And Just Like That- Season Two


DIS Veteran
Jan 24, 2009
Who’s watching the new season? I must be a glutton for punishment because I am about to watch the first two episodes. Even after the last disappointing season, I’m back for more.

Can’t wait to see AIDAN!!
Lol. Looks like they are doubling down on the Che/Miranda storyline. Seems the writers don’t care how much Che is disliked. I still can’t get over how wildly unfunny Che is. She is supposed to be this great comedian.

Anyhoo, aside from the Miranda storyline, I enjoyed the first two episodes. Feels a bit more like the original series.

I also enjoyed Seema and Lisa more this season. Looks like they will be expanding their storylines. Possible trouble brewing with Lisa and her hubs. And Selma’s boyfriend was in the original Sex and the City. He sold Carrie the red shirt for Berger. Just a little show Easter Egg.

I squealed when they showed Aidan and Steve in the previews. I doubt things will work out for Steve but it will be nice to see him again. And Aidan… who knows, but he is still fine as ever.
The women (minus Kim) were interviewed on GMA this morning:

Don’t like Che / Miranda so I’m on the fence about watching
I don’t like them together. Literally any other woman and Miranda and I would have been fine. Che is just so wrong in so many ways.

You might want to skip the first few minutes of episode one. I wanted to wash my eyes with bleach. Their section of the opening montage was way too graphic.
Kristin Davis dissolved the facial fillers. She looks so much better without them!

I think some of them naturally dissolve over time. :scratchin

Cynthia made sure to mention that Kim only has a mini scene and for people to not to expect her coming back.
As much as I hated season 1, I started to watch season 2 today just HOPING for the show to be back to how good SATC was…Ugh - it’s still a huge pile of hot garbage.
I didn't know it was back! I liked AJLT more toward the end of the season but hated the Che/Miranda stuff so I'm torn about watching. Maybe I'll just re-watch SATC (and cringe about how much of it hasn't aged well, LOL).

(also, just a reminder that both Che the character and the actor use they/them pronouns)
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I guess I need to go back and watch some original SATC, but it seems to me that Carrie's apartment is bigger than it used to be, and even the layout has changed.
I guess I need to go back and watch some original SATC, but it seems to me that Carrie's apartment is bigger than it used to be, and even the layout has changed.
It’s definitely not to scale of the original series. Then again she did have that big apartment renovation after Big wedding didn’t happen the first time around.
I enjoyed it. I might be the outlier, but I like Che and Miranda. I especially liked the scenes where Miranda was in the sensory tub.... not sure this (spoiler) is needed, but will play it safe....
i was watching that and I was like yup... I would totally last about 45 seconds .... maybe 2 minutes and then be like I need out out out... and prolly just as ungraceful as Miranda was getting out LOL
It's so funny that Che is the one character we all dislike. But I actually really like Seema, Lisa, Nya... all the other new characters.

First 2 episodes were enjoyable overall though. It seems like they're bring back the S to SATC.
I don't really like the whole Miranda/Che thing. I think it's because I like Miranda and Steve. They went through so much and I just keep going back to that scene of them meeting on the Brooklyn bridge after deciding to fix their relationship. I hate what they did to him on AJLT, making him out to be this 80 year old curmudgeon.


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