Fall is in the Air - October 2021 W.I.S.H. Challenge

Yes! Considering I read this right after finishing my pre-bedtime snack which is an almost nightly thing...a glass of milk and small treat a mini dove bar, a cookie or the like.


It's a habit that kind of started when I had gestational diabetes (what?!?! Yeah I know) 9 years ago when I was told during waking hours one should never go more than 3 hours without taking in calories from food or a protein rich beverage. Not sure about anyone else but dinner is almost always more than 3 hours before bed. At the time the night time snack was more of a mini-meal that evolved into a milk and treat thing of late...
So are desserts an issue for me? Yup. Not decadent desserts I can skip those pretty easily but a cookie or a small scoop of ice cream? Hard to say no! Hear you @Summer2018 I would rather have a little something while i am craving it then potentially binge later on something I dont want as badly...interestingly enough something else I learned to be a smart eating choice during that GD period!
Funny you should mention sweets because I am having such a hard time with them right now. DH bought some frosting, so I've been eating that and munching on way too many reese's pieces.

Gotta get a handle on that. I think I'll start making some herbal tea after dinner so I am not tempted!
Struggling more now that my daughter works in an Italian bakery! She’s always bringing home desserts. I was fine to just not have them in the house. But once they are in the house, I eat them! So I need to get a handle on that because now I’m starting to crave them if they aren’t here.
What can I say, I'm just a sweetie. Sugar anytime anywhere, but I'm not necessarily a dessert person. We grew up have dessert after dinner, even if it was just Jell-O and Cool Whip. At home I rarely have dessert but will willingly have cookies for breakfast. And lunch. The past two weeks I've had more sugar and I'm watching it very carefully.

This morning I just did a thing. Last winter when I read the book 'Wintering' I felt like the author was someone who thought like me and we could be best friends... if we didn't live half way across the world from each other. I did start following her on IG and have had a couple brief conversations, then this morning she posted about a Zoom class she having in a couple weeks on identifying our own personal winters. I signed up! It's Saturday the 23rd and I'm so excited! Between now and then I'll re-read the book and really think about it to get ready.

Sometimes. DH always wants something sweet after dinner, so I can easily fall in the habit of following his lead even when I wouldn't have thought "hey, I'm still hungry" myself. I've been better about it lately, but it goes in phases.
My DH aka my saboteur, buys lots of junk and eats dessert every night. DD has dessert too, but respects my boundaries better.
Hi Everyone! I feel like I have been gone so long but it was really only a long weekend. But a fun filled one. Friday after DH went for a walk and I went and picked up my prescription our moods changed and we were no longer frustrated with each other. The afternoon was a bit crazy as it was parents night at band and we were supposed to go out on the field with our kids (for marching band) Well the game got delayed by an hour or longer so all the parents stuff got cancelled. The kids still got to play though.

Saturday came with grocery shopping, DD's riding lesson and DS's soccer game. Good friends of ours (the are having their first baby in Feb) wanted to stop by because they needed to tell us something in person with all 4 of us together. This was tough finding time with all 4 of use together. We had a small amount of time between riding and soccer so they stopped by for about 10 minutes. We were nervous for what they needed to tell us because we knew it had to do with the baby and that they also had a few miscarriages. To our surprise and theirs too, they are having twin girls. They just found out Thursday at her 22 week anatomy ultrasound. I couldn't be more happier for them. On top of it they have asked me to be a godmother to one of them. I am so excited and the shopping has already started.

Sunday I did a 5k with our friend (the one now having twins), a good friend of hers that I have become friends with too and DD. We didn't it or try to get a good time. It took us 1 hour and 12 minutes. I got 11 flights of stairs recorded on my fitbit because of all the hills. One is huge too. Our friend did great and we didn't need any breaks. The rest of the day was resting and making dinner.

Yesterday DH and I both had the day off. We didn't tell the kids. I went back to bed after dropping the kids off and didn;t get up until about 10. Then we stopped by to see his grandmother and then went to lunch. We got 2 walks in throughout the day for over 60 minutes total. Both kids had away games last night. DD's was about an hour away so we didn't go. She did great and played most of the game and had 2 shots on goal (she missed the goal though). She has now told me I am not allowed to go to her games because she does better when I am not there. DS's was only about 30 minutes away but we decided to continue with our relaxed afternoon. Both have games on Wednesday and Saturday.

My favorite costume I think is my princess costume as a kid. I wore that almost every year. For my kids it would be the chili pepper (DD when she was only 3 months or so), the scare crow (DS around age 2) and DS was Charlie Brown when he was like 6 months old. I can't find the pictures at the moment. I think DH has them on his google account.
I am out with dessert. I do have a pack of hoho's a day but lately I have been eating those in the morning. As long as I am in bed between 9 and 10 I am good. I also don't eliminate them from my diet. I just eat them in moderation. I get ice cream maybe once a month. Every so often we have cookies I like in the house. But I just limit how much I eat of it. With doing this I don't binge eat and I have been still losing weight.
Yes, I struggle more often than not. Like Oneanne I could easily eat (and probably have) chocolate chip cookies for breakfast.
What is working, at least for now, is keeping a bag of Hershey dark chocolate nuggets in the freezer and having one after dinner. I think when I have better dinners (more protein, two vegetables) I snack less at night.
Wahoo I just made reservations for a weekend away with DH in a couple weeks. It isn't as far away as I wanted, but he was willing to drive two hours (not four like I wanted) so that's what I did. It'll be great no matter where we are!

Wahoo I really really want something munchy right now but I'm drinking a cup of tea instead.
Woohoo -- Our friends are having twins. I couldn't be more excited.

DD is doing great with soccer though there may not be a team left by the end of the season. These girls are just not nice to each other. The coach is getting really mad and is threating to kick people of the team. I guess a lot of talking about other people on the team is happening on social media and parents have gone to the coaches. Some of the girls are ready to quit because it has gotten so bad. DD had issues while she was out with the concussion but it has been better since she has been back. It sounds like this has been going on for years and the previous couch did nothing to stop it. We have new coaches this year and they are not putting up with it. I don't envy anyone who coaches girls. Just way too much drama.
Woohoo -- Our friends are having twins. I couldn't be more excited.

DD is doing great with soccer though there may not be a team left by the end of the season. These girls are just not nice to each other. The coach is getting really mad and is threating to kick people of the team. I guess a lot of talking about other people on the team is happening on social media and parents have gone to the coaches. Some of the girls are ready to quit because it has gotten so bad. DD had issues while she was out with the concussion but it has been better since she has been back. It sounds like this has been going on for years and the previous couch did nothing to stop it. We have new coaches this year and they are not putting up with it. I don't envy anyone who coaches girls. Just way too much drama.
In my state, we spend a tremendous amount of time on Social Emotional Education, Kindness, anti-bullying, etc. It is a necessary and good thing because we have seen the consequences of bullying including violence and suicide.

I just think that it is a shame that teachers are responsible for teaching common decency and how to be a good human being. I was taught these things by my parents. That is no longer the case in too many families. We barely have enough time to teach academics now because so much time is spent on SEL.
Woohoo... headed out to my Sister's at the beach for a quick over night stay this weekend. My Niece and her Husband are staying at a vacation rental at Seabrook few towns away, so we're meeting there to have dinner. Seabrook is a super cute planned vacation community in the vein of east coast beach towns and this will be the first time I've been in one of the rentals, as we are planning on getting pizza to go and eating at their place.

Woohoo... for the afore mentioned Zoom class I'm taking on the 23th, really looking forward to it.

Woohoo... I got a pattern for hand sewn fabric mushrooms from a maker who I really admire. I want to hand dye some scraps of fabric to make them out of and remembered my Niece had said she was going to hand dye some napkins for Thanksgiving, so a couple Sundays from now I'm going to go over to her place and we'll have a dyeing party. So that's three weekends in a row where I have something fun lined up.
In my state, we spend a tremendous amount of time on Social Emotional Education, Kindness, anti-bullying, etc. It is a necessary and good thing because we have seen the consequences of bullying including violence and suicide.

I just think that it is a shame that teachers are responsible for teaching common decency and how to be a good human being. I was taught these things by my parents. That is no longer the case in too many families. We barely have enough time to teach academics now because so much time is spent on SEL.

I agree. I think the school does some stuff with this but with what I have heard from other parents the school can do more. More so on the discipline side. It sounds like they are really lacking here. I am on my kids a lot about this. I am half tempted to write the coaches to tell them to let me know if DD is involved in this because it will be taken care if it is. I don't think DD would be but I can also see her following suit with the rest.
Woohoo that after three very gloomy days we had sunshine today. Did some weeding and planning where to plant tulips this fall.

Woohoo-made a big pot of chicken noodle soup. Enough to freeze for nights I don’t feel like cooking. I have the makings for at least 3-4 healthy dinners so I don’t give in to carry out in weak moments!
WooHoo 🎉 ~~~

🌻 Beautiful sunny weather (is there a newer, more appropriate name for what we used to call "Indian Summer"?)

🎃 Found all but the white pumpkin I want on my errands today, so I'm getting there.

👗👚👖 Decluttering is still going well. I worked a little more on clothes today, I'm done with those until the next season change. (Sewing stuff is next- yikes!)

Edited to add one more:
🎼8-) My neighbor singing while he does his yardwork.
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WooHoo 🎉 ~~~

🌻 Beautiful sunny weather (is there a newer, more appropriate name for what we used to call "Indian Summer"?)

🎃 Found all but the white pumpkin I want on my errands today, so I'm getting there.

👗👚👖 Decluttering is still going well. I worked a little more on clothes today, I'm done with those until the next season change. (Sewing stuff is next- yikes!)

Edited to add one more:
🎼8-) My neighbor singing while he does his yardwork.
I had to research the origins of Indian Summer after you mentioned it and there wasn’t a good explanation for how it began or a good alternative. My favorite was Badger Summer used in England because badgers have one more litter before winter. But not really applicable here! Maybe we all can come up with one!


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