfast:

The Royal Page Jason introducing the princesses:

Cinderella and Belle are first, but due to the location of our table it is pretty clear we are at the end of the rotation. That changes however with the announcement of the third princess...

Erm. I am not sure if she saw me bouncing and clapping, maybe spotted my shirt or if there was this "Petra squeal" as Martin has called my happy noise. But in any case Tiana makes a beeline for our table.

The fourth princess is announced. Jason always gives a little speech before she comes out. Some are obvious - we got Cinderella after 3 words - but it takes us a bit to figure out Jasmine is visiting as well.




And this photo is exactly why I don't like the table we were placed at. The Grotto is a nice, open place. Many windows. But if you don't take photos often (like Andrea) it's hard to get a decent picture. For the other girls I tried to steer clear of standing in front of the windows, but for her I forgot.

Ariel's Grotto was recently refurbed, so here's some general restaurant shots showing some details.

Day 9 Part 2: Paradise Pier

We're in the area, so of course we'll ride Toy Story Mania. But not without a stop on the way: Sailor Donald.

I didn't take my munks backpack into account though. Donald spots it and hides. Cause who knows... apparently someone who may go for a chipmunk could go after a duck too. After a lot of sweet talking he calms down and is willing to take pictures.

After Toy Story Woody is meeting... not at that cool backdrop where we found him and Buzz last year, but maybe he liked the shade better.

That leaves us just enough time to rush back to Small World and go and find Frollo. Cause you know, the app is just a guideline anyway. :P

After a lot of pacing back and forth he shows and I deliver the second drawing. Hey, did you really think I'd stand you up? Apparently he did cause he likes his gift that much that he declares me forever exempt from any taxes in Paris. Quick, someone make me the CEO of Disneyland Paris! :D

Afterwards it's Downtown Disney again to pick up the rental car. Andrea would like another Target run before I leave for Long Beach.
Day 9 part 3: The Christening

Why Long Beach do you ask?

I mentioned on Day 4 that Dan and Johnny were doing promotion for an album release. Now they were not only doing promotion, they actually had a release party together for their respective albums that night. The location for that was in Long Beach: the Queen Mary. So... 1) I finally got to go to the beach after almost 10 years and 2) I finally got to go to an off site gig, and it was a once in a lifetime thing too. Needless to say I was dead excited. The only downside was that JJ had been supposed to join me, but she was out with a really bad cold. :(

So... off to Long Beach - at Andrea's and JJ's special request with a rented GPS - in a shiny new Jetta with less than 400 miles on the counter. Oh dear god, I hope I don't have to park that thing backwards!

Small detour to Soda Fountain to check if Charlotte is still there, and if not grab the remaining pins from the set. Both Charlotte and Syndrome are sold out. Okay, now I don't feel that crazy having gone through that adventure last night.

Long Beach.

The Queen Mary is a really spectacular location. However... old ship, this weather, no ac. You get my drift. Plus I really have to fight against claustrophobia in the end, and I certainly never had that problem before.

Also sometimes I can't help the feeling that I am on a highschool backyard. Too many cliques, all eyeing each other suspiciously. Can't we just all enjoy the music?

Johnny's part of the show is first.

His performance certainly isn't bad, but his music is pretty Prince style - more Funk. Not really my thing, but lots of people seem to love it.

Dan's on stage second. He is putting his performance on Big Band style. There is some switching around of band members, but I don't think there were ever less than 15 people on stage. Sometimes dancers too. He likes telling stories, that's more my thing.

If you're curious, someone has put video of the performance online.

And if you like it here's the Amazon download link [/shameless plug :D]:

After the show most performers hang around and you got a chance to get pictures... a little difficult if you're solo and know no one who could take your picture in the first place. But I did get two. :D


And Dan.

The Queen Mary has a pretty strict curfew as you see... the last shot was taken on the was to the parking lot. :D

I find car, the car starts (I never had one of these press button to start cars before), leave parking lot, make it on highway okay... until another car without light shoots out of an underpass at a bridge - as cherry on top speeding at at least 80 miles - and cuts me, almost slamming into the side of my car. I barely manage to keep it on the road.

At home I drive a Vauxhall - for the Americans reading the definition for that one would be "shoebox on wheels". Compared to that driving a Jetta feels like driving a truck. I really don't know how I managed to control it. End result of course: I'm shaking like a leaf. Normally I would have taken a break at the curb... but not in the dark on a road I don't know. I ended up taking the car to the hotel and valet parking it. The original plan had been to get the car back to DTD on the Grand Californian parking lot - that's where Alamo parks their cars. But I really wasn't in the condition for that.
Day 10 part 1: Stick a fork in it, it's done

Thursday again. No pin release today. Andrea decides seeing she's not needed as spare body she'll stay behind and pack, she's leaving tomorrow. And it's too freaking hot anyway. I'm meeting Jackie again. Plan is to just wander around, see which characters are out and hunt for pins. We're still a couple of Hidden Mickey short.

But first things first... Pixie Hollow has no line. And I still need Rosetta.

It's Fawn though, but she's meeting with Tink.

Good thing too cause I had actually forgotten to have her sign the group shot at the first meet and gave her a single drawing.

The CM gives us a time when to come back... Rosetta is flying in in the afternoon. Oh cool.

When we leave we bump into Mr Hatter who treats us for some morning tea.

The must do Castle Shot.

At New Orleans Square my phone rings. Boyfriend. He was supposed to come and join me this time. Major emergency at work involving his boss. (He's on the mend now, but back then it was a really big shock. It's a small place and we're all family.)

Jackie insists I need distraction. Breakfast from the Mint Julep Bar.

Pumpkin Beignets. Everyone was raving about them, but we were really unhappy. Not sure if the dough was old or what, but there was a really big hole under the fried surface. Distraction they most certainly were, but not the way Jackie intended.

A surprise find in Critter Country... the poison apple mug is back!

It was sold out resortwide, so of course I pounce and carry the thing around the whole day.

Jackie realizes she has to move the car, she was in the Downtown Disney lot because we were worried about a surprise release. She runs off while I wait for the Bootstrappers. No Syd. Grrr.

Jackie texts where to meet again - Frontierland Pin Store, where else? :D On the way there I stop for a bathroom break in Adventureland. When I take the shortcut to Frontierland I spot a pin board... and two Japanese traders putting stuff on it. :woohoo: I race over before anyone else notices. The CM looks at me like I have two heads when I tell her: "Don't even bother to put the pins on the board, I'd like to trade for these two please." Score!

Even better... they ask the CM about a pin back, but she doesn't have one. I immediately hold up one of mine. Take it please. And while we're at it, would you like to trade? *flutters eyelashes and curses because the good pins are of course still in the hotel* Turns out they like Goofy. Okay, doesn't matter then... I don't have exactly many Goofy traders anyway.

I'm trying to figure out how on earth to get hold of Jackie... she at least has a smaller bag with her. Thank god we plopped down in plain view and Jackie meanwhile wonders where on earth I am. She leaves the store and spots us. 10 minutes of happy trading later we have over a dozen Tokyo pins between us.

Seeing the two still have good traders but we have ran out of Goofy pins... well we are still wandering hunting for pins, but we try to follow our two new friends. You try looking not suspicious in a bright yellow soccer shirt. I really have not much luck with my clothing choices!

We eventually lose them when they wander on Splash Mountain. I love my pins. But nothing and no one will ever get me on Splash Mountain!!

Back to Town Square. I got Diamond Munks to catch.

Halloween costumes again. :sad:

Off to DCA, let's see who is at the Visa Meet and Greet. We still got a lot of time til we meet Andrea and Jackie's husband for one very last visit to the Barbecue.
Day 10 part 2: The Visa Meet and Greet

Minnie is meeting on our way to Hollywoodland. Jackie hasn't met her in this outfit, so we quickly hop in her line first.

At the Visa Meet Stitch is just about to wrap up his set. The Cast Members discuss taking in one more small group - which would have been us - but also mention Daisy is coming out next.

Jackie has been collecting pins for Mr McDuck too, so before I can open my mouth she gives the obvious reply: "We'll wait for Daisy if that's okay." The CM closes the line - I guess it is okay. :D

And here she comes...

I can't wait to add the Photopass shoot. That pose was so great.

After that we still have time til the Barbecue reservation. But the heat is stiffling. We decide to take a break in the Carthay Circle Lounge.

Wild Berry Lemonade:

And an extremely intriguing dessert sampler: Ice Cream Macaron Sandwiches!

Pistachio, Salted Caramel and Raspberry.

We both disliked pistachio. Jackie preferred Raspberry over Salted Caramel, I liked Caramel best.

Feeling slightly relaxed... off in the general barbecue direction.

The Dia de los Muertos display - where I promptly realize that we forgot all about Rosetta. ><

Nick and Andrea are waiting at the Barbecue.

While Jackie is checking in I spot a manager walking by - wearing a lanyard full of new Hidden Mickey pins! I squeal and run off, leaving behind a very bewildered Andrea and an even more bewildered Nick. Somehow I really manage to make him stop. Now trying to get the others attention - you can only trade two pins per person and he got like 8 we want and need.

Andrea meanwhile realized that there's no fur or feathers around and that means I likely ran after a lanyard and followed. Then Jackie goes to look for us. So at least we get six, one of them being a Daisy. I'm pretty sure she was what caught my eye when the guy walked past. That pin is very brightly pink.

So... one last hurra at the Barbecue.

It was a bit chaotic. Jackie asked for more chicken and we were brought corn on the cob. lol Everything solved in the end, but at that time it was insanely funny.

Afterwards Jackie and Nick have to leave and Andrea is close to heat stroke again. So we bid good bye at the entrance plaza and I go to find two friends who are camping out for Paint the Night.

Photography on the way to find them:

We catch up on the Fantasyland Walkway and chat for a while. Seems they have found some of the same issues we have. Temperatures, organisation - it seems to be impossible to find the Diamond Outfits - and the Japanese. Don't get me wrong. I love the Japanese fans, and even more so the pin traders. But not when they get into picture taking mode. I don't agree with the Tokyo rule: one photo and if that doesn't turn out too bad. But 15 groups of Japanese in front of you taking pictures 10 minutes each gets a tad annoying when you're in line. So I guess overall the rule makes sense at Tokyo Disney, otherwise no one would ever get any photos done.

More night time shots on the way out:

Oswald is so totally sweet. He loves it when someone does something special for him and will get so excited.
Day 11 part 1: Andrea's Last Morning

We take it slow. The humidity seems even worse and Andrea is leaving at noon.

Plus I had a ridiculously early morning again... another pin release at Soda Fountain. Villains pins this time, and the pin collectors on here know these are one of my really weak spots. 9 pins, all together make up one big El Capitan Marquee.

Aaron and I had been really scared about that one after the crowd that came in for Aladdin. Turned out we were wrong though... 244 people showed up, the edition size was 400. So: everyone who showed was good. That and not only was there an Ursula Surprise Release pin, we also got numbers 12 and 20. That really helped us out. While I was keen to get back to spend some more time with Andrea Aaron had a more serious mission: he had to make it to work. All goals achieved in the end.

The Dapper Dans are performing when Andrea and I walk in.

Then it's off to Tomorrowland - she never got a chance to meet Thor. Captain America is meeting at the Halloween Party, so he's not around in the mornings.

Quick check at New Orleans Square to see if Syd has been delayed maybe... nope.

A breakfast treat - strawberry for a change.

We just got time to meet Merida before Andrea has to leave.

Walking out Cinderella and Aurora are meeting at the entrance.

I have to say good bye to Andrea at the ticket booths. She leaves for the hotel to wait for the shuttle pick up while I go to DCA.If I keep myself busy I don't have time to be sad.

I just have enough time to check on Dug and maybe go and see Aladdin again. Then I want to go and save my spot for T Party. The fact that all Dormouse spots were taken so early last week really makes me nervous. It's a party night, people may camp out even earlier today because the other park closes early.

When I ask the Ranger when Dug's coming out he tells me "any minute" - and really... there he comes.

I barely remember last second that I promised Fawn to show Dug my chipmunk ears. But he's smart - it's chipmunks and not squirrels. :D

I ride Toy Story Mania, then get lunch at Boardwalk Pizza and Pasta.

Two years ago they had that Anti Vampire Flatbread which I really loved. That has meanwhile morphed into a pizza which is nowhere as spectacular.

Boardwalk Field Greens.

Now I'm really sure we have hit some kind of heat index. Newsboys and Five and Dime just doing drive throughs and it looks like the characters have been pulled too. I may just as well plop down and safe my T spot. JJ is quick to remind me on the phone that the show starts an hour later this night. Right now I don't care. Shade, a place to sit and some water sounds like a plan.
Day 11 part 2: Murphy's Law

I'm sure we all had our run ins with Mr Murphy and his very special ideas before.

My latest encounter happens at the T Party stage where I am alone most of the afternoon. The next fan only showed up around an hour before soundcheck. Oh well. At least I did get some company from security who showed up when I accidentally walked a couple of steps too far from my bags and found a Cast Member with pins. I always thought they're used to people camping in the area, but I guess I look too touristy or whatever.

If you've seen me posting pictures you know that I am usually wearing a baseball cap, especially in that heat. That day I wasn't wearing one cause I had special plans. I was going to wear my Halloween outfit at T. Yes, I know the rule is adults can't wear costumes in the parks. But the amount of Disneybound gone too far or straight costumes we had seen this trip didn't look to me that the rule was really enforced during Halloweentime. And the normal visitor was not going to recognize my outfit anyway - the Mad T Party Caterpillar. When I came up with that idea JJ insisted I had to wear the outfit at T Party too.

Plus funny enough the third girl showing up on stage was partly dressed as Caterpillar too. She was missing the jacket and a couple of the smaller details. So we decided we'd be "twinning" - no idea if that's the official word. I grabbed my stuff and went to the next restroom to change.

On the way back a Cast Member who clearly was a manager stopped me. I really thought I was in trouble. But he only grinned and told me: "You made my day!" before handing me one of the new Hidden Mickey pins after he spotted my lanyard. Still after that I ducked back to the stage as fast as I could. :P

Not only did we get very enthusiastic reactions from Caterpillar. Dormouse did a doubletake and started mumbling about a "bug infestation." That probably shouldn't have tickled me as much as it did. lol What seriously tickled me though was March Hare who told me twice: "I love this outfit." I don't usually cosplay, so those reactions really meant a lot.

After that marathon camp out of course I had the best spot in the house. You know what this means, right? :D

I admit I didn't look quite as impressive.

Hatter going after Dormouse.

Looks like I may have to reconsider this "Society against Cruelty against March Hare" thing...

That is one shot I am particularly proud of.

Good Dormouse, have a cookie. ;)

Don't ask. lol Sometimes those two don't make the least sense. But as long as they're having fun, who cares about sense.

Day 11 part 3: More Picture Spam

Maybe we need a Society against Cruely to Caterpillars too.

Bad Dormouse. No more cookies. :P

Not as impressive as the first jump, but still cute.

Day 11 part 4: The rest of the night

March Hare really isn't the only one good at spotting cameras.

After the show meanwhile quite a number of costumes have appeared in DCA as well. I figure I can risk it and make a round in my outfit.

Mickey's still out meeting. Seeing no one tossed me out so far might as well get a picture. And surprise... both Mickey and his handler take one look at me and recognize who I am. The handler goes "let me guess, you like the Mad T Party." Mickey starts clapping and then tries to jokingly guess what my instrument is. He doesn't figure it out, so eventually I start mock-playing the keyboard. Mickey immediately joins in with an air guitar. Unfortunately the Photopass guy totally ignores us, so I only got the usual posed shots. *sighs*

Here's some more night time photography.

You know where I was heading too, right? ;)

I have no clue if this turns up on computer screens okay. One of the custodians had done "water art" again... the disappearing smile of Cheshire Cat.

Day 12 part 1: Fun with props

Solo morning. JJ is still not feeling well but will come in in the afternoon because the 80z Allstars are having their last performance at Tomorrowland Terrace.

First I of course first bump into someone who JJ would have loved to meet too... the Queen of Hearts.

I'm the only one to behave, curtsey and address her as "your majesty."

That greatly pleases her.

Snack... is anyone surprised?

At New Orleans Square Jack is out and about too. I have a good timing - not only some more Japanese traders in line with me, but 5 people before me Sally comes out too!

Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with her stitching, she has to go back in after meeting two groups. A lot of people are unhappy. Seriously people, that can happen - do you want her to fall apart? *shakes head sadly*

Jack seems to notice I'm the only one not looking mad or disappointed. Hey, I am still meeting the one and only Pumpkin King! He takes great interest in my pins.

Then he discovers the images on my parasol and has an idea... prop shoot!

I really died. So cute. And never would have happened if Sally's stitching hadn't got loose.

Back to Fantasyland.

After what I caught with JJ last week I know I am going to regret it - but really, a Disneyland trip without visiting the Royal Theater?

Well, the good thing about the Frozen show is that a large part of it is done by Mr Smythe and Mr Jones solo.

Representing Anna and Elsa as children.

The Rock Trolls.

Do you wanna build a snowman?

Entrance the girls.


Olaf and Sven.

The sleigh chase.

Olaf and his fan club - his words, not mine.

Let it go, let it go... no, I am not singing. Under no circumstances whatsoever. *crosses arms*

Don't get me wrong. I really don't want to bash Frozen. It's not a bad movie. But there's like a thousand other stories which would be more suitable for a stage adaption, even more so on this small level. The part with Smythe and Jones reenacting the kids part just barely worked this way. How on earth are they going to solve this on the Hyperion stage? Some of the effects I was just shaking my head at (the final "storm" for example) will probably work better. But I still have my doubts. :/ Hopefully the loss of Aladdin at least means they're giving the Royal Theater back. #CampSoOverFrozen

I need Brain Bleach. And what better Brain Bleach is there than... our favorite birdies? Off to the Tiki Room!

Dole Whip Float.

Let's all sing like the birdies sing...

And yes, this time I did sing. :D
Day 12 part 2: Wandering through the park

I find myself near Toontown. The line at Mickey's House is again outside... nope, that's too much. But Small World looks doable. Some more brain bleach won't hurt at that rate. ;)

Lunch at the Magical Map theater.

Pretzel Bites.

Enchanted Cherry-Apple Lemonade. Much too sweet and more slush than anything. Can't recommend.

Baked Potato.

I check in on Pixie Hollow on the way back. Again the heat has taken it's toll, Silvermist is meeting alone. She promises the thunder fairies are working on rainclouds... absolutely, but tell them to delay to Tuesday please. I got a Halloween party to attend!

Donald - in Diamond outfit - is doing a show with the Straw Hatters. World's Best Drummer contest.

Once his segment is over I spot him in a corner taking pictures. I run over, he even waves for me to come... and the "character area manager" steps in and tells me no, he'd come back out after the show. And yes, he'll be in his Diamond outfit. Why don't I buy this?

Day 12 part 3: The Firehouse Show

Chip and Dale come out to and are in Diamond outfits... and head for the firehouse show. *sighs*

I rush back to the meanwhile famous door and somehow manage to get in front of the munks.

I know I screeched. At that point I had had it. I would have sworn I screeched "Dale!", but going from this picture, his reaction and their position when walking it may have been Chip after all.

Suddenly a brown furry paw takes my hand and we walk towards the door. #DyingOfCuteness And I would have died even faster if someone would have been there to take that picture. :puppy:

I somehow manage to pull myself together, start talking and beg for a photo. A Cast Member takes my camera and finally...

And of course I promptly send my friends running over from DCA when I text them "I got the munks." Lesson learned people: even if you text, explain yourself.
Day 12 part 4: Magical Map

The characters indeed come out after the show. Halloween costumes. Means Pumpkin Donald.

At the risk of repeating myself: Please stop making stuff up. Even more so when you're rude during your story. Hmpf.

It's not poor Donald's fault of course. I go to take another photo. And find another pin trader in line who'll start working in Disneyland Shanghai soon. Okay, that was one of my better ideas. :D

Donald has had enough too - enough of the blazing sun...

At the risk of Mr McDuck getting mad at me: sorry, but you're not getting to keep it either.

During a picture taking round

I spot Cinderella hiding in the shade.

She does her own line management and eventually announces she'll have to go and get ready for the parade soon. The family in front of me decides to leave though the little girl even wears a Cinderella dress. Remember Mr Murphy? Them leaving makes me the last person to meet Cinderella. I swear my heart almost broke.

I have no intention to go and see parade or flag retreat again and I need to get to Tomorrowland Terrace eventually anyway.

JJ's catching up with me there. As there's no one waiting there yet we take a detour to Magical Map. She's really not feeling well so we are trying for a table at the Terrace, but we can't start doing that that early.

Day 12 part 5: The Duck Watch

We don't score the best table at Tomorrowland Terrace, but at least we score one.

Dinner time. The lines at Tomorrowland Terrace are long and move at snail's pace. In the end I wander over to Pizza Port.

Asian Chicken Salad.

Chocolate something Diamond Dessert.

And this is when all hell breaks lose.

My two visiting frends finally found Donald at Main Street, but the line is closed. Also some of the Diamond characters have appeared at Pizza Port?! I can't even begin... >< The CMs told them Donald is doing another set at 7. Okay, seven it is.

Some phone malfunctions and general chaos later we are at Town Square, guarding the exit where all characters came in so far. And wait. And wait some more. I'm missing one set of 80z and Dan and Jon have dinner reservations over in DCA. But this could well be our last chance.

At 7.15 my friends have to give up, dinner and WOC. I won't make it before the end of the set anyway and hold out... only to see Donald GO IN at 7.30! :sad: We were keeping all eyes peeled on the door. Even walked around the Square to check if we missed him. To this day I have no idea where he came out and where he was hiding. :(

I text everyone and go back to JJ to break the bad news. Not happy.

80z. I would have enjoyed that more hadn't I been half mad, half sulking.

The 80z Allstars are... I guess you can best call them an 80z cover band. Stuff like Ice Ice Baby and something like that.

Walk like an Egyptian.

Devo 2.0 on the guitar with the lead singer, Nigel.

JJ tells me to run off before the last set. Sometimes the Diamond characters had come out after Paint the Night again. But you can probably guess the result... no duck. In fact the CM I ask claims Donald retired at noon. Honey, I know the heat is intense - but I really wasn't that dehydrated to imagine Donald walking past me!
Day 13 part 1: A Morning Walk

The traditional Pixie Hollow visit - this time Tink hasn't brought a friend.

On my round looking for lanyards I spot Alice and Hatter meeting at the Teacups.

Hook is hanging out near the Pinocchio ride.

Walking back to bag storage - Stuart is coming in, we want to pin trade. It would be rude to walk past the chipmunks though.

Chip reminds me he's the boyfriend and wants to be treated accordingly.

I so thought he wasn't looking when I sneak a kiss to Dale too. End of the story?

*sings* And they call it chi-hip-munk loooooove!! :lovestruc

I get the bags and walk over to DCA - if anyone is a trader, the traders meanwhile meet at the seating area between Goofy's Ski School and Paradise Garden Grill.

Lunch - a skewer from Paradise Garden Grill.

Trading is quite slow. I'm sure the heat kept people away. That and a number of the people who are there are clearly sharks - sharks are the kind of pin traders you want to stay away from. Nope, I will not trade that LE 125 Stitch pin for your Darkwing Duck Hidden Mickey pin, thank you very much. No, actually forget about the thank you part. :boxer:

Stuart says he needs to wrap it up soon when I get a text. Diamond Chipmunks are about to come out. If you heard a German expletive echoing all over Paradise Pier, that was most likely me.

Stuart tells me to run and make the good bye quickly, he'd come back to meet up later in the week. I run off back to Town Square. Or whatever qualifies as running when you are carrying a backpack, a camera bag and three mostly full pin bags.


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