delaying kindergarten for an autistic child

My dd is very bright, but my neice had cancer and I am a stayathome mom so as much as we try to shield her from seeing it, she did. Lindsey(my sweet niece) died in March. My daughter a March birthday had much difficulty with Lindsey's passing. We really felt sending her to all day/every day kindergarten was too tramatic. So we held her back. Thus she was 6 1/2 going to kindergarten, but she has done fine(socially) Academically she is way ahead of the other kids(scored perfect on 5 out of7 areas on the IOWA testing), but she goes to a catholic school and our first grade teacher is wonderful, so I do not worry that she will be bored next year. My other dd is going into 4th grade and she has 4 kids in her class that were "held back" for one reason another starting kindergarten at 6 instead of 5. They are all fine. Do what you feel is best. I really feel it is better for a kid to have an extra year and not stuggle, than to go when they are 5 just because and then struggle every year(I do see this also in my dd's 4th grade class)
Covid has grandson who turn 7 with austism behind were he will be on kindergarten this yr but he just started cleaning self w numb 2,. Severe bad gag reflex ontop of putting words 2g to make a sentence to talk and he tries all day long to understand how to do that..School teacher would not test him before covid cause he did not understand her?I think he would definitely benefit from starting late but going to have problems w understanding the teacher..I pray he will start cleaning self do to bathroom 100pervent cause schools do jot allow a child to start school if he or she will not wipe..Covid made him start late due everything closed and his other problem..fits have been gone 3half yrs and alot wrk it was everyday but fit free this long w not one fit. I figured his prob w that you think he will be ok?I'm scared to death
Just noting this post is old -- the OP's child would be in high school now even if they delayed starting K.

I figured his prob w that you think he will be ok?
I'm not sure I sounds like your grandson has delayed starting kindergarten until he's now 7. That's a pretty late start. Here they may delay a year but not usually longer. I assume he has a case manager with the Intermediate Unit (preschool services) who recommended the delay. Depending on his abilities, he may be in a mainstreamed classroom with pull-outs or in a self-contained classroom for autism. Do you know what his placement is expected to be or what his school offers? I strongly recommend that his parents/guardians work closely with the school, maintaining an open communication about his education. Good luck, it is a journey. My daughter is just graduating from high school this spring.
Covid has grandson who turn 7 with austism behind were he will be on kindergarten this yr but he just started cleaning self w numb 2,. Severe bad gag reflex ontop of putting words 2g to make a sentence to talk and he tries all day long to understand how to do that..School teacher would not test him before covid cause he did not understand her?I think he would definitely benefit from starting late but going to have problems w understanding the teacher..I pray he will start cleaning self do to bathroom 100pervent cause schools do jot allow a child to start school if he or she will not wipe..Covid made him start late due everything closed and his other problem..fits have been gone 3half yrs and alot wrk it was everyday but fit free this long w not one fit. I figured his prob w that you think he will be ok?I'm scared to death
this school my daughter worked with 3 kids while they were in regular class to take them out of room to the special needs room as needed. her job was to help these kids to their best in the regular room and spend less time in special needs room. she also helped with bathroom needs. hope your grandson get help like this. ps all 3 were in kindergarten this year and will be moving to first grade next school year


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