**DisVids - Come and Introduce Yourself and Meet Your Fellow UK Dissers**

Hi all my name is carol.
Am new to Dis but not new to Disney.
Am always looking for any tips on Disney that I can find so thought I would add this spot to my many spots to find them.
I am very lucky to have been to Disney twice and am trying to save to go back again.
Despite my user name I am a very "mature" person (56) so I can blame the obsession with Disney World as a second childhood.

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards
Hi all, joined the boards last April in preparation for our trip last year. Now getting back into boards ready for August!

Name: Karen

Family: Financée Nikki and cat Bo

Occupation: Biology Laboratory Technician

Home Town: Reading, Berks

Fav Park: Hollywood Studios

Fav Attraction: Great Movie Ride, Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, The Seas with Nemo & Friends, Splash Mountain, Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and Transformers: The Ride

Fav shows: Fantasmic and Main Street Electric Parade

Fav Restaurants: Coral Reef and Boma

Interests: Films and road cycling
Name : Victoria

Family: Just me and the boyfriend ( until they start letting me take my precious little kitten, Mowgli, on holiday that is!)

Occupation: Helpdesk Administrator

Home Town: Aberdeen, Scotland

Hobbies: Other than all things Disney you mean? Reading, Going to the football, eating out...the usual!

New to Disneyworld, visited Disneyland Paris for my 21st, some 5 years ago, for a couple of days so really looking forward to my first real time experiencing all that Disney has to offer!!
Name: Mark

Family: My beautiful husband, Marc. We have 2 cats called Nala and Oscar and them seem to be Disney fans, well they certainly love a Disney Plush...

Occupation: Disney Cast Member

Home Town: Southend-on-Sea, Essex

Favourite Park: Magic Kingdom, although I love them all tbh.

Favourite Resort: Animal Kingdom Villas (we are DVC owners there).

Favourite Ride: Tower of Terror

Favourite Show: Fantasmic and Wishes

Favourite Character: Stitch (and Marcs is Maleficent)

Visit Count: WDW x 3, DL x 1, DLP x 5

Next Visit: off to Disneyland Paris for my birthday in October and we are also booking for WDW visit next year.

Hobbies: Beyond Disney, I am an amateur performer in local theatre. I also love theme parks (bit of a roller coaster geek), music and Formula 1 racing.

Likes/Dislikes: I love Disney magic and people with good manners. My biggest dislike is snobbery and people who are disrespectful to us because we visit Disney parks and don't have children (it doesn't happen often but sometimes people be rude and treat us like we aren't entitled to be there because we don't have kids!!!!)
I'm not sure if I have done this or not, as I have something of a spotty memory:

Real name:
Bill... which is just about as common as you get. I'm one of the resident Yanks that hangs about on the UK boards

Married to Susan, twenty years as of july the fourth! Our daughter Olivia is 15 and is every bit as much a Disney fan as we are... indeed, her first trip to WDW was pre-natal. We have a Labrador named Charlie, who is a retired Police Explosive Detection dog.. but he stays home while we are gone.

Occupation: I'm a copper. I work for a fairly large federal law enforcement agency, teaching our officers how to fight with guns.

Home town: Prince WIlliam County, Virginia, USA To give you a little perspective, I live in a state which was named for your "Virgin" Queen, and in a County named after William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (Veirginia is one of the oldest of North American colnies).

Favourite park: EPCOT! There isn't much that I can say about EPCOT other than that it is my happiest of places in the happiest place on earth.
Favourite resort: We have a time share with the Hilton Grand Vacation Clubm, so we don't stay on site anymore, but when we did, it was Coronado Springs, hands down!

Favourite attraction:
Philharmagic. I could do it over and over and over.

Favourite restaurant:
Columbia Harbor House (I love the fried shrimp platter)

Hobbies: I stay heavily involved in youth leadership activities... with teens in the church; as a soccer (football) coach; and as a scout leader. My real hobby is customizing Mickey Mouse ears. So if you are in WDW in August, and see a large black man wearing some REALLY different mouse ears, it will probably me, so please come say hello.

Likes: I like Disney World. I like my family. I like good cheese and good beer. I like making things with my two good hands. I love to teach. I love children. I love rugby. I love music from the 60's and 70's. I REALLY love Chinese takeout. I love to read. I love my Kindle. I love my Windows telephone. I love my old dog Charlie (he is 15 and in good health, but he is old and I am aware of the pressure of time). I like to sing.

: Well, I have quite a few, but I try to stay positive. Oh! Here is one thing that is Disney related: I really dislike it when people that have been qeued up for counter service for ten minutes, who get to finally place their order and then spend ten minutes trying to figure out what their kids want to eat.

That's me, done... I look forward to hearing more about all of you.
I seem to remember you posting earlier in the thread Bill, but no worries if you did, I enjoyed reading it again.

We enjoy Epcot also, will be going in again on Thursday :cloud9:
Have been lurking on the boards for about 18 months now when I booked my November '14 trip and have just discovered the UK section.

Name: Rikki

Family: Just me and my girlfriend of 6 years Emma (we normally travel with my parents as they are big Disney fans also)

Occupation: TV Producer

Home Town: London (originally from Bristol)

Fav Park: EPCOT

Fav Attraction: Spaceship Earth, Splash Mountain

Fav shows: Spectromagic (I know this doesn't exist anymore but was my favorite)

Fav Restaurants: California Grill, Chef Mickeys(for the childhood memories)

Interests: Travel, Photography, Football, Gaming
Hi all been on the boards a while but I am a bit of a lurker thought I would say hi :)

Name: Vicky

Family: Me, 29 Soon to be husband Ant, 28(getting married November) and our daughter Lottie, 4

Occupation: Call Centre

Home Town: Manchester although originally from the North East

Fav Park: Magic Kingdom

Fav Attraction: Splash Mountain

Interests: Football (SAFC) WWE, reading and cooking
Real name: Michelle

Married to Andy, who won't admit it but is a DISNerd too, and DD9 (Madison)

Occupation: Analyst - numbers are my friends.

Home town: Milton Keynes. Lived here all of my life, and I love it, however it's not to everyone's tastes. Apparently too many roundabouts.

Favourite park: Mine is without a shadow Epcot; I think it all stems from the first time we went to WDW, it was the first park we went too, and I bombed it through the gates, pass spaceship earth, towing OH and DD with me, in a state of panic and shock as we just HAD to get to Test Track IMMEDIATELY. But then I stopped.. right by the fountain and just stared. I was at WDW, the sky was picture perfect, and I was literally bubbling with excitement. I get the same feeling every time I enter Epcot - and who can beat a lovely walk around world showcase (my daughter probably).

Favourite resort: Well this year is the first year we are staying on site. Stayed at CoCo Beach previously, and Pointe Orlando. Staying at CSR this year, so watch this space.

Favourite attraction: ToT. I actually hate it and every time I get on I wonder what the hell I am doing here, and have a mild freak out which DD loves. Then for it to end, and want to go again immediately afterwards (one of my fav memories is riding this. At the end when the elevator doors opening, the bellboy stuck his head through the gap, scaring my daughter half to death, so much so she actually screamed - causing him to burst out laughing and break character)

Favourite restaurant: I don't have a favourite restaurant, mines all food carts. The almonds that they serve on the food cart by Space Mountain. Oh and popcorn. What do Disney do to their popcorn, cause I can't get enough? And School Bread, oh and the almond pretzel.. oh and the ice cream in France...

How I got into Disney: I have also been an avid Disney film fan - who hasn't?! And myself and my friend since the age of about 6 said we would go. No matter what. We even had our own savings tins... every time one of us went to a travel agent or passed one, we'd grab a brochure and spend ages going through it. Anyway, it wasn't too be. I met my now husband and life moved on around us. But before that I went to Eurodisney and fell in love (I was 18 so this was 98 and it was still relatively new - I did queue for an hour for IASW!!!). I loved every second of it, and we were then from rope drop to close. One of my fav pictures of me is standing there with a glow necklace around my head, a winnie balloon in one hand, and a minnie in the other, grinning madly at the camera, looking absolutely exhausted). For my 30th birthday I begged and pleaded to go back to Eurodisney with my husband and daughter (she was nearly 5) and wow. Seeing it through a childs eyes was amazing. We didn't meet any characters, just wandered and rode rides, and saw shows and parades. And it was perfect. For the next year I moaned at my husband that I just had to go to WDW, but he was adamant we couldn't afford it. Not with a child who has fifty million clubs to attend. So, 2012 we trundled into Thomson to book a trip to Turkey for two weeks in the summer and it came in at £5k ish. I laughed and jokingly went, we could go to Disney for that... and well, we did. And that was it. Hooked. It was only going to be the one trip. A once in a lifetime, where we crammed everything including discovery cove and universal. We returned home EXHAUSTED. But I was itching. I also became very ill (later diagnosed with coeliac disease (yes I eat school bread which is laced with gluten but I can explain in full detail why I make the choices I make), and CFS and various other medical conditions I didn't even know existed!). Part of my illness was branded as depression (it wasn't at all, but the doctors wanted to put a label on it and did so), and I won't lie I may have used this to my advantage and low and behold we booked for 2014. This time it was a much slower pace, but we still did everything, including Busch Gardens (no DC this time though, my bonus wouldn't quite stretch to cover it). When we were departing WDW for the last time, heading to Sanford, I cried. All holiday OH was informing me we wouldn't be coming back and whereas I had the most amazing time I couldn't imagine not going again. We returned home, and OH said maybe we could do a Disney Cruise. So, I started looking... literally a day after we had landed.

A week later, after a huge argument with the OH where he declared I was selfish (I am, I admit) and that I should just appreciate what I have. For him to see an advert for Disney on TV and make me call Virgin (see I told you he is a closet DISNerd), for them not to have any for the dates we wanted, to then be walking past our dear friend Thomson, for him to go in and ask for a price (but not for Disney, oh no, he wanted to do KSC and beaches and stuff), so whilst I am sat there going through our rough plans, he randomly asks about Disney prices, and suddenly has signed up for two weeks a CSR in August. Which is fine by me, and the DD.

He has said though that we are not returning in 2016, we brought a new house last year and have some work we want to do... and I agree that Disney needs to take a back seat, but 2017, he has said we'll be there with bells on and things would have changed in that time also.
Real name: Tony
Location: Hertfordshire
occupation: Programme Manager
Family: partner and two grown up kids
Loves: AKL,MK, Sci Fi diner, soaring
Name: Rachel

Family: Just me and my partner

Occupation: Mechanical Engineer at a large confectionery manufacturer

Home Town: Birmingham

Favourite Park: Thats a cruel question... I guess Tokyo DisneySea was the best so far.

Favourite Resort: Port Orleans Riverside

Favourite Ride: again another cruel question... I don't have a particular favorite, i love them all.

Favourite Show: Dreams DLP

Favourite Character: Stitch & any Villian!

Visit Count: WDW x 5, DLP x 7, Disney Tokyo Resort x 1, Port portaventura x 3

Next Visit: Cabana bay for 14 nights for halloween horror nights and food and wine festival in September.

Hobbies: Beyond Disney, I am engineer so I like to break/fix things. Cars, bikes.. whatever. I also paint/draw, sing, and collect stuff. Finally I play on lots of computer games and PS4 games.

Likes/Dislikes: I like holidays!!! I basically live/work to save for holidays. I'm going to visit Hong Kong next year and I went to Tokyo last year. I love to travel. Ummm... not too many dislikes but have two major pet hates, people who eat with their mouth open and people who text while walking.

Anyways hello everyone, i was a member of another Forum but I wanted to join one that's more Disney focused.
Hey All!

Name: Alana

Age: 23 very nearly 24!

Family: Just me and fiancé

Occupation: Currently a shop assistant and Waitress

Home Town: Caernarfon, North Wales but originally from Auckland, New Zealand

Oh it's so bad but I've never actually been to WDW! We are planning our trip for September 2017 as our 'late' honey/disneymoon! We are so excited, well I am :teeth:
I've always loved Disney, my favourite ever character is Mike from M.Inc and my favourite princesses are Mulan and Pocahontas. I've been to DLP 3 times, last time was in 2014 with fiancé. We are staying at a value resort probably, we also want to go before we have any children and 'settle' down as we want to enjoy ourselves for a bit longer than we probably should! Ok I will carry on now!

Hobbies: Not a lot really, I used to be such a hobby freak at University until I graduated in '14. I like reading and writing and also cross-stitch (odd, I know).

Likes/Dislikes: I love aeroplanes and planning trips! (Recent one was back home and now planning our mini-moon to Madrid and WDW). I really dislike exercise and football! (I'm a rugby fan!)

That's all really, I look forward getting to know everyone on the forum!:upsidedow
Afternoon all! I've lurked on the DIS for a long while on and off but never noticed the UK section! Not sure how that passed me by, anyway...I'll crack on.

Real Name: Neill - yeees, two L's. Nobody ever gets it right, even those that email me many times a day still get it wrong. I give up trying to correct people!

Family: Will be travelling with my girlfriend, Joanna, and her two girls, Rachael and Rowan.

Occupation: IT Deployment Bobbins! Very unexciting stuff...

Home town: Fleet in Hampshire. It's tiny...you'll never have heard of it!

Favourite Park
: MGM, sorry, Hollywood Studios. Can't really put my finger on why, but I've loved it ever since my first visit in '99.

Favourite Attraction: I think I have many, but if I'm thinking about what I'm looking forward to going back to again...it's Haunted Mansion.

Favourite Coaster: The Hulk (I know, I know!)

Favourite Nighttime show: Fantasmic!

First Trip to Disney
: '99 where I stayed at Dixie Landings, which is now POR, and incidentally the place that I'll be taking 'my girls' next September. This will be my 6th time returning to WDW, but the first for my fellow travellers. I've FINALLY convinced my other half to go! Now I think she's looking forward to it (and Magic Bands!) just as much as I am.

Favourite Restaurant: Not sure I really have one, but previously I've loved going back to Rainforest Cafe just for the themeing if anything.

Favourite Hotel Onsite
: Port Orleans Riverside. That boat ride to Downtown Disney....lush!

Hobbies: Movies, Music, Technology, Football - I write for a website for my local team. Also, Stand-up comedy, Mixed Martial Arts, and of course, researching WDW for the next trip!
Name: Peter

Family: My girlfriend (this trip will be her first visit to WDW and Florida :-)), my Mum, Dad and Sister.

Occupation: Content Editor

Home Town: Dover, Kent

Favourite Park: Difficult to say, probably Magic Kingdom but EPCOT and the Studios are close.

Favourite Resort: So far it's Port Orleans French Quarter, but we're staying at Coronado Springs this time, so that could change.

Favourite Ride: Either Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, Philharmagic, or Haunted Mansion.

Favourite Show: Fantasmic

Favourite Character: Donald or Genie

Visit Count: 6 so far with my 7th in November

Hobbies: I play in a jazz band. I also enjoy sports and video games.


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