Almost August WISH Challenge-everyone welcome!

So my woohoo is a bit of a sad one for me too. DD turns 12 tomorrow and it is the first day of school. Poor girl always starts on her birthday or the day before. She got her hair done yesterday and she looks so much older. It is very cute though. My baby is just growing up to fast. She is such a bright girl with her dads whit. She takes no BS for people and can really hold her own. She had friends last year that started fighting and wanting to to choose a side. She refused and told them she is staying out of it and that she is friends with both. She has over come so much too. She also got a very kind heart. Last year we found out she was packing extra food for lunch to make sure her friends at her table had food to eat. She was all in for us to buy school supplies for our district to give to students that couldn't afford to buy there own. We have all learned a thing or two from her.
Woohoo we had a playdate this morning which was great for the boys and to pass some time!

Also woohoo, booked a second MNSSHP for my fast approaching trip in September.

It's very dreary and rainy here today, in typical Pacific Northwest fashion, think I might take the boys out for some puddle jumping this afternoon.
Today I am thankful for:
  • Sitting watching the ocean for 10 minutes while I was killing time to head into the doctors.
  • My second opinion doctor today giving a 3 month reprieve to really go hard at turning this around - being referred to a dietician and exercise physiologist. But am a little worried what the dietician will think of Keto and Intermittent Fasting.
  • My twins having chosen their subjects for their senior years
  • The Principal who helped get DS15s subjects sorted - he agreed with me about something hehe - and had the knowledge and perfect argument to get DS15 to understand.
  • The cauliflower soup I made for the first time in a hurry this morning tasted YUMMY for lunch haha
  • To be laying in a comfy bed, knowing all my kids are safe in the beds as well heading off to sleep.
Today I am thankful for:
  • Sitting watching the ocean for 10 minutes while I was killing time to head into the doctors.
  • My second opinion doctor today giving a 3 month reprieve to really go hard at turning this around - being referred to a dietician and exercise physiologist. But am a little worried what the dietician will think of Keto and Intermittent Fasting.
  • My twins having chosen their subjects for their senior years
  • The Principal who helped get DS15s subjects sorted - he agreed with me about something hehe - and had the knowledge and perfect argument to get DS15 to understand.
  • The cauliflower soup I made for the first time in a hurry this morning tasted YUMMY for lunch haha
  • To be laying in a comfy bed, knowing all my kids are safe in the beds as well heading off to sleep.
These are all good things to be thankful for!
I’m so glad your second dr is willing to work with you these next couple months-and it will be interesting to see what your nutritionist thinks of Keto. People I know who have lost 40lbs on this diet have had very good test results.
Today I'm thankful that DH is due home from a work trip! 😍

And, on a more minor note, for air conditioning! ❄ - Our central air stopped working two nights the middle of a heat wave. One of DH's buddies came over yesterday and popped in a spare window unit until the AC people can come on Friday. I forget sometimes how spoiled we are.
Kind of tired this morning, and probably mildly cranky... not sure yet because I haven't encountered many people. But very happy to be back at my desk with my two huge monitors and full sized key board, and not to by hunched over my laptop.

Nothing planned for the weekend - hurrah for that! I read recently that the way to slow down time is to do different things, that maintaining the same routines is what makes time feel like it's flying by. I need longer than a two day weekend to recover, so I'm going to put this theory to the test and not spend the weekend running errands/doing chores. Not sure what the other things are going to be, but a short road trip and going to a local park or down to the beach are floating to the top of the list.

Our testing the past two weeks has confirmed what we suspected, that the hardware is not ready/stable, so in that respect it's been a success. Our plans for additional on-site testing have been pushed out, so that the hardware vendor has time to resolve some of their issues. I've decided to take Tuesday after Labor Day off, really looking forward to that.

Thanks everyone for the conversations this week... some really good stuff was shared!
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Late again, but I'm currently thankful for a quiet house. However, it's giving me time to think about the upcoming school year and I have a feeling I'm going to start having this more often as the kids are entering high school and have more of a social life that I do.
I'm also thankful that the school board approved the hiring of an addition kindergarten teacher for this school year. If they hadn't, one of the current kindergarten teachers was going to have to move to a different building (possibly me, yet unlikely...but had me nervous though) and school starts in a week.

Free-For-All Friday - I wish I could shake this cough and get a good night of sleep. The cough is just annoying. But it's waking me up in the middle of the night, so I haven't slept through the night in a while...I've lost track of days. So I'm just tired most of the day.

Tomorrow is my sister's 30th birthday. We are going out to eat as a family, then we are having a siblings night. For both my brother, sister-in-law and sister (all August birthdays), my husband and I are treating them to a night of throwing axes. They just opened a place near our house and we thought it sounded like a fun night. My kids are watching my brother's kids and my parents are watching the baby. Looking forward to some fun adult time with my siblings!
It's all about the big college move here! We drive DS up on Sunday. It's "only" 2.5 hours, but I'm still feeling a bit mushy. (Happy for him, too, of course! - but also mushy.) He was super excited right after orientation, but has been on and off nervous this week as all the "lasts" hit with his friends. Things are packed, but tomorrow we do clothes - uggh!
Not sure what the other things are going to be, but a short road trip and going to a local park or down to the beach are floating to the top of the list.

Hope you broke that routine up and had a rejuvenating weekend :)

Free-For-All Friday - I wish I could shake this cough and get a good night of sleep. The cough is just annoying. But it's waking me up in the middle of the night, so I haven't slept through the night in a while...I've lost track of days. So I'm just tired most of the day.

Tomorrow is my sister's 30th birthday. We are going out to eat as a family, then we are having a siblings night. For both my brother, sister-in-law and sister (all August birthdays), my husband and I are treating them to a night of throwing axes. They just opened a place near our house and we thought it sounded like a fun night. My kids are watching my brother's kids and my parents are watching the baby. Looking forward to some fun adult time with my siblings!

Hope you are feeling better and had some fun celebrations with your family.

It's all about the big college move here! We drive DS up on Sunday. It's "only" 2.5 hours, but I'm still feeling a bit mushy. (Happy for him, too, of course! - but also mushy.) He was super excited right after orientation, but has been on and off nervous this week as all the "lasts" hit with his friends. Things are packed, but tomorrow we do clothes - uggh!

Aaawww hugs - that is definitely worth feeling mushy about. Hope the college drop off when well - and now rather than "lasts' hopefully he will be enjoying some 'firsts'.

Well my weekend was out of routine. Mum and I stayed over in Brisbane Saturday night to go to my nieces wedding. It was nice but here is the thing - she wanted an outdoor reception - a marquee was used but with an outdoor dance floor. not all of the sides of the marquee closed and it was FREEZING. Mum had 2 coats, mine was a nice warm coat but my legs and feet felt like ice. Problem with it was that you ended up just wanting the formalities over so that you didn't feel bad about leaving. Plus with mum being in her 80s and hadn't been well leading up to the wedding, couldn't have her in the cold for too long. Even the young ones were cold. We were certainly not the first to leave either. Waiting another month or so would have made it more enjoyable for everyone - but it is all done now.

I am going to do some meal planning once I hit post in a moment and get ready for the week seeing as though I couldn't do it on the weekend.
Aaawww hugs - that is definitely worth feeling mushy about. Hope the college drop off when well - and now rather than "lasts' hopefully he will be enjoying some 'firsts'.

Yes, I like that way of looking at it!

They certainly seem to be keeping them busy the first couple of days. There were schedules in the dorms of all the activities planned. Then classes start Wednesday.
I managed to carve out a lovely weekend. For the most part Saturday was like every other Saturday, except that I totally enjoyed every mundane thing I did, and let the day just flow. For "different" the only thing I really did was to sit out on the front porch and read in the evening. Sunday I got myself out of the house early and headed up to Snoqualmie Falls, which is about 45 minutes east of the city.


And lucky me, the Falls are just a few minutes away from my favorite yarn store (OK, not so lucky, it was part of the plan). I've decided to knit my almost first sweater (I knit one when I was in high school, so I can't say I'm a complete sweater knitting virgin), and I let one of the gals help me pick out yarn... I love what I got. Then I decided to drive up to a nursery I like. I go there maybe once per season but always from home, so it was really nice to be driving thru the back roads which where mostly going thru farm country. It was a prefect morning!

I am still physically tired today tho, and the prospect of leaving Wednesday is already weighing heavily. I have a short office day today, because I have my third doctor appointment this afternoon. Then tomorrow afternoon there's a work picnic, but I'm not going I'm going to head home early instead. Then Wednesday morning it's another 4:30am departure for the airport. Uggghhhhh.

My motivation for this week... just get it done.
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My motivation for this week is that it is a SHORT week, we leave for my in-laws bright and early Thursday morning. I want to be on the road no later than 6am for the 5 hour drive.

I start work the day after we get back so I'm trying to organize everything for this trip as well as work and daycare for the boys. It's taking all my energy but it's a good distraction as well. Also trying to keep on top of everything for my upcoming trip, which is under a month away!!!

Here's hoping everything goes smoothly.
My motivation for this week... just get it done.
I'm going to second @Oneanne - get it done is my motivation this week too. I spent about 10 hours in my classroom today to get ready for the little ones to enter Orientation on Thursday. The next two days I will be sitting through training and other meetings. And my evenings will be filled with kids sports. So today was really my day to get in there and get a lot done.
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@PollyannaMom - I hope all went well with the college move. I can't even begin to think about how emotional I'll be when the time comes ;)

@4Mickeys Sorry the wedding wasn't warmer. My sister really wanted an outdoor wedding, but we would have had the opposite problem...her wedding day was very hot! Luckily, we talked her out of it.

@*tinker*bell* sounds like you are doing some good planning and prep to make your week back to work a smooth one. And it's always great to have an upcoming trip to keep you motivated.

I need to get back to meal planning and prepping for the week. School starts next week and that planning is a critical piece for me.


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