Beth's WDW Countdown Weight Loss Journal, Goal: Lose 50 lbs by Feb 2016 with My Fitness Pal & Fitbit

2.2 lbs - wow, great job!! How exciting to get a nice surprise like that! I'm so happy for you - you're almost half way to your goal already!! :cheer2:
Day 62 of 224, Sat 8/22

Logged all my food in MFP. Planned on eating out for lunch today (our cheat meal) but laziness won out and it was faster and easier to eat at home (I waited too long to eat and I was hungry!). We did go out for donuts later but they were out of the kind I really wanted. :snooty: I should have left because the ones I got instead were not great. Well, now I know. Total calories for today was 2141, that’s 542 over, especially since I didn’t earn very many exercise calories today. Water: 10.

Not a very good step day today. Smoke from the wildfires blew in from the Cascades and it was surprisingly thick and well, smoky around here. DH and I both have minor asthma but even if I didn’t, there’s no way I would walk around in that. It was strong. Even running errands in the car caused our lungs to tighten up a bit. Crazy. Checked the air quality on the DEQ website and our city was marked with a red dot which means unhealthy air quality. So we skipped our usual walk outside and hopefully the smoke will clear out in the next day or so as predicted. So I walked indoors, but only 20 minutes. I should have done more or at least some other type of exercise, like a video (blech). I suppose a gym membership would be handy in cases like these (although I guess there hasn’t been smoke like this in the city for 20 years) but I’m still on the fence about that. Anyway, I parked myself on the sofa most of the day, watching telly and reading my Kindle which was actually really nice but I did feel guilty for not putting more effort into my walking especially since it was my high calorie day. Total steps: 3,768.


Day 63 of 224, Sun 8/23

Logged all my food in MFP. I did much better on calories today, sandwiches, big salad, fruits, veggies. I felt like I ate a lot more calories than I did. I actually double-checked to make sure I didn’t miscalculate anything because I only ate 1321 calories but it seemed like more. I guess that means I'm making good choices? Water: 9.

I was worried the smoke wouldn’t clear in time for a walk today because it was still hanging around in the afternoon, but early evening the wind started to kick up and I was surprised at how quickly the smoke cleared. We walked later that evening and I honestly couldn’t smell it at all anymore. So we did our usual 60 minute walk outside. I felt slow for about the first 1/3, but felt better the final 2/3. DH said he missed our walk the previous day and that made me happy. We both have come so far in the past year or two, physically and mentally. There was a time when he would have *never* said something like that. We barely could/would do even 20 minutes of walking a couple years ago. I should have walked more inside later to increase my steps but didn’t. I really need to start stepping up my, er, steps. I like hitting 10,000 every day but have been slacking off. Total steps for today: 7,136.


Day 64 of 224, Mon 8/24

Logged all my food in MFP. Another good eating day. Thank goodness that insatiable hunger is gone, it made me feel like quitting altogether and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold out. But the last couple of weeks have been so much better. Ate about 100 of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1608. Water: 11.

Took 10,056 steps today. Yay! Finally a day over 10k! It’s been awhile. I had lots of energy on our 60 minute walk outside and I think part of it is because the nights are finally getting cooler. I think it really helps my energy-level. Walked another 20 minutes inside to reach my step goal.

Also, Fitbit changed their dashboard/interface today. I’m always wary of change at first but I really like it. I feel like you can see a lot more at-a-glance.


Day 65 of 224, Tues 8/25

Logged all my food in MFP. Didn’t eat any of my exercise calories today, ended the day at 1448. Water: 9.5.

Took 10,139 steps today. Yay, another 10k day! Usual 60 minute walk outside plus a little more than 20 minutes of indoor walking to meet my goal.


Day 66 of 224, Wed 8/26

Logged all my food in MFP. Ate 1419 calories today. Wasted some precious calories on a poor choice of a treat that left me hungry I swear 5 minutes later. Oh well, live and learn. Finally restocked the fridge. Treading dangerous ground when it’s practically empty, leaves the door wide open for making bad choices (i.e. eating out). We used to eat out once or twice every single day, now it’s more like once a week. Bought a couple new things at the grocery store today, 1) sourdough wheat bread, when toasted is both crunchy and chewy, so yummy and decent on calories and 2) Spicy Pepperjack and Queso Fresco Chipotle (Laughing Cow) spreadable cheese wedges, soooo good, I love the spiciness, not too hot for me. Delicious. Definitely adding these two items to my master grocery list. Water: 12.

Took 9,860 steps today. Bummed, so close to 10k. Realized it too late or I would have knocked out the remaining steps. Usual 60 minute walk outside plus a bunch of grocery shopping put me close.
Sounds like you have been making some smart choices! Keep it up! Hope the smoke and breathing issues get better!
Week 10 Weigh-In Results

Lost 3 lbs this week
Down to 234.6

Here is my reaction to the 3 pound loss in emojis: :eek: :faint: :woohoo: :banana: :goodvibes :hyper:. That about covers it. :laughing:

This week was the fastest week ever. Seriously passed in the blink of an eye. I felt like I did really good on calories this week, I think even my cheat meal/day wasn't all that terrible. No insatiable hunger at all. I feel like I did great with my water. If I was going to pick apart anything it would be my steps. I want to hit 10,000 steps every day but the last week or two I've definitely not hit that much at all. Fitbit has a new dashboard/interface and it's showing an 11% decrease in overall steps in the past 28 days. So for the coming week I want to keep doing what I'm doing with the calories/eating, water and try to steadily increase my steps again to hit at least 8,000 a day, ideally 10,000.

The only other thing on my mind is that I've had two bigger losses in a row now. I do kind of wish that they were smaller. I'd rather lose slow and steady every week than a couple bigger losses and a maintain or gain the following weeks. I'm fully admitting that I'm doing the following 3 things: worrying too much, overthinking it and trying to control things. DH and I had a long talk after weigh-in (P.S. He's down again this week too. Yay babe!) regarding my worries and insecurities with weight loss. His take is basically what I said above, worrying too much/overthinking it plus that I'm diminishing my accomplishments. I know he's right (he's so much more easygoing than I am but I'm working on it) and I in no way want to diminish my accomplishments. I know I/we are both really doing great! We've both tried to lose weight in the past, countless times, this time something is different, I don't know what exactly, but it all seems to be clicking into place, like we're finally getting it and we're ready. I'm in general not much of a confident person but I have 100% confidence that we will reach our goal this time (wow, that feels really great to write). Anyway, regardless of big losses, little losses, gains, maintains, whatever, I truly believe in the end it won't matter how it comes off, that I just need to relinquish control and enjoy the process.

23.2/50.8 pounds lost

156 days til Disney!!
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Week 10 Weigh-In Results

Lost 3 lbs this week
Down to 234.6

Here is my reaction to the 3 pound loss in emojis: :eek: :faint: :woohoo: :banana: :goodvibes :hyper:. That about covers it. :laughing:

This week was the fastest week ever. Seriously passed in the blink of an eye. I felt like I did really good on calories this week, I think even my cheat meal/day wasn't all that terrible. No insatiable hunger at all. I feel like I did great with my water. If I was going to pick apart anything it would be my steps. I want to hit 10,000 steps every day but the last week or two I've definitely not hit that much at all. Fitbit has a new dashboard/interface and it's showing an 11% decrease in overall steps in the past 28 days. So for the coming week I want to keep doing what I'm doing with the calories/eating, water and try to steadily increase my steps again to hit at least 8,000 a day, ideally 10,000.

The only other thing on my mind is that I've had two bigger losses in a row now. I do kind of wish that they were smaller. I'd rather lose slow and steady every week than a couple bigger losses and a maintain or gain the following weeks. I'm fully admitting that I'm doing the following 3 things: worrying too much, overthinking it and trying to control things. DH and I had a long talk after weigh-in (P.S. He's down again this week too. Yay babe!) regarding my worries and insecurities with weight loss. His take is basically what I said above, worrying too much/overthinking it plus that I'm diminishing my accomplishments. I know he's right (he's so much more easygoing than I am but I'm working on it) and I in no way want to diminish my accomplishments. I know I/we are both really doing great! We've both tried to lose weight in the past, countless times, this time something is different, I don't know what exactly, but it all seems to be clicking into place, like we're finally getting it and we're ready. I'm in general not much of a confident person but I have 100% confidence that we will reach our goal this time (wow, that feels really great to write). Anyway, regardless of big losses, little losses, gains, maintains, whatever, I truly believe in the end it won't matter how it comes off, that I just need to relinquish control and enjoy the process.

23.2/50.8 pounds lost

156 days til Disney!!

You Are truly doing an amazing job! I must make time to read your journal more carefully. Just great!
Eg my quote is wrong and I don't know how to fix it.
Congratulations !!!!! You are going to be marching through the World in style!
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Day 67 of 224, Thurs 8/27

Logged all my food in MFP. Basic day. Consumed equal part calories in oven-fried potatoes and fry sauce today. Yum. Ate about 1/3 of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1603. Water: 16! <<<That’s a lot for me.

Took 7,855 steps today. Usual 60 minute walk outside. One of those days when I *really* didn’t feel like walking but the guilt of skipping it altogether is just not worth it so laced up the shoes, stepped onto the front porch and pushed through it, one step after the other until it was done. It was muggy and buggy too, blech. Finally supposed to rain this weekend. Fingers crossed.


Day 68 of 224, Fri 8/28

This was a very atypical day. My sleep schedule has slowly and steadily gotten *way* off track and today was me trying to pull it back in line. Basically it has evolved into the opposite of what it should be and needless to say affecting me negatively in a multitude of different ways. So today was either a really long day (no sleep between Thurs & Fri) or super short day (went to bed *really* early Fri) depending on how you look at it. It basically felt like I lost an entire day but if I manage to succeed getting my sleep schedule back on track then it will all be worth it. Anyway, didn’t meet any of my goals, calories, steps or water. The only steps I got were from cleaning and that was less than 2,000.


Day 69 of 224, Sat 8/29

Today was my cheat meal/day. DH and I have an agreement that if we *both* lose weight that week we’ll have a cheat meal/day on weigh-in day/Saturday. Lost 3 pounds this week and DH lost too (yay babe). Basically it was a major carbfest for me (pasta & donuts) and a meatfest for DH (pork chops). Opposites attract you know. Anyway, wrote down everything I ate throughout the day but didn’t log it into MFP until the following day. Ate 2169 calories, not too terrible, very similar to last Saturday. Water: 8.5.

Took 10,775 steps today. My goal is to increase my steps again. Steps have been slowly declining over the past few weeks. Usual 60 minute walk outside, plus 10 minutes of indoor walking and a store run help me reach that goal.

Finally rained!! Glorious midnight rain storm complete with thunder and lightning. Loved it!!


Day 70 of 224, Sun 8/30

Logged all my food in MFP. I don’t know if it’s my imagination or not but I feel like when I have a cheat day/higher calorie day, the calories sort of carry over and satisfy me the next day as well. Ate slightly under my calories, not eating any of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1354. Water: 12.

Took 10,332 steps today. Usual 60 minute walk outside plus 25 minutes of indoor walking. Not a huge fan of indoor walking but most times I wouldn’t reach my goal otherwise as I’m usually 1500-3000 short at the end of the day. And I like the hour-long walks outside and don’t want to increase that time/distance. I am trying to get up more often throughout the day though which adds a few hundred steps. Anyway, today while walking inside I watched/listened to the whole Must Do Disney/Stacey program they play in the hotel rooms at WDW on YouTube so that was kind of fun.

My pants are definitely getting a little bit looser, looking pretty sad and saggy at the end of the day, but I don’t think I’m quite another size down yet, maybe another month or two. And I’ve been realizing that I can go a lot longer between meals which makes me really happy and makes the overall process a lot easier.


Day 71 of 224, Mon 8/31

Logged all my food in MFP. Woke up with a kinda junky feeling, almost like a food hangover and I think it was because I ate too close to bedtime last night and didn’t give my food enough time to digest before laying down. Ugh, I don’t like that feeling. I actually prefer to wake up hungry. I *never* use to wake up hungry because I constantly overate but now I’m hungry most mornings since I started eating better and I like it that way.

Leftover pasta for breakfast today, yum. I did notice today that all four meals I ate were a *little* too much food, maybe about 50-100 calories worth each meal. I try to be aware of my satisfaction level when eating, that is, eat to satisfaction and not beyond, that really helps with calorie counting. But today I was a little indecisive with my food choices, so I would have a little of everything, then cleaning my plate and being just a little too full after each meal. Definitely have to keep a constant awareness of that otherwise it slips back in. Ate about half of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1668. Water 12.5.

Took 10,193 steps today, 3rd day in a row over 10k, yay! Usual 60 minute walk outside, 20 minutes of indoor walking plus an errand and around-the-house stuff.
You are making great progress! Keep up the hard work. I truly believe the first few weeks are the hardest (which you have made it through) and at this point you can see physical changes of yourself and people you know may also start to notice some differences. Seeing the scale move and physical changes are extremely motivating. Congrats again!
You are making great progress! Keep up the hard work. I truly believe the first few weeks are the hardest (which you have made it through) and at this point you can see physical changes of yourself and people you know may also start to notice some differences. Seeing the scale move and physical changes are extremely motivating. Congrats again!

Thanks Jerry! :goodvibes
Day 72 of 224, Tues 9/1

Logged all my food in MFP. Only ate about 50 of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1511. Water: 9.5.

Took 10,182 steps today. Usual 60 minute walk outside. My sleep schedule has been back on track for a few days now and it’s been a lot cooler lately (yay) so back to AM walks which both DH and I prefer. I really like knocking out the walk first thing in the morning. It really starts the day off on the right foot (pun intended). Walked 20 more minutes inside to reach step goal.


Day 73 of 224, Wed 9/2

Logged all my food in MFP. Today was the hungriest day I’ve had in a long time. Boo! Plus I slept horribly and woke up with a terrible headache. Thankfully Tylenol nipped that in the bud really quickly. I knocked out almost 1200 calories in pretty short order. Hunger didn’t really recede until after my walk which we took in the afternoon today. Felt *a lot* better afterwards. Wish I knew exactly what caused the hunger especially if it was a result of my food choices, not enough calories, etc. I suppose it could be any number of things, I can think of 5 or 6 possible reasons off the top of my head, some in my control, some not. I hate how crazy it makes me feel, but at least it settled down later in the day. Ate most of my exercise calories (didn’t have as many since I didn’t do my indoor walking), ending the day at 1611. Water: 9.

Took 6,948 steps today. Kinda disappointed that I didn’t do more. I definitely had the time to but because I slept so poorly I was dragging all day, even the easiest of tasks seemed daunting. Took the usual 60 minute walk outside. The highlight of today had to be the weather. I had absolutely no idea it was so gorgeous outside until we went walking. Sky was so bright and beautiful, some clouds but nice and warm, not too hot, mixed warm and cool breezes. Really brightened my mood.
Day 74 of 224, Thurs 9/3

Logged all my food in MFP. Ate almost all my exercise calories today save 24, ending the day at 1729. Running low on groceries, especially fruits & veggies, dangerous, gotta go shopping tomorrow, no exceptions. It's almost Saturday, another fast week. I hope I lost because I wanna get my donut fix. I realize I can factor donuts into my calories any day, heck every day if I wanted to, but I really like having them on the weekend for our cheat meal (my precious). Water: 9.

Took 8,196 steps today. Only a 55 minute walk outside. We went really early (it's so nice knocking out the walking early/first thing). I think we must've been high-energy and walking faster plus we didn't have to double-back to a trash can to drop off pup's you-know-what because we did the same route a few minutes faster. Might have to eventually add onto the route to make it a little bit longer. The rest of the steps came from normal around-the-house stuff, a quick errand and some cleaning. Didn't make 10k but still a solid day.
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Day 75 of 224, Fri 9/4

Logged all my food in MFP. Another day where I felt like I ate a fair bit of food but still overall it was a low-calorie day. I definitely felt like I went longer between meals and I think that's because I had a higher calorie day yesterday, or at least that's my theory. I should've eaten a few more veggies though and I consumed way too much sodium, probably not the smartest move day before weigh-in. Oh well. Didn't need to eat any of my exercise calories, came in slightly below my daily calorie allotment, ending the day at 1252. Water: 12.5.

A great step day today! Logged a total of 10,718 steps. Walked 60 minutes outside plus lots of steps shopping/running errands, a little bit of cleaning, etc.

I usually wear Gloria Vanderbilt shorts, capris, jeans but today while shopping I tried on the size 22 GV shorts and capris and they were too big. I'm getting closer and closer to being a solid 20. :woohoo: Can't wait because then it'll be 18, 16, 14, 12, 10...
Week 11 Weigh-In Results

Lost 1 lb this week
Down to 233.6

Yay! I'm really happy with how things are going. I feel like I'm hitting a nice rhythm and routine. I am worried about the next couple of weeks though. I'll will be doing some camping with the fam where we share cooking/meals. It's pretty much a sodiumfatfest and sometimes it feels like we're constantly eating (3 big meals a day plus snacks). I won't be counting calories, but I will be counting steps. My plan of action is to get 10,000 steps a day, drink my water, eat moderate portions (stop when satisfied not full/stuffed), eat as much fruits and veggies as I can, minimize snacking between meals and hopefully that will minimize the damage. If I'm showing a gain when I get back I'll work it off and continue my journey onward and downward.

24.2/50.8 pounds lost (almost halfway!)

149 days til Disney!!
Sounds like you are doing really well! I'll bet that if you stick to overall healthy choices, with some splurges on the things you really like best, you will survive the camping trip just fine! Keep up the steps good work! You sound so motivated!
Day 76 of 224, Sat 9/5

Logged all my food in MFP. I am a bit disappointed in myself. Today’s was my high-calorie day, that’s fine, but I found myself eating past the point of hunger, not fine, just stuffing myself because it was there, why? I haven’t done that in so long. :mad: I think eating to the point of satisfaction is such an important weight loss tool. The first two or three bites always taste the best anyway. Total calories were 2294, 543 over. Water: 8.

Took 8,076 steps today. Usual walk outside, only 55 minutes today because we didn’t have to double-back to a garbage can for puppers. :dog2: Plus usual around-the-house steps, cleaning, etc.


Day 77 of 224, Sun 9/6

Logged all my food in MFP. Much better eating day today. Ate just a few of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1516. Water: 9.

Took 6,486 steps today. Walked a slightly different route that ended up being a little bit shorter than our usual walk, only 52 minutes. I liked the route itself (one huge oval) but part of it didn’t have sidewalks and it had a higher speed limit so not sure if we’ll be doing that one again. They’re doing construction over there though, so hopefully they’ll be adding some sidewalk.

My Gloria Vanderbilt jeans are officially too big! I think the GV brand runs a bit bigger than other brands because I have some other size 22 clothes that fit fine. It’s been much cooler here the past week, so all 4 pair of my jeans have been in the rotation and they are all saggy and baggy from the get-go. I saw a big display at Costco the other day so next time I head that way I’ll replace my 22s with 20s. :goodvibes


Day 78 of 224, Mon 9/7

Logged all my food in MFP. Even better eating day than yesterday. Didn’t eat any of my exercise calories, ate slightly under my daily allotted calories, ending the day at 1352. Water: 8.

Took 7,129 steps today. Usual 60 minute walk outside. I haven’t been doing any indoor walking lately but I’ve been trying to get up and move around more often throughout the day which usually earns me somewhere between 1000-2500 steps. Still not hitting 10k very often though. Ugh and I’m bloated today. I don’t know if it’s all in my head or not, but it’s getting warmer around here again and I feel like my body holds more water in higher temps. I do not like the way it feels. Oh well.


Day 79 of 224, Tues 9/8

Logged all my food in MFP. Ate just a few of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1500. Water: 8.

Took 8,482 steps today. Usual 60 minute walk outside. It’s getting warm again. Was wearing my jacket and jeans for the first time in months just a couple days ago, no more, I was sweating today. Still feeling bloated. I’ve been okay on water, at least 8 cups every day, but I’m not drinking as much as I was. I need to get that number higher. And I definitely should be now that it’s getting hotter again and I’m sweating a lot more. I love all seasons but I’m over the heat and definitely ready for Fall.
Overall, you are doing great! You may have a bad day here and there (don't we all?) but you stick with it! Those steps have really improved!


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