A Princess Birthday Surprise at POR w/ Royal Room Included...TRex for Lunch

Day 1
Leaving for the World

Friday, January 25th

Just some brief background info on how this quick trip came to pass….

Faith mentioned that she wanted to go back to Atlanta to the American Girl Store for her birthday. So, we decided to do the AG package at the Marriott…..pink beds, robes, lunch at AG Bistro. Something the boys were oh so excited about! Oh….and forgive me. You haven’t been properly introduced to Sophia….she’s kind of the reason this trip came to be.

One night Bill was checking his email….low and behold there was a Pin Code just for us….or should I say him. Believe it or not, he says… “If we’re going to spend that kind of money for the AG package, we might as well go to Disney so we can ALL enjoy it.” Stunned as I was :faint:- and believe you me, I was stunned – I figured I better get the trip booked before he changed his mind! Both of us looked at many resorts until we finally agreed upon….

….with the Royal Room – Princess Tianna.

So, this is how our very spur of the moment trip came to be. At first, we didn’t tell Faith what we were doing for her birthday, only that it was a surprise. I love surprises….but Faith, being the very observant and nosey child that she is, started putting 2 n 2 together – she overheard conversations, saw us fervently perched in front of the computer, etc.

Eventually we did tell the kids we were going to Disney for a very short trip, but didn’t tell them which resort. Of course they eagerly tried to guess. “The Poly??!!” ….no. “The Contemporary??!!”…..no. “The Grand Flo with the pretty red roof??!!”….no. Bill had to give them the whole ‘we’re not going to be in the room that much’ speech so we don’t need a deluxe resort room.

Ok…enough background! Let’s get to the day of departure!

We left school early on Friday and went straight to Bill’s office to quickly grab him. You can only imagine how overly excited the kids were.

Faith was driving the boys crazy!!!...nothing new.

Our departure was not as rapid as I wanted it to be….but oh well. We hit I-95…..full speed ahead! :car: (fyi...for all the past TR followers...no more Ferrari Van) Our ETA was 8:14pm. On the way down, I told the kids they had to watch Princess and the Frog - they still weren’t aware of our Royal Room. Ignore the 81 on the GPS....it lies :rolleyes1

When we arrived it was dark, and the parking lot looked rather full….what in the world??? This is like not supposed to be a busy time. So after what seemed to be an eternity, Bill finally got our room assignment in Oak Manor – the Magnolia Bend area. We had no idea how spread out this place was!! Holy cow!! Huge!

We were a bit confused while looking for our building (darkness didn’t help the situation, either). And confused on where to park. But, eventually we found our way and made it to the room! There were smiles all around!

True to form, I was quickly snapping shots of the room before the kids destroyed it (room review coming later). Faith was completely awestruck by the bed which really was quite cute! She absolutely loved the room. Even the boys thought it was pretty cool.

Since we had been stuck in a vehicle for 4 ½ hours, all of us were ready to roam around and take in the resort. Jesse and Faith were on the verge of craziness….acting like they’ve never been to a hotel in their life!

We headed to the main building to check out the River Roost Lounge.

A little bird named SueM told us to check out “Ye Haa” Bob Jackson that performs at the lounge.

He plays on Wednesday through Saturday evenings from 8:30pm until a little before midnight. Bob performs a very popular piano sing-along comedy show with lots of audience participation. Get there early if you want a seat!! By the time we arrived, all seats were occupied. The kids enjoyed watching from the sidelines….so wish we had taken Sue’s advice and tried harder to get seats.

After scoping out the lay of the land, we needed a snack. But first…what trip would be complete without losing Jesse at least once??!! Some of you remember from my last TR that Jesse tends to wander off :sad2:…we call him The Wander for very good reason. So guess what….while in line at the food court he disappeared. Shocker, right!? And true to form….we found him here….

And his typical response…. “Mommmmmm, I was right here!” Life is always an adventure with our Jesse.

The red velvet cake that sits in front of Faith was absolutely delicious!!!! No kidding! Sometimes Disney’s cakes are a bit dry…but not this one. We should have grabbed TWO!

Back to the room we went….but not without a few night shots by the pool (this is the one right by our room.)

Since we were doing MK on Saturday -Park Commando Style, we had to hit the bed….gonna be a long day!

Up next….a Royal Room Review

Awww - love all the photos, especially the retro one with Baloo! You kids are charming! Great photos of the hotel, especially the pool shots. POR is the first time I stayed on property with my husband. Love it there, so pretty.
Faith was looking pretty chic in that outfit :thumbsup2

For years I never knew Yee Ha Bob existed, now I'm hearing about him all over the place. Might need to catch his show one of these trips.

The resort looks beautiful, can't wait to see more. We took a boat over once but didn't do much exploring.
Glad you got to enjoy some of YeeHa Bob. I think POR has to be one of the prettiest resorts on property! You got a great location right by the bridge!
Love the pics!!
Joining in! After years of lurking under my wife's name, I finally decided to get in on the action. I'm Heather's other half :thumbsup2 the financial backer for her Disney obsession.

Hi there friend! This will be our shortest Disney trip yet! However, fun was had by all :thumbsup2
:hug: I'm glad you had a great trip...and at least we won't get Heather TR withdrawal since the AKL CL/Cruise is complete :thumbsup2

Joining in! After years of lurking under my wife's name, I finally decided to get in on the action. I'm Heather's other half :thumbsup2 the financial backer for her Disney obsession.

:cool1: Welcome to the DIS (officially, not just lurker mode) Bill! I'm Jeanette one of Heather's nuttier resort changer buddies :rotfl:

HeatherYay for arrival day. Faith looks SO big and mature :scared1: When did that happen??? The pic of her on the bed looking at the headboard is a keeper. And Jesse always manages to locate the cartoons :sad2:
I'm in!! :)

You make having 3 children look easy!! I have 2 boys and want to go for that 3rd to hopefully get a little princess but only time will tell. :) Love the name Faith too- I have a 13 year old niece named Faith!
Hi Heather, nice start to your TR. I love all of the older pictures in your introduction. Faith looks so cute after her BBB makeover, I love Snow White, and I don't think I have seen many little girls pick this princess. She sure is a lucky little girl to get to go to WDW to celebrate her birthday. We have an American girl store in Chicago. It is like gridlock on weekends! I feel much more comfortable at MK, even on the crowded days.:rotfl2:
Love your trip reports I've always lurked on them. I have 3 girls and we took them to Atlanta this year for spring break/their birthdays. The main mission was the American girl doll store. Sadly with 3 girls that was our vacation too, Disney will have to wait till next year.
Joining in! After years of lurking under my wife's name, I finally decided to get in on the action. I'm Heather's other half :thumbsup2 the financial backer for her Disney obsession.

WELCOME BILL!!!! So happy you could join us!!!!!!!!! :wave2: Bret agrees with the 'financial backer' title!

LOVE the start of the new TR Heather...LOL at the introductions:rotfl2:...so funny! We had that SAME Cinderella in 2010 (the one and only Cinderella of course!).;)

Heading out to our campfire for the night, but had to stop by and get on the POR Faith's birthday trip bus!:banana:

Happy Friday friends!:banana:
TOTAL shock!!! The hubby actually joining the DisBoards :faint: and not just being the Disboard Stalker anymore....what is the world coming to???!! So...without further ado....may I introduce WishIwasFishin...AKA...my hubby, Bill!

Joining in! After years of lurking under my wife's name, I finally decided to get in on the action. I'm Heather's other half :thumbsup2 the financial backer for her Disney obsession.


Awww - love all the photos, especially the retro one with Baloo! You kids are charming! Great photos of the hotel, especially the pool shots. POR is the first time I stayed on property with my husband. Love it there, so pretty.

Thanks!!! More retro pics to come ;) My sister and I crack up laughing every time we look at our old Disney photos, and wonder why in the world mom gave us those horrible haircuts!!!

Faith was looking pretty chic in that outfit :thumbsup2

For years I never knew Yee Ha Bob existed, now I'm hearing about him all over the place. Might need to catch his show one of these trips.

The resort looks beautiful, can't wait to see more. We took a boat over once but didn't do much exploring.

Faith is a girly-girl, but at the same time she doesn't mind getting dirty in the back yard with her brothers.

We REALLY liked the resort. I had my reservations, but they quickly disappeared when we got there.

Glad you got to enjoy some of YeeHa Bob. I think POR has to be one of the prettiest resorts on property! You got a great location right by the bridge!
Love the pics!!

We did get super lucky! I had no idea what to request, so....I didn't request :laughing: And the walk to the main building wasn't bad at all. However...if it had been raining, that would have been a different story!

Love all the pics!

Thanks! And by the way....Stephen loves your screen name wiigirl. He told me you must be big into Wii games:confused3

:hug: I'm glad you had a great trip...and at least we won't get Heather TR withdrawal since the AKL CL/Cruise is complete :thumbsup2

Let's hope I finish this one in a timely manner :rolleyes1

Yay for arrival day. Faith looks SO big and mature :scared1: When did that happen??? The pic of her on the bed looking at the headboard is a keeper. And Jesse always manages to locate the cartoons :sad2:

Faith has really grown up this year...kind of sad for me. But with Jesse around, there's no time to dwell on that....we're too busy chasing the Wanderer around :upsidedow

I'm in!! :)

You make having 3 children look easy!! I have 2 boys and want to go for that 3rd to hopefully get a little princess but only time will tell. :) Love the name Faith too- I have a 13 year old niece named Faith!

Well aren't you kind! I'm sure when my sister and parents read your comment they will bust out laughing! They're a handful to say the least, but they're also a very big blessing....and all so very different.

Good luck with your decision! At least you have plenty of time to decide. Three's a great number:thumbsup2

Hi Heather, nice start to your TR. I love all of the older pictures in your introduction. Faith looks so cute after her BBB makeover, I love Snow White, and I don't think I have seen many little girls pick this princess. She sure is a lucky little girl to get to go to WDW to celebrate her birthday. We have an American girl store in Chicago. It is like gridlock on weekends! I feel much more comfortable at MK, even on the crowded days.:rotfl2:

:wave2: again! I can only imagine!!! The one in Atlanta isn't nearly as big and it's always packed. I'm with you on the MK :laughing: ...much more enjoyable, too! Or at least for Bill and the boys....

Love your trip reports I've always lurked on them. I have 3 girls and we took them to Atlanta this year for spring break/their birthdays. The main mission was the American girl doll store. Sadly with 3 girls that was our vacation too, Disney will have to wait till next year.

Thanks!! Glad you came out of lurking mode ;) And wow! 3 girls!!!! That's costly for sure. I can't imagine what y'all spent at the AG store on 3! It's amazing how expensive that stuff is....the doll alone is pricey. But when you add the clothes, and shoes, and bag, and bed...etc. etc. :laughing: Yep...that's a WDW trip!!

LOVE the start of the new TR Heather...LOL at the introductions:rotfl2:...so funny! We had that SAME Cinderella in 2010 (the one and only Cinderella of course!).;)

Hiya friend! So glad you made it! Thought I would post some old pics...some older than others :laughing:

Heading out to our campfire for the night, but had to stop by and get on the POR Faith's birthday trip bus!:banana:

Happy Friday friends!:banana:

Enjoy your night! Bill and Faith are already in the bed....getting up early for a fishing trip to Hilton Head.
I am with you Heather on the girls growing up fast, and your Faith is a real beauty. Hiya to Bill!! Nice to see a much talked about DH (in a good way of course ::yes::)! I wish mine would come out of lurkerdom and join the Dis too!

Can't wait to hear more about POR, yes my 'financially responsible' next choice for WDW!! Maybe....:rolleyes2
Hurrah!!! I was secretly hoping you would write about this trip but I didn't want to pressure you. :laughing:

Welcome, Bill! And what a great idea you had. You scored some big bonus points there. WAY better than an American Girl weekend. I bet even Sophia agreed. ;)

The princess themed room looks great. Love that headboard. Does it light up like the ones in Disneyland do?

Jesse and his wandering. :rotfl2:
Haha- well to me- you make it look easy! Lol!! I saw where you are headed to HH today- sounds fun! I'm in South Carolina!
I am with you Heather on the girls growing up fast, and your Faith is a real beauty. Hiya to Bill!! Nice to see a much talked about DH (in a good way of course ::yes::)! I wish mine would come out of lurkerdom and join the Dis too!

It's taken Bill 5 years... :upsidedow So, let's see...when did you join the Dis???? :laughing: I can assure you he won't be a regular poster like us. He's been asking how to do a multi-quote....perhaps I'll show him tonight:thumbsup2 It still makes me laugh!

Can't wait to hear more about POR, yes my 'financially responsible' next choice for WDW!! Maybe....:rolleyes2

Well....maybe...after you read this TR, you'll be more inclined to try it;)...or maybe NOT! :laughing:

Hurrah!!! I was secretly hoping you would write about this trip but I didn't want to pressure you. :laughing:

:thumbsup2 It's about time, huh?? How many months ago did we go???

The princess themed room looks great. Love that headboard. Does it light up like the ones in Disneyland do?

It does...you press a button and it lights up! Precious! You can only imagine how many times the kids pushed it. I finally had to say STOP!

Jesse and his wandering. :rotfl2:

Sad, but true, Christine. Not sure if he will ever grow out of this! It's frustrating...not to mention dangerous! :upsidedow We have to seriously laugh to keep from crying :rolleyes: Of course all my friends think it's hysterical....and sometimes it is.

Haha- well to me- you make it look easy! Lol!! I saw where you are headed to HH today- sounds fun! I'm in South Carolina!

Put it this way...it has gotten much easier. The first few years were a bit difficult. When Jesse was born and Faith was barely walking, and we basically had 2 diaper bags....you can imagine :laughing:

Bill fishes over in the HH/Beaufort/Paris Island area....much better than Savannah he says. They caught a couple of redfish today, so Faith was happy ;) He does catch and release....rarely does he keep any.
princess:The Royal Room
Port Orleans Riversideprincess:

As you remember, we were located here….

In room….

Which is found in…

When Bill , aka…WishIWasFishing, and I decided on the Royal Room, I was a bit skeptical. Since this was a trip for the boys, also, I was worried about it being too girlie or in all honesty….just plain cheesy. Much to our surprise, it was absolutely perfect for this trip!!! :thumbsup2

(computer generated photo I found on the web)

So, just a little FYI for all your curious minds :thumbsup2 …..

(Info from Allears.net)

Resort Room Renovations

All rooms at Port Orleans Riverside have now been renovated (Summer 2012). The ever popular "trundle bed" rooms in Alligator Bayou, now have a murphy bed instead. The murphey bed is off the floor and bigger than the trundle.

If you’re a family of 5….this would work perfect. Well, that’s if the person sleeping in the murphy bed is a kid. ;) As you can see, it’s rather small.

Just another of view of POR rooms…

Royal Roomsprincess:

These rooms are located in the Magnolia Bend area. The rooms are elegant and the attention to detail is fabulous. Royal Rooms are located in buildings 90 and 95. This area has four 2- and 3-story mansion homes, reflecting the large plantation residences in Mississippi many decades ago. In Magnolia Bend, Oak Manor is nearest to the Resort center, and is adjacent to one of the "quiet" pools. Magnolia Terrace is mentioned by many to be an ideal location, while others find Oak Manor to be a better choice.

Another important feature to note about the mansions is the fact that you must cross the Sassagoula River bridges to get to the food court, gift shop and other main building features.

The beds were quite intriguing for the children! There’s a button that you press to make the fireworks light up. Let’s see….how many times did they push the button? One, two, three??? Not even close! Must have been 100 times! :upsidedow

Just another photo of details on the bedspread….

Bill and I both thought the queen beds were comfortable….nothing to write home about, but nothing to complain about either.

Faith hurried around the room pointing out the great detail! Notice the stool….

There was even a letter from Tiana on the table – Disney, being the geniuses they are, made the letter a permanent part of the table.

Over the table hangs very ornate lighting ….

The Imaginears even made the flat screen TV part of the décor…

Too many pics....continue on to the next post! :teeth:



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