August W.I.S.H. Challenge - The Sunday of Summer


DIS Veteran
Jun 3, 2015
Welcome to the August 2020 W.I.S.H. (We're Inspired to Stay Healthy) challenge!! - "The Sunday of Summer"

We're here to support each other with kindness as we each work on becoming or staying healthy during these trying times. Everyone is invited, and we're looking forward to catching up with regulars and welcoming newcomers! We have weekly volunteer hosts, and typically follow a Monday-Sunday format:

Motivation Monday,
Topic Tuesday,
WOOHOO Wednesday,
Thankful Thursday,
Free For All Friday,
Social Saturday &
Self-Care Sunday.

This Month's Hosts
Monday, 8/3 - Sunday 8/9 @MickeyMom76
Monday, 8/10 - Sunday 8/16 @Summer2018
Monday, 8/17 - Sunday 8/23 @Oneanne
Monday, 8/24 - Sunday 8/30 @sjrec
Let’s start with introductions and goals.
I’m Cristin...married, mother of boy/girl twin teens who just started driving last month, dog mom to a black lab, kindergarten teacher from PA.

This month my goal is to lose 5 pounds. I will be going on a beach vacation in August, but hope to maintain during vacation and then lose when I come back. I will continue with my new BOD workout program. Eat healthy. And I’m working on exercising my way to Disney (1035 miles) by next June.
I'm Nicole, turning 50 :scared1: this fall, and I live in Massachusetts with my DH, college sophomore DS, and two extremely spoiled cats. I've been a mutual fund banker, SAHM, Usborne book specialist, and substitute teacher over the years. This semester, it looks like I may be homeschooling kindergarten for my (honorary) niece and nephew, but plans are still up in the air.

I was slowly losing weight at the beginning of stay-at-home, but have kind of stalled, so my August goal is to ramp up my exercise a bit and watch the sugary snacks.
I’m Sandy, happily retired from our local HS library. I live in south central PA with my husband. My daughter and her family live nearby in Maryland. They are in Disney right now, which has us a little stressed out right now.
I have maintained my 70lb weight loss for almost 20 years. It’s not always easy, and to be honest that weight loss is more like 65lbs right now. So I would like to get serious and get those lbs off this month. I walk for exercise and do a simple routine with weights and my balance ball.
Looking forward to another month with all of you!
I'm Lizanne, living in sometimes sunny Seattle. I'm a Technical Program Manager, working from home for the foreseeable future... probably until I retire in a couple years. I was porch-to-porch chatting with my neighbor yesterday and we both agreed, it is weird that the current weirdness has come to feel so normal. I used to hate working from home, but now the thought of working in an office feels so alien.

My goals for August.. at the bare minimum to take off the weight I put on in July: I've dropped one of the pounds already, so that is three more to go. Other than that I intend to make an intentional effort to relax and sink in to the wonderfulness that is August. That will include morning drives around the beach-loop before I sit down to work, and sitting on the front porch in the evening to read.
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It’s Motivation Monday!
What’s motivating you this week?

For me, it’s vacation. I have one week until we leave for the Outer Banks. But even beyond that...I want to stick to my meal plan and exercise program to lose the 15 pounds that I put on during this shut down!
I'm Summer, 55 years old. I live in coastal Connecticut, an hour outside of NYC. I'm asthmatic and about 50 pounds overweight. I also have high blood pressure in the doctor's office. In the winter, I lost 20 pounds on Noom, which I love. During the pandemic, I have managed to maintain my weight loss, and in July, I lost 7 more pounds. I teach Pre-K 4 in an inner city public Pre-K-8th grade school. I am on summer vacation until August 26th. I have a daughter who is 22 and is waiting to be called back to her job at Lord & Taylor. Only managers are allowed to work right now. Over the summer, she began online classes at an Art school in NYC for Fashion. She is a Stand-up Comic and Actress. Auditions are non-existent, so she performs her stand-up on YouTube. I'm married to a 61 year-old essential worker, and by the grace of God, he has avoided getting Covid19.

My goal is:
Lose 5 pounds this month

In order to reach my goal, I will:
Follow Noom
Exercise for 25-30 minutes a day 5-7 days a week
Continue to cut back on sugar
Skip dessert

I am motivated by my physical on August 21st. The doctor's scale always seems to be 5-10 pounds more than my scale at home. My blood pressure is always elevated in the office. I don't like my doctor. Her bedside manner is verging on rude. She cuts me off when I'm talking and really makes me nervous. I've tried to switch doctors, but the good ones are not accepting new patients, are retiring, or are moving out of state. I guess it is not a great environment for physicians in Connecticut these days.

I was hoping to be closer to my goal weight for my appointment, but I really wasted time gaining and losing the same 5 pounds during the first few months of the pandemic. Thank God I broke through in July and lost some more weight. I would like to lose at least 5 more pounds before my appointment.
I’m going to work on those 5lbs that I have gained. I have been snacking too often and on the wrong stuff. No more cheese crackers. No more bread or potatoes with dinner. My motivation comes from knowing if I don’t get those 5 pounds off now they will quickly turn into 8-10.
Hello Dearies!

I'm Joan, 45, in Maryland. Mother to two teenagers (shudder.) My goals last month were to track everything, drink 640z of water per day, walk 2 miles twice per week (in addition to regular activity) and lose 5 lbs.... Well, I did the last part, miraculously, but not in an ordered and healthy fashion, obviously, since I didn't do any of the rest...

I am supposed to be going back to nursing school, 3rd semester, this month--but due to obvious reasons, everything is very fluid right now. I know that all lectures will be online, but there is no final word yet whether they will be pre-recorded or livecast, which will affect how I schedule my studies. We also are still in a holding pattern regarding clinical contact days/times/locations. Previously I was able to menu plan the entire semester in advance around what days I'd be away, what days I'd be too tired to cook, packing lunches, etc... BUT! The upside to all this is that classes are not starting until 31 August, instead of 14 August, so I have this whole month free when I was not expecting it. The kids will be doing school from home this fall, too, but not until September, so while there is a lot of uncertainty, at least we get this month free after all...

Goals for this month:
- WATER! At this point, I will settle for 7 days this MONTH when I actually drink 64oz of clear water... then going for a 7 day streak, ever, at all, during the month.
- 100% tracking starting today, with a goal of 100% RDAs 80% of the time
- An average of 9000 steps per day, which is tricky right now with the weather and the closures, but I am in a team competition through the school, and that is the number I need to not bring the team average down... (the school of dentistry has a couple of distance-runners, so we aren't going to beat them, but I can at least pull my own weight...)
-Getting as organized/prepared as possible under the circumstances for the upcoming school semester (both me and the kids...)
- Going to try to continue the meatless Mondays... which means I have to figure out dinner tonight...
- Overall stress management/self-care.

Instead of a weight goal this month, I am trying to take good care of myself... I am using my blood donor status as a motivation... After 20 years of deferment, I am eligible again. So if I'm going to to give blood, I want it to be the strongest, healthiest blood I am capable of creating... it's a bit silly, but so far it's saved me from the oreos TWICE...
I also have a check-up at the doctor late this month that will help me to keep on track. I am currently lighter than at any time since I started going to her last year, but I'd like to be even lighter. I've dropped one more of the pounds I put on last month, it is now just two more to get back to where I was so I'm going to adjust my goal for the month to be -4 (the 2 I put on + 2 more).

I did my beach loop drive this morning, but I really need to get up earlier so I can stop and go for a walk... it's overcast this morning and I just couldn't get myself out of bed, but when I was down there with so few people around I was sorry I didn't push myself more to get going. On the plus side, I did drive right past Starbucks without stopping to get something.
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This is so true! And exactly what happened to me over the shutdown. I was ok with the 5 I gained at first. Then I lost focus and suddenly it was 15! So good call on focusing on this 5 before they sneak up to 8-10 ;)
And because of my shape, my clothes are really tight if I gain more than 5lbs.
Looks like you’ll miss that tropical storm going to NC next week-good timing!
Hi I am Stephanie. I have 2 kids. Nick is 14 and Elizabeth will be 13 this month. I have also been married for 15 years. We both had birthdays last month. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. It was a great day. I was really bummed in the morning bit I have some awesome friends that dropped by with cake, cookies, cards and flowers. It made the day so much better.

I have been super busy lately. I am not sure how though as everything for the kids have been canceled. But Work seems to be even more busier then normal. I have one employee that just had a baby and one that his last day is this week. So on top of my normal work I have been training a new replacement and doing the work that the one that had a baby normal does. Plus this is the month that we can start to send the scholarship payments to the schools. This always adds another layer of business and stress. I will pop in as I can this month.

The kids school is now looking at changing how we start the year. Last week our county board of health recommended that all schools in the county (we have the highest number of cases but we are also one of the largest most populated county in Ohio) start the school year remotely. This doesn't change what we were going to do. We originally had a choice and ours was to have the kids do online learning for the first semester. The board of health also recommended that all extra-curriculars be suspended while kids are on remote learning. This included marching band and sports. Nick was going to play soccer for the high school this year but we have not let him go to practice (except the first week) because they were not following social distancing and wear a masking like they were supposed to. Marching Band was supposed to start this week but he wasn't going to that either. We felt that if we are keeping them home to learn then they shouldn't be hanging out with 30-40 other kids. We will get more information tonight on what the school plans to do with the start of the school year.

This month I am going to focus and get back on track. The end of July I didn't do so well and ate a lot of junk and I wasn't walking as much either. So I am going to walk 60 minutes a day on average (1860 minutes for the month), track my food and do some other exercises at home like lunges and squats.
I've been struggling trying to print out the ADA document from the Human Resources website for my doctor to fill out. My new MacBook doesn't work with my old printer. My school MacBook is older and works with my printer, but it is still being held hostage by the school's I.T. department. So this morning, I went to school to print the form there and bring in one of my plexiglass partitions. I walked in to find all of my early childhood furniture gone replaced with desks that are as tall as the kids. The custodian will have to lower them or my students will need to sit on bar stools instead of chairs lol. The A/C is broken, of course. Awesome. Anyway, my desk top computer was connected incorrectly, so I couldn't print from it. I went down the hall to the O.T room where there's another desk top and the printer. The custodian was hanging out in there without a mask. Anyway, I gave him a wide berth and spent 30 minutes fighting with that computer. Finally I begged the secretary to print it for me, and she did! It is so frustrating when the simplest tasks become so complicated.

I did some things in the room, came home, had lunch, and now I'm going in the pool to cool off.
Hello all!
I'm Lindsey, a 30 year old Disney addict. A couple of years ago, I lost a substantial amount of weight and was down to what I would consider a healthy weight I felt good at. However, about a year and a half ago, we had a lot of personal upheaval, I went from working very part-time as an adjunct professor to teaching public school full time, and we also moved to Orlando to be close to Disney!

Since then, I've regained basically all the weight I had lost. I do still run, which is something I took up to help lose the weight initially, and had let slack a bit in the intervening years. I'm registered for the 2021 Disney Half Marathon (assuming it happens), and have done a Disney race every year since I started running, but can't say I trained well for my last two since moving to Orlando.

My biggest issue is commitment and time management. Since we moved, I also got a second part-time job at Disney, which I was hoping to parlay into something full time, but the pandemic has probably put that on hold. I'm currently furloughed from Disney and hoping I get called back sooner rather than later just for security with the company. However, school seems like it's going to be a big job this year, and we're theoretically starting face to face instruction August 21 (!).

Since I started working full time, I find it hard to give weight loss the same focus I was able to when I was working less. However, I know plenty of people are much busier than I am and make it work - so I'm wanting to get my focus back so I can lose these 30-ish pounds I've gained and get back to my healthier, happier weight.

We're currently on a bit of a working stay-cation before school begins (this is technically preplanning week), but I want to use this month to try and regain some of my healthy habits from my previous successful weight loss.

Focus for this month:
- Decide on a tracking method and work on getting in the habit of tracking (start w/ breakfast one week, then breakfast + lunch, etc.)
- create a list of healthy meals that are quick/easy for when work gets back to more "normal"
- keep my running streak and half plan going
Hello all!
I'm Lindsey, a 30 year old Disney addict. A couple of years ago, I lost a substantial amount of weight and was down to what I would consider a healthy weight I felt good at. However, about a year and a half ago, we had a lot of personal upheaval, I went from working very part-time as an adjunct professor to teaching public school full time, and we also moved to Orlando to be close to Disney!

Since then, I've regained basically all the weight I had lost. I do still run, which is something I took up to help lose the weight initially, and had let slack a bit in the intervening years. I'm registered for the 2021 Disney Half Marathon (assuming it happens), and have done a Disney race every year since I started running, but can't say I trained well for my last two since moving to Orlando.

My biggest issue is commitment and time management. Since we moved, I also got a second part-time job at Disney, which I was hoping to parlay into something full time, but the pandemic has probably put that on hold. I'm currently furloughed from Disney and hoping I get called back sooner rather than later just for security with the company. However, school seems like it's going to be a big job this year, and we're theoretically starting face to face instruction August 21 (!).

Since I started working full time, I find it hard to give weight loss the same focus I was able to when I was working less. However, I know plenty of people are much busier than I am and make it work - so I'm wanting to get my focus back so I can lose these 30-ish pounds I've gained and get back to my healthier, happier weight.

We're currently on a bit of a working stay-cation before school begins (this is technically preplanning week), but I want to use this month to try and regain some of my healthy habits from my previous successful weight loss.

Focus for this month:
- Decide on a tracking method and work on getting in the habit of tracking (start w/ breakfast one week, then breakfast + lunch, etc.)
- create a list of healthy meals that are quick/easy for when work gets back to more "normal"
- keep my running streak and half plan going
Welcome! We have several teachers in our group! Everyone else works full time or is going to school-except me! I’m retired.
So you will have plenty of people that understand your challenges.

And can I say I am very impressed that you run! In Florida!
Hello all!
I'm Lindsey, a 30 year old Disney addict. A couple of years ago, I lost a substantial amount of weight and was down to what I would consider a healthy weight I felt good at. However, about a year and a half ago, we had a lot of personal upheaval, I went from working very part-time as an adjunct professor to teaching public school full time, and we also moved to Orlando to be close to Disney!

Since then, I've regained basically all the weight I had lost. I do still run, which is something I took up to help lose the weight initially, and had let slack a bit in the intervening years. I'm registered for the 2021 Disney Half Marathon (assuming it happens), and have done a Disney race every year since I started running, but can't say I trained well for my last two since moving to Orlando.

My biggest issue is commitment and time management. Since we moved, I also got a second part-time job at Disney, which I was hoping to parlay into something full time, but the pandemic has probably put that on hold. I'm currently furloughed from Disney and hoping I get called back sooner rather than later just for security with the company. However, school seems like it's going to be a big job this year, and we're theoretically starting face to face instruction August 21 (!).

Since I started working full time, I find it hard to give weight loss the same focus I was able to when I was working less. However, I know plenty of people are much busier than I am and make it work - so I'm wanting to get my focus back so I can lose these 30-ish pounds I've gained and get back to my healthier, happier weight.

We're currently on a bit of a working stay-cation before school begins (this is technically preplanning week), but I want to use this month to try and regain some of my healthy habits from my previous successful weight loss.

Focus for this month:
- Decide on a tracking method and work on getting in the habit of tracking (start w/ breakfast one week, then breakfast + lunch, etc.)
- create a list of healthy meals that are quick/easy for when work gets back to more "normal"
- keep my running streak and half plan going

I’m a teacher in Connecticut. Our profession is very stressful, and I am a stress eater. You will get a lot of support from this awesome group.


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