From Magic Run Weekend 2019 to Dopey 2020 (Comments welcome)

It is peak, I am aware of that. But, I am not sure, if I can run the Half at the given pace. What do you think? Do you also struggle sometimes? What are your Pacing Tactics on Race Day?

In the midst of peak week training, you wouldn't be able to run 13.11 miles at HM Tempo. But allow the taper to happen appropriately and suddenly you will have a much better chance to hit it. Pacing wise on race day, take into account the elevation changes (and how they compare to what you train on) and then the weather on race day. The HM Tempo we have schedule is the ideal case. The elevation and T+D will drop it somewhat from ideal. If the time on your plan is a big jump from your actual PR, then I'd err on the side of being slower than possibly overreaching too much. Lastly, the ideal pacing is even, but it's always hard to know what even pace you should start with. So I recommend a 1% slow down on the first half of the race.
I am too lazy to write my weekly journal today. In a few minutes I have to go to my Athletes Class.

Anyway, there is something I would like to share with you guys. My @DopeyBadger TP starts at week 24, since then, I never (!) skipped a single training. I even ran after a Limp Bizkit Concert. Some sessions have been a little bit shorter as they were meant to be, because of unusual hot weather.

I guess, the graph shows pretty good, where my TP starts 😂 It's in KM, wish it were Miles 😄


This is the last week of harder sessions! Track Tuesday for sure is harder with some Intervals, this time I am not going full out. Thursday has a 15K run with 10K of HM Pace. Pretty nervous about that session and then it's Taper Time until Friday 20th September, where we are kicking it off with the DLP Magic Run Weekend 5K.

I hope to stay fit & healthy and do not get sick. Last year I got sick two times during training, fingers crossed, I am going to make the last days until the Magic Run Weekend and a full Marathon in October.
09/02/19 - 09/08/19 (Peak Week)

This looks so cool 😂 🥴

Monday - Day Off (Athletic Class)
Did some exercises and it felt good.
Was: 1.89km WarmUp and CoolDown

Tuesday -
Track Tuesday (Recovery Week) & 8K EB
This week was Recovery Week at Track Tuesday. Which means we did some exercises and an easy Run. Followed by an extra 8K easy Run.
Was: 12.82km - 1:27:45 - 6:51 Minutes / KM

Wednesday -
8K @ EA
Just another easy Run, do not remember much, I think it rained a bit?!
Was: 8.57km - 1:00:55 - 7:06 Minutes / KM

Thursday -
Ha, went for a swim again. Only did 1K, felt the missing two weeks. But in the end, it felt so good to be back in the water!
Was: 1.000m - 20:05 - 2.01 Minutes / 100m

Thursday -
11K @ LR & Strides
Right after the swimming, I headed to the Lake and did the 11K @ LR. Running right after swimming always feels a little bit strange to me. My legs have been stiff for some reason. And I always ran too fast.
After a few KM it felt ok. Did five strides.
Was: 11.26km - 1:14:18 - 6:36 Minutes / KM

Friday -
8K @ WU, 7.5K @ HM Pace, 1.5K @ Daniels T Pace, 4K @ CD
!!! Rehearsal Run !!! That was my final test for the Half Marathon at the Magic Run Weekend at Disneyland Paris. I tested my complete running gear and my nutrition.

The weather was a little bit chilly, just like the conditions I am hoping for the early morning hours at Disneyland Paris. I started easy. Ok, a little bit faster than Warm-Up, but hey 8K @ Warm-Up Pace?

After 5KM I ate the first Clif Blok with Sodium.

When it came to Half Marathon pace, I slowly increased the speed. A few minutes before I ate another Clif Blok with Caffeine and drank a little water.

I could hold the Half Marathon pace without any problems until 13.5km. At that point, I had to cross the river Rhine over a bridge. The ramp that leads towards the bridge was a little bit steep, so my pace drops a little bit. When I was on top of the bridge, I was able to run at Half Marathon pace again.

At 15.6km, I felt the fatigue kicking in. My pace again drops a little bit. I was about to run slower, but tried to hold the pace. In the end I was not able to run the 1.5km in Daniels T Pace. All I could do was trying to lose more of my speed. Every now and then I ate one of those Clif Bloks and drank some water.

The last 4KM Cool-Down felt sore and tired. I was so happy that it has been getting dark and nobody could see my sick running style ;-)
Was: 21.11km - 2:19:45 (It's a PR 🥳 for now!) - 6:37 Minutes / KM

Saturday -
Day Off
I did not feel as sore as I thought I would, after yesterday's run! Thumbs up!

Sunday - 10K @ EA
Wonderful, another easy Run at the end of Peak Week. Felt good!
Was: 10.52km - 1:14:06 - 7:03 Minutes / KM

Sunday -
Yes, another swim at the end of the week.
Was: 1.550m - 31:09 - 2:01 Minutes / 100m

This Weeks Total
66.17km (41.11 Miles) - 7:28:54h
Swimming: 2.550m - 0:51:14h
Lastly, the ideal pacing is even, but it's always hard to know what even pace you should start with. So I recommend a 1% slow down on the first half of the race.
Ok. The start is always very crowded and narrow. I hope that will slow me a little bit down at the beginning.


Faster running should be possible after KM 7, KM 13 - 14 is the uphill portion of the race, which killed me all the last years.
Magic Run Weekend is over. I am going to write a full report, but need some time ;)

5K - 0:46:27h - Fun Run & Walk with my Girlfriend (She hates running, btw)
10K - 1:12:53h - Easy A Run
HM - 2:18:16h - Slower than expected, but happy with it and a new PR


Had to get my Medals back from these Guys, oohhhhh ;)
Sorry for not writing here for so long.

I try to give you guys a small race report of the Magic Run Weekend at DLP. Not as detailed as I planned it. I missed my A Run, a local Marathon because of a bad cold which I caught while being a week in Orlando :-(

Right now, I am in training for Dopey 2020 and I feel like I am doing really good. Thanks to another @DopeyBadger Trainingsplan :-)

But now for my race/trip report.

We headed to DLP on Wednesday. Like always, we stayed OffSite at a hotel that offers rooms with a small kitchen in its rooms. So we were able to hold our on Pasta Party on Saturday. And there is a fantastic bakery around the corner. The French know how to bake! Breakfast is always a real treat over there.

We arrived too late at the hotel, going to the parks and seeing Illuminations was no option. So we put our stuff in our room and drove to a large Supermarket and get some things for the next days.

On Thursday morning, I went for a last easy run and fell! Hit both knees and my hands also got some scratches. It looked terrible, but luckily my knees did not swell.

After breakfast, we left for the parks, visited the Expo and got our BIBs. Even if my girlfriends hate running, she did the 5K together with me.




The 5K is an evening Race. After breakfast, we put our running stuff in our car and left for the parks. Did some light walking in the parks and around 6 pm, we put on our costumes. May I introduce to you Mr. & Mrs. Lightyear.



They put my girlfriend in the very last Corral. We had to wait some time in the Corral before we finally could cross the starting line. Entertainment was fun, they showed a broadcast of the run and did it like a show on TV.

With a mix of run & walk we managed it to get the 5K done. The Course was fun. But all queues for characters have been very long, we just enjoyed the view and kept running/walking.

Best Costumes! Main Street Electrical Parade!





We got our Medals and left for our hotel.
5K - 0:46:27h
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Saturday - My first DLS
Today, I was on my own. As running is not my girlfriend's sport, I had to do the next two races on my own. Not a big deal, I am used to it. Wake up early, got my stuff together and headed to the parks.

It was a little bit chilly, and due to the fact I wanted to DLS today, I stood in the Expo tent for a while. Watching the start on a large TV was kind of strange. After the released the second Corral, I slowly left the Expo tent for Portapotty and checked the last Corral.


I met the Ballonladies, had a small talk with them.


That Race was also at easy Pace, my main goal for this Weekend was to pr the Half! And even at easy Pace, I caught a lot of other Runners, while doing my DLS. Too bad, they do not time the 5K & 10K in Paris.

The Course was great again and covered large portions of both Parks and led us through a lot of backstage areas. Tangled and Flynn were out on a bridge and caused a little bit of chaos because everyone wanted to take a photo of them.

Can you see Tangled?!

All the queues have been so long. I did not stop for a single Character and I missed Snow White in person. She was out this year, I just saw her in a Vlog :-( But I got a selfie at the Avenue Blange Neige :-)




9.9K - 1:13:59h

After the Race, I met my girlfriend and we visited the swimming pool at Sequoia Lodge. The rest of the day was not that funny. We had some issues with my girlfriend's AP. She lost it, got a new one (for 40 EUR) and found it later in our car. Not that we have not checked the car a dozen times, ...

We did not have so much time in the parks and left early because of the Half the next day. I promised her that we do the parks on Sunday after the Half, no matter how my legs feel.

Sorry for not writing here for so long.

I try to give you guys a small race report of the Magic Run Weekend at DLP. Not as detailed as I planned it. I missed my A Run, a local Marathon because of a bad cold which I caught while being a week in Orlando :-(

Right now, I am in training for Dopey 2020 and I feel like I am doing really good. Thanks to another @DopeyBadger Trainingsplan :-)

But now for my race/trip report.

We headed to DLP on Wednesday. Like always, we stayed OffSite at a hotel that offers rooms with a small kitchen in its rooms. So we were able to hold our on Pasta Party on Saturday. And there is a fantastic bakery around the corner. The French know how to bake! Breakfast is always a real treat over there.

We arrived too late at the hotel, going to the parks and seeing Illuminations was no option. So we put our stuff in our room and drove to a large Supermarket and get some things for the next days.

On Thursday morning, I went for a last easy run and fell! Hit both knees and my hands also got some scratches. It looked terrible, but luckily my knees did not swell.

After breakfast, we left for the parks, visited the Expo and got our BIBs. Even if my girlfriends hate running, she did the 5K together with me.

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The 5K is an evening Race. After breakfast, we put our running stuff in our car and left for the parks. Did some light walking in the parks and around 6 pm, we put on our costumes. May I introduce to you Mr. & Mrs. Lightyear.

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They put my girlfriend in the very last Corral. We had to wait some time in the Corral before we finally could cross the starting line. Entertainment was fun, they showed a broadcast of the run and did it like a show on TV.

With a mix of run & walk we managed it to get the 5K done. The Course was fun. But all queues for characters have been very long, we just enjoyed the view and kept running/walking.

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Best Costumes! Main Street Electrical Parade!

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We got our Medals and left for our hotel.
5K - 0:46:27h
LOVE your costumes! What fun!
Again completely on my own. I got my stuff together, mixed my Maurten Drink and headed to the car. On my way through the Lobby, I recognized a girl, trying to get a Taxi. I asked her if she needed a ride, and she said yes. But we had to wait for two of her friends. In the end, I gave three girls from the UK a lift.

This time, I was in Corral B and tried to stay at the very front of it. The Corral was already very crowded, but I got a good spot to wait. During our waiting time, they interviewed some runners in Corral A. There was also a guy dressed as a Genie. He was posing a lot at the startline and enjoying all the attention.


I felt like I was getting a Cold. Damn!

So, I started at a comfortable pace. For the first 7 - 8K, the Course led us through both Parks and backstage areas. Then we left the Parks. Like last year, I was happy when we left the Parks. I cannot explain why, but for some reason, I felt better after now. My Pace was around 6:20 Minutes / KM.


On our way to the small lake, with this ugly down- & uphill portion, I passed that Genie from before.

It was time to see what @DopeyBadger Trainingsplan was worth it. I ran around the lake and faced that uphill section, which killed me all past years. And guess what? I made it. I ran all that way, not with a single walking break. With 14K in the books now, it was time to get home. I felt surprisingly strong!

Before entering the Disney Village, the Course sends us through some boring parts of the Resort. My strength from KM 14 faded away with every meter now. I knew the Course, and from KM 16 on, it was running from one waterstation to the next waterstation. But I kept my Pace, wow!


At KM 18, I again passed that Genie from before. Damn Course Cutters!

Entering Disney Village was a great relief. And with the support of all those spectators, I made it to the finish line.


It was not the time I was looking for. But I PRed, only for a minute or so, but I did it and my times have been getting better each time!
21.27k - 2:18:17h


I got all my medals, and after a long shower and breakfast at our hotel, we did the parks all day.




November Training
November in the books! Training is going well so far. With a five day per week Trainingsplan, I wonder how good my regeneration between my runs is.

Monday and Saturday are use to be my Rest days. Works kind of proper. On Monday, I am still visiting an "Athletic Class" which also includes a little bit of running to warm up and cool down.


Running: 223.50km (138.8 Miles) 🤩
Swimming: 2.600m 😥
Cycling: 15km (9.3 Miles) 🙄 - Part of the Indoor Triathlon earlier that month


Strava show, my Form is getting up!


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