JULY W.I.S.H. Challenge - Summer of Positive Change


Saw this this morning and thought yah, August is the Sunday of summer... and now that I've officially declared Sunday as a day of rest, August should be extra awesome.

Somehow July flew by but also lasted forever. I managed to gain four pounds not lose them, not sure how I got that backwards, oh yes, now I remember... slipping back into my Starbucks ways and not walking enough. Easy to correct... right?

Today's topic is laughter, so in addition to doing some gardening and laundry, this evening I'll find a silly movie to watch, and giggle away.
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Saw this this morning and thought yah, August is the Sunday of summer... and now that I've officially declared Sunday as a day of rest, August should be extra awesome.

Nailed it!

I always start to get anxious in August, knowing that my annual physical (never goes well) is on the 21st, I will be in the classroom on the 26th. The first month of school is ALWAYS VERY DIFFICULT, but this year is on a whole other level of EXTREME STRESS.

So, even though the next three weeks will feel like the Sunday before school, I'm going to MAKE THE MOST of these next three weeks...finishing up whatever projects need to get done, and enjoying the summer weather and my pool. I got some things done this morning and drank a healthy smoothie. It's a sunny day, 84 degrees, and I shall spend the rest of the day in the pool and try VERY HARD not to freak out about the remaining days of freedom.
It took me a minute because most of the things I enjoy, I'm good at. Then it came to me...I love to dance!

I was a born klutz, but no matter how stupid I might look on the dance floor, I really enjoy dancing to good music. Back in the day...the 80's-early 90's...I went clubbing with my friends and sometimes with my boyfriend every Friday and Saturday night. Going out with the girls, it was a whole thing. We'd go to the gym in the morning and work out. Then go to the mall in the afternoon to buy a cute outfit, usually a mini skirt. We would end up at one of our houses, get showered, do our nails, hair (lots of Aqua Net hairspray), make-up, and get dressed up together. We'd hit the club, order an Alabama Slammer or Long Island Iced Tea, and dance the night away with each other. Sometimes we would dance with guys, but we didn't need them to have fun. We actually had more fun without them. We would be on the dance floor the majority of the 4-5 hours we were there. It was the most fun I've ever had in my life. This went on from age 17 (we looked so old, we didn't even get carded) until age 27 when I met my DH.

My DH is a hockey player, and more of a beer drinker in a pub than a club guy. The only time we have danced over the last 27 years was at weddings. I truly miss it. Now, I'm nowhere in the physical condition that I used to be in and would never last four hours on the dance floor. I hope to be in better shape by the time my DD gets married so that I can dance at her reception.
Haha Aqua Net Hairspray - you could also use that to remove Sharpie permanent marker ink. Sure makes you wonder what it was doing to our hair (we even used it for our big "ratted" 1960's hair).
Perfectionism and need for certainty are mine. I can be too hard on myself, and I really like to know what to expect!

The current times have both helped and hurt on that last part. It’s hard dealing with the ever-changing corona world, but fewer interactions with people also means less unpredictability in some ways as well.
Happy Self-Care Sunday!

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Which ones speak to you the most?

(PS - Sorry for the late post. I was outside all morning - first one cat, then the other, and the pic I had planned to use was on the desktop.)
OMG. So much of this resonates with me. A few of these have dissipated with age, experience, and maturity, thank God. I rarely care WHAT PEOPLE THINK anymore except for my bosses (need that paycheck), and my DD. NUMBING & POWERLESSNESS and NEED FOR CERTAINTY have been replaced by FAITH the majority of the time. ANXIETY AS A LIFESTYLE was a big part of my early years leading to stomach problems which have become permanent conditions even though I manage anxiety much better now. I don't really struggle with SCARCITY & FEAR OF THE DARK, SELF DOUBT, and ALWAYS IN CONTROL anymore. A lot of these issues were a direct result of being a child and sister of an alcoholic, and attending AL ANON meetings helped me work through these things.

PERFECTIONISM is a tough one for me especially since my profession demands it. Every five years when I must go through reaccreditation with NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), the pressure to be perfect affects funding and whether or not I get to keep my position as a Pre-K Teacher. Two years ago, after months and months of documentation and preparation, I scored over 100% in 6 sections, 96% in one, 87%, and 84% in the other 3 sections. I had to answer for anything under 100% and was told that I was lucky that I passed or my program might no longer exist. In one area, I scored a whopping 138%!!! Nothing was said about that. In two more years, the stressful process starts again, and I vowed that this will be the LAST TIME. I will make sure that I retire before the next 5 year cycle. So, I would say that I won't be quite as "Type A" when I no longer have to maintain such high professional standards that other grade levels are not required to do.

COMPARISON happens a lot at school. Teachers steal ideas from each other all of the time, and we are also very competitive (with smiles on our faces). I tend to win those door decorating contests and get a lot of praise for my bulletin boards. Some colleagues give compliments usually followed up with self-deprecating comments about their lack of talent which end up making me feel guilty for being artistic and creative. Some teachers that I work with flat-out like to take me down with back-handed compliments. I adopted a mantra last school year: "I refuse to live as half of myself because other people can't handle all of me." I stopped caring about the nonsense that goes on. Teaching from home was a nice break from that.

EXHAUSTION AS A STATUS SYMBOL & PRODUCTIVITY AS SELF-WORTH is also an issue at school. There's a silent expectation to come in early and stay late. Taking sick time when we are sick is not only frowned upon, when you actually use sick time if you have taken 6 sick days, God forbid, you get a verbal warning. More than 10, and you get a written warning and a letter in your personnel file. I got a verbal warning this year for taking sick time after becoming ill from my students. More than half my class caught the stomach virus going around the school. They were dropping like flies. Apparently, if you are vomiting and have diarrhea, you should come to school anyway. If you are on the verge of pneumonia from the cold a student gave you which was exacerbated by asthma, forget about being admitted to the hospital. No. You much report to work every day like everyone else. We have daily, weekly, and monthly attendance goals mandated by the State of Connecticut, and contests district and school-wide for both students and teachers. With Covid, I hope these policies change.

Basically, once I retire, none of the above will be a problem for me. I can't wait to retire.

I have done an excellent job resting today. I did get out first thing in the morning and work a bit on cleaning up the strip along the driveway, pulling up morning glories, which have taken over this summer, and watering. I also made a quick trip to the grocery store... and was ready for my first nap by 11am. For my drive today I took my southern route but went further, all the way down to a community called Redondo Beach, which is another one that is right on the water. My paternal Grandparents lived there for a while, but I have no idea where, I just remember driving around in their convertible one time when we went to visit. I think in a couple weeks I'll go back and have a nice meal at the restaurant there, which is right on the water... they also have a location in my neighborhood, also on the water, but it just wouldn't be the same eating here.

I hadn't connected 'numbing' with 'powerlessness' but it does make sense as does growing a resilient spirit. The other one that resonates with me is 'self doubt and "supposed to" and 'meaningful work'... I've really been so much better about this since coming back from furlough and have gotten even more clarity on how much turmoil has been self-inflicted.


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