Run, Write, Run (comments welcome!)

I'm feeling under the weather, so I figured I'd update my journal. :P

Have I mentioned I love my Garmin watch? I really do. I know I don't NEED it to be a good runner, but it's been a great mental boost for my training. Having all the data makes it easy to truly see my progress.

As usual, I'm not running for any particular goal right now. I don't have a race until a 5k on September 30, during which I hope to run sub-40 minutes. I've done it before during training, so I know it's possible. But for right now, I'm just trying to build up my fitness and enjoy running.

April 19: short 1-mile run on the treadmill. (trying to remember why it was so short and failing, haha)

April 21: 56 minute run outside. Practiced with 60:30 intervals on my watch. I mostly stuck to this, except for a few times I skipped the run interval after an incline.

April 24: 30 minute treadmill run.

April 25: 38 minute treadmill run.

April 26: interval run on the treadmill! 6 minute warm up, then 3 min at 12 m/m, 4 times, then run 1 min at 10 m/m. It was hard, but I felt strong during the intervals, kept my breathing at an even pace, and my heartrate didn't go higher than 152 at the very end. So I feel like I can keep pushing myself!

April 28: 1 hour run. Avg pace 14:29. I only took three walk breaks the entire time, all during inclines. I felt super strong after this run.

Didn't run this weekend - went to Magic Kingdom on Saturday morning and started feeling under the weather yesterday evening. Spent yesterday alternating between chasing after my toddler and resting on the couch. Took today off work; hoping I'll feel good enough to at least walk on the treadmill tonight.

(Oh, and I have nothing to update writing-wise. I've hit the wall and decided not to push myself. Hopefully I'll find the desire to write again soon enough. Post-publication blues really sucks!)
May 1 - May 7:

May 1: 30 minute run outside.

May 3: 48 minute run outside. I greatly overestimated the distance of one of the nearby subdivisions and the loop back to the main road was much longer than anticipated. Oh well, it was a good run overall.

May 4: Ran for 25 minutes while Facetiming my friend. She lives in Wisconsin and it was so fun to run "together." Plus I was able to talk the whole time so it was definitely an easy run.

May 5: 60 minutes on the treadmill. Not the funnest, but I started re-watching Our Flag Means Death so the time went by faster. I decided I'm going to re-watch a bunch of shows for my longer treadmill runs over the summer so I don't die in the heat.

This week:

May 7: Took advantage of an overnight trip to my mom's to run on Sunday morning. Did 30 minutes of 60/30 intervals and it reminded me that yes, I'm faster doing run/walk.

May 8: Monday morning I attempted a Magic Mile. I did not follow instructions and went out way too fast (oops) and had to walk a few times. I got 10:47 which got me a new personal record on my Garmin! :)

May 9: 30 minute treadmill walk.

May 10: Midday treadmill run, 30 minutes.

Haven't decided if I'm going to run or walk today. Either way it'll be on the treadmill. I didn't get ready early enough and the summer heat has arrived in full force. 😰 Tomorrow I'll force myself outside early.

Still no update on writing. BUT I've been thinking about it lately, so I'm hoping I feel the itch to write again soon. I'm not going to push it.
May 1 - May 7:

May 1: 30 minute run outside.

May 3: 48 minute run outside. I greatly overestimated the distance of one of the nearby subdivisions and the loop back to the main road was much longer than anticipated. Oh well, it was a good run overall.

May 4: Ran for 25 minutes while Facetiming my friend. She lives in Wisconsin and it was so fun to run "together." Plus I was able to talk the whole time so it was definitely an easy run.

May 5: 60 minutes on the treadmill. Not the funnest, but I started re-watching Our Flag Means Death so the time went by faster. I decided I'm going to re-watch a bunch of shows for my longer treadmill runs over the summer so I don't die in the heat.

This week:

May 7: Took advantage of an overnight trip to my mom's to run on Sunday morning. Did 30 minutes of 60/30 intervals and it reminded me that yes, I'm faster doing run/walk.

May 8: Monday morning I attempted a Magic Mile. I did not follow instructions and went out way too fast (oops) and had to walk a few times. I got 10:47 which got me a new personal record on my Garmin! :)

May 9: 30 minute treadmill walk.

May 10: Midday treadmill run, 30 minutes.

Haven't decided if I'm going to run or walk today. Either way it'll be on the treadmill. I didn't get ready early enough and the summer heat has arrived in full force. 😰 Tomorrow I'll force myself outside early.

Still no update on writing. BUT I've been thinking about it lately, so I'm hoping I feel the itch to write again soon. I'm not going to push it.
It's so HARD to get up early to get the run in! But it's worth it every single time!!! Then you have the whole day ahead of you. Keep doing it!!!
It's so HARD to get up early to get the run in! But it's worth it every single time!!! Then you have the whole day ahead of you. Keep doing it!!!
It's doubly hard because I'd have to wake up super early (for me) in order to finish in time to get my kid ready for daycare. If my alarm goes off before 6 am, I am a cranky person. :D I'll force myself to do it for Princess half long runs, lol. 😭
It's doubly hard because I'd have to wake up super early (for me) in order to finish in time to get my kid ready for daycare. If my alarm goes off before 6 am, I am a cranky person. :D I'll force myself to do it for Princess half long runs, lol. 😭
LOL! Yes, I totally understand. I detest getting up earlier than I need to but for running, I will make the exception. My dogs usually get me up so that helps. 🤣
Updating for the rest of the week:

May 11: 36 min treadmill run. Watched an episode of Our Flag Means Death. Forgot how funny that show is. :)

May 12: I set out my clothes last night so I'd be ready to leave as soon as my son left for daycare this morning. I woke up around 6 am and saw the light was on in the living room, so I went to check on him. He'd gotten himself out of bed, turned on the TV, and helped himself to mini donuts from the pantry. :D I went back to bed for a little bit but stayed awake so I could hear if he started getting into trouble. Other than dumping toys on the floor, he was fine. I really like this self-sufficient stage. :D I got up for good around 6:40, put on my workout clothes, then helped get him ready for daycare.

I was out of the house a little after 7:30 with the intent to go 90 minutes with 60/30 intervals. I mostly stuck to those, except for skipping a few run intervals after hills in my neighborhood. I also set alerts on my watch to notify me of pace during the intervals. I'm still all over the place pace wise, and hope I can learn to dial in better in the future. I cut the run about 15 minutes short because I got back to my subdivision early and didn't want to do another repeat on the main road and did I mention it was HOT??? I'm gonna need to set up a water bottle outside my house to replenish my Nathan for longer runs, because it's only mid-May and the heat is already gross. The perils of running in Florida. At least I'm always heat acclimated? Lol. Overall though, it was a good run, my overall pace was better (aka slower), and my heartrate was steady except for going up the hills. I was looking at data in Nike Run Club, and you can clearly see my heartrate spike every time the elevation increases. I never realized how much higher the front my neighborhood is than the back. There's a steep hill at the bottom of the neighborhood, but the rest of the way is a shallower incline that I always underestimate. No wonder my heartrate always gets so high toward the end.
Lmao, I was just looking at the data in Garmin Connect and I’m laughing at the elevation/heart rate lines in the middle of this graph. This definitely explains why I’m always so tired when I end the run after coming up the main road!

Last week I started my new @DopeyBadger training plan! I signed up for the Margaritaville resort 5k on September 30 and my goal is to get sub-40 minutes. That might seem slow for a lot of people but it's fast for me! Especially since it'll still be hot as hell at the end of September. But the course is completely flat so at least that will be in my favor!

Billy was kind enough to come up with a plan for me. It alternates between continuous running and intervals, and there are some intimidating-looking workouts later on in the plan, but I'm being positive I'll be ready for them!

May 15: 2 mile easy run doing 15/30 intervals. avg pace 14:20. Should have been slower when factoring in T+D.

May 17: 2 mile easy run doing 15/30 intervals. avg pace 15:09, more in line with T+D adjusted pace.

May 19: 2 mile easy run (sense a pattern? haha) doing 30/30 intervals. 15 seconds was not enough time for me to get into a running groove so I switched to 30/30 as long as I can keep my pace down, which I've been doing. avg pace 14:48.

May 21: 2 mile easy run doing 30/30 intervals. avg pace 15:06. My son wasn't that upset when I left in the morning, so maybe weekend long runs aren't that out of the question in the future?

May 22: 2 mile easy run doing 30/30 intervals. avg pace 15:02. I felt SO good on this run. All the easy running is paying off.

May 24: 2 mile easy run doing 30/30 intervals. avg pace 14:36. Went a little too fast on this one, but it felt a lot cooler than usual when I started.

Tomorrow (5/26) and Sunday (5/28) I have more 2 mile easy runs.

Next week we ramp up to 3 miles on Monday and Wednesday, and adding in strides!
May 26: 2 mile easy run doing 30/30 intervals. avg pace 14:13.

I may have gone a little too fast in this morning's run. In my defense, it was the first day in over a month when the T+D was under 140, which is downright temperate to me now! :P And my heartrate only got too high once, when I went up the hill, so I consider it a win.

In other news, I wore just a sports bra during my run, and I think I'm sticking to this during runs from May through September. I still have a bit of self-consciousness to get over, but the nice thing about being in my 40s is I've developed the attitude of IDGAF. :D
May 26: 2 mile easy run doing 30/30 intervals. avg pace 14:13.

I may have gone a little too fast in this morning's run. In my defense, it was the first day in over a month when the T+D was under 140, which is downright temperate to me now! :P And my heartrate only got too high once, when I went up the hill, so I consider it a win.

In other news, I wore just a sports bra during my run, and I think I'm sticking to this during runs from May through September. I still have a bit of self-consciousness to get over, but the nice thing about being in my 40s is I've developed the attitude of IDGAF. :D
I can’t get the self-conciousness down to the level of bra-only runs, but I’ve progressed to a boxy crop top that just meets the waist of my leggings (yay for a short torso?) that should feel a bit airier
It's June, and it's hot again. :P I'm procrastinating on today's run since my legs are so sore from Epcot yesterday, so here's a roundup.

May 28 - Was at my mom's house so I got to run in a new place (their city center). Garmin had a 5k badge for that weekend, so I ran 3.1 miles instead of 2. 44:32 minutes, 3.17 miles, avg pace 14:02. The weather was glorious that morning and I felt great.

Monday, May 29 - still at my mom's for the long weekend, so I ran around her neighborhood. 43:39 minutes, 3.01 miles, avg pace 14:31.

May 31 - back at my neighborhood. This was my first continuous run, and it felt a lot tougher since the heat returned with a vengeance. 45:04 minutes, 3 miles, avg pace 15:00. I had to take a few walk breaks because it's so hot. I did some strides in the last mile and those felt good.

June 2 - treadmill run, so I did continuous running instead of intervals. 38:41 minutes, 2.5 miles, avg pace 15:25 (included a short walking WU and CD). Not a huge fan of the treadmill but it was hot outside and I wanted to finish my rewatch of Our Flag Means Death.

June 4 - at my in-laws for the weekend, so I ran around their neighborhood, which is nice and shaded. Plus I got out earlier than I usually do, so it was slightly cooler (but still hot!). 32:42 minutes, 2.23 miles, avg pace 14:38.

This week's training is the same as last week's, but I might increase Friday's run from 2 to 3.1 miles for Garmin's June 5k weekend badge. :D I might end up doing today's run on the treadmill because I'm so slow getting moving.
Last week I started my new @DopeyBadger training plan! I signed up for the Margaritaville resort 5k on September 30 and my goal is to get sub-40 minutes. That might seem slow for a lot of people but it's fast for me! Especially since it'll still be hot as hell at the end of September. But the course is completely flat so at least that will be in my favor!
This was me last summer. You can do it!
Billy was kind enough to come up with a plan for me. It alternates between continuous running and intervals, and there are some intimidating-looking workouts later on in the plan, but I'm being positive I'll be ready for them!
I tried really hard not to look past the week I was in. Just focus on one week at a time and get it done. And before you know it, you're hitting double digit runs and it's not nearly as intimidating as you thought it would be!
I took yesterday and today off so I have no idea what day it is. :D Tuesday, right? I think it's Tuesday. :P

June 5 - I did, in fact, do that run on the treadmill. I was supposed to do 3 miles but only did 2 because treadmill and boring. 30:05, 2 miles total.

June 7 - On the treadmill again. 3 miles EC plus strides. 45:50, 3 miles total. I think this was when I started watching the Natalia Grace documentary which was BONKERS, so I didn't mind being on the treadmill longer.

June 9 - Back outside! 45:47, 3.1 miles total for the Garmin weekend 5k badge. avg pace 14:35. Made up for the missing mile on Monday! Did 30:30 intervals for this one and ran the last .14 at a faster pace just to see what I could do, and it ended up being 11:33 pace.

June 11 - Sunday morning run at my in-laws. 44:23, 3 miles EC plus strides. Switched my Sunday and Monday workouts this week because I knew I'd be busy Monday.

June 12 - Went to the beach and didn't get home until late, but I forced myself on the treadmill after my son went to bed. 2.26 miles, 35:02 total. Did a sort-of progression run. Started with walking slow, then walking fast, then did sections at 3.8-4.2 speed, upping by .1 every few minutes. Then back down. Still maintained easy effort and it made the workout way less boring!

Rest day today, then three days of running in a row. My first 5-day week on this plan!
I've stuck to my runs this past week despite it being disgustingly hot (and rainy), so I'm proud of myself.

June 14: 2.2 mile run outside, total 32:33 minutes, avg pace 14:58. Did :30/:30 intervals.

June 15: 3 mile run on the treadmill, total 45:05 minutes, avg pace 15:02. Can't remember why this was on the treadmill... probably weather? Did continuous running with strides.

June 16: 2 mile run outside, total 28:32 minutes, avg pace 14:10. Did :30/:30 intervals. I think it was cloudy/windy this morning so it felt a lot nicer, hence my faster pace.

June 18: 2 mile run outside, total 29:32, avg pace 14:37. Did :30/:30 intervals. Ran at night since my son went to bed early and it was windy/cloudy. Then I promptly jumped in the pool afterward. :)

June 20: Run scheduled for Monday, but moved to Tuesday due to errands that day. 3 mile run outside, total 44:20, avg pace 14:46. Did continuous running with strides.

June 21: Magic mile day! Of course my son barged into our room at 5:30 (bleh), and it was storming (double bleh). Thankfully it stopped lightning so I was able to do my run. Did 1 mile to warm up, then the magic mile, then 1 mile cooldown. Total was 3.02 miles, 40:36 minutes, 13:25 avg pace. The magic mile was 10:36, a new PR! Believe it or not, this was my first time running in the rain and I'm not a fan. :P But it did make it much cooler than usual.

June 23 (today): 4 mile run on the treadmill due to threatening storms all morning. Of course, the weather would be crappy on my longest run of this training cycle so far. I don't mind short runs on the treadmill, but anything over 3 miles feels like pulling teeth. Thankfully I was able to distract myself with some YouTube videos (I've been loving Jeff Pelletier's channel). Total 4 miles, 59:43 minutes, avg pace 14:56. I basically spent this run going from 3.8 speed up to 4.2 speed and back again in .1 increments in order to keep myself from getting too bored. :P I also took a few walk breaks.

Next week is another 5 day running week, with a 5 mile run on Friday (my longest in a few months!), and a marathon tempo run on Monday. I'm excited to run faster!
I basically spent this run going from 3.8 speed up to 4.2 speed and back again in .1 increments in order to keep myself from getting too bored.
I do the same thing when I’m on the treadmill! I used to be able to just zone out and go but these days I spend the entire run counting the seconds until I can change pace again 🤪
I do the same thing when I’m on the treadmill! I used to be able to just zone out and go but these days I spend the entire run counting the seconds until I can change pace again 🤪
I really don't mind the treadmill and appreciate having one for when the weather is bad or it's too hot, but anything over 3 miles gets sooooo boring. :P
I really don't mind the treadmill and appreciate having one for when the weather is bad or it's too hot, but anything over 3 miles gets sooooo boring. :P
for my looooong runs (anything over 90min) last year I watched the wdwcouple youtube videos where he livestreamed the races he ran. there are several weekends and race distances to choose from and it helped a TON. I can usually find a show or movie to watch to distract myself, but those old livestreams they have on their channel were awesome for my peak weeks.


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