Healthy Living from the INSIDE OUT - May 2016 WISH Challenge

I will need more cheering this week. I cleared out my wardrobe from few years ago. It was a mess and it needed sorting. It made me realize that there is still some way to go. While mentally I am back to normal, I eat well, I exercise, I feel happy. I crave healthy food. Still one month can't undo year and half worth of damage and I need to keep the focus. The scale is starting to be slow to move as well adding to the challenge.

Sorry that your wardrobe was not as much a success story as you hoped it would be!! But I think you know yourself that the most important thing for you is what I bolded up there! If your mind is in the right place, getting your body there is only a matter of time. Yes, we are all impatient, I know all about it! But the thought that always keeps me going is that there is only the option of keeping up the direction I am on because the other direction already got me to the place where I did not want to be. So, while it sometimes it hard, the alternative of giving up is not going to make you happy either!
Hello everyone!

Just back from my lunch break and I thought I better get yesterday's QOTD answered before the new one is being posted!

I think I have become more joyful as I grew older. I was a kid with a lot of mood swings and I think as a grown up this has mellowed a lot. I am very much an optimist and I find a lot of joy in little things. I still remember a situation with my ex-boyfriend (who still is a great friend) when we walked along a street that had houses that were painted in pastel colours. One was pink, one mint green and the third one was light blue. In front of the houses were three cars parked, one was red, one dark green and one navy blue. And each one was parked in front of the corresponding house. I noticed it and commented on and we both agreed how pretty this was - and how we both were people who could find joy in things like that. That's why he still is a good friend, even though we split up eventually. I also find joy in seeing the spring flowers at the moment, the family of ducks that crosses my route while running etc. However, I am not a very outwardly joyful person and I still have mood swings and can appear very grumpy.

One thing I do to help me with bringing more joy to my diet and exercise routine is that I try to add those little things that bring me joy. Even though I eat most of my meals alone, I like setting a table and arrange my food in an appetising way on the plate. I have a few running shirts that I really like and I try to make sure that there is always one of the good shirts available (I also have some old race shirts that will do if all the good ones are dirty) so that I can feel comfortable and "pretty" (no, I don't think that I ever look really pretty in my running clothes, but I can look at least neat). The problem is that on days when I really need some cheering up, I find it difficult to make the effort to actually do these little things for myself.

I am definitely a celbratory eater. And my approach is similar to what @mamattorney wrote. To me it is part of our social glue: sharing good food with friends and family is something very fundamental to human interaction to me and I don't want to take myself totally out of this. I don't think one piece of birthday cake, one glass of champagne is going to make me fat (and I think I don't have enough friends to make this an every week occurrence either, so people with a larger social circle might see this differently). However, I have learned to no longer see celebrations as the reason to stuff myself and eat everything that comes into sight. I have learned to make better choices. If there is a choice between a butter cream cake and a fruit cake, I chose the fruit cake and try to get a smaller piece. I take one glass of champagne and no refills, etc. There are days when I struggle with this, but over the last years the occassions where I do well have increased in frequency.

So, now with some interruptions this took me 30 miutes to write and most likely the Tuesday QOTD is up already...
QOTD - May 3


Congratulations San Francisco! You've ruined pizza!!

Changing your lifestyle means changing your diet. And it often means trying new things. Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

such cute post

Kale and sweet potatoe. I love healthy food so to me it wasn't as much of adding new foods, then focus on what I love and is good for me, instead of what I don't and it isn't. Not sure if that makes sense. Focus on enjoying watermelon, instead of thinking oh no, I wish I can have ice cream

but kale is no go. No thank you. Little bit of sweet potatoe is tolerable.
and in case you are looking for alternative (without insisting on you do, I don't want to ruin pizza), egg white omelette (with one whole egg, 4 egg whites) is excellent pizza base. Add your pizza sauce (tomato passata, oregano, salt etc) little bit mozzarella and few of your favorite toppings

works for me
QOTD - May 3

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Congratulations San Francisco! You've ruined pizza!!

Changing your lifestyle means changing your diet. And it often means trying new things. Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

I am a very picky eater. I typically do not try new foods. I did try asparagus a few years back and love it. I try new recipes that have stuff I like instead of trying new things.
QOTD - May 3

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Congratulations San Francisco! You've ruined pizza!!

Changing your lifestyle means changing your diet. And it often means trying new things. Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

I have always been a big fan of vegetables, so that hasn't been a problem. We started Blue Apron about two months ago and it has opened me up to trying some different items that I didn't eat before - mostly things like kale and collard greens. That has been a big upside to Blue Apron.

I was never a big fan of fruit and I have slowly been adding some into my diet. I don't have fruit every day, but probably every other day which is an improvement for me.

The biggest change has probably been the addition of yogurt. I was never a big yogurt fan - actually didn't like it much at all. I've been having greek yogurt about three times a week and I love it. I tried peach last week for the first time and really liked it, which is odd because I don't really like peaches (or at least I didn't).

I did try cottage cheese once again, and sorry, I just can't do it. I would rather eat dirt.
QOTD - May 3

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Congratulations San Francisco! You've ruined pizza!!

Changing your lifestyle means changing your diet. And it often means trying new things. Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

I've definitely tried lots of new foods. Onions, mushrooms, blood oranges, cuties, spaghetti squash...lots of new foods! I HATE spinach, pineapple, and oranges. Pineapple is something that I want so badly to like and it's just...awful. There are some foods I don't love but will tolerate for the sake of not starving. Broccoli is a big one, green beans is another.
Hi Amanda! What kind of changes are you making for your second Whole 30? I survived it a few years ago, felt great, and have never had the streng to do it again. Always curious about tweaks people use to make it a si chess!

In the first whole 30, it was 30 days of veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and meats.
This is our basic plan for our second one.

Day 1-7. Just fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, and seeds.

Day 8. Add in lean meats a few times a week.

Day 14. Add in beans, lentils, etc (including peanuts and natural peanut butter).

Day 18. Add in whole grains (oats, brown rice, barley, corn, etc) and potatoes, but no more than once a day.

Day 25. Add in whole fat dairy (milk, cheese, non-sweetened yogurt).

I just finished the first week, and the second time is much easier than the first. I'm not sure if that is a mental hurdle or if it is really easier on the body.
Changing your lifestyle means changing your diet. And it often means trying new things. Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

I have found that I am NOT a fan of gluten free foods. I feel badly for my friends who can't have it because I've become convinced that it is what makes bread and pastries taste good.
A few things new things I have enjoyed include a cauliflower based hummus. My friend made some last night since we aren't have beans or legumes for now, and I thought it was very nice. A little different, but still delicious. I also tried a brownie a while ago that just had banana, eggs, and cocoa powder. It is not as sweet as regular brownies, but it is a healthier fix for my sweet tooth.
I will need more cheering this week. I cleared out my wardrobe from few years ago. It was a mess and it needed sorting. It made me realize that there is still some way to go. While mentally I am back to normal, I eat well, I exercise, I feel happy. I crave healthy food. Still one month can't undo year and half worth of damage and I need to keep the focus. The scale is starting to be slow to move as well adding to the challenge.

It's definitely rough when you get a reminder that even though you've made incredible progress, there is still some work to do. But like you said ... one month can't undo a year and a half. You've made incredible progress already, and if you keep up the good work, you'll get to that point. You just have to be patient and keep a positive attitude!

Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

I kinda like broccoli pizza :)
Although my favorite is an eggplant pizza that my local pizza shop has - it's pretty much equal parts eggplant and cheese. One slice can be a whole meal for me. It's amazing.

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

Hmm ... this is a tough one, because I tend to be stubborn about trying new things. I discovered that I like quinoa, but it's too much hassle for me to make it often (I have minimal patience for things that involve cooking). I used to hate chicken and as I've started trying to diversify my eating a bit, I've actually grown to like chicken a bit (I still prefer red meat, though, so I end up eating more red meat and leaving the chicken for my sister).
I still don't like avocados, though. I've grown to the point where I can have them in things (like sushi) and once in a while I might have guacamole if there's nothing else around, but no matter how much I try, I cannot make myself like avocado. Also ... spaghetti squash. It tastes okay, but it was too much hassle for me, and it wasn't a good spaghetti substitute for me. We did try zoodles a few weeks ago, and I think those are a much better spaghetti substitute.

I did try cottage cheese once again, and sorry, I just can't do it. I would rather eat dirt.

This made me laugh. I happen to be a big cottage cheese fan ... but I keep running into people who seem to really hate it. I guess its one of those foods that you either love it or hate it.
QOTD - May 3

View attachment 166204

Congratulations San Francisco! You've ruined pizza!!

Changing your lifestyle means changing your diet. And it often means trying new things. Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

I have experimented with different food and with eating differently. I've found I'm not a big fan of most altered foods and prefer to eat whole foods as much as possible. One thing I've discovered that I like, that is altered, is PB2... I really like the chocolate flavor with my apple slices. I've also discovered I can have a sandwich for breakfast, if that's what I want, or just an apple for dinner, so I've kind of redefined what a "meal" is.

I had a good point day yesterday and it showed on the scale this morning as I was down a pound... .7 lbs more will put me at my pre-vacation goal so I'm pretty excited. I know the number itself isn't all that important, it's the effort I put in eating right and taking care of myself that really matters. I haven't been feeling great the past few days, yesterday my feet hurt and I fell asleep on the sofa watching the evening news. These are things that happen when I have chicken, which I've been staying away from, so I'm a little perplexed. The only thing I can think of is to cut out dairy the rest of the week and see if that's what I'm reacting too.

Called Disney yesterday and put in my room request and got signed up for the Archery Experience at Ft Wilderness. The only thing left is to decide whether I'm going to shuttle to the airport or drive/park... I get back pretty late so I'm leaning towards driving. Only four more days!
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Changing your lifestyle means changing your diet. And it often means trying new things. Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

I've added a lot more cabbage to my diet since eating cleaner. That's mainly in part due to Blue Apron. In the beginning there were quite a few recipes that had it. There have been a LOT of new things that I have eaten due to Blue Apron. Chard.... had never even heard of that...and it was pretty good, but I would have never known what to do with it without the help of BA or the internet. Endives.... very good! Again, something I had never heard of that makes a delicious base for salads. I could go on and on. That's probably one of the main things I love about BA-- all the new foods that I get to try and learn how to cook with (and that applies to some of the well known stuff too-- who knew I could make delicious mashed potatoes without copious amounts of sour cream, butter, and milk!? This southern girl sure didn't! :rotfl:)

On the other hand, I keep trying sweet potatoes, but it is NEVER GONNA HAPPEN... and I wish it would, but I just can't.

I did try cottage cheese once again, and sorry, I just can't do it. I would rather eat dirt.

SAME! I think it's a texture thing. I haven't tried it in years though....maybe I should give it a try again..... but I'm not convinced. And it boggles my mind because I usually LOVE anything that has anything to do with cheese!

Although my favorite is an eggplant pizza that my local pizza shop has - it's pretty much equal parts eggplant and cheese. One slice can be a whole meal for me. It's amazing.

This sounds DELICIOUS!!!!!
SAME! I think it's a texture thing. I haven't tried it in years though....maybe I should give it a try again..... but I'm not convinced. And it boggles my mind because I usually LOVE anything that has anything to do with cheese!

Don't bother trying it. It's still gross (sorry to cottage cheese fans). The sour milk smell and lumpy texture make it chill worthy for me.

I might use it as motivation for running - like if I don't finish a run in a certain time, I have to eat a cup of cottage cheese. I'll be in the Olympics in no time.
QOTD - May 3

View attachment 166204

Congratulations San Francisco! You've ruined pizza!!

Changing your lifestyle means changing your diet. And it often means trying new things. Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

I don't quickly jump on the "eat this food, it's so great for you" bandwagon. I generally try new things (most often outside of my own kitchen - a restaurant, some one else's cooking) pretty readily and that's how I find out if I like them or not. There's actually not a whole lot of foods that I dislike enough to request them to be removed from a meal at a restaurant. I'm actually most picky about meat; I'm have a very limited meat pallette. But I'm pretty tolerant of seasonings, fruits, vegetables, dairy and grains.

New food that just didn't work - for sure Greek Yogurt. People love it; it seems like such an easy switch. I like yogurt; I eat three or four single serve containers a week. Why not eat Greek Yogurt instead; it's so much better for me. Maybe because it's awful? I have tried several times, several brands and have just given up. It's not the same as regular yogurt for me and not a switch that I'm willing to make.

Funny that people mention sweet potatoes. I love sweet potatoes. I buy these packaged, cubed, steam in the bag sweet potatoes all the time. I had them last night as a matter of fact. No one else in my family will touch them, so I just make them for myself! I have the same response to sweet potatoes as other people have to Greek Yogurt - what's not to like?

I don't know if this counts as a food I thought I would never touch, but I would put raw carrots as a food that I used to turn my nose up at in most circumstances, but now I eat all the time! Do I crave them or count them as a favorite food? No, but the taste and crunch has really grown on me and they are a "go to" in between meal snack for me now.
I have found that I am NOT a fan of gluten free foods. I feel badly for my friends who can't have it because I've become convinced that it is what makes bread and pastries taste good.
A few things new things I have enjoyed include a cauliflower based hummus. My friend made some last night since we aren't have beans or legumes for now, and I thought it was very nice. A little different, but still delicious. I also tried a brownie a while ago that just had banana, eggs, and cocoa powder. It is not as sweet as regular brownies, but it is a healthier fix for my sweet tooth.

My mom has Celiac's. There are some really good stuff out there. For Easter she made these brownies that have peanut butter on top and then drizzled with chocolate. OMG they were so good. Very unhealthy but really good. They guys had not clue they were gluten free.

Bread is the worst and maybe noodles too. I won't try the bread. I take my mom's word on that one. The noodles are kind a weird to me.
Don't bother trying it. It's still gross (sorry to cottage cheese fans). The sour milk smell and lumpy texture make it chill worthy for me.

I might use it as motivation for running - like if I don't finish a run in a certain time, I have to eat a cup of cottage cheese. I'll be in the Olympics in no time.

My husband loves it. I can't get over the look of it to even try it.
Alright, I missed yesterday so I figured I'd do two birds with one stone!

QOTD - May 2
Good morning! Welcome to your first "Mood Monday!" Let's talk about JOY today.

Is joy one of your ruling emotions? Are there things you do or would like to do to make your life more joyful? How does joy factor into your diet and exercise routines? Are you a celebratory eater? How do you handle special events, holidays, and other joyful eating opportunities?

This is a little tricky. I don't think Joy is really my ruling emotion, but I think she's there to help. I'm not a pessimist, I try to look on the bright side - but Fear does rule me. I'm a worrier, always have been. I've also developed a bit of anxiety over the past few years.

Figuring an exercise routine is hard for me. I tend to get discouraged easily, when I don't feel like I'm seeing progress fast enough. This is where I need to kick myself a bit more. I do well for a few weeks, but the moment something disrupts my routine (going on vacation, visiting family), I give myself the excuse that I'm away from home to stop exercising, and when I get back home, I don't get back into it.

Joyous eating, or indulgent eating, is something I can be guilty of, but it depends on the occasion. I won't eat more than the next person during the holidays - I think it's a common thing for people to over indulge a little during those times. But I won't pile up my plate over and over again. Vacation is a bit of a different story, especially with All Inclusives or Cruises. And well, Disney, obviously. A lot of times it's breakfast that gets me - I'm not a big breakfast eater on a daily basis, but it's because of laziness or limited amount of time. I looove breakfast food. So take me somewhere where there's a breakfast buffet and oh boy... I'm a goner.

QOTD - May 3

Congratulations San Francisco! You've ruined pizza!!

Changing your lifestyle means changing your diet. And it often means trying new things. Broccoli pizza clearly wasn't for Riley (or me, but that is a different story).

What new foods have you tried on this journey? Anything that you thought you would never touch but turned out to love? New foods that Just Didn't Work?

I'm admittedly a pretty picky eater. I live a few veggies, but I like them a certain way only. I like broccoli, but only if it's cooked. Alternately, I like cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, green peas, snow peas, but only if they're raw. It's really more about a texture block than taste, I guess. I will eat pretty much any fruit you throw my way though, save a precious few exceptions (and some I'll eat but be eh about, like blackberries).

I think the biggest change I've been trying to do is turn to snacking on fruit and veggies rather than snacking on unhealthy things. For example, I've been packing kiwis in my lunch pretty much every day the past week instead of cookies. But funds are pretty limited right now, so we don't really have money to spend on trying things we may not like. I'll try new things once in a while at my parents' when we go for dinner - like, we had brussel sprouts a few months back. Didn't hate it, but wouldn't make a habit of it either. It had a weird taste, just not a spit it out and gag taste.
That is good planning - we didn't do that last week since the parks weren't open all that late and it backfired. I ended up in urgent care after an attack of heat exhaustion. Not the way to spend the middle of your WDW vacation but the unexpected heat/humidity was just too much for my bog girl self. Stay hydrated!

We are definitely picking up a 24 pack of water and having hubs bring his backpack so we can have water available. I am so sorry to hear that you got heat exhaustion, especially if you're not used to the humidity.

I will need more cheering this week. I cleared out my wardrobe from few years ago. It was a mess and it needed sorting. It made me realize that there is still some way to go. While mentally I am back to normal, I eat well, I exercise, I feel happy. I crave healthy food. Still one month can't undo year and half worth of damage and I need to keep the focus. The scale is starting to be slow to move as well adding to the challenge.

The good thing is that you've made great strides in doing better about your habits. It will take time to undo the damage, however you're moving towards a new you and leaving the old you behind.

I am trying to choose ADRs that give value to my health and not good value on dinning plan.

This is why we don't do the dining plan - we end up losing money! Let me know if you need help choosing ADRs. I think hubs and I have eaten at nearly every restaurant on property and are familiar with the menu.

I've been having greek yogurt about three times a week and I love it.

Have you had the Yoplait whipped Greek Yogurts? They have some great flavors that taste like you're really eating pie or chocolate. I was shocked at how good they were.

Cottage cheese is one of those foods for me that it's really good for the first 3 bites and then by bite number 4 I'm ready to hurl.

Same. And if it's really watery? YUCK! :(


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