Fearlessly Fleeting February 2022 W.I.S.H. Thread

Wahoo I made a yummy soup for dinner. Wahoo at work the gal I mentored finished her first payroll! I'm not terribly sure about a lot of the accounting codes we used, but wahoo it is done! And wahoo after I helped her finish hers, I was able to finish mine! Wahoo Friday there are no students and I am really looking forward to gets lots and lots of work done!
Roasted carrots sound wonderful! Putting that on my list.
So good and so easy! I used baby carrots about a tablespoon combined of melted butter and olive oil, salt and pepper. Into the toaster oven (on a baking sheet at 375 for 25ish minutes mixing halfway through. The recipe said 415 for half an hour in a regular oven with 2 tablespoons of butter/oil but my toaster runs hot and I was making a small batch so adjusted.

I like this quote. So much is out of my control right now. I am taking things day by day and looking for the little wins each day. I am thankful that my work is not busy right now so I am not stressing about work on top of everything else. I am thankful for a company and a boss that understands and is accommodating with my schedule. I am thankful that this time around I am not letting myself get too overwhelmed. I am using PTO and also making myself take a lunch to get away for a bit. This has kept me from having a melt down of my own. I am also thankful that DD had another good morning.
Well DD last night might have broken her finger. She jammed/got it stuck on a hook at horse back riding. It is the type of hook that is in a V shape and she got it stuck in the middle. It is swollen and slightly bruised. I sent an email to her orthopedic to see what we should do. I am hoping that they tell us to just splint it. Today is not that day to be taking her to another doctor. I have conferences this afternoon and she has therapy but we will make it work if she needs to go in.
Thankful we can get together with family as often as we do.

Thankful for warmer weather-we’re halfway through February. Spring is coming!

Thankful we’re taking a break from getting the house ready to sell-we’ll go back ready to work again but it was nice to step away from it.
Thankful for the mild weather we've been having, seeing the sun for at least a little while each day is a real mood booster. The official sunrise/sunset times are now 7:10am/5:36pm, but it is light much earlier and later... I was out after 6pm yesterday and marveled that the sky was still blue.

Thankful to finally be getting my pre-vacation pedi Saturday, my poor feet surely do need it.

I had originally planned to go over to Flying Fish for dinner after arriving my first night, but I won't be at the resort until 7pm-ish and am pretty sure I'll be too tired to do much of anything. I don't want to eat at the POP food court, so was contemplating what to do about dinner, then yesterday on IG a Disney gal I follow mentioned she ordered from a place that delivers curated boxes of foods, snacks, breakfast things, charcuterie. I checked it out and really liked what they do, so I've ordered one of their charcuterie boxes and will have a light dinner of meats and cheeses the first night, and then will have leftovers for snacks for a couple days. So I'm thankful that I saw her post.
STRESS…OMG…last night I made the mistake of reading my work email and got so stressed out that I couldn’t sleep. My NOOM lesson for today was about how lack of sleep and stress negatively affects our weight, and I read all about it at 1:30am. UGH. I problem solved a lot today, so I am better now. Plus I am on a mini winter break as of now. I am relaxing as I sip my daily smoothie with Ocean organic vodka.
I got DD into a walk in clinic at her ortho yesterday. The xray is not showing that her finger is broke but they think she might have a small crack. There is a very good possibility that the tendon in her finger got stretched and pulled the bone a bit where it connects. This could cause a very small crack. Where her pain is is consistent with this. There could be a possibility that is it just a really bad sprain. They also think she dinged the nerve. She is in a splint that goes over her finger and it goes from the top of the wrist to the bottom and the also buddy taped with the middle finger. She has to wear this for the next 2-3 weeks but they think everything will be fine and no need to go back unless she still has pain after the 3 weeks.

Conferences went great last night. DD is doing great and socially is doing good. They are seeing a different girl then I am. DS is doing so much better this quarter. I don't know what switched between the quarters but all of DS's teachers said that he is doing much better with being more focused. So it was a good night.

Weather here is pretty bad. We got a ton of rain that turned to ice and then snow over night. We had to drive downtown for DD to get her bloodwork. It was a rough drive. Thankfully DH drove. Bloodwork went great. I was worried with it being so many vials but they were pretty small.

This weekend we are going to go furniture shopping. We really need new couches. I can't wait.
Hello Friday! My big work thing today is to facilitate a meeting with around 40 people... most are just listen/learn so it should go OK.

Plans for the weekend are getting the house ready for me to be gone, getting outside to walk, getting that much needed pedicure, running a few errands. I may start packing in earnest, I do need to use the new big suitcase so will need to find the space to lay it out open and start tossing things in.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
I got DD into a walk in clinic at her ortho yesterday. The xray is not showing that her finger is broke but they think she might have a small crack. There is a very good possibility that the tendon in her finger got stretched and pulled the bone a bit where it connects. This could cause a very small crack. Where her pain is is consistent with this. There could be a possibility that is it just a really bad sprain. They also think she dinged the nerve. She is in a splint that goes over her finger and it goes from the top of the wrist to the bottom and the also buddy taped with the middle finger. She has to wear this for the next 2-3 weeks but they think everything will be fine and no need to go back unless she still has pain after the 3 weeks.

Conferences went great last night. DD is doing great and socially is doing good. They are seeing a different girl then I am. DS is doing so much better this quarter. I don't know what switched between the quarters but all of DS's teachers said that he is doing much better with being more focused. So it was a good night.

Weather here is pretty bad. We got a ton of rain that turned to ice and then snow over night. We had to drive downtown for DD to get her bloodwork. It was a rough drive. Thankfully DH drove. Bloodwork went great. I was worried with it being so many vials but they were pretty small.

This weekend we are going to go furniture shopping. We really need new couches. I can't wait.
I’m so happy that you got some good news.
I have been reconnecting with a childhood friend who I played with on vacation in Cape Cod every summer for many years. We’re now Facebook friends along with her brother and father. I shared old photos of us on FB and we reminisced. I look forward to discovering more treasures to share with them. Her parents were so good to me and included me in all of their family activities. I can close my eyes and go right back to the late 70’s and early 80’s like it was yesterday. They live far from me or we probably would have made the effort to stay in touch over the years. Reading her posts on Facebook, it amazes me how much we still have in common. We are both teachers, have daughters the same age, have similar views and philosophies, and still love the beach.

Maybe one day, we will reconnect in person.


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