Derp Derp! The adventures of the Dapper, Disneybounding Princesses! Updated 7/8x6!!!!

Our timing hadn’t worked out for us so far, but we had some Broadway level theatre to get to, so it was off to Beauty and the Beast for Paige and I!

Mr Perfect Zac Efron looking Prince, hello…

A different friend for Gaston today, I think I remember Paige saying she liked him better, not totally sure. He was younger, that’s for sure, but still a hoot, and the bimbette’s certainly enjoyed him!

I’m not too sure about my regular favorite dancers today, but there were two guys that caught our attention as not only awesome dancers, but easy on the eyes as well! Baha! That would be one of them!

There’s the two of them together!

Overall, the show was good, Gaston was great, and the two boys that we noticed were awesome! Belle was not so great this time around, I’m pretty sure she was the same one that we had seen in Sept and really not liked, but who knows?!

With our fast passes in hand our timing was finally right, and we were off to a very special service elevator that was waiting just for US!

Heck yes front row!! Our adventuring in the land of Hollywood was completed, we had one last park to hit up to complete our trip, so we jumped on a bus and headed over that way! Along the way, we discovered an interesting choice of music…

Springtime for Hitler is playing on this Disney bus….#uhhmmmm #lawl

For those of you who aren’t familiar with theater, it’s from the Producers…youtube it…I found it hilarious and slightly inappropriate that it was playing on a Disney bus ahahah.

Paige and I eventually made our way over to the Magic Kingdom and along the way had decided that since it was our last day, and the last time we’d get to dance along with Move It Shake It, we wanted to really be able to dance. The solution? Get a locker of course! We stopped at the rental stand on the way in and talked to a lovely cast member named Milton!

We spent a few minutes playing Disney Trivia with him and just chatting with him about Disney and such. I know one of the questions he asked was “Which Disney characters have umbrella’s with them always?” Answer; “Mary Poppins and Jiminy Cricket!” Because we got the majority of the questions right, he ended up giving us the locker for free!! Yay! We paid the $5.00 deposit, thanked him profusely and threw our stuff into our locker. It would have been a lot easier if I had shorts on that day, but I would have to make due with no pockets, so I kept some cash, and my Iphone.

Naturally, since neither of us kept our cameras on us, there aren’t a lot of photos for this update, and a lot of talking, baha! Sorry!!

When we walked under the tunnel of the train station it was nearly time for the parade so the decision remained to just hang out and watch it before moving on!

Rented a locker, going bagless at MK today! #dancepartay #awesome #noworries

A few minutes before 3:00 a school’s marching band came through to warm up the parade route for everyone!

That’d definitely be a pretty cool thing to get to do, pretty awesome if you ask me! Paige and I had actually managed to choose a parade spot that at first, seemed great, and then she pointed out that we had ended up beside a rather large group of Brazilians….uh oh… it wasn’t a tour group, but rather a large family, there seemed to be a bunch of those around this time. Like, extended family kind of thing instead of big tour groups of younger girls. LUCKILY for us, they were actually really tame, and polite, goes to show that the stereotypes aren’t always true!

While we watched I received a text from Ariana asking if we had made it to MK for the parade, and that she was over in Frontierland watching it! We then made official plans for our Dismeet to occur at 5:40 directly to the right of the partner’s statue. This of course, being our spot for the Move It Shake It! Yay!

Dismeet arranged, we moved on. My notes say that we wandered, and there were long lines everywhwere. Ugh. We stopped in at the store right behind the BBB in the castle to pick up a little tiara to complete my look as Lottie, and I know that we did eventually end up in Tomorrowland, the Space Mountain posted wait time was say, twenty minutes, so we figured we may as well hop in line for it, at least it would get us out of the cold for a bit. Have I mentioned that yet? It was BUUUURRRRR out today. Even for us Canadians! How’d that wait for Space go?

The amount of obnoxious and loud people in this line up is beyond belief! #grumpy #hangry #spacemountain

We waited a LONG time, and were beside a REALLY obnoxious and annoying family that didn’t speak English. It was not fun, we ended up waiting in the hallway that has the games and stuff for probably twenty minutes. Then we FINALLY made it up to the room with the loading dock…only to find that we were going BEHIND that extra wall, and all the way around, and then zig zagging a million times before actually being on the ride. Fun.

This wait time is WAAAAAAAY freaking longer than posted! #disneyproblems

By this point we had probably been waiting over an hour, and were not enjoying it. It then got to a point where the line had twisted a few times and we were packed in there, completely surrounded by people that it was just not worth it. Much longer and my anxiety would’ve been through the roof!

Bailed on that line, way too long, hot, and too many people. Time for a snack[/center[/b ]

Frustrated with the situation, we walked out of the chicken exit and were BEYOND relieved to find some personal space and fresh air out in Tomorrowland. Knowing that I was hangry, aka, hungry angry, and there was a snack I had been dying to try, we cut through the hub and over to Liberty Square. Sleepy Hollow Treats was our next destination!

I had seen pictures of the Fruit and Nutella Waffle sandwich on the disboards and had read all about it, and simply had to try it! The line was a bit long, and if I remember correctly, Paige got a cookie and a drink, or at least a drink, something haha. There weren’t any seats available near the shop so we rounded the corner to sit on the little wall over by Tiana and Naveens meet and greet!

JUST LOOK AT IT! YUM! I cut it into two and kinda messily ate it like a sandwich from there, and boy oh boy was it delicious! It was light enough that it didn’t feel like a huge snack, thanks to the fruit, and the fruit was all fresh and yummy! So impressed!

Pretty sure I just ate the most delicious snack ever! #nutella #waffle

While we sat there we saw Tiana and Naveen come out, and it wasn’t the friend we were searching for, so we continued to just hang around instead of jumping in line. At one point a cast member walked past and said “aren’t you supposed to be at the front of the park greeting your guests?” Well, no, just because I’m in pink doesn’t mean I’m Aurora, but I get it, we laughed meekly and continued eating. Then the guy walked past again and kinda forced himself into conversation saying “oh, I got it, Tink called, she wants her hairstyle back!” laughed to himself and then disappeared backstage to which Paige replied “Just quit while you’re ahead bud” of course only we could hear that. It was pretty noticeable that we were tired! Nonetheless it was nearing 5:40 so we headed toward the hub and took a seat near our spot.

Four minutes til our last Move It Shake It of the trip! #mylifeisWDW #paradelove #dance

And after a few minutes of being there I noticed Ariana coming towards us a jumped up from the bench to say hello! We chatted for a little bit about how cold it was, how our trips were going and so on. I told her all about how we’d been creepers and found a parade stilts guy friend and were hoping to see him again today, baha! And we actually remembered to get a picture like some good dis-ers to prove we’d met! Ha! These are both stolen from her TR, so here we are!

Move It Shake It then began and after they’d done the loop around the hub, Paige and I were saddened by the fact that our friend wasn’t there. Paige even mentioned she had been paying some extra attention to the characters that came past in case she thought he might be hanging out with them today instead. Our friend missing didn’t stop us from dancing though, it was our last dance party, we had to!

Ariana stayed on the sidelines to watch though as her hip was hurting, boourns. I assume she had some fun watching us dance around like the derps we are though, so at least she was entertained!? Haha. Halfway through the dancing I was seriously regretting eating that whole waffle sandwich though, let me tell you, eating something like that and then dancing for a solid fifteen minutes, it’s ROUGH!

Dance party over, we said good bye to Ariana and then made on our way. Lyssa was hanging with Rapunzel today, and we wanted to get in to see her! She had told us what to say and we were ready to meet the blondie! The wait time was posted at lets say, fourty five, something long, but not crazy, so we jumped in the line.

Long story short, the wait time posted was NOT what it actually was that day. I don’t know what was going on, but we waited over an hour and a half and barely moved. Paige was getting antsy as she didn’t want to be late for dinner, and we still had to get back to our locker and then across the park. I assured her it would be okay, but we were both getting grouchy at this point. Eventually, we bailed, again. I sent Lyssa a facebook message to say we tried, and ask what time her last set was, we collected our things from the locker, asked how late we could return the key, and BOOKED IT across the park. Would we make it? STAY TUNED!
Paige and I made it over to New Fantasyland and up to the Be Our Guest window with a bit of time to spare. Despite waiting forever for the meet and greet that never happened, we were happy to finally be eating at the greatest restaurant for dinner! We checked in at the counter and were given a buzzer and told to wait on the bridge until it went off. We then did our best to get some pictures but things looked really washed out with flash, so here’s the best we got! Lawl.

The Beast’s castle definitely looks cool all lit up at night, and the area beside the bridge was gorgeous, a whole little waterfall/river and rocks feature, it really transports you into the movie, and we weren’t even inside yet!

A look across the little town over to Prince Eric’s castle, which looks just as awesome at night! Along the bridge they’ve also got a bunch of gargoyles just like in the movie!

Our buzzer ended up going off in under five minutes and we were escorted in! I REALLY like the way that they’re doing this, yes, it was FREEZING out on that bridge for those five minutes, but it was worth it. When your buzzer goes off, the CM comes out of the castle to greet you and take you in and they open both the doors to escort you inside, and to your table. UGH. I’m blown away every time with just how perfect it is. It truly is like walking right into the castle.

We were seated in the main ballroom, and actually happened to be right across from Ariana! We had both scored our ADR’s on the same day, even though nothing had been open earlier when we checked. I’m guessing there was a party of four that cancelled and we managed to scoop up the leftovers! Thank you to them!

The menu’s are adorable. And I STILL can’t get over how perfectly done the ballroom is! They have beauty and the beast music playing, but it’s the same as the rest of the area, it’s slowed down, and all instrumental and soft and beautiful. They also turn the lights down for dinner, and for it being a Disney restaurant, there sure is a lack of screaming kids, it feels like you’re at more of a sophisticated place!

As you can see, the lighting in there is pretty horrible for pictures. I had a hard time figuring out if I wanted to use flash or not, with the flash it kinda washed everything out, and without it, well, you can see what that did. Paige’s camera absorbs more light from where you are, so you can see the differences in the pictures. I’ll definitely have to play around with the settings for next time!

It’s not a character meal, but every say, twenty minutes, half hour, the Beast will be announced, and come through the ballroom and poke his head into the West Wing before retiring to his study where you can get a picture after your meal!

As we had sat down, I noticed Ariana sitting across from us, and once we had gotten situated, I darted over to say hello! We chatted a bit about BOG, and what we’d done since our dismeet. She was eating the Cornish Hen, and I asked about that, she said she liked it, it was super bony, but still good!

One more shot of the chandeliers, because you just can’t get enough! The place settings are super adorable too, with the napkins all folded up like a rose!

We ended up waiting QUITE a while for our server to come around, and in that time, spent some time talking to the table beside us who was just finishing up their meal. They had had the steak and the seafood dish, and had liked both of them a lot. Our server finally made it around and we talked about the menu a little bit, she said there was a lot of picking stuff off the bone with the hen, but Paige decided on it anyways! We both ordered an all natural lemonade, I got a glass of Rose wine because, hey, when else can you drink at the Magic Kingdom! We also ordered our meals then, Paige ended up with the Cornish Hen, and I got the pork chop!

We were starving by this point so it was awesome to have buns on the table! And now, for story time! Last September, Paige, my Mom and I all ate at Tony’s for our last meal together of the trip before Mom went home. I had heard the food wouldn’t be great, but I love Lady and the Tramp so I figured we’d try it out. Well, the food sucked, but it was made up for by our server, Shelly, she was amazing. Super friendly and informative and just plain awesome, she chatted with us about a BUNCH of stuff, new Fantasyland, auditions, her hometown and ours, and even brought us free ice cream at the end of the meal because we were awesome. Shelly had said that she would be moving over to Be Our Guest when it opened, so we were sure to keep our eyes open for her while we were waiting for our food, and, we saw her!

After pulling aside another server to double check that it was indeed Shelly, we called out to her as she was walking past, and she remembered us!! We could tell it took a second, but after that it was an instant “Oh my gosh how are you!!?” Kind of thing! We all exchanged hellos, greetings and hugs, she asked who our server was and told us that our server was from over at Victoria’s and Albert’s, high class place. (For the record, for someone from V & A’s, she was not very good at all…)

Shelly told us she’d be back to chat more in a bit, and made on her way back to the kitchen, it was awesome to see her, and we were super glad she remembered us! The table to the other side of us was sat while we waited for our food and we chatted with them for a bit (for the record, the tables are super close to each other in here, so it wasn’t like we were just chatty Cathy’s, it’s like when you’re in line for stuff and get talking). They were from somewhere down in the States but they had actually been around in the mountains near our hometown, and knew of this awesome pie shop that neither of us had heard of, but now had to check out, it was pretty hilarious.

Now, I’m pretty sure that they had ordered and gotten their appetizers before we had even gotten our drinks, or at least before our server had come back to take our dinner orders (and yes, our menus were closed and pushed off to the side, and this is why our server has remained nameless so far) EVENTUALLY, we got our food.

This is my “Thyme Scented Pork Rack Chop; with au gratin macaroni, seasonal vegetables and red wine au jus”

And then there’s Paige’s “Rotisserie Cornish Hen, with fingerling potatoes and seasonal vegetables”

Sorry the pictures are so bad, I promise, next time! Our thoughts on the food: the pork chop was ah-mazing!! It was seasoned perfectly and was just wonderful! The macaroni was to DIE for, and I actually instantly thought of Jess (PrincessJess508, I’m sure you’ve heard of her) and recommended it to her over twitter! The vegetables were meh, they were a little over salted, but still good!

Paige said her chicken was okay, there definitely was a lot of bone picking, they really do give you a whole hen, but she still said it tasted great. I had a little bite of it and liked it, although it was a tad greasy tasting for my liking.

We both loved the all natural lemonade, it’s seriously one of my favorite drinks you can get at Disney now, YUM! I’m glad to see it’s at more TS places now, I only wish it was refillable! Ha. The Rose wine that I got was definitely on the dry side for a rose, I’m usually a white/blush wine drinker as it’s just sweeter, but I found this one just barely drinkable, especially with the meal, but whatever!

We were still having a great time! While we ate, Shelly came over multiple times to check on us and make sure everything was tasting great and to chat with us a bit more (during this course, our actual server was nowhere to be seen unless she was talking to the couple at the table beside us). Speaking of them, they had gotten the Seafood puff pastry dish, and the Ratatouille. The woman said that she could have don without the pastry part of the dish, but that the seafood parts was great! The ratatouille came with quinoa, which was interesting, but still delicious. Quinoa is definitely an acquired taste, so I’m not sure I’d want it in my dish, but I’m still super curious to try it!

So, there ya go, that’s reviews on like, five things in one go! At some point during dinner Ariana was all finished up and came over to see what we were eating and how it was for us, and to say good bye as we were going our separate ways with us leaving the next day and her sticking around! Our server finally made it back to clear our empty plates and bring the dessert cart by, we both chose a Lemon Meringue Cupcake to eat, and asked for the bill, separated, please.

Now, Paige had her birthday button on, and the birthday had been mentioned on the ADR, but I knew we weren’t going to get anything out of our server, naturally, we called Shelly over. I mentioned to her that I had “heard about this grey stuff, and that it was pretty delicious…and that it happens to be Paige’s birthday celebration” Shelly said ‘OF COURSE” and was off to the kitchen. A few moments later she came back with the Grey Stuff and a card signed by Belle and the Beast! She’s seriously the greatest person ever!

The Grey Stuff was delicious! I’m not really sure what it’s made of, it’s moussey, I’m thinking like, Oreo mousse, YUM!

Our server came back with the bill….not separated…and we didn’t want to wait another half hour to get out of there so I just threw it on my visa and Paige gave me some cash for it. Shelly then had some time to chat with us as her tables were clearing out, so she came back with her facebook for us to add! She also pointed out where the staff had found a “hidden Minnie” up in the clouds of the ballroom, and told us where to find the hidden Mickey in the West Wing!! She told us to keep in touch and let her know when we were coming back, and to request her as a server! I also made sure to slip her a tip, I mean, she had taken better care of us than our actual server that night, and I greatly appreciated that!!

Be Our Guest Dinner Review
-Food was amazing and delicious
-Atmosphere is to DIE for, the music, the low lighting, the decorations, it truly is stepping into the movie
-Desserts are delicious
-Shelly was incredible to us
-It loses a point simply because our actual server was no good at all

Since Lyssa’s last set with Rapunzel was coming up soon, and we really wanted to get in there, Paige and I skipped out on the greet with the Beast, and headed out of the castle, majorly happy with how the dinner had gone!
Paige and I booked it back down to the opposite end of the park to try and make Lyssa’s last set while she was hanging out with Rapunzel, we asked at the front of the theater if they would be able to point us in the right direction, but they didn’t really know anything, said to talk to someone in a blue shirt.

We made our way through the line and actually into the blue room, where we, once again, waited for FREAKING EVER. Seriously. When we finally got to the front, we were the first party to be let in, and I quietly and discreetly pulled the cast member aside and explained that I was friends with Lyssa, who was hanging out with Rapunzel tonight, and if it would be possibly to get in to see her, and that she was in “A” room with the princesses. The guy was super snarky back to me, and said there was only one room, uhm, I know that, I never said anything about there being more than one room, there’s clearly only one princess…

Finally, we got into the actual room with the princesses…and Lyssa wasn’t around…WE TRIED!! I then talked to one of the attendants who was in the room (the blue shirts) and she openly said that she was sure the other room was done for the night. Boo. I thanked her for being super helpful and asked if she saw Lyssa later to tell her that we had tried our hardest to get in to see her. Obviously, it’s hard to keep the magic going and get in to see a friend with a princess, but there’s bound to be a way to do it, and without talking to grumpy CM’s, I wish there was an attendant out in the main room more often, maybe I just had to ask for one? Who knows.

I’ve got no notes about our princess interactions, but I know they were all nice and lovely and a nice way to end the evening!

No clue what Cindy and I were chatting about, but it looks pretty interesting. I also am just now noticing that apparently the photopass didn’t work with Aurora, and because we were so frustrated, neither of us used our cameras, so I’ve got no pictures with Aurora. I do however, have some pictures of my favorite Rapunzel that I was able to find on Lyssa’s facebook for your enjoyment! Remember, all comments must be directed to RAPUNZEL!!

I personally think Blondie’s looking pretty good! And Lyssa is a perfect example of just how hard you have to work until your dream will come true. I believe she had auditioned five times, on the fifth time, gotten all the way through and been fitted, but then was never called. She did her college program working on Main Street, and that’s when I met her at the audition last July, where she finally got cast! 6 auditions….and everyone in Disney will tell you, it takes that many sometimes! There’s the rare ones that get lucky, but it could take a while!!

Priness friends behind us, Paige and I crossed Town Square and picked up the last of the packages we had sent to the front of the park, and then I turned to her:

“I know it’s cold, I know we’re both tired and grumpy and you want to go…but it’s tradition…”

She simply said yes and we held hands as we walked up the steps to the train station. It’s become tradition for me to end each trip at Magic Kingdom, and to take a bit to go up the top of the train station and just kinda take it all in. I know I remember saying to Paige “How the heck was one person’s dream and imagination so big that they created all of this? It’s unbelievable!”

I could go on a forever long rant about Walt and how brilliant he was and how emotional I get when I think about everything that he managed to create, but this update has been enough talking, and I’m sure you guys know all about Walt already, so I’ll spare you my ramblings, haha!

Paige and I returned the locker key, got our five dollars back, and bussed back to Pop. We picked up a few last minute things at the gift shop and it was time for bed! The Magical Express picked us up early the next morning and it was home time!

During our layover in DFW, they started making announcements that the plane was over booked/there was too much cargo, making it over the weight limit and they would need people to volunteer to give up their seats. The offer for this; a $500 travel voucher for American Airlines, and food vouchers to use at the airport! I STILL don’t know why I didn’t take it, it would’ve covered most of my flight for the next trip, and I had my laptop to keep my occupied. I did not however, have a way to charge my phone or Ipod since the cord had broken during the trip. I could have just bought a new one, but I’m not that smart.

Believe me, that night at work, I was seriously regretting it, I would have only left seven hours later, but it would’ve been worth it for the travel voucher! Meh, that’s life. Before we knew it, we were home, and I was back at work!

Stay tuned for last minute reviews!!

It’s Review Time!!

Pop Century
-It’s an awesome resort, it feels like home as I’ve stayed there the most and it was the first place we stayed
-The CM’s there were awesome, and there were no creepy “let’s go paaarrrty” cm’s like over at AoA that we ran into
-Tons of pools that are all awesome
-Foodcourt has tons of choices and isn’t too busy
-Bus system is great, and I’ve noticed leaving MK is a lot better than it was a few years ago, didn’t wait nearly as long!
-Rooms could use a little more themeing, or something, I dunno, after staying at AoA, it’s just not quite as impressive ha!

-Obviously you have to be careful of when to book in Feb as the crowd calendar will go from red to green back to red depending on the weeks, but we managed it pretty good
-Crowds were manageable, a bit more crowded than I’m used to
-Weather was okay, absolutely freezing near the end and apparently it just got colder!
-I would go again if I had to, but I’d prefer Sept or May!

Now onto all the food, in order of when we went!

Gaston’s Tavern
Score: 4/5
-We would definitely return for what we ordered
-I do wish they had something protein wise aside from the shank, but that’s just me haha! -Also the messy getting in and out situation is a little much sometimes, but it’s still awesome
-Themeing and music and decorations are amazing, it’s worth a look around just for that
-I personally LOVE the “brew” it’s the perfect non-alcoholic treat on a hot day!

1900 Park Faire
-This is one of those meals that you kinda book for the characters, and it sucked that the Step Sisters weren’t there, but EVERYTHING else was perfect.
-Meat was a little on the dry side, everything was great, quality and quantity.
-Service could be better, I find this at most buffets
-Character interaction was perfect, Lady Tremaine was hilarious, Fairy Godmother was adorable and Cinderella was beyond beautiful

Beaches and Cream

-Service was great
-Food was amazing, best onion rings I’ve ever had!
-The atmosphere was ADORABLE, they had the 50’s music playing the entire time, you were really immersed into it and it’s great!
-Great location and a lovely excuse to visit Beach/Yacht Club/the Boardwalk area during your trip!
-Wait time for a table was not bad at all, especially since it’s a smaller dining area (FYI: We were there around 2:00pm, so not PEAK lunch hours)
-They also have a little “to go” area for ice creams and shakes and floats and such which would be a nice break from the park if you did lunch elsewhere

Pop Century Food Court
-They've got a ton of different options, and at different times of day. Hot food, cold food, grab a snack and go, treats, tons of different beverages, it's great!
-Pricing on everything is good, your standard Disney QS prices, but still great for the amount of food you get
-Really like the option to have apple slices instead of fries
-Lines in there (for me) have never been that bad, because there are 3 different stations to order food, you don't wait long
-Food is usually super fresh and delicious
-Lines at checkouts seem to get a little bit more backed up, BUT remember you can pay on either side of the cm (most of the time)
-Cutlery/napkins are right behind the til, don't miss them!

Be Our Guest-Lunch
-You HAVE to remind the CM’s that drop the food off if you got a water bottle/juice, they will forget and you’ll be drinkless for the meal
-Dealt with some really snarky CM’s in here
-Food quality wasn’t as good as the first time
-The atmosphere is amazing, it’s worth it just for that
-I’d definitely go back, but if you order from a person instead of the self serve area, MAKE SURE you know what you want and are ready to order
-Cupcakes are to die for

-It just gets WAY too crowded in there and it always seems to be busy, which is fine, but I do wish that it was easier to get in and out of! Even at not so busy times of the day, everyone seems to want some hot dogs, lol.
-The nachos just weren’t good
-Corn dog nuggets however and the hot dogs they have too) are very, very yummy!

UK Fish and Chip Shop
-There’s tons of seating, up by the water, or back a bit, lots of tables, and lots of options throughout the UK to eat if you don’t like birds like me!
-Food is delicious
-Food is authentic and fresh and hot!
-Service is usually pretty quick
-It’s a nice light meal to eat

Akershus Dinner
-The atmosphere in there was nice, it s no CRT, but it s still cool
-Liked having our own little nook of space
-Cold buffet has tons of options
-Meatballs were absolutely delicious
-Princesses were great!
-Service was amazing
-The Beef tips were a no go though, boourns.

Tamu Tamu-Snack/Breakfast
-There was absolutely no line at the time we were there, the only wait was for the actual food, which means it's fresh!
-Food choices are great, there's lots of nice choices for snacks or small meals that you might not see elsewhere
-CM's were nice and super efficient with serving us

Flame Tree BBQ
-Food was delicious
-There’s a TON of seating near the restaurant
-Tons of different options, and you can get like, half a chicken or half rack of ribs!
-Service was quick and efficient
-A nice change in food in AK for QS

Spirit of Aloha Dinner Show
-The food was just that good!
-Absolutely amazing and delicious food that was authentic to the Polynesian theme, nothing too adventurous though so picky eaters would still be satisfied
-I got a drink in a coconut the size of my head, it was amazing
-Show was less than impressive, but the third “act” of it had some really cool stuff, all the kids around us kept asking “when’s the fire dancing start”
-Our server was awesome and super friendly and efficient
-It was LE BUUURRRR. Be prepared for cold weather if you’re doing this in the winter months
-THE FOOD. Can’t rave about it enough, although I probably wouldn’t go back, but rather make an ADR for Ohana!

Starring Rolls Lunch
-It was super crowded due to a busier time/day and took way longer to get the food this time
-Food wasn't as good
-Service still efficient and friendly
-Sandwiches don't start being served until 11:30, and Starring Rolls closes early afternoon, so watch the time if you want to eat here!

Sleepy Hollow Treats-Snack
-Again, just for the food
-Had to wait a little bit, but that’s because everything is freshly made
-Not a whole lot of seating, but you can find a spot close by to eat!
-Nutella and fruit on a waffle, what could be better?! The most delicious snack of the week!

Be Our Guest-Dinner
-Food was amazing and delicious
-Atmosphere is to DIE for, the music, the low lighting, the decorations, it truly is stepping into the movie
-Desserts are delicious
-Shelly was incredible to us
-It loses a point simply because our actual server was no good at all

Again, it was a fantastic trip! Paige and I clearly always have a blast together as we both love it so much and are truly Disney people at heart, it will always be home to us! We tried some new things on this trip, including Disneybounding, and I have to say, it got us a TON more attention from cast members, both characters and not, the more you’re into it, the better, because they love it. It’s an awesome way to show your love for a character even though you’re not allowed to dress up on a regular day!!! There were many highs and some lows of the trip, the main one probably being the COLD, and of course, the long waits resulting in grumpiness on the last day, but hey, there were WAY too many high points of the trip to cancel them out, so let’s go over them, shall we?

-Awesome dinner at 1900, both food and characters!
-Dapper days being super fun to be a part of!
-Perfect Belle at DHS the first day
-Paige braving Rock n Rollercoaster!
-Getting to see Beach Club in person
-Delicious Onion Rings!
-Move It Shake It being great
-All the characters being so awesome
-Our new Stilts friend
-A special dance party with Dale
-Getting free rice krispies because of Drunk Snow White
-Great service and time had at Akershus
-Farting PERRY!!
-Making it to Move It Shake It after the audition
-Eating dinner at Be Our Guest
-Seeing Shelly again!
-Meeting Ariana
-Seeing my favsies bird dancer in FOTLK on the last day
-Overall having an amazing trip with my best friend!!

So, to end on a high point, there ya go! Our trip in summary! And now, to say a HUGE thank you to all of you reading along. Whether you be a lurker, a once in a blue moon poster, or a now facebook friend of mine, I love all of you!! The disboards have created so many friendships for me, and we all love the same thing and have passion for Disney, and I love it. We all “get” it, and understand each other, and I thank all of you for being in support of my dreams, and I promise you, one day you’ll see me performing at Disney!!

This may be the close of this trip report, but check out my signature for Sept’s of last year as it’s still trucking along, or check out the PTR for this year’s September trip! Once this is posted, I’m sure I’ll be starting my May trip report as well! However, if that’s not enough for you, follow me on twitter as KattWy, or send me a pm to add me on facebook, as I love keeping in touch with everyone!

Have a magical day!!
"A tribute to all nations, but mostly, America!" One of the best lines anywhere ever. :lmao:

Bahaha that woman next to you gals on ToT. Oh man that's a classic "Why did I get on this?"

Ahh free locker on your last day = Disney service at its best!!! Universal take note!

Yay for these particular Brazilians shattering the stereotype.

Really annoying and obnoxious family?... I think I met them! :furious:

Great overview of BOG. And how nice to have Shelley to help take care of you.

I sure do love your end of trip tradition and especially that you still did it even though you were tired and cold. You would have regretted it if you hadn't, I'm sure.

Great summary Katt and GREAT report all the way around. As always, thanks for sharing :flower3:
AH I can't believe how much I missed. I could definitely make a full time job out of keeping up with the Dis. Too bad no one wants to pay me for it! :rotfl2:

Still hoping for good news from your online submission!

The Up reference tweet is so awesome, I love it! :lmao:

Yay for beating your Everest record! :banana:

Aw Pocahontas is like the disappearing princess in AK! Seriously, in January, I was on such a look-out for her and still almost missed her cause she was just like in a random spot in Camp Mickey-Minnie and luckily DBF was on the ball with my character stalking for once cause we were on line for Chip and Dale and he turned around and was like "Um that's Pocahontas, aren't we looking for her?" :rotfl2:

Ah I love your Disneybounds! My sister and I were looking at the Disneybound tumblr and have decided that whenever we get to take a trip together, we're Disneybounding! I'm slowly converting her to the Dis ways :banana:

I love the baby Simba magic shots. They're so freaking cute. I have to get over my reluctance to ask for magic shots in September because I want them all!

Aw timing issues like that are no fun! Sometimes that's just the kinda day it is.

Yay Beauty and the Beast! I thought of you the other day because DBF and I were discussing the MNSSHP costume issue and he suggested he go as Gaston and I go as one of the girls who's in love with him and I had to ask if he'd been reading your TRs behind my back :rotfl:

Love that you got to use your Disney trivia for a free locker!

Ugh what a frustrating situation in the line for SM :eek:

Omg that fruit and nutella waffle. I need it in my life.

Aw yay Dis-meet! :banana:

I love the BOG review and so glad you found Shelley there again!

Boo for grumpy CMs and not finding your friend. That Tangled photopass border is really cute though!

Aw those pictures of Rapunzel are perfect! The audition process sounds pretty frustrating but it seems to me that you just have to wait for the right audition and the right moment to come along and you'll get it! :cheer2:

The travel voucher to switch flights does sound like a tempting offer. But in the moment when you're tired and traveling, I probably would've passed it up too.

Ah I can't believe the TR is over! I really enjoyed reading about it! :banana:

P.S. Sorry, my comment seems to have turned into a novel! :confused3
Move it Shake it x2, nice!

That waffle looks delish, but I could totally make it at home. And maybe I will!

Oooh, Be Our Guest looks great. Too bad your server sucked, but at least you had Shelley and the grey stuff.

Great wrap up! Glad you guys had a great trip, and I look forward to reading your future reports, including the one where you get hired by Disney :cloud9:
"A tribute to all nations, but mostly, America!" One of the best lines anywhere ever. :lmao:

Bahaha that woman next to you gals on ToT. Oh man that's a classic "Why did I get on this?"

Ahh free locker on your last day = Disney service at its best!!! Universal take note!

Yay for these particular Brazilians shattering the stereotype.

Really annoying and obnoxious family?... I think I met them! :furious:

Great overview of BOG. And how nice to have Shelley to help take care of you.

I sure do love your end of trip tradition and especially that you still did it even though you were tired and cold. You would have regretted it if you hadn't, I'm sure.

Great summary Katt and GREAT report all the way around. As always, thanks for sharing :flower3:

I know right?! I love that part of Muppets, so much awesome!!

Her face is hilarious!! Aw man, Milton was great and I loved that we got a free locker, like, we talked about how it was probably just that we actually stopped to talk to him and played the trivia games and all, he probably gets lonely out there all day bahaha

Haha, I have skipped it on the last few trips, I'm not sure why in May, it was a different style trip, and in June we were rushing out of MK to Ohana anyways! Lawl.

Thanks!! Now pop on over to Sept's TR as I plan to get it finished before Sept's trip bahaha...we'll see about that!

AH I can't believe how much I missed. I could definitely make a full time job out of keeping up with the Dis. Too bad no one wants to pay me for it! :rotfl2:

Still hoping for good news from your online submission!

The Up reference tweet is so awesome, I love it! :lmao:

Yay for beating your Everest record! :banana:

Aw Pocahontas is like the disappearing princess in AK! Seriously, in January, I was on such a look-out for her and still almost missed her cause she was just like in a random spot in Camp Mickey-Minnie and luckily DBF was on the ball with my character stalking for once cause we were on line for Chip and Dale and he turned around and was like "Um that's Pocahontas, aren't we looking for her?" :rotfl2:

Ah I love your Disneybounds! My sister and I were looking at the Disneybound tumblr and have decided that whenever we get to take a trip together, we're Disneybounding! I'm slowly converting her to the Dis ways :banana:

I love the baby Simba magic shots. They're so freaking cute. I have to get over my reluctance to ask for magic shots in September because I want them all!

Aw timing issues like that are no fun! Sometimes that's just the kinda day it is.

Yay Beauty and the Beast! I thought of you the other day because DBF and I were discussing the MNSSHP costume issue and he suggested he go as Gaston and I go as one of the girls who's in love with him and I had to ask if he'd been reading your TRs behind my back :rotfl:

Love that you got to use your Disney trivia for a free locker!

Ugh what a frustrating situation in the line for SM :eek:

Omg that fruit and nutella waffle. I need it in my life.

Aw yay Dis-meet! :banana:

I love the BOG review and so glad you found Shelley there again!

Boo for grumpy CMs and not finding your friend. That Tangled photopass border is really cute though!

Aw those pictures of Rapunzel are perfect! The audition process sounds pretty frustrating but it seems to me that you just have to wait for the right audition and the right moment to come along and you'll get it! :cheer2:

The travel voucher to switch flights does sound like a tempting offer. But in the moment when you're tired and traveling, I probably would've passed it up too.

Ah I can't believe the TR is over! I really enjoyed reading about it! :banana:

P.S. Sorry, my comment seems to have turned into a novel! :confused3

Aw man, I wish you could get paid to Dis, I'd be rolling in the cash ahaha.

Poca is seriously the moving princess, like, seriously, I just want her to have a solidified meet and greet by Sept so I can actually get to her!

YAY for Disneybounding! I know I've got a few planned out for Sept, but not one for every day, it works a lot more when you've got someone to go with you haha, And I do want some freedom to wear whatever on some days!

AHHHHHH! Obviously I've already texted you about the costumes, but I stil haven't heard back from the woman on Etsy who's supposed to be making my Rapunzel costume, so I would totally find a bimbette costume somewhere!!

I died, the nutella fruit waffle was probably the greatest thing ever, and I will DEFINITELY be eating it again this upcoming trip! that's for sure!

Ahaha, don't be worried about your comments being long, I updated like, 6 things, that's a lot of reading and a lot to say!!

Glad that you've been reading along and I'm super excited for September now!!!!

Move it Shake it x2, nice!

That waffle looks delish, but I could totally make it at home. And maybe I will!

Oooh, Be Our Guest looks great. Too bad your server sucked, but at least you had Shelley and the grey stuff.

Great wrap up! Glad you guys had a great trip, and I look forward to reading your future reports, including the one where you get hired by Disney :cloud9:

It was awesome!!

Ahaha, yeah, I probably definitely could as well, if I had a waffle iron. A friend just pointed out that Uncrustables are super easy to make but I said they just wouldn't taste the same haha!

It was amazing!! The service not so great, but every time I've been back there since it has been awesome and I loved every bit of it!!

Thanks!! I will definitely be updating Sept's tr that was on hold today, and then moving onto May/June's trips sometime in the next little bit!
I know we talked about this already but omg I couldn't believe the words came out of his mouth!! Like it would be so amazing. I'm sad because I'm not sure it'll work for purely financial reasons. The Gaston costumes I've found online are already crazy expensive and because of his bodybuilding, we'd have to get a custom size made which is even more expensive and my head is starting to spin! :confused3
I know we talked about this already but omg I couldn't believe the words came out of his mouth!! Like it would be so amazing. I'm sad because I'm not sure it'll work for purely financial reasons. The Gaston costumes I've found online are already crazy expensive and because of his bodybuilding, we'd have to get a custom size made which is even more expensive and my head is starting to spin! :confused3

Ah! Totally forgot about that! Hahah he'd make SUCH A GREAT GASTON ACK! Aw man, I wish those costumes were cheaper and easier to find!


Ah! Totally forgot about that! Hahah he'd make SUCH A GREAT GASTON ACK! Aw man, I wish those costumes were cheaper and easier to find!

ME TOO. I don't even understand. I haven't even found anyone on Etsy making them for adults. :confused3
ME TOO. I don't even understand. I haven't even found anyone on Etsy making them for adults. :confused3

I think I might have seen one the other day when I was looking around on there, but I'm not sure. And even then, they're so pricey, and I only know of one cosplayer who makes stuff and she's booked til Dec haha!
#2 TR of yours caught up on today. I think I only have one more to go unless you started yet another thread while I was gone. :confused3 :rotfl2:

This was the update I was looking forward to because I am in it! :thumbsup2

I keep thinking I need to eat lunch at Starring Rolls some time. Do they make the sandwiches to order or are they pre-made? I'm just wondering how hard it would be to do a special order. I want that turkey sandwich but without all the toppings. Yep, just turkey and the bread. After all I have the pallet of a 5 year old.

Ok, that B&TB was a little strange. I immediately thought that the prince was too pretty. He's supposed to be handsome but in a beastly way. Then I though, wow Gaston looks odd. Too funny that you echoed my thoughts in your comments below the pictures.

I get such a kick out of the TOT ride photos. I love looking at all the faces. The lady next to you on that last ride looks like her eyes are about to pop out of her head!

I don't know what was going on at MK that day but all of the lines were soooo long. It was supposed to be a green day but every line was long. I was glad I had two more nights planned at MK so I could catch the stuff I missed that day.

Yay for the DIS meet! I really enjoyed meeting you guys and wish I could have danced with you. Of course that would have been a sight because I have no moves at all! Unfortunately I think my dancing days are over. I've had to switch from doing Zumba and other dance programs to an exercise bike due to my hip.

BOG is just awesome! I loved every minute of the meal. I think I got a much better waitress than you though. Thank goodness Shelly was there to help you guys out. I don't remember what my waitresses name was but she took great care of me. I do love the music in there too from the movie but I sang "Be Our Guest" in my head for the rest of the trip!

So sad you didn't get to see your friend of Rapunzel. I think while you guys were waiting in line, for the princesses I was probably riding SM over and over.

Your tradition of going up the train station for one last look made me tear up! I may have to start something like that on my next trip.

I really enjoyed the TR and will be along for the ride on all of your future ones. Now I'm off to catch up on your PTR where I have a feeling I've lost some points in the guessing game since I'm so far behind.
#2 TR of yours caught up on today. I think I only have one more to go unless you started yet another thread while I was gone. :confused3 :rotfl2:

This was the update I was looking forward to because I am in it! :thumbsup2

I keep thinking I need to eat lunch at Starring Rolls some time. Do they make the sandwiches to order or are they pre-made? I'm just wondering how hard it would be to do a special order. I want that turkey sandwich but without all the toppings. Yep, just turkey and the bread. After all I have the pallet of a 5 year old.

Ok, that B&TB was a little strange. I immediately thought that the prince was too pretty. He's supposed to be handsome but in a beastly way. Then I though, wow Gaston looks odd. Too funny that you echoed my thoughts in your comments below the pictures.

I get such a kick out of the TOT ride photos. I love looking at all the faces. The lady next to you on that last ride looks like her eyes are about to pop out of her head!

I don't know what was going on at MK that day but all of the lines were soooo long. It was supposed to be a green day but every line was long. I was glad I had two more nights planned at MK so I could catch the stuff I missed that day.

Yay for the DIS meet! I really enjoyed meeting you guys and wish I could have danced with you. Of course that would have been a sight because I have no moves at all! Unfortunately I think my dancing days are over. I've had to switch from doing Zumba and other dance programs to an exercise bike due to my hip.

BOG is just awesome! I loved every minute of the meal. I think I got a much better waitress than you though. Thank goodness Shelly was there to help you guys out. I don't remember what my waitresses name was but she took great care of me. I do love the music in there too from the movie but I sang "Be Our Guest" in my head for the rest of the trip!

So sad you didn't get to see your friend of Rapunzel. I think while you guys were waiting in line, for the princesses I was probably riding SM over and over.

Your tradition of going up the train station for one last look made me tear up! I may have to start something like that on my next trip.

I really enjoyed the TR and will be along for the ride on all of your future ones. Now I'm off to catch up on your PTR where I have a feeling I've lost some points in the guessing game since I'm so far behind.

Ahahaha, SURPRISE! I do have another one, but I'm pretty sure you found it already?

Yay! I know right, it's always super exciting when you know you're going to be in someone else's TR!

Hahahaha, truth! Oh my gosh, the lady beside us does look like she's losin it, I bet ya she didn't get back on ToT after that!

I have no idea about the sandwiches, I'm pretty sure they're pre made, but I mean, it wouldn't hurt to ask! And then it'd probably taste better too :rolleyes1

Yay! Dismeets are always so much fun, I'm super glad we have so many planned for Sept! It really adds to the trip! Haha, hey man, all you have to do is follow along with what everyone else is doing and you're fine! Aw man, that sucks! I hope it doesn't hurt too bad!

BOG is amazing, absolutely amazing, and everytime it takes my breath away, such an incredible place. Glad your server was better than ours, thank goodness for Shelly!

Haha, probably!! I wish we could have gotten to see her with Rapunzel but, we tried. It's managed to work out that every time I've been in MK she's either been hanging with the chipmunks or on a day off, :sad1: so close!

Aww, it's definitely a good tradition to end on, I love it, and if the crowds are crazy it's a nice way to wait for them to leave, just grab a snack from the confectionary and wait up there til everyone's gone! Haha

Yay! I think you found the audition TR, it'll be linked once I post on everything again in case you haven't! Glad you're still arond! :dance3:

I read all your updates while I sat at my computer drying my hair each night and/or taking my pills (I need a pleasant distraction)! It was the perfect accompaniment as I didn't have to keep scrolling since I needed both hands to dry my hair. You're a fabulous storyteller, and I loved hearing about all your fun adventures!
I read all your updates while I sat at my computer drying my hair each night and/or taking my pills (I need a pleasant distraction)! It was the perfect accompaniment as I didn't have to keep scrolling since I needed both hands to dry my hair. You're a fabulous storyteller, and I loved hearing about all your fun adventures!

Aw yay! Well I'm glad that you were here to read along and enjoy everything!! Thank you!! :blush:


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