August W.I.S.H.Thread: Awesome August

Sleep is soooooo important. But personally I find it one of the hardest things to develop good habits around. What i mean is if the kids are up late, the neighbors are loud, your head is can't necessarily get the sleep you need regardless of your habits or routine.
I try to limit caffeine before bed. I also take a magnesium supplement about an hour before I want to go to sleep. I started taking it to combat muscle spasms but I do find it helps with overall relaxation as well.
Sleep is soooooo important. But personally I find it one of the hardest things to develop good habits around. What i mean is if the kids are up late, the neighbors are loud, your head is can't necessarily get the sleep you need regardless of your habits or routine.
I try to limit caffeine before bed. I also take a magnesium supplement about an hour before I want to go to sleep. I started taking it to combat muscle spasms but I do find it helps with overall relaxation as well.
I'm lucky in that I'm a natural early bird. That whole "early to bed, early to rise..." thing definitely helps! It's hard for me to watch my DS struggle with getting to bed early when he needs to be up early. (He's currently a night owl, as adolescents and young adults tend to be.) And DH has a lot of sleep issues, which I think have played a big part in some of the health problems he's had over the years. Lack of sleep definitely contributes to a vicious cycle.
This is my family too! And my husband’s neck injury has made his sleep habits even worse! And my teens are going to have a very hard time (esp my son) getting up early for school again!
It is Topic Tuesday.
Today’s topic is sleep.
Sleep is beneficial to your health.
How do you see sleep effecting your health?
And what sleeping tips do you find useful (from the attachment or others)?
I am fully aware of the importance of sleep. That mere fact has kept me up at night worrying!!!

I usually sleep pretty well unless I am stressed out. I know when I return to school, especially the night before I start, and the night before the kids start, I will struggle. Once I am in the groove, they will exhaust me, and I will sleep well again. When I was in the throws of menopause following my hysterectomy when I was in my mid-forties, night sweats would keep me up at night. I still get up to pee about 3 times a night, which started when I got pregnant and never went away. The good news is that the majority of the time, I fall right back to sleep unless I am worried about something. I have learned not to check my work emails before bed, because when a problem comes up, it will keep me from sleeping. I have realized that the work problem will still be there for me in the morning, so I may as well get as much sleep as I can in order to be better prepared for what is awaiting me at school. I do need to stop checking the DisBoards and playing Words with Friends before bed. Instead of my iPhone, I plan on having a book next to my bed instead if I need something to help me sleep.

One more thing: In summer, I fall into a pattern of staying up very late and sleeping in. This summer, I didn't do that because we had the 2:00 AM wake-up for our flight in July. I knew that wake-up time was going to be very difficult, so I never slept any later than 7:30 AM, and most mornings woke up around 6:00 AM. The week before our departure, I gradually worked my way to waking up at 2:00 was insane! Now that I am returning to school very soon, there's no point in me messing myself up by sleeping in.
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I know when I return to school, especially the night before I start, and the night before the kids start, I will struggle. Once I am in the groove, they will exhaust me, and I will sleep well again.
I have learned not to check my work emails before bed, because when a problem comes up, it will keep me from sleeping. I have realized that the work problem will still be there for me in the morning, so I may as well get as much sleep as I can in order to be better prepared for what is awaiting me at school.
Yes and yes! I’m exactly the same!!!

In summer, I fall into a pattern of staying up very late and sleeping in.
This is also me. And every summer I say I’m not going to. But every summer, I eventually do! This year it was because of the time change coming back from Vegas.
Oh sleep, you wonderous thing.

I've always been an early riser, a nap taker and an early to bed-er. But sleep quality hasn't always been there. For five or so years I took 5HTP to stop the mental looping that was keeping me awake, then I was able to wean myself off of it for several years before the looping built up to where it was keeping me awake again. I now know the looping was from ADHD, so have started with Melatonin and that works most nights.

The seasons also affect my sleep as I tend to wake up with the sunrise in the morning... so during summer that can be as early as 5am, but in the dead of winter might be closer to 8am!
I think work email is the biggest enemy of a good nights sleep-I am glad you all decided to stop checking after a certain time.
I am guilty of staying up late to finish a book and sleeping in-which plays havoc with my sleep for the next few nights. I need to be consistent so I don’t have those groggy mornings.
My grandson made me laugh when we were on vacation-he crawled into bed after a long day of fun and said “Grammy, I hear the angels singing…” That’s what I aspire to!
I am a creature of habit so always go to bed at the same time. Yesterday DH got up to use the restroom half an hour before my alarm and then I was awake. This morning he was snoring like crazy (something he doesn't usually do) half an hour before my alarm! I'm really hoping to get that half hour in tonight!
I am not very woohooy today. DD and by extension me can't catch a break this summer. We were back in the ER on Monday. This time we went to the pediatrician first and she sent us to the ER. DD has a concussion. She got hit in the head on Friday with a soccer ball and then again on Saturday. No realized what was going on. She told me Monday that she doesn't remember the first game they played on Saturday. She was just starting to remember some stuff. She is dealing with a massive headache and sensitivity to light. She has also had blurred vision and nauseous at times. I am ready for things to be better for her.

I am so stressed right now with money because I am fight insurance to pay the 2nd ER visit and just hoping and praying the last 2 visits gets approved. I am so worried about DD right now and then DS's soccer and band schedule. It took me over 2 hours to fall asleep last night.

I do have a woohoo. DS got his first soccer goal of the season. The down side is that we missed it. The game was an hour away and with DD we didn't go. He was so excited that he got a goal.
I am not very woohooy today. DD and by extension me can't catch a break this summer. We were back in the ER on Monday. This time we went to the pediatrician first and she sent us to the ER. DD has a concussion. She got hit in the head on Friday with a soccer ball and then again on Saturday. No realized what was going on. She told me Monday that she doesn't remember the first game they played on Saturday. She was just starting to remember some stuff. She is dealing with a massive headache and sensitivity to light. She has also had blurred vision and nauseous at times. I am ready for things to be better for her.

I am so stressed right now with money because I am fight insurance to pay the 2nd ER visit and just hoping and praying the last 2 visits gets approved. I am so worried about DD right now and then DS's soccer and band schedule. It took me over 2 hours to fall asleep last night.
I am not very woohooy today. DD and by extension me can't catch a break this summer. We were back in the ER on Monday. This time we went to the pediatrician first and she sent us to the ER. DD has a concussion. She got hit in the head on Friday with a soccer ball and then again on Saturday. No realized what was going on. She told me Monday that she doesn't remember the first game they played on Saturday. She was just starting to remember some stuff. She is dealing with a massive headache and sensitivity to light. She has also had blurred vision and nauseous at times. I am ready for things to be better for her.

I am so stressed right now with money because I am fight insurance to pay the 2nd ER visit and just hoping and praying the last 2 visits gets approved. I am so worried about DD right now and then DS's soccer and band schedule. It took me over 2 hours to fall asleep last night.

I do have a woohoo. DS got his first soccer goal of the season. The down side is that we missed it. The game was an hour away and with DD we didn't go. He was so excited that he got a goal.
Sending loving healing thoughts to you and your daughter.
Woohoo... the skies were clear this morning (have been overcast in the mornings lately) and I got up a bit early, so I drove down to the beach and did something recommended for dysregulation - got sunlight on my head early in the morning. So far for the first hour of work I am pretty on point, so we'll see if this helps thru the remainder of the day.

Woohoo... no appointments after work today so I am going to spend some time in the yard, working on cleaning up one specific area. Then I'm going to go down to Lincoln Park for a golden hour walk in the forest.

Woohoo... I got another 'god message' where two totally unconnected people mentioned the book 'A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose' by Echhart Tolle, so I ordered it and it came yesterday. Looking forward to getting it started.
I am not very woohooy today. DD and by extension me can't catch a break this summer. We were back in the ER on Monday. This time we went to the pediatrician first and she sent us to the ER. DD has a concussion. She got hit in the head on Friday with a soccer ball and then again on Saturday. No realized what was going on. She told me Monday that she doesn't remember the first game they played on Saturday. She was just starting to remember some stuff. She is dealing with a massive headache and sensitivity to light. She has also had blurred vision and nauseous at times. I am ready for things to be better for her.

I am so stressed right now with money because I am fight insurance to pay the 2nd ER visit and just hoping and praying the last 2 visits gets approved. I am so worried about DD right now and then DS's soccer and band schedule. It took me over 2 hours to fall asleep last night.

I do have a woohoo. DS got his first soccer goal of the season. The down side is that we missed it. The game was an hour away and with DD we didn't go. He was so excited that he got a goal.
I am so sorry that you are in this impossible situation. Try to let go of your worries about money. Hopefully you will be able to get reimbursed by insurance, and if not, fight it. There's no doubt that your claims are legitimate. Try to focus on your child's health and well-being. If you believe in a higher power, pray and have faith that things will get better.
I am so sorry that you are in this impossible situation. Try to let go of your worries about money. Hopefully you will be able to get reimbursed by insurance, and if not, fight it. There's no doubt that your claims are legitimate. Try to focus on your child's health and well-being. If you believe in a higher power, pray and have faith that things will get better.

We are fighting it. Right now I have our HR person involved as well as the people that my company buys the insurance from (not the insurance company). Hoping to know something soon. It is just a hassle. Insurance has just been a big pain and rejecting a ton of claims. They rejected a preauthorization for a CAT scan for me as well my new medicine. Thankfully the doctor has samples right now of the medicine. She is appealing the denial of the med.

Thank you for the words of encouragement. I just need to focus on the kids right now and pray things start turning around.
Woohoo we’re back at the beach and my family gets here tomorrow. Brought a cooler with dinner so will send my husband out for corn and watermelon tomorrow.

Not so Woohoo-I have so many weeds! We put that plastic down before we had crushed clam shells spread, but the weeds after almost a month are awful. Waiting for it to get cooler so I will get started tonight. First world problems, I know!
Woohoo we’re back at the beach and my family gets here tomorrow. Brought a cooler with dinner so will send my husband out for corn and watermelon tomorrow.

Not so Woohoo-I have so many weeds! We put that plastic down before we had crushed clam shells spread, but the weeds after almost a month are awful. Waiting for it to get cooler so I will get started tonight. First world problems, I know!
We have to redo our asphalt driveway and want to switch to a clam shells. I wonder if it will be more work than it’s worth.


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