Baloo is finding his Bare Necessities of life (Comments Welcome)

NYC Marathon Race Recap -5:15:39.

So I ended up no where near my goals. I think I need to look at a few things. One, I am just not as fast as I was pre-injury in 2019. I was finishing marathons in 4:00-4:30 time frame with a focus to get a sub four. Post injury I am averaging 5:00-5:30. My training is on-par with pre-injury but my results are not there. The other item is my weight. In the past my body simply responded to increased running and I seemed to shed more weight than I am now. So the realities are that I am running slower and heavier. I have had several days to process NYC and lick some wounds - pretty bad blistering in my left foot and my ego, so literally and figuratively. I believe I still have sub 5:00 in me and that is going to be my focus for now - 4:59:59. I am going to let go of any pre-injury expectations and try to be happy that I am running these distances at all! I will talk with my PT about adjusting some training times for Dopey and I am going to give the sub-5 a go there. I will also back way off on the 5k, 10k and half so I can give this an honest try.

I have reviewed my mile times from my running app and of course I can talk it up about going out smart and finding a solid pace. I did know of that. I went out too fast through the first three miles based on my running plan. I also need to accept that I made some miscalculations for just how impactful the hills in NYC would be. None are very steep, but they simply go on and on and on, literally a low grade up hill for miles at a time. Much of this came in the second half of the race. It kicked my ***! There were two other things that hopefully don’t happen next time. The first was heat. Turns out it was the hottest NYC Marathon in forty years…. And, I made a horrible mistake while waiting in the runners village pre-race. I put my nutrition down to organize it in the order I wanted for my runners belt. Got caught up in a text conversation and then heard “the 10:20 blue corrals close in 5 minutes”. I jumped up and took off towards the corrals. I was the literal last person in the corral, they closed it behind me. I cut that way too close…. Then while in the corral walking towards the start I reached into my belt to get my first bar. I was going to be rotating a fruit bar and shot bloks at the start and then every three miles. I had neither. I left it all on the ground back at the runners village. No going back and no nutrition for the entire marathon! I had to eat off the goodness of the spectators and course nutrition - 4 quarter bananas, a Reece’s peanut butter cup, a baggie of Mott’s fruit snacks, an orange wedge, two course gels and two half bananas. I am a big guy, this was no where near enough for me. And this was my 13th marathon, I am not new to this. What an unbelievably stupid mistake!

On the positives, one - the crowd support was incredible! I especially loved the Bronx, the energy through there was so invigorating! Even when I was dying and frankly by mile 10 I was hurting pretty bad, the crowds just boost you up. Two - I did not quit, I wanted to a couple times, especially as my miles times started to grow. But I shifted my intervals, took a few longer walk breaks and just plugged along. Three - I really enjoyed the significance of the moment - first time running a world major and first time in New York. And I had the presence of mind to pull myself back into the moment during the race and take it in. Four - The last few miles were next to and then inside Central Park and it was so beautiful and the crowds squeezed in and cheered so loud! I had tears at the finish, it was not the time that I wanted but it was the experience I will remember!

So, I have been doing a lot of walking and will try my first run on Sunday, planning 10 easy miles. Form there I will have one week of tapering up and then it is full bore into the remaining weeks before Dopey. Oh, and I threw my name into the lottery for the 2023 Chicago Marathon. :)

Only got pictures pre and post race, but here are a few:

Ferry station, got a little crowded!

Ferry ride was the best part of the commute to the start!

Sunrise from the ferry.

Verranzzano Bridge, first couple miles of the race - first up, then down. But beautiful views!

Corral moving towards the start.

Just before I learned that I had no nutrition…

Love the medal, loved the NY Style pizza I dove into just a few hours later!
Congrats on the race. It sounds like a lot of things worked against you in this one. The T+D was around 135 which is no where close to good conditions for a marathon. Add in coming from MI in the Fall and you've not likely trained in that type of weather for a few weeks at least. That's going to zap you real quick. Add in now having your normal nutrition, and honestly I wouldn't put a ton of stock into the final time. I think you've got plenty of good times ahead of you. Be patient and train where you are. Let the chips lie when the time comes.
Congrats on the race. It sounds like a lot of things worked against you in this one. The T+D was around 135 which is no where close to good conditions for a marathon. Add in coming from MI in the Fall and you've not likely trained in that type of weather for a few weeks at least. That's going to zap you real quick. Add in now having your normal nutrition, and honestly I wouldn't put a ton of stock into the final time. I think you've got plenty of good times ahead of you. Be patient and train where you are. Let the chips lie when the time comes.
Thanks for the kind words. I am happy that Marathon weekend is close, but not too close. I am gong to continue to work and hope that it can result in a better result.
Week 20 - Dopey/NYC Plan
11/7: Week 20: OFF - 5 mile walk
11/8: No Run
11/9: No Run
11/10: No Run
11/11: 5 mile walk
11/12: 8 mile walk
11/13: 10 miles easy pace. Following WDW Marathon pacing plan - 12:00 minute miles on easy pace; averaged 11:42, a bit too fast.

Week 21 - Dopey/NYC Plan (adjusted)
11/14: Rest Day
11/15: 4 miles - Easy Run (12:00)
11/16: 4 miles - Hill Run (No Pace)
11/17: 4 miles - Tempo Run (11:30/11:00/10:30/10:00)
11/18: OFF
11/19: 7 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40)
11/20: 7 miles - Easy Pace (12:00)

I am moving on from NYC, at least mentally. I was surprised to feel how tight my legs were after my run today, it was 10 easy pace miles and I felt good. But then felt pretty fatigued after the run. My biggest concern is that I an one lingering blister, really more of a sore now. I protected it today for the run and am rotating airing it out and treating it. I had blisters on both feet after NYC but this one just does not want to cooperate. I think this will be a tough week, as my body is still fatigued, but it is still a taper up week so nothing to outrageous.

So the next 7 weeks will be one more week tapering up, then 4 challenging weeks and two weeks of tapering down and then Marathon Weekend. Hard to believe that Dopey is that close! Hope everyone has a good week!
Wanted to get this out yesterday, but ran out of time. Overall it was a pretty good week. I am struggling to find my pace and stay there. I need to continue to work on finding and holding the right pace on run intervals. I am doing a 4 minute run & 30 second walk. But I am pushing too fast in the run interval. About the time I think I am at the right pace the four minutes are up and I am walking again. I just need to keep working at this. I know that in these shorter distances 10:40 feels a little slow, but out past 10-15 miles I am sure I will be working very hard to sustain that. Anyway, it is a process and I will keep working.

Bad news…. At the doctor today I learned I have a hernia, might require surgery. Getting scheduled for an ultrasound and that will be the deciding factor. I noticed a bump just above my bellybutton and was quite scared. I am at high risk for colon cancer and have to have a colonoscopy every year (sorry if too much info…). So a bump there terrified me. So I suppose I should be happy that it is only a hernia. But surgery does not sound conducive to marathon training! Luckily the doctor has said I can continue running. But no lifting or any activities that will put significant strain on my abdomen. I will likely get to hold off the surgery to the new year. Fingers crossed.

Week 21 review, Dopey Training Plan
Week 21: Rest day.
11/15: 4 miles - Easy Run -completed 3.53 miles. Went very easy, first early morning run during the week in a long time! With daylight savings, I thought it would be the appropriate time to get on a morning run routine. But this is going to be difficult!
11/16: 4 miles - Hill Run - completed 3.78 miles. did not get to do hill work, going to take some work to figure out how to set that up, But did get my morning run done again. That is enough for now.
11/17: 4 miles - Tempo Run - completed 4.33 miles. 12:03; 11:17; 10:34; 9:52. Good tempo work, but sooo cold and just before snow hits expecting 3 inches today.
11/18: Rest Day - but no sleeping in…. Had to be to work by 5:30am. Cruel irony!
11/19: 7 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40): Completed 7.51 miles. Super cold today, lots of snow. Goal was to hit 10:40 pace, I was too far under it to start and really struggled to consistently slow down. The run/walk intervals makes this difficult for me I think. But I felt very strong throughout. Paces: 9:56; 10:01; 10:24; 10:40; 10:23 & 10:24, then a slow cool down.
11/20: 7 miles - Easy Pace (12:00): Completed 7.56 miles. Went easy, try to stay around 12:00 pace but was a little under that. Super cold this morning, took me several miles to warm up. Very happy with the run.

Week 22, Dopey Traning; Simulation Week 1
11/21: Rest Day
11/22: 3 Miles - Easy Pace
11/23: Rest Day
11/24: 3 miles - Easy Pace
11/25: 4 miles - Easy Pace
11/26: 8 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40) - Warm up mile & 7 at marathon pace.
11/27: 14 miles - Easy Pace (12:00)
While the prospect of surgery definitely sucks, I’m glad it’s “just” a hernia
I had the same hernia many years ago as an artifact of a prior surgery. Luckily, repairing the hernia was really easy. I could have let it go longer, but it was starting to bother me so I got it fixed. Any surgery is unpleasant of course, but I'm glad you can continue running for a while!
While the prospect of surgery definitely sucks, I’m glad it’s “just” a hernia
Thanks, me too!!!! My doctor knew exactly what I was thinking. She was like “Charlie, breathe it is not what you are thinking”.

I had the same hernia many years ago as an artifact of a prior surgery. Luckily, repairing the hernia was really easy. I could have let it go longer, but it was starting to bother me so I got it fixed. Any surgery is unpleasant of course, but I'm glad you can continue running for a while!
Thanks, this is good to hear.
I'm curious, are you following a specific training plan which incorporates a simulation week?
Yes. The plan was set up with my PT. He is a strong proponent for run/walk and Galloway. So when we put the plan together I really wanted simulation weeks and he placed three of them in my plan post NYC. One difference though, I will not be running as many miles, maxing at 18 for the marathon day on the third simulation. Mostly about adjusting go to the challenge of running on tired legs.
Week 22 Review, Dopey 2023 Prep
I had a good week and I am feeling good about my plan. With one minor exception…. For the first time in awhile I experienced pain in my right ankle that was a little concerning. This is my surgically repaired ankle and is always a little in the back of my mind. Around the middle of my Sunday long run it began to hurt, sort of a sharp pain with pressure from my foot hitting the ground. It seemed to ease up but got worse again a few miles later. So I just shut it down for the day and walked home. I am sure it is nothing, and I am likely over reacting. But after experiencing a year of PT, Surgery, PT again and then a long and slow return to running I am taking no chances!

I am writing this on Monday and my ankle is still a little tender, but I am walking with minimal to no pain. I have today off and only 3 or 4 mile easy pace runs on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I will be very slow and careful. To top that, I am still waiting for my insurance approval for the MRI on my stomach/hernia. Still no pain of any kind, but it is unnerving without the definitive diagnosis and plan. My doctor was like it is nothing to worry about, but don’t lift anything heavy and if you feel any significant pain go to the ER… Awesome.

11/21: Rest Day - First of three simulation weeks.
11/22: 3 miles - Easy Run - 3.61 miles. Morning run. (Average 11:30)
11/23: Rest Day
11/24: 3 miles - Easy Run: Completed 3.69 miles. (Average 11:23) Kept place slow and easy. Good morning run.
11/25: 4 miles - Easy Run: Completed 4.58 miles. (Average 11:35) Slow pace, nice morning Run.
11/26: 8 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40): Completed 8.53 miles. Goal was to to a half mile warm up complete 7 miles at marathon pace (10:40) and then close out with a cool down mile. I hit: 10:02; 10:06; 10:31; 10:40; 10:35; 10:02; 10:20. I started out too fast and could feel that, so slowed pretty effectively for miles 3, 4 & 5, but pushed too hard in 6 & 7. I need to get more disciplined. But overall I am pretty happy with run.
11/27: 14 miles - Easy Pace (12:00): Completed 10.5 miles… Some concern during run of pain (for no apparent reason) in my right ankle. I shut it down early. Rest on Monday and then easy paces/low mileage until Saturday’s tempo work.

Week 23 Dopey Prep Plan
11/28: Off (week 2 of dopey simulation)
11/29: 3 miles - Easy Pace (12:00)
11/30: OFF
12/1: 3 miles - Easy Pace (12:00)
12/2: 4 miles - Easy Pace (12:00)
12/3: 8 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40)
12/4: 16 miles - Easy Pace (12:00)
I am excited to share that I was liked freaking out over nothing…. My right ankle (surgery ankle) is still a little tender but much better. I have completed both of my morning runs this week with no pain and just the slightest tenderness post running.

Will I continue to obsess over this - yes. But I think that I am fine, but back to wearing my ankle compression sleeve and going to work in my more supportive retired running shoes rather than dress shoes - it is a nice look!
It was a good week, Michigan is cold but can be really pretty in the winter. Took this photo during my run this morning. Does a horrible job capturing just how inspiring the rising sun was today. I am really happy with my efforts and results this week. It gives me confidence headed towards Dopey.

Side Note: Rise and Run Podcast read my review of them in the last episode. I got to hear it during my run this morning. Now I know they read all their reviews, but it was totally fun to hear them read it anyway. :) I really enjoy that podcast. FUN!

Week 23 Dopey Challenge, Simulation Week # 2
11/28: Rest
11/29: 3 miles - Easy Run. Completed 3.52 miles (11:45 average) Ankle still a little tender, but better. Morning run again.
11/30: Rest
12/1: 3 miles - Easy - completed 3.65 miles. Super cold this morning! Went slow and easy, good run.
12/2: 4 miles - Easy Pace - Completed 4.59 miles. Went easy. Nice run at Hawk Island.
12/3: 8 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40). Completed 8.54 miles. Pretty cold morning, good run. Pace was too fast: Warm Up Mile: 11:32, Tempo Miles: 10:01, 10:17, 10:02, 10:04, 10:20, 10:12 & 10:19. I was purposely slowing but not enough. Actually felt pretty good, but question is could I hold that for 18 more miles…
12/4: 16 miles - Easy Pace (12:00). Completed 16.54 miles, pace 11:41. Did an out and back and did find myself picking it up more on the return. My legs were a little fatigued from my marathon tempo run yesterday, but overall I felt really good. Strong week of training!

Week 24 Dopey Challenge Plan
12/5: Week 24 Dopey Challenge
12/5: Rest
12/6: 4 miles - Easy Run
12/7: 4 miles - Hill Run
12/8: 4 miles - Easy Run
12/9: Rest
12/10: 7 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40)
12/11: 7 miles - Easy Pace (12:00)
Yeah, Rise & Run offers a great, non-judgemental space. I like that they celebrate all runners and recognise that if you toe the line and go at 16 min pace or 6 min pace you are equally a runner. They have had some really great guests and they do seem very nice. Not sure if I would join their Zoom meetings, introvert tendencies getting the better of me. Anyone have suggestions on other good running podcasts you follow?
Not sure if I would join their Zoom meetings, introvert tendencies getting the better of me.

Definitely consider trying one. You can just hang out and listen. Bob makes a point to acknowledge everyone who shows up, but there's no pressure to participate.


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