Aw, my Frose went back to being Rose - 2019 Food and Wine Adventure! RL Update 4/22!


DIS Veteran
May 5, 2013
~ Greetings All ~

Welcome to my latest TR! Thank you for joining in as I relive the past week at the happiest food and wine festival in the world!

Before we get started, some introductions:

First there is my mom. Travel partner extraordinaire. She and I have very similar travel styles, both love Disney, and both love food and wine, so we make sure to visit the F&W fest every year!

Next up is me! I’m Debbie and will be your narrator for the next, well, let’s just say a year because let’s face it, I take forever to get these TR’s done!

After last year, we told ourselves that this year we would do less and take it slow. Well, we tried, but then Disney went and changed things on us and our good intentions were thrown out the window!

We did get to take advantage of the EEMH, which was fantastic! We also found however that the crowds this year were a lot worse than we’ve ever seen in any of our September trips, especially at Epcot and AK. Epcot we expected big crowds with the ending of Illuminations during our trip, but AK? Not sure why that was so packed!

A brief overview of what we accomplished on this trip!

-EEMH at HS (including rope dropping MF:SR)
-Circles of Flavor
-Riding the Skyliner for the first time!
-DAH at MK
-Lamb and Spirits Pairing with Robert Irvine
-Illuminations Dining Package at Rose and Crown
-Festival of the Lion King Package
-Mediterranean Food and Wine Pairing
-Final Illuminations Party/viewing
-Epcot Forever Party/viewing
-Cabana Rental!
-Drinks at Oga’s!

Ok, yeah. We were a tad busy this trip!

Also, here’s a fun game….can you find us in this picture???

Alright, on with the show!

Pre-TR - Epcot Forever Review

Wednesday September 25
Day 1, Part 1: It's Like a Sleepover at a Neighbor's House!
Day 1, Part 2: It's Food Booth Time...If we can get in...
Day 1, Part 3: We Try the Food Booths for Real!
Day 1, Part 4: Time to Visit My Dog's Namesake!
Day 1, Part 5: Circle of Flavors!

Thursday September 26th
Day 2, Part 1: EEMH - HS Style!
Day 2, Part 2: Another Round of Food Booths!
Day 2, Part 3: A Visit to Animal Kingdom Lodge!
Day 2, Part 4: DAH at MK!

Friday September 27th
Day 3, Part 1: EEMH at MK - Will we make it?
Day 3, Part 2: A Trip to the Grand Floridian...and then some!

Day 3, Part 3: Lamb and Spirits Pairing with Robert Irvine!
Day 3, Part 4: Illuminations Dining Package at Rose and Crown!

Saturday September 28th
Day 4, Part 1: A Morning with the Animals
Day 4, Part 2: FotLK Package, Part 1 - Lunch at Tiffins!
Day 4, Part 3: That Odd Break During the FotLK Package
Day 4, Part 4: FotLK Package, Part 2 - FotLK and Safari

Sunday September 29th
Day 5, Part 1: Cabana Time!
Day 5, Part 2: MNSSHP, Part 1!
Day 5, Part 3: MNSSHP, Part 2!
Day 5, Part 4: MNSSHP, Part 3!

Monday September 30th
Day 6, Part 1: Final Illuminations Morning
Day 6, Part 2: Mediterranean Food and Wine Lunch
Day 6, Part 3: The Final Illuminations

Tuesday October 1st
Day 7, Part 1: Another Trip to SW:GE
Day 7, Part 2: Drinks at Oga's!
Day 7, Part 3: The Skyliner!
Day 7, Part 4: Back to the Food Booths!
Day 7, Part 5: We are Hungry Hungry Hippos
Day 7, Part 6: That Time Mousekeeping Made Us Cry
Day 7, Part 7: We Just Can't Stay Away from Epcot!
Day 7, Part 8: Epcot Forever!
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Ok, we’re going to start this TR off a bit differently this time around. We attended the premiere of Epcot Forever last night, and I wanted to post my review of that while it’s still fresh in my mind since we’re not going to get to that day for another few months!

So we saw the show from a private event which was located at the lower level of that little spit of land below the bridge between France and the UK, so we ended up having a fantastic view as we were right up against the fence. We did realize after the show that unlike Illuminations where getting a front row spot was important to see the globe and water fountains, with this new show, a front row seat is certainly not needed!

Overall review of the show, frankly I’m very neutral. There were parts I thought were fantastic, and parts I was meh about. I LOVED the fireworks, oh my goodness they were spectacular, and when Tapestry of Nations starting playing during the show I totally started to cry.

The kites were just ok, and one seemed to go a bit too close to the edge of the lagoon when they were doing the sparkler thing and sparks were falling on the crowd below which seemed slightly not safe. Plus the one kite that wasn’t working already, oops! But really, they were just kites, and actually sitting that close to the water at the edge seeing/hearing the jet skis was actually a distraction from the show.

Then there was the music. There were bits I really enjoyed, but I really dislike the kids singing, and so much of this show is kids singing. The music just doesn’t come close to Illuminations. Hopefully the permanent show has something better! Funny enough, I had the same thoughts with the new MNSSHP fireworks this year (minus the kids singing)…the previous show had such better music!

The show also seemed super short, even though it was 12ish minutes. I think it’s because it seemed so disjointed to us, it was just like a random mashup of things.

So in the end, we found it to be a decent show, the fireworks make it worth checking out. Glad we saw it, but looking forward to seeing what the new permanent show brings!

Ok, back to the regular TR now!
Following along! Looking forward to reading more, this sounds like a delicious trip! We might have overlapped a few days as we just got back from our trip last weekend.
Day 1, Part 1: It’s Like a Sleepover at a Neighbor’s House!

It was finally here, travel day!!!! Unlike past trips, work was not a nightmare leading up to this trip, so I was oddly relaxed heading into this trip. This was probably good because this trip was far from relaxing!

Now when we had originally booked this trip, I had planned on taking a flight that would get me down to Orlando around 11:00, but my mom had to work that first day so wouldn’t be flying in until around 6:00. Well, in keeping with the theme of this trip, that all changed a few months before the trip!

First, I got noticed that my flight was changed to take off much earlier, so would be arriving in Orlando around 9 instead of 11! YAY, more time in Disney!!!

Then, in July, my mom got some news about her job where she would be getting a different teaching position than originally thought, which meant she could now fly down earlier as well, so she decided to switch to the earliest flight down so we could meet at the airport!

This was perfect because I had us both booked for Circles of Flavor that night, and with my mom’s original flight she would not have made it in time, so now she could join me!

Anyways, back to the first morning. My flight was schedule to take off around 6:50, so I was at the airport around 5:30. I quickly checked my luggage curbside then headed into the terminal. As always, the security line at DCA was non-existent and I was through in a minute. I love this about flying out of DCA! I hope when they change the security around it doesn’t make it more congested!

After getting through security I went and found a seat at my gate. After a while a family with a really cute baby came and sat across from me, and I ended up chatting with them while waiting to pass the time. I love friendly strangers like that, makes the wait go by so much faster!

Eventually it was time to board, and once again I had splurged and spent an extra ~$75 to fly first class, so got to board first. That money is so worth it! As someone with long legs, coach is so ridiculously uncomfortable, my knees hit the seat in front of me even before the seat is reclined! So if it’s not horribly more expensive to upgrade, I always do.

I quickly boarded the plane and got settled in. It was a speedy boarding process and we ended up pushing back a few minutes early. We backed out of the gate, but then just sat. Eventually I noticed some of the ground crew walking over towards the plane…uh oh.


Now, if you’ve read any of my past TRs, you may remember that my flight NEVER takes off on time. There is always some issue where it gets delayed…and this morning was looking like more of the same.

We ended up just sitting there next to the gate for about 10 minutes, the whole time I’m starting to really worry that something was wrong with the plane and we’d be very delayed! But then we started to move!


We slowly made our way to the runway to take off, there was a fairly decent line though to take off, so it was more waiting. In the end we took off about 40 minutes behind schedule, which is pretty much in line with every time I fly, HA!

The flight itself was uneventful, a nice short hour and 45 minutes. The one thing I wish is that they had the tv screens still. I like watching the flight map during the trip, so really hate that airlines are removing these tvs! So instead I just listened to music for the flight.

We ended up landing around 9:15, and then had a nice scenic drive around the airport. It actually took a while to get to our gate, which ended up working out well since my mom’s flight had landed a few minutes earlier so she had some extra time to change into her FL clothes.

Once we finally found our gate, I booked it off the plane and down to DME! I found my mom right away, and we quickly hugged, then headed over to check in. This time we were heading to….the Boardwalk!

Crazy, I know. We are totally BC/YC people…the Boardwalk just seems like a neighbor’s pretty house across the street that we’ve never had any interest in going into. Well…this trip we were going into it!

When we had originally booked the trip, we booked it to start on Thursday instead of Wednesday, but soon after booking I decided I wanted to do a full week, so added a night. However, the BC/YC were super expensive at that point, and Boardwalk was like $200 cheaper for that night, so I decided to just book that first night at Boardwalk.

So we got in the line for the Boardwalk (also still the same line for YC/BC). There was a bit of a line already, and soon after we got in it we started boarding!

The drive over was quick, we stopped first at AoA, then we were next!

We were first off the bus and headed into the lobby. Check in was smooth, and our room was ready already!!!

We headed up to our room, and wow, what a beautiful view!


It was odd being on this side of the lake seeing our home resort just across the way….we joked it would be like a sleepover at a neighbors house!

The room itself was nice, I liked that they still have some of the more Disney touches, like this Mickey lamp.

Next up: It’s Food Booth Time!


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Joining in! Can't wait to read the details about all those things you guys did!!

Thanks for your review of Epcot Forever! I still need to check it out on YouTube, though I know it's not the same as seeing it in person!
Following along. I wish my mom would do trips like this with me! I'm excited to read about all the fun things you have planned.
Joining in! Can't wait to read the details about all those things you guys did!!

:welcome: Thanks for joining in on the fun!

Thanks for your review of Epcot Forever! I still need to check it out on YouTube, though I know it's not the same as seeing it in person!

You're welcome! It's so funny how different it can be in person. I watched the new Halloween show on YouTube before this trip, and wasn't all that impressed, but in person it was spectacular! Just wish they had different music :rolleyes1
I also enjoy chatting with strangers to pass the time! Always nice when you are sat near friendly people.

Yes! It's so great when people want to chat. I always feel a bit awkward starting up conversations with people in the airport, everyone seems so lost in their own world, but this family was so nice and fun to chat with!

So beautiful!!

This room was so nice. We could even see the HEA fireworks over the YC!
Following along. I wish my mom would do trips like this with me! I'm excited to read about all the fun things you have planned.

:welcome: Thanks for following! I'm very lucky that my mom and I love doing these trips together, it's funny because my dad wants no part in them at all, but my mom and I love them!
Day 1, Part 2: It’s Food Booth Time…if we can get in…

After settling into the room, we were getting hungry, so decided it was time to check out the food booths this year! I also had to change my pants because on the flight, while trying to squeeze out of the row to use the restroom, my pant leg got stuck on a sharp plastic bit on the middle armrest and ripped. Stupid poorly designed airplane seats!

Anyways, after a quick change, we first ran down to the store to grab sunblock, then stopped up at the room one more time to apply it.

Finally, we made our way out of our room and to the elevator to head over to Epcot! One thing we noticed, which we actually loved about the Boardwalk is that they play music in the halls! I wish they did that at the YC!

Small aside…the Boardwalk reminded me so much of how the BC/YC used to be back in the 90s. Back then they stuck more to the theme, they played oldies music at the pool, and just the whole vibe felt more Disney/themed. We still LOVE the BC/YC, but being at the Boardwalk brought back memories of the “good ol days” and we realized we really do actually miss that!

Anyways, we made our way out of the room and to the elevator. Now, if anyone read my last TR/Pre-TR, you’ll remember my mom is getting over a broken foot, and walking is still difficult for her. So we were lucky that at the Boardwalk our room was just steps away from the elevator!

The one thing we didn’t really like about the Boardwalk was the odd design. If we wanted to get down to the actual boardwalk we had to take two elevators or an elevator and a set of stairs. I know, small thing, but my mom was struggling with stairs with her foot, and the second elevator to get down to the boardwalk was super slow. Just another reason we prefer the YC…when you get to the first floor…you’re actually ON the first floor!

Ok, moving on!

We headed out onto the boardwalk, and of course took some pictures on our walk over to Epcot!



We made our way over to Epcot and wow, the changes! The skyliner wasn’t open to guests yet, but they were doing CM previews, and there was a steady stream of people exiting. We also were shocked at the line at security! It was about 11:30 at this point, so well after opening, but there was a long line to get through security. We chalked it up to all the CMs coming from the skyliner since there didn’t seem to many people walking over from the resorts at that point.

We eventually made it through, and went to scan our magic bands, only to get the dreaded blue light! Oh no! I was actually worried this would happen….I had hoped when we did the online check-in for our next hotel stay, which the tickets were linked to, it would activate the tickets. Turns out, it didn’t. So we had to exit the secure area to hike back to Guest Services, which was set up back over by the bridge to the boardwalk. Normally not a big deal, but my mom was already complaining about how much her foot hurt from walking, so it would have been nicer if the Guest Services booth was actually at the entrance of the park!

Fortunately, when we got to the booth, the line that had been there earlier when we walked by had disappeared, so we walked right up. I explained to the CM what was going on, so he took our magic bands to try to get it sorted out for us.

Well, because what’s a Disney trip without a few snafus, the CM could only see our DAH tickets, and claimed we didn’t have any park tickets!


So I pulled out my phone and pulled up our tickets which were fortunately still showing up there! He took my phone and was completely dumbfounded, he could not figure out why there were tickets showing up on MDE, yet his system was showing we had none.

It took a LONG time to get this sorted out, about 40 minutes, which was frankly kind of frustrating. I have no idea what the problem ended up being, but he finally got the tickets to show up and we were finally on our way into Epcot…again.

This time fortunately the security line had died down, so it only took about 5 minutes to get through, and this time when we scanned our magic bands they worked! YAY!!!!

Next up: We try the Food booths for real!
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Eeyore is pretty great! I'm sad that the only place to see him is at Crystal Palace, I wish he was available with Pooh at that meet & greet but oh well.

That is frustrating about your tickets! I wonder what took them so long to figure out the problem.
I am following along!

One thing we noticed, which we actually loved about the Boardwalk is that they play music in the halls! I wish they did that at the YC!
We are staying Boardwalk end of this month, I will have to see if I noticed the music in the halls.

We made our way over to Epcot and wow, the changes! The skyliner wasn’t open to guests yet, but they were doing CM previews, and there was a steady stream of people exiting. We also were shocked at the line at security! It was about 11:30 at this point, so well after opening, but there was a long line to get through security. We chalked it up to all the CMs coming from the skyliner since there didn’t seem to many people walking over from the resorts at that point.
I hope this doesn't ruin the International Gateway!

It took a LONG time to get this sorted out, about 40 minutes, which was frankly kind of frustrating. I have no idea what the problem ended up being, but he finally got the tickets to show up and we were finally on our way into Epcot…again.
That was a really long time! Disney IT is the worst. Glad it got figured out! I hope you guys got drinks fast!
So we had to exit the secure area to hike back to Guest Services, which was set up back over by the bridge to the boardwalk.

Ugh! We got the dreaded blue light for one of our party this year too. They should have a guest services person right at the entrance for as there seem to be issues!

It took a LONG time to get this sorted out, about 40 minutes,

That is ridiculous! I know they do their best but it shouldn’t be so hard to link tickets to magic bands.
Eeyore is pretty great! I'm sad that the only place to see him is at Crystal Palace, I wish he was available with Pooh at that meet & greet but oh well.

Interesting, did not know that! That is unfortunate!

That is frustrating about your tickets! I wonder what took them so long to figure out the problem.

Yeah, that wasn't the best way to start our first day, just glad it all got worked out! I had a feeling the tickets may not be active since they were connected to our second hotel of the trip, but it's weird that even though we told the CM that, he couldn't find the tickets at all!
Frustrating start with your tickets! Glad they got it sorted even though it took a long time!

Yeah, it was super frustrating. Fortunately we were still in that happy/excited "we just got to Disney" mood, so it didn't dampen our spirits much!


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