"Does this ride have drops?" March 2015 TR *NEW* 1/17 COMPLETE - Final Thoughts

What great photos - you have captured so many details.That's disappointing about the fireworks. It's hard when your best laid plans don't work. That's interesting you talk of 'managing your expectations'. I often talk about managing expectations and it is so true that when you take a pragmatic approach you tend not to be so disappointed by reality. As you say a great excuse for a return visit.

It's so hard to plan around fireworks when there are so few nights they are being shown! It was a disappointment for sure, since it only left us on more opportunity to see them during the trip.

Not that we ever need reasons to plan another trip back, but it definitely helps when you feel like you missed out on something to get you back sooncer!!

I love all of the Small World shots! It's one of our favorite rides at WDW but I love all of the extra touches in the DL version! The only part missing is the drunk hippo - DL hippo appears to be totally sober!

I'm sorry the fireworks were canceled, especially with a limited number of nights to see them!

Yes, no drunky at DL. :rotfl: It's really cool to pick out all of the characters in their version of Small World too. That's something DS really enjoys!!

It was so disappointing to know we only had one more opportunity to see them!

Got a bit behind, but all caught up with your wonderful updates! I love the detailed pictures from Radiator Springs Racers! That's the most I've ever seen of it. I'm sad you weren't able to ride with them, but glad you got to enjoy exploring the rest of Cars Land together.

The Bug's Land looks really cute too.

Bummer that the Matterhorn was down and the fireworks were cancelled! Hope you get to see the fireworks later!

DH loves taking pictures on dark rides, so he really went nuts on RSR! It's all so fun and detailed in there, it's hard not to try to photograph everything. It definitely stunk to miss out on such a fun ride, but seeing DS's reaction to the rest of Cars Land made up for missing his first RSR ride.

Bug's Land is really cute, but let's just say the novelty wore off by the end of the week... :rotfl:

It's always such a bummer when stuff is under refurb during your trip, but it is an interesting process to see! I mean, from the little that you actually CAN see. :laughing:

Oh MAN do I love Disneyland's small world! Usually I do kinda skim through a lot of photos like that but nope, not today! I can't get enough. Hehehe.

Ugh, the struggle of CA weather! The fireworks kept getting cancelled when we were there too! I had no idea they did that because I've watched fireworks at WDW in pouring rain. I guess there are huge risks involved but dang does it stink when it happens! Hopefully y'all got a chance to see them!

We booked the trip right before they announced the long list of things going under refurb for the 60th anniversary, so we may have decided to postpone a visit there had we known all of the things we would miss out on. Plus there was all of the stuff I couldn't ride due to being pregnant, so that narrowed down my list even further. Hopefully it won't be too long before we are back to enjoy it all!

I love their version too! Glad someone could enjoy them, since I know Small World is not always a crowd pleaser. lol

Yeah, the rain had kind of cleared up by then and it was just drizzling off and on, so I'm not sure why they were cancelled. Maybe because they are closer to residential areas that would be affected if the fireworks went off in that kind of weather? It's so hard to plan around when you only have a couple days available to see them already, and then when the weather comes in...
Day 2 Continued: Sunday March 1st

After singing along in the Tiki Room, we went over to New Orleans Square to ride Pirates of the Caribbean.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Blue Bayou was busy, as usual

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

DS was definitely NOT a fan of Pirates this time around! It was pretty much because of the drops, so it didn’t help that there is 2 in this version unlike the 1 in the WDW version. Once the drops had passed and he was assured there were no more, he was okay. But he didn’t really want to ride Pirates for the rest of the trip, and it prompted him to ask before pretty much anything that was new, “Does this ride have drops?”

Once we were done with Pirates, it was about 9:40 pm, so DS and I decided to call it a night. We left DH in the park so he could take some more pictures and took the bus back to the parking lot to get the car. We got back to the room around 10 pm and took some quick baths to be in bed by 10:30.

Continued in next post...
Day 2 Continued: Sunday March 1st

Meanwhile, DH was meandering around the park working on his nighttime photography, starting off in Tomorrowland and then Fantasyland.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Then he made his way through the Castle to get some nighttime shots of this beauty!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Then back to Fantasyland for some of the Carousel.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

I can imagine if Dumbo went this fast, it would not be a pretty sight! I’m thinking of that scene in The Sandlot when all the kids chew tobacco and get on the spinning ride at the fair. :rotfl:

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Eventually he was making his way down Main Street towards the exit. All of the windows along one side had little vignettes in them, and he said they are a lot easier to photograph at night when there aren’t as many people around and no glare against the window from the sun.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
The light on inside of Walt’s apartment over the Fire Station

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

After exiting Disneyland, he crossed the plaza to get some photos of the DCA entrance all lit up.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
One last picture on the way out for DS, a huge Miles From Tomorrowland fan!

Once he had wrapped up his photo session, he took the bus back to the Toy Story parking lot. From there, it was close enough to Dolphin’s Cove that he was able to walk back to the room from there. And with that, our first full day at Disneyland had come to a close and we were ready for more adventure the next day!

UP NEXT: Another Disneyland Day
DH's night time photos are incredible. He obviously really knows what he is doing with his camera and is not afraid to be creative.

What a shame Paxton didn't enjoy Pirates! Do you think he will go on it at WDW? It was closed when we were there in July.
That version of Pirates is so great, isn't it? I love how peacefully it starts out when it goes through Blue Bayou. So awesome. It's a shame Paxton wasn't much of a fan, though I do get it! He'll probably love it in a few years!

Your husband takes such great photos. I see them and I'm just able to picture myself right there in them. So lovely. :) UGH DISNEYLAND :love: :love: :love:
Love the TR title reveal! I'm bummed I won't get to ride Pirates when we go!

As always, beautiful photos from DH! Those castle shots are insanely gorgeous!
DH's night time photos are incredible. He obviously really knows what he is doing with his camera and is not afraid to be creative.

What a shame Paxton didn't enjoy Pirates! Do you think he will go on it at WDW? It was closed when we were there in July.

Thank you! Taking pictures at night is one of his favorite things to do on our trips.

I am going to do my best to get him on it. I keep reminding him that he has been going on this ride since he was a baby and that the drop is really not that scary!

That version of Pirates is so great, isn't it? I love how peacefully it starts out when it goes through Blue Bayou. So awesome. It's a shame Paxton wasn't much of a fan, though I do get it! He'll probably love it in a few years!

Your husband takes such great photos. I see them and I'm just able to picture myself right there in them. So lovely. :) UGH DISNEYLAND :love: :love: :love:

I absolutely LOVE Pirates in DL! A few years ago when we went to DL twice in a row before going back to WDW, when we got on the WDW version I was like, "This is SO short!" I love the bayou scene at the beginning too, and how it gets you right into it with a drop!

Thanks! I love his nighttime photos!

Love the TR title reveal! I'm bummed I won't get to ride Pirates when we go!

As always, beautiful photos from DH! Those castle shots are insanely gorgeous!

He is so dramatic. lol Even now when we talk about riding new things when we go back to WDW, he will ask if it has drops!! Pirates won't be open in DL when you go? Or are you going back to WDW during the refurb? It would be a shame if you didn't get to experience the DL version! It's so much better than the WDW version.

Thanks! The Castle is just so beautiful on its own, but it definitely takes on a whole new beauty at night.
Aw, I'm sorry DS wasn't a fan of Pirates. Those drops! I can understand how that would make him nervous for future rides!

Oh and we are HUGE Miles from Tomorrowland fans too. I think Nate is going to be Miles for Halloween this year!

And of course, amazing night shots from DH! Love the movement on the tea cups and Dumbo!
He is so dramatic. lol Even now when we talk about riding new things when we go back to WDW, he will ask if it has drops!! Pirates won't be open in DL when you go? Or are you going back to WDW during the refurb? It would be a shame if you didn't get to experience the DL version! It's so much better than the WDW version.

Thanks! The Castle is just so beautiful on its own, but it definitely takes on a whole new beauty at night.

It won't be open in DL when I go :( I have heard how much better it is, so it's disappointing that I won't get to experience it!
Aw, your poor DS and the drops. Reminds me of after riding Maestrom and being scared of the trolls my DD would ask before each ride if there were trolls on it

great pictures by your husband! The tea cup and dumbo ones are really cool. And good tip about getting pictures of the windows when it is dark!
Aw that is too bad about Paxton and the drops!! Aria hates the mist at the start of Pirates, after that she is fine (though doesn't love the canons either). The drops don't bother her lol! I wish WDW's version had 2 like DL :) The photos on the ride and then afterwards are beautiful. So nice you were able to take Paxton back and DH was able to stay and take pics and walk back, nice that it was that close!
This is our favorite place to eat when we are visiting DL.
I'm still kicking myself for not eating there. I had it on my radar, but it just didn't really work out.

But it does stink when those kinds of rides that are exclusive to the California parks are closed on your once in an every few years trip.
Yeah, tell me about it... :headache:

We walked right onto the ride and actually ended up in a boat all by ourselves! Now, here’s an obscene amount of Small World pictures for your viewing pleasure. Or you can scroll really fast through them if you prefer. Lol
Always nice to have a private cruise. And I'm all for pictures from IASW, just don't stream the soundtrack along with them!

However, after only being there for a few minutes we noticed there weren’t many other people waiting. And eventually we overheard a CM say that they had been cancelled for the night because of the weather. Needless to say, we were bummed, especially because this was one of only two nights we would have the opportunity to see them.
That really stinks. I'm glad it worked out that you could at least get back over to the Tiki Room without much of a wait though.

DS was definitely NOT a fan of Pirates this time around! It was pretty much because of the drops, so it didn’t help that there is 2 in this version unlike the 1 in the WDW version. Once the drops had passed and he was assured there were no more, he was okay. But he didn’t really want to ride Pirates for the rest of the trip, and it prompted him to ask before pretty much anything that was new, “Does this ride have drops?”
Uh oh... I kind of like those drops!!! I'm sorry he wasn't too crazy about them though. I remembered thinking they were bigger than I expected them to be.

I can imagine if Dumbo went this fast, it would not be a pretty sight! I’m thinking of that scene in The Sandlot when all the kids chew tobacco and get on the spinning ride at the fair.

One last picture on the way out for DS, a huge Miles From Tomorrowland fan!
Oh yeah, our DS loves that one too!

Once he had wrapped up his photo session, he took the bus back to the Toy Story parking lot. From there, it was close enough to Dolphin’s Cove that he was able to walk back to the room from there. And with that, our first full day at Disneyland had come to a close and we were ready for more adventure the next day!
Looks like an all around good day. And it is making me miss Disneyland. As always, the pictures from the photo session were great. Thanks for sharing!
Aw, I'm sorry DS wasn't a fan of Pirates. Those drops! I can understand how that would make him nervous for future rides!

Oh and we are HUGE Miles from Tomorrowland fans too. I think Nate is going to be Miles for Halloween this year!

And of course, amazing night shots from DH! Love the movement on the tea cups and Dumbo!

I even prepared him for the drops thinking that would help, but it didn't seem to make any difference. :(

DS talked about wanting to be Miles for Halloween, but he has since moved on from the obsession. It lasted several weeks where he was on the Disney Jr. app on the iPad watching Miles CONSTANTLY, but that has subsided. He still seems to be pretty popular with the little boy demographic though!

Thanks! The tea cups one is one of my favorites.

It won't be open in DL when I go :( I have heard how much better it is, so it's disappointing that I won't get to experience it!

Oh, that is really too bad!!!

Aw, your poor DS and the drops. Reminds me of after riding Maestrom and being scared of the trolls my DD would ask before each ride if there were trolls on it

great pictures by your husband! The tea cup and dumbo ones are really cool. And good tip about getting pictures of the windows when it is dark!

Oh gosh, at least there are really no other rides with trolls though, so that's pretty easy to avoid! lol He has kind of associated "drops" with anything remotely fast or scary. He doesn't even want to ride the Mine Train on our upcoming trip!!

Thanks, I love those ride ones too!

Aw that is too bad about Paxton and the drops!! Aria hates the mist at the start of Pirates, after that she is fine (though doesn't love the canons either). The drops don't bother her lol! I wish WDW's version had 2 like DL :) The photos on the ride and then afterwards are beautiful. So nice you were able to take Paxton back and DH was able to stay and take pics and walk back, nice that it was that close!

I love the double drops on the DL version. Maybe I will have some luck convincing him to ride in WDW if I tell him there is only one drop on that ride. lol It was pretty nice to be close enough that DS and I could get back at a decent time without DH feeling like he needed to rush back.

I'm still kicking myself for not eating there. I had it on my radar, but it just didn't really work out.

Yeah, tell me about it... :headache:

Both good reasons to book another trip, right?!

Always nice to have a private cruise. And I'm all for pictures from IASW, just don't stream the soundtrack along with them!

Hmmm, an idea for the next TR...I'll have to ask Pete about how to embed background music to updates! :rotfl:

Uh oh... I kind of like those drops!!! I'm sorry he wasn't too crazy about them though. I remembered thinking they were bigger than I expected them to be.

The double drops are the best part of the DL version! I am sorely disappointed that it doesn't appear DS will be much of a thrill seeker, at least not for awhile.

Looks like an all around good day. And it is making me miss Disneyland. As always, the pictures from the photo session were great. Thanks for sharing!

It was a great first day in the parks! As I do all of these updates, I miss Disneyland terribly!! It definitely has gotten its hooks in me over the last few trips we have taken there. I just wish it was closer and easier to get to!
Day 3: Monday March 2nd

This morning, we got a pretty early start when DS woke up at 7 am and came to lay in bed with us. However, unlike in WDW when 7 am means we are hurrying around to get to the park on time for a 9 am opening, we had the chance to be a little lazier this morning. During the week, the parks opened at 10 am.

We made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and then had to wait around for a Wyndham rep to come talk to us. We had scheduled it because they were supposed to just be coming to get our opinions on the room upgrades. He was supposed to be there at 8 but it was closer to 8:15 before he got there. Of course, he had pulled our account and was asking us a bunch of questions about how many points we have and that we aren’t using them to our advantage. Apparently we are missing out by using them all to actually book vacations instead of using them to book airfare, rental cars, or paying our maintenance fees? It wasn’t high pressure, at least, and once he left we still had some time to hang around the room and watch TV before it was time to leave for the park.

We thought we were making pretty good time when we left a few minutes after 9 am to get to the Toy Story parking lot and catch a bus. DS was just as excited, if not even more excited, to be taking the bus this morning.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

Apparently, we had not given ourselves as much time as we needed. When we arrived, the plaza was PACKED! I was really surprised, considering it was still 30 minutes before park opening on a Monday in mid-March!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

We were going to Disneyland first this morning, and knew we wanted to hit up the Nemo submarines first since that line can get pretty long. So when we were let inside, we went to wait at the rope between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland so we could take the path around the Matterhorn to get there.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
DS ready and waiting to go!​

We waited a few minutes at the rope until the morning announcement was made and then it was dropped. We were headed off to the submarines!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Check out those clouds…not looking good for the weather today!​

Our wait was minimal before we were loading onto our sub. DH and I couldn’t help but start laughing when we all got in and settled in our seats and a young teen said, “It’s bigger than I thought it would be,” and another guy sitting next to us said under his breath, “That’s what she said.” Neither of us are mature enough not to laugh at a well-played “that’s what she said” joke!

Once we were all in and ready to go, we began our descent into the ocean to look for Nemo and friends!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Sharkbait, Ooh-ha-ha!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

Unsurprisingly, when we came out, it was starting to rain. So we hurried across the walkway to Innoventions to spend some time wandering in there to wait out the rain and check out the Marvel stuff. But once we got over there, we realized it opens later than the rest of the park so it wasn’t open yet. Ugh! So instead, we ran over to Buzz Lightyear and walked right on.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

When we came off of the ride, we spent a little time in the gift shop, but the rain was still coming down. Unfortunately, I couldn’t ignore needing a bio break at that moment, so I had to venture out in the rain to get to the restroom. I had a not so fine moment when I had finished up and tried calling DH several times to tell him to wait on me so I could ride again with them but he didn’t answer. That drives me nuts! So I stood in the shop and fumed until they came off.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
One from their ride​

I got over it as we started walking back towards Innoventions, which was open by this time. One of the first things we came upon was a racing video game, which DS wanted to wait for a chance to play.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Inside Innoventions

by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

After he raced, we wandered around but nothing else really caught our eye until we got to the Iron Man suits on display. We even tried to get DS to go meet Captain America but he didn’t want to.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

It was still raining by the time we finished up in Innoventions, but it was supposed to be clearing up soon, so we decided to wait out the rest by having lunch. We hurried over to the nearby Redd Rocket’s for some pizza and pasta. I got a slice of cheese pizza, DH had the chicken Alfredo pasta, and DS had a kid’s pizza.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

DH and I finished first, as we usually do, so while I waited with DS for him to finish eating, DH left to run over to DCA to pick up some FastPasses for RSR to use later in the day. He took a few pictures along the way.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

Once DS was done, I took him to pick up the stroller we had left outside of Nemo, and we met up with DH in Fantasyland. We wanted to ride Alice in Wonderland so we met over there, but it was closed.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

We decided to hang around Fantasyland for a little longer, but I'll leave that for the next update.

UP NEXT: Tasty Treats
The picture of DS on the bus is so hysterical!

Wow can't believe how packed it was. But at least you made it to your destination without a hitch!

Ugh, rain :( How annoying! Glad you were able to stay indoors for most of it. Hopefully it ended up clear the rest of the day!
We made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and then had to wait around for a Wyndham rep to come talk to us. We had scheduled it because they were supposed to just be coming to get our opinions on the room upgrades. He was supposed to be there at 8 but it was closer to 8:15 before he got there.
Sounds like a nice leisurely morning... aside from meeting a Wyndham rep who couldn't show up on time and then wanted to talk about things other than the agreed upon topic. :sad2:

Our wait was minimal before we were loading onto our sub. DH and I couldn’t help but start laughing when we all got in and settled in our seats and a young teen said, “It’s bigger than I thought it would be,” and another guy sitting next to us said under his breath, “That’s what she said.” Neither of us are mature enough not to laugh at a well-played “that’s what she said” joke!
I'm glad you had a chance to ride the subs! And you can't hear a joke like that and not laugh... :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

DH and I finished first, as we usually do, so while I waited with DS for him to finish eating, DH left to run over to DCA to pick up some FastPasses for RSR to use later in the day. He took a few pictures along the way.
I really love the ability to grab FP from both parks and being able to get back and forth between them so quickly and easily!
DS was definitely NOT a fan of Pirates this time around!
Aw, bummer! Izzy was scared of it on our last WDW trip, but not because of the drop. :sad2:

It was pretty much because of the drops, so it didn’t help that there is 2 in this version unlike the 1 in the WDW version.
I wish WDW had two! Really hoping we are able to get to Disneyland in February (our tentative plan) - it's been 10 years since I rode double-drop Pirates and we really want to eat at Blue Bayou!

One last picture on the way out for DS, a huge Miles From Tomorrowland fan!
Very cool! We're fans here too - Izzy just watched one tonight before bed. :thumbsup2

However, unlike in WDW when 7 am means we are hurrying around to get to the park on time for a 9 am opening, we had the chance to be a little lazier this morning. During the week, the parks opened at 10 am.
As a night owl, I love this! :hyper:

“It’s bigger than I thought it would be,” and another guy sitting next to us said under his breath, “That’s what she said.” Neither of us are mature enough not to laugh at a well-played “that’s what she said” joke!

I had a not so fine moment when I had finished up and tried calling DH several times to tell him to wait on me so I could ride again with them but he didn’t answer. That drives me nuts! So I stood in the shop and fumed until they came off.
Ugh, I've been there and feel your pain! :headache:

By the way, all those nighttime photos were beautiful! I just love your DH's pictures - I see things more crisply in them than I do in real life. :rotfl:
DS was quite excited for that bus ride!

The ride on the Nemo subs looks very cool. I'm so lost on all of these DL attractions! I feel like I know nothing about either park so it's really interesting to read this TR!

I'm sorry the rain put a damper on your day but it looks like you had a fun ride on Buzz! And I love all of the Marvel stuff!
The picture of DS on the bus is so hysterical!

Wow can't believe how packed it was. But at least you made it to your destination without a hitch!

Ugh, rain :( How annoying! Glad you were able to stay indoors for most of it. Hopefully it ended up clear the rest of the day!

He is such a character these days. His facial expressions crack me up, as evidenced by that photo!!

We were totally caught off guard by how many people were up waiting for the park to open. Like DH pointed out though, it's a lot easier to get there early and be ready for opening when it's at 10 am!

The rain sucked, but thankfully that was about it for the rain for the rest of the trip. Once it kind of blew through Monday morning, we had great weather the rest of the week!

Sounds like a nice leisurely morning... aside from meeting a Wyndham rep who couldn't show up on time and then wanted to talk about things other than the agreed upon topic. :sad2:

Unfortunately, that's pretty much par for the course, so we shouldn't have been surprised. Honestly when he was running late I was hoping he had forgotten and just wouldn't show up. lol

I'm glad you had a chance to ride the subs! And you can't hear a joke like that and not laugh... :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

The subs are a great gem at DL as long as you can get there early enough to ride without a long wait. True story, DH and his friends in college used to say That's what she said after pretty much anything, whether it made sense or not. I got burned out on it, needless to say. But being that it has been years since I have heard it, and it was so spectacularly used, it totally cracked us up!

I really love the ability to grab FP from both parks and being able to get back and forth between them so quickly and easily!

Definitely one of the many wonderful things about Disneyland!!
Aw, bummer! Izzy was scared of it on our last WDW trip, but not because of the drop. :sad2:

It really sucks when they go through phases where the suddenly don't like something they always have before. We spent a lot of this trip reminding DS that he has gone on all these things since he was a baby and wasn't scared back then so he shouldn't be now!

I wish WDW had two! Really hoping we are able to get to Disneyland in February (our tentative plan) - it's been 10 years since I rode double-drop Pirates and we really want to eat at Blue Bayou!

It would be so fun if WDW had two drops! It's my favorite part of the ride! Hopefully you get to visit DL. I can't wait to get back!!

As a night owl, I love this! :hyper:

It's actually pretty nice for a Disney vacation to actually be able to relax a bit and not be rushing around in the morning to get everyone ready and out of the door!

Ugh, I've been there and feel your pain! :headache:

It drives me NUTS!

By the way, all those nighttime photos were beautiful! I just love your DH's pictures - I see things more crisply in them than I do in real life. :rotfl:

Thank you! Sometimes it annoys me a bit having to stand around waiting for him to set up these shots and take them, but then I love having the pictures once he's done. At least this time we were able to split up easily enough that DS and I could get back for bed and he could take his time taking pictures!

DS was quite excited for that bus ride!

The ride on the Nemo subs looks very cool. I'm so lost on all of these DL attractions! I feel like I know nothing about either park so it's really interesting to read this TR!

I'm sorry the rain put a damper on your day but it looks like you had a fun ride on Buzz! And I love all of the Marvel stuff!

I know, right?! Sometimes I think we could spend an entire Disney vacation taking him on the transportation and not even going into the parks and he would be totally satisfied. lol

The Nemo subs is pretty much the same attraction as the Nemo ride in Epcot except that instead of riding on the omnimover, you go "down" in the submarine. Which is a cool effect because you feel like you are going really deep but the sub is not even fully submerged! After that, the scenes are almost identical to the Epcot ride.

The rain stunk, but at least after that it was pretty much over and we enjoyed some much nicer weather for the rest of the week. The Marvel stuff was pretty cool! DH was definitely loving all of the Iron Man suits!


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