Bad night tonight..

Mackey Mouse

Me read the Navigator? I don't
May 21, 2000
When I got home from the hairdressers, I was not gone long, he tells me he has a temperature of 101....I said did you call the doctor, and he had not. I then looked at his arm where he had chemo and it was hot and swollen with a red line going in both directions.. I thought oh no.. now what..

I called his doctor, of course he had someone covering...they called me back in about 25 minutes, I love the waiting when you are worried. I tell her the story and she tells me to take him to the off we go to the local hospital, we wait 1 1/2 hours to be seen with everyone coughing and hucking all around us....this man is on chemo, his auto immune system is probably nil, I asked them to keep us separated from the other people who were sick with colds etc...and they did put us in a separate area.

We just got home about an hour ago, we were there 3 hours total, his white blood count was good so they think he has cellulitis....he is now on another for this new condition and the other for the horrendous acne issue from the tarceva... They started an iv and gave him an antibiotic after they had talked to one of the covering doctors from Mass General. We have to call them tomorrow and discuss what is next. They did blood cultures too, but the drs seemed to agree it is cellulitis...

Did I say we are suppose to be flying out on Sunday for WDW??? He wants to get away so badly, I do hope he gets better so I can take him on this trip. If not, another time, but we are not losing hope that we can get him out of town this Sunday...

Keep us in your thoughts please, he needs to escape...we all do..
What an awful day for you. I so totally understand how much he wants to get to Disney to have a few days away from all the stress, and I know how much you want it for him. It would be so good for both of you. Don't give up hope. I'm going to be praying hard that he will feel well enough to go on Sunday. If it turns out that you don't feel you can go now, then just reschedule for a little later when he's had time to recuperate from the chemo. You'll get there!

Sending hugs and pixie dust. :grouphug:
Mackey Mouse, I've been following your story for a week or so, just haven't posted yet. Hoping and praying for you that everything works out for the 2 of you so that you can both get away to your favourite place for some much needed magic. Keep up the good work, you seem to really keep your DH's spirits up, which is so important to fight the good fight. Know that there are new people reading, and sharing in your story, and pulling for you all the way to Canada. Hopefully the new antiobiotic will kick in quick, the fever will subside and you'll be on your way. Thinking of you both, Kathy
Oh Lord Marsha...
I am absolutely WILLING that those meds clear this cellulitis ASAP get your bags ready, you're going to Disney World!!
Hoping the IV meds have kicked in and you both got some rest so you are up and at em for Sunday.
Marsha I am following your story from the Uk too. I so hope that you can get away. I just know how much these breaks mean to you both. I'm thinking of you.
I am sitting here just praying that those drugs kick in and you make it out on Sunday. I hope both of you got some rest after all that. Keep us updated.

Just talked to another dr in Boston as ours is signed out until MOnday....isn't that special....anyway I told him we are going, I am getting him on that plane and getting him to WDW. If I need a hospital down there, I know where Celebration Hospital is. Last night when I said to Tom, maybe we should think about cancelling, I saw his eyes fill up....and then I thought no way I am cancelling it if means this much to him.. we are going, he said he wants to go, we are going..

Keep us in your prayers, and hope that I can get through this week in our Happy place with no incidents, pray us on that plane guys...due to fly out in Sunday morning 7:00am....hugs everyone..
You can be sure you will have my prayers today, tomorrow, and Sunday until you are on that plane! I hope the Florida air and the pixie dust help both of you forget your trials, if only for a few days so you can have a great time together!

God bless.
Mackey Mouse said:
Keep us in your prayers, and hope that I can get through this week in our Happy place with no incidents, pray us on that plane guys...due to fly out in Sunday morning 7:00am....hugs everyone..

Will do Marsha! I pray for a great trip for you and DH, and that the cellulitis will be cleared up soon. :grouphug:
I'm just now reading this update. I'm so sorry life has been so bleak lately Marsha. :( I'm praying you get to get on that plane and go to your happy place. Please keep us posted. :grouphug:
Marsha - you have helped me so much through all that has been going on the last few weeks. Please know that I am praying that you get on that plane! He is so lucky to have you, and you are both in my thoughts right now. I know how that chemo can kick you in the @#$%!

I hope you both have a wonderful trip! I am praying that it goes without incident!!

HUgs all around..

OK.. I am packed, he is not packed yet but we have tomorrow. Right now I have a hot compress on his arm and he is doing ok...had a decent dinner and seems to be much better.

I have done much reading on this cellulitis and am not too pleased as I know that his system is compromised from the past week, but it is on the arm where the chemo went in and I have to think that something was not too clean there as it says it is bacteria that enters through an open wound...I am not blaming anyone, just think it is strange that it happened right after he had chemo...and he was already on antibiotic to prevent infection from the sores on his sweet face.

Anyway, his face is looking much better and we are going forward with our plans. I got a letter from the doctor explaining his condition just in case I need it. I called the airlines and asked if he could board early as he is pretty weak and cannot be pushed and shoved....I am actually thinking of bringing a mask for him to wear(I know he will not,) but I always have the best intentions.. I do try to protect him as he is my guy, and has been for over 37 years, ok enough of that.

Anyway, hugs everyone, please keep the faith while I am gone...I will have no computer access, but I know some will so I will have them update on how we are doing. I will just keep saying we can do it, we can do it.. no emergencies, we can do it, we can do it.

Hey who knows maybe he will feel well enough to do the Segway Tour I had planned for could happen, he seems so strong today.
Sending tons of Pixie dust your way!!We are flying out Thursday night, hope to see you!!~~~ Jenn
Hugs and prayers on the way for you. Have a great trip. We will all be here waiting to hear about your trip. Stay safe and keep the faith.
Mackey Mouse said:
I do try to protect him as he is my guy, and has been for over 37 years.

That is just about the sweetest thing I think I have ever read. Oh goodness, the water works are going for me reading that. Anyone who has ever met the two of you knows Tommy is Marsha's special guy and she'd do anything to priotect him, and vice versa. :love:

This trip will be so meaningful for the two of you. I pray it goes without incident and you two are able to relax, enjoy each other and your happy place. Much love honey!!! I'll be thinking of you and will be with you in spirit! :grouphug:
Just reading this now Marsha and sorry to hear of another hurdle for poor Tom to get through. Nothing is easy that is for sure. Glad to hear he is perking up though. A trip to WDW does wonders I know. When I went down in June, in the midst of a really bad colon infection, I felt better just being there.

BTW, when you get to Logan here is a tip. When I traveled with my broken leg in a cast, my limo driver got out before me and ran to have the porters round up a wheel chair right away.. So I stepped from limo into chair and they took my bags, and then me right to the gate. Airline will let you preboard no problem. I do it all the time. I pray for an easy and safe trip for you both and can't wait to give you a big hug later this week. Hugs till then...
:wizard: :wizard: Just sending a little extra pixie dust your way in hopes that you have a wonderful trip.
Hi Marsha, I'm just catching up on things now, we returned last night from 5 nights at BCV.

I'm so sorry to hear Tom's been having such a time with this round, I was thinking of him last week.

It sounds like the trip is what he needs. I hope the two of you have a great time and we'll be praying for you here. :grouphug:


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