Buggy Board?


Oh Bother!
Feb 28, 2001
I've seen the Buggy Board several places online. It appears it is only sold in UK. Has anyone used/seen one? I'll be pushing the twins in a double stroller, and thought this would be perfect for my 5yo.


I don't even know if I can find one in the states!
Hi Jennifer
I cant help you with this query - my children are all grown up now and I tend
not to take too much notice of pushchairs or strollers nowadays.

But I will post a link to your query on the UK Dis (Community Board) and see
if some of our regulars can help you out.

Click on the link in my signature (you will have to register again) and check
out the post for any additional info :) - hey, why not come and pay us a visit anyway - we would love to see you :)
Hi Jennifer,

These came along too late for my kids but look like they may have been a real boon. I have seen people in the UK using them and they seem fine.
I did a quick search and, as you say, came up with mostly UK websites. There was one Canadian one however, which may be a little better for you.


my friend has one of these for her children, one is a new born so he is always in the buggy and her other son is 3, and he loves 'travelling' with his brother. its also great when he starts to get tired, and he just hitches a ride! She told me that she thought it was expensive but worth the money.

hope this helps


:bounce: :bounce:


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