Debt Dumpers - 2017

Well, our first week home has been kinda a budget disaster. We've eaten out a few times and it seems like I've had to hit the store for something once a day.

At least I'm cleared to go back to work two weeks early. Gotta get back to work so I can stay caught up on bills and stay on track for our October vacation.
I think that's to be expected...hope all has gone well otherwise :)
Eating out is definitely what kills us budget-wise. We are trying, REALLY trying, to cut back. But with two it is easier to pull in somewhere than going home, one of us taking the kids, one of us cooking, kids refusing to eat, all those dishes...

But we are trying to cut back. This week is looking better than last week at least!

Ugh tell me about it. Between groceries (why am I at the store 2 or 3 times a week???????) and eating budget buster. We gotta go back to tracking this category more carefully!
I haven't done a Friday check in for a while and why? because I'm a bit embarrassed that I haven't been doing as well as I feel like I should be.

I knew that April and May especially will be budget busters and I admit that I haven't had a tight reign on the finances. It seems that the emotional part of my brain is winning out over the practical part. I'm finding that to be a difficult dance right now.

I know that I have one kiddo graduating college in a 3 weeks and one graduating high school in June.

The practical part is saying, 'try to stay within budget - don't overdo you'll have more money to help with their upcoming practical expenses.' And there are also just a lot of practical expenses associated graduations and senior years.

The emotional part of my brain is all. "My BABIES..." and then all sanity goes out the window. (I'm being slightly over dramatic but you get the idea).

I'm hoping to pay off E's prom dress this weekend, maybe tonight and make the last payment on her band trip to DC. E and my husband are leaving Saturday to travel from Maine to Virginia and then Jersey to do another college visit before she makes her decision and that makes me nervous. The two of them - the open road and credit cards. I'm trying to convince them that they don't need to eat at a nice sit down dinner every meal, but I'm not sure if they're listening.

i guess I just feel a bit like my control over the finances are a bit tenuous right now and I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that in front of you all.

Sorry for the ramble - just needed to spill it all out there I guess.
I haven't done a Friday check in for a while and why? because I'm a bit embarrassed that I haven't been doing as well as I feel like I should be.

I knew that April and May especially will be budget busters and I admit that I haven't had a tight reign on the finances. It seems that the emotional part of my brain is winning out over the practical part. I'm finding that to be a difficult dance right now.

I know that I have one kiddo graduating college in a 3 weeks and one graduating high school in June.

The practical part is saying, 'try to stay within budget - don't overdo you'll have more money to help with their upcoming practical expenses.' And there are also just a lot of practical expenses associated graduations and senior years.

The emotional part of my brain is all. "My BABIES..." and then all sanity goes out the window. (I'm being slightly over dramatic but you get the idea).

I'm hoping to pay off E's prom dress this weekend, maybe tonight and make the last payment on her band trip to DC. E and my husband are leaving Saturday to travel from Maine to Virginia and then Jersey to do another college visit before she makes her decision and that makes me nervous. The two of them - the open road and credit cards. I'm trying to convince them that they don't need to eat at a nice sit down dinner every meal, but I'm not sure if they're listening.

i guess I just feel a bit like my control over the finances are a bit tenuous right now and I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that in front of you all.

Sorry for the ramble - just needed to spill it all out there I guess.

Don't be so hard on yourself. This is a very emotional time which was kind of unexpected when my ds graduated HS. Sometimes there are ways to make these times extra special with small splurges that don't break the bank.
I think if you get through these times without adding to your debt, then you're doing ok.
Don't be so hard on yourself. This is a very emotional time which was kind of unexpected when my ds graduated HS. Sometimes there are ways to make these times extra special with small splurges that don't break the bank.
I think if you get through these times without adding to your debt, then you're doing ok.
My kids are still a couple years away from all that stuff (16 and 14) and still I get emotional thinking about each milestone. It's especially surreal when I am in the car with my son in the driver seat! How I/they got this old this quick is beyond me.
I haven't done a Friday check in for a while and why? because I'm a bit embarrassed that I haven't been doing as well as I feel like I should be.

I knew that April and May especially will be budget busters and I admit that I haven't had a tight reign on the finances. It seems that the emotional part of my brain is winning out over the practical part. I'm finding that to be a difficult dance right now.

I know that I have one kiddo graduating college in a 3 weeks and one graduating high school in June.

The practical part is saying, 'try to stay within budget - don't overdo you'll have more money to help with their upcoming practical expenses.' And there are also just a lot of practical expenses associated graduations and senior years.

The emotional part of my brain is all. "My BABIES..." and then all sanity goes out the window. (I'm being slightly over dramatic but you get the idea).

I'm hoping to pay off E's prom dress this weekend, maybe tonight and make the last payment on her band trip to DC. E and my husband are leaving Saturday to travel from Maine to Virginia and then Jersey to do another college visit before she makes her decision and that makes me nervous. The two of them - the open road and credit cards. I'm trying to convince them that they don't need to eat at a nice sit down dinner every meal, but I'm not sure if they're listening.

i guess I just feel a bit like my control over the finances are a bit tenuous right now and I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that in front of you all.

Sorry for the ramble - just needed to spill it all out there I guess.

Don't be so hard on yourself. There will always be road blocks in the way, but as long as you keep chipping away at them slowly then you're doing good. I read a meme the other day that might give you some encouragement.

I didn't mean for my picture to be so big above.

Also checking in. I managed to pay off the 2 smallest credit cards we had balances on today. (Totaling just over $400) Doesn't seem like much in the grand scheme of things, but I sure liked seeing two credit card amounts due disappear off my spreadsheet. pixiedust:

Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!
Happy Easter everyone! Got our taxes done finally- I have to pay this year boo but I did expect it- my maternity pay from the government is taxable income but they don't take taxes off (stupid I know) and my DHs refund almost covers what I have to pay...

We have done well though with me being off and thus our income decreased a lot (I'm the higher earner) still possibly want to do a little trip before I go back to work so are watching last minute deals...
Eating out is definitely what kills us budget-wise. We are trying, REALLY trying, to cut back. But with two it is easier to pull in somewhere than going home, one of us taking the kids, one of us cooking, kids refusing to eat, all those dishes...

But we are trying to cut back. This week is looking better than last week at least!

Eating out is killer- we cut back to almost nothing (well all fast food and quick type places) to save money and because we didn't want DD getting into liking "kid" food..we are lucky as now as a 12 year old she eats everything...all though that can backfire when she wants the largest steak lol
My girls are 1.5 years and 9 days. I cry constantly thinking of anything they're going to do over their lives. These two are my whole reason for dumping all my debt. My parents lived with so much debt (and still do) and barely made paycheck to paycheck. I had zero college fund and got myself in way over my head with charging things. I just want to set my kids up for better and teach them how to be more financially aware of things in life.

I guess there wasn't really a point to this post, i guess I just need to remind myself why all these months of cutting things out and cold sammiches for lunch are for.
My girls are 1.5 years and 9 days. I cry constantly thinking of anything they're going to do over their lives. These two are my whole reason for dumping all my debt. My parents lived with so much debt (and still do) and barely made paycheck to paycheck. I had zero college fund and got myself in way over my head with charging things. I just want to set my kids up for better and teach them how to be more financially aware of things in life.

I guess there wasn't really a point to this post, i guess I just need to remind myself why all these months of cutting things out and cold sammiches for lunch are for.

Don't be sad; watching them grow is a beautiful thing. My boys both have a great sense of humor and make me laugh every day.
I wish I was planning like you are when my kids were tiny. At that age they don't know anything is different. This is easier than trying to explain to older children why we're cutting back so much.
I was dumping debt before my kids got jobs of their own so I too have been trying to teach them to start young at budgeting, put something in savings, etc.
My oldest is a saver; deposits entire paychecks into savings and withdraws as needed. The other is a spender and resents us pressuring him to put some in savings. If you can't learn to save at age 16 when fully supported, living with parents, how on earth will you save when you have real bills? Ugh! :sad2:
Who said kids are like sponges and absorb info? Sometimes they are teflon coated! All we can do is keep trying and hope it eventually sinks in. Or they will end up learning the hard way, like we are now.
Eating out is killer- we cut back to almost nothing (well all fast food and quick type places) to save money and because we didn't want DD getting into liking "kid" food..we are lucky as now as a 12 year old she eats everything...all though that can backfire when she wants the largest steak lol
Lol, tell me about it! My guys eat way more than I do and have expensive tastes. We are in New England for my MIL's 80th birthday and went to a seafood takeout place we love for lunch yesterday. It's a twice a year thing for us so we don't restrict what we want. But you know, seafood is not cheap and when the 16 year old wants a two-way platter and DH wants the fishermans platter, you just say yes. (The 14 yr old doesn't like seafood so he always gets chicken and I am happy with a smaller fish meal)
This week has been hard for me, not so much financially, but more so physically and mentally. DH came home sick last weekend and by Monday, I was sick as well. A terrible cough mostly, but on top of still having pregnancy sickness, it has been hard. I am now at 14 weeks and am wondering when the hell I am going to start feeling better. The doctor said almost everyone is better by 15 weeks, so I am hoping that the end is in sight.

I have been sick now since the end of February and I just need to feel more normal because it is starting to really mess with me emotionally. I felt so sick on Tuesday between the cold and the nausea that I fell asleep (was working from home) and missed an important work call. My boss texted me saying that she was really disappointed in me. She has never said anything like that before and I just broke down. I was so upset and even had thoughts going through my head that maybe she was going to fire me (which I realize now is ridiculous), but at that point I was just so distraught. I really can't wait until my vacation because I need it so badly. Just 29 days!

I have been asking DH what he wants to do for his birthday this year for the last several months. It will be his golden birthday, so I felt like doing something special might be nice. He finally let me know that he would like to do a camping weekend. I booked a nearby campground for the weekend before his birthday, but I told him that we might want to consider getting a new tent. I only have a 2 person backpacking tent, which is basically super, super tiny and only really meant for sleeping at night. We were at Costco yesterday and saw that they had a 12-person, 3 room tent for $200. I pulled up information on it on my phone and it had very good reviews on Amazon. And everywhere else it cost $310, so it was definitely a good deal. It is a bit huge for just 2 people now, but I figure that it will be perfect once we are a family of 3-4. DH and I in one room, kids in another room and the middle room can be set up with a table and chairs for eating, playing cards, etc. I like the idea of taking a few family camping weekends each summer as cheap little getaways, so I see this as an investment towards that. We are taking the cost out of our vacation fund.
I have been sick now since the end of February and I just need to feel more normal because it is starting to really mess with me emotionally. I felt so sick on Tuesday between the cold and the nausea that I fell asleep (was working from home) and missed an important work call. My boss texted me saying that she was really disappointed in me. She has never said anything like that before and I just broke down.

oh man, that sucks. does your boss know how sick you've been? surely you can get a pass.

I spent like 2 months sick last year, just a constant cold that ranged from mild to severe over two months (that included my birthday). you just feel so helpless! I hope you feel better soon.
I guess there wasn't really a point to this post, i guess I just need to remind myself why all these months of cutting things out and cold sammiches for lunch are for.

that's point enough! remembering why you have the goal is so important.

I've heard tricks like putting pictures of your kids or dream vacation in with your credit cards. I'm thinking of trying that, actually, because "the future" is such a nebulous concept...
This week has been hard for me, not so much financially, but more so physically and mentally. DH came home sick last weekend and by Monday, I was sick as well. A terrible cough mostly, but on top of still having pregnancy sickness, it has been hard. I am now at 14 weeks and am wondering when the hell I am going to start feeling better. The doctor said almost everyone is better by 15 weeks, so I am hoping that the end is in sight.

I have been sick now since the end of February and I just need to feel more normal because it is starting to really mess with me emotionally. I felt so sick on Tuesday between the cold and the nausea that I fell asleep (was working from home) and missed an important work call. My boss texted me saying that she was really disappointed in me. She has never said anything like that before and I just broke down. I was so upset and even had thoughts going through my head that maybe she was going to fire me (which I realize now is ridiculous), but at that point I was just so distraught. I really can't wait until my vacation because I need it so badly. Just 29 days!

I have been asking DH what he wants to do for his birthday this year for the last several months. It will be his golden birthday, so I felt like doing something special might be nice. He finally let me know that he would like to do a camping weekend. I booked a nearby campground for the weekend before his birthday, but I told him that we might want to consider getting a new tent. I only have a 2 person backpacking tent, which is basically super, super tiny and only really meant for sleeping at night. We were at Costco yesterday and saw that they had a 12-person, 3 room tent for $200. I pulled up information on it on my phone and it had very good reviews on Amazon. And everywhere else it cost $310, so it was definitely a good deal. It is a bit huge for just 2 people now, but I figure that it will be perfect once we are a family of 3-4. DH and I in one room, kids in another room and the middle room can be set up with a table and chairs for eating, playing cards, etc. I like the idea of taking a few family camping weekends each summer as cheap little getaways, so I see this as an investment towards that. We are taking the cost out of our vacation fund.

Oh man, that's rough and you certainly have my sympathy because I have definitely been there when it comes to being sick. With our newest addition, I had the cold/nausea combo that lasted for months also and it was absolutely miserable. Thank goodness after having him, I have somewhat "forgotten" how miserable I was throughout the entire pregnancy (all my pregnancies were rough in their own ways--the WHOLE time), but somehow it all fades away after they get here--which is probably why we have 4 now even though right after getting pregnant with each of them, I quickly remembered how hard pregnancy is on me. I hope you are one of them who gets better here quickly (and you may not want to hear this), but you won't feel this horrible forever, even though it feels like it right now! Camping will hopefully be a lot of fun and get you some fresh air--you got a very good deal on the tent! Plus, I have yet to meet a kid who doesn't like camping, so I think it is a great investment!
This week has been hard for me, not so much financially, but more so physically and mentally. DH came home sick last weekend and by Monday, I was sick as well. A terrible cough mostly, but on top of still having pregnancy sickness, it has been hard. I am now at 14 weeks and am wondering when the hell I am going to start feeling better. The doctor said almost everyone is better by 15 weeks, so I am hoping that the end is in sight.

I have been sick now since the end of February and I just need to feel more normal because it is starting to really mess with me emotionally. I felt so sick on Tuesday between the cold and the nausea that I fell asleep (was working from home) and missed an important work call. My boss texted me saying that she was really disappointed in me. She has never said anything like that before and I just broke down. I was so upset and even had thoughts going through my head that maybe she was going to fire me (which I realize now is ridiculous), but at that point I was just so distraught. I really can't wait until my vacation because I need it so badly. Just 29 days!

I have been asking DH what he wants to do for his birthday this year for the last several months. It will be his golden birthday, so I felt like doing something special might be nice. He finally let me know that he would like to do a camping weekend. I booked a nearby campground for the weekend before his birthday, but I told him that we might want to consider getting a new tent. I only have a 2 person backpacking tent, which is basically super, super tiny and only really meant for sleeping at night. We were at Costco yesterday and saw that they had a 12-person, 3 room tent for $200. I pulled up information on it on my phone and it had very good reviews on Amazon. And everywhere else it cost $310, so it was definitely a good deal. It is a bit huge for just 2 people now, but I figure that it will be perfect once we are a family of 3-4. DH and I in one room, kids in another room and the middle room can be set up with a table and chairs for eating, playing cards, etc. I like the idea of taking a few family camping weekends each summer as cheap little getaways, so I see this as an investment towards that. We are taking the cost out of our vacation fund.
I'm sorry you are still feeling rotten. I think by 17 weeks I was fine, but it varies so much. My sister was sick throughout.
oh man, that sucks. does your boss know how sick you've been? surely you can get a pass.

I spent like 2 months sick last year, just a constant cold that ranged from mild to severe over two months (that included my birthday). you just feel so helpless! I hope you feel better soon.

I did take the day before as a sick day, but thought that I could manage working from home the next day. I don't want to spend all of my sick days so that I have some for doctor's appointments and closer to the birth. I am hoping my boss was just having a bad day because she was traveling and she will cut me some slack. I will see how things are at staff meeting on Monday.

Camping will hopefully be a lot of fun and get you some fresh air--you got a very good deal on the tent! Plus, I have yet to meet a kid who doesn't like camping, so I think it is a great investment!

I am excited for the trip. I never really went camping as a kid. My parents had a decked out motorhome and that was the closest my mom would come to it. But I love camping and look forward to our little trip in June.

I'm sorry you are still feeling rotten. I think by 17 weeks I was fine, but it varies so much. My sister was sick throughout.

I feel like the nausea is waning, but it is hard to tell with the constant, terrible cough. I just want to feel better by the time we leave for vacation because I really, really need a break. I don't know how I could handle it if I was sick throughout. Let's hope that won't be the case.
Checking in.

I went grocery shopping this past Saturday so that we could buy some things we needed for our vacation along with some groceries that we needed. I was so proud of how well we did. Instead of heading to the mall and loading up like we would normally do, we went to Walmart for some basic clothing items (plain tee shirts, underwear, capri pants, etc) and bathing suits.

This was my only shopping trip so far this month and I am so tickled with how little we spent. Between Walmart, Kroger, Atwoods, and Dollar General, we spent right under $200 for everything (clothes, garden seed, household supplies, and groceries for our food allergy home). I really worked the rebate gift cards and coupons, but there was room for improvement on that. I was able to load up on laundry detergent and fabric softener in that amount so that I should not have to buy any laundry supplies or toilet paper for the next six months at least. Had major coupons that helped on that. Since they were going to expire while we were on vacation next week, it was use them or lose them. So I used them.

Everything that I have planted in my garden has sprouted. That was such a huge relief to me because we normally spend a fortune on fresh produce. Having that garden is going to help out so much. We also planted a small plot of oats which will be used for animal feed. We have the automatic waterers set up and working well for while we are gone.

I was given a free, almost new energy efficient refrigerator last week. My mother got a new one because she said the refrigerator part wasn't cooling properly. It turns out that she had spilled some liquid in the freezer so that it froze and blocked the air channels from the freezer to the refrigerator. Once I thawed it out and cleaned it up, it worked as good as new. The refrigerator is less than five years old. I asked her if she wanted it back, but she had already purchased a new one so she told me to keep it and use it for my garden produce. Thankfully, I have room for in the shed next to my deep freezer. Yay me!!! Oh, and I looked it up. The average energy usage on that model will only cost me $10 per month to run. Double yay!

Usually I bring my SUV to a detailer to have them give it a thorough cleaning. This year, I did it all myself instead. Since we are driving to Orlando, I like having a clean vehicle to start out with. I got to use the power washer and steam cleaner that I got for Christmas this past year. Not going to the car wash so that we wash our vehicles at home instead has saved us about $100 per month. The power washer has already paid for itself four times over since we got it. Doing my own steam cleaning paid for the steam cleaner off of just one detailing run. I was out a few hours of work, but it was worth it.

So now we are all set for our vacation next week. I'm getting so excited!!!


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