Jumping Joyfully into June's WISH Journey


DIS Veteran
Jul 29, 2014
Welcome to the June WISH thread! For returning familiar friends - welcome back! For newcomers - welcome - to the We Are Inspired to Stay Healthy thread. Looking forward to “chatting “ with everyone. This month we are sharing the hosting duties to ease the load - so if you want to host a week just let us know - its easier than you think and can be a great way to get some extra focus as you prompt the conversations.

Brought together by our love of Disney, we support each other on our healthy living journeys. We tend to go with We’ll use the following guidelines, but please feel free to post whatever is on your mind or if you have something you’d like to share. We’re a pretty laid back group!

Motivation Monday
Topic Tuesday
Woohoo Wednesday
Thankful Thursday
Free for all Friday - Our foodie ideas seemed to have dropped off a bit -so I though we might go back to Free for All for a while - but that of course means you can chat about anything - including new healthy recipe ideas you have tried :-)

Image result for jumping on the beach

As we are starting over the weekend - introduce yourselves, share your goal for the month and your plan to achieve it.​
Hello everyone,

We had a thought to share the hosting this month as everyone is busy and/or winding down into vacation mode... I am hosting the first week .... give us a shout out for which week you would like to host :-)

I am Sam, joining in from Australia - so as many of you are heading into summer I am heading into winter - winter is pretty mild where I live (no snow in my area) but I must say that after a HOT summer and WARMER than average Autumn - we have had quite the cold snap to start Winter off with a bang. I am mum to 3 fast growing kids DS18, DS15 and DD 15 who attend university and high school and work part-time. I work full time and so our lives are pretty busy and I constantly have 'reasons' such as lack of time to not make the best choices.

My goals for June are:

🏋️‍♀️ To get active - this is an area I really struggle with - but I am determined this month to make progress
🥓 To get firmly back on track with my Keto eating style - I haven't been too far off track when I cook - but the dreaded junk food has crept in again

How am I going to do it...

Meal Plan and shop - I have just meal planned for the first 2 weeks so now I just have to shop for it.
Walk once a week with a friend and the other days I need to go by myself or make my kids come with me - I also keep talking about strength training so I want to add some resistance band training to my week.
I am going to borrow an idea from @HappyGrape and try to focus on 3 things each morning I can do that day that will help me towards my goal.

I had a good start to June with activity, DD needed to do some photography for a school assignment - so we set the alarm and got up in the chilly early morning to head to the beach for some sunrise shots at 6.30am and using the gentle morning light. Here is a pic I snapped on my phone from the top of Point Cartwright near a lighthouse. So yes beach walking, rock walking and uphill walking - done all on the first of the month ... now to just keep that momentum going!
Hello, Dearies!!!

I am Joan-with-a-Z, returning, but only in spirit, for this month. I will be away from the keyboard a lot for the next 2 weeks, but should be able to pick up week 3, if no one else decides to take it.

My goals this month are:
1: To survive... there's a lot going on right now and I am not the best at realizing that I'm not supergirl anymore, so I need to be careful not to overdo things...
2: To see the scale move downward, at all, by the end of the month. With everything going on, eating right will be difficult.
3: To get back to 10k steps per day on my fitbit after 15 June... (until then I'm not wearing it... I am helping relatives clean out/close out a household, and it is dirty, sweaty work... don't want to ruin my new toy, don't need confirmation that I'm working hard, don't need the rash from sweat under the watch band, don't need to be nagged if I sit actually find time to sit still for an entire hour, etc...
4: To get the summer off to a successful start... DDs' last day of school is the 14th, so I have until then to get a solid plan for our summer, unfortunately, those same 2 weeks are going to be spent organizing the cleanout at my relatives' house, culminating with a yard sale at my house on the 15th... so too many plates in the air, I think... but wait, there's more!!!! ;P

So a while back I got those 4 feral kittens to foster, right? And they've been doing great!!! And the baby chicks we got in April? They are outside birdies now, spending their days in the enclosed tractor and their nights up in the attached house. Well, last years hens are bullying this years pullets, so they have to be kept separate, which is a shuffle every morning and evening so that the hens get to free range during the day, but are protected at night. Still all maneagable... and the bees seem to be settling in finally, no more escape attempts. Honestly, aside from checking to make sure they are still there, I haven't done much with them... I SHOULD smoke them and inspect how things are going... but since I wouldn't really be doing much (ordering them a new queen if they need it, for example,) there's really not much point in stressing over it right now. They have safe homes, I'll keep giving them sugar water to supplement their foraging, and that's about it...

STILL manageable!!!

And then... yesterday I got the text. 4 4-week-old crybabies need care. And my dumb butt said, "GIMME!!!!"

For those as common-sense-challenged as I am, here's a newsflash.... NINE CATS IS TOO MUCH!!!! In my defense, they gave me the eyes... the giant kitten eyes... WAY more powerful than "true love's kiss..." So my 12 week old Purrvenger kittens are now jealous, my actual cat, he's just disgusted with me, and now I have these teenie-tiny crybabies, too... We are calling them the Powerpuff Girls, 3 girls, not sure yet which is which... one boy who are calling Mojojojo... again, not the lame names they came with... they are all stupid sound R names, officially...but they are tiny, still looking to nurse but able to handle canned food, so that's what they're getting...

I'll post some pictures when I get the chance to take some... but, yeah... that's all while I'll be offline mostly for a while. All the babies are going for their spay/neuter surgeries on the 12th, and I'm not sure if any of them will come back for follow up care after that or go out for adoption right away... but it all still spells a very busy next two weeks!!!

(When I was little, I wanted to be a fairy godmother... gave it my best go as a young woman... realized that my magic is powerful, but not unlimited and people are greedy, so I retired and became a villain instead... all this is reminding me why. I. quit!!!! ) :rotfl:

And now, dear friends, once more into the breach!
Good morning on a lovely Sunday morning here in Germany! I am Magdalene and I am signing up for June. May was a lost month for me with battling a cold that would not go away and work being crazy (worked several weekends). But I still managed to keep it up at the gym. I got a new program there which puts more emphasis on the core and I can feel how this is already having positive effects in my posture.

My goals for June are:
  • Gym twice a week
  • Run twice a week
  • Bike to work if it’s dry outside
  • Track food
The food tracking has slipped and I am starting to realize that I just need to keep it up.

So, I will finish my cup of tea and then head out for the first run in weeks!

Thanks to our four hosts of the month!!
Hello everyone,

We had a thought to share the hosting this month as everyone is busy and/or winding down into vacation mode... I am hosting the first week .... give us a shout out for which week you would like to host :-)

I am Sam, joining in from Australia - so as many of you are heading into summer I am heading into winter - winter is pretty mild where I live (no snow in my area) but I must say that after a HOT summer and WARMER than average Autumn - we have had quite the cold snap to start Winter off with a bang. I am mum to 3 fast growing kids DS18, DS15 and DD 15 who attend university and high school and work part-time. I work full time and so our lives are pretty busy and I constantly have 'reasons' such as lack of time to not make the best choices.

My goals for June are:

🏋️‍♀️ To get active - this is an area I really struggle with - but I am determined this month to make progress
🥓 To get firmly back on track with my Keto eating style - I haven't been too far off track when I cook - but the dreaded junk food has crept in again

How am I going to do it...

Meal Plan and shop - I have just meal planned for the first 2 weeks so now I just have to shop for it.
Walk once a week with a friend and the other days I need to go by myself or make my kids come with me - I also keep talking about strength training so I want to add some resistance band training to my week.
I am going to borrow an idea from @HappyGrape and try to focus on 3 things each morning I can do that day that will help me towards my goal.

I had a good start to June with activity, DD needed to do some photography for a school assignment - so we set the alarm and got up in the chilly early morning to head to the beach for some sunrise shots at 6.30am and using the gentle morning light. Here is a pic I snapped on my phone from the top of Point Cartwright near a lighthouse. So yes beach walking, rock walking and uphill walking - done all on the first of the month ... now to just keep that momentum going!
View attachment 405054
Just beautiful!
Hi, I ‘m Sandy in south central PA back for another month! These daily check ins really help me stay focused.

My goal this month is to maintain my goal weight, at least 20 minutes activity 5 days a week and the last two weeks of June to actually lose 3-5lbs for some “wiggle room”.

Zhoen, you’re a good person, but I have to admit, if I had 9 cats in the house my husband would divorce me!:rotfl2:
I have been off to a good start. Went for a run this morning. Just before it got too hot. Was still totally soaked afterwards. Somehow we had no spring this year and we went from: it's too cold outside to run, to: it's too hot outside to run within a couple of weeks... Well, I guess I better get used to morning runs again. Eating was not good, started out tracking my food, but then kind of abandoned it. Not sure why.

Otherwise this was a very productive weekend all around, I got plenty of stuff done at home, had some fun, got stuff mailed away and worked on my trip report! So, off to bed now and hopefully into a productive week!
I'm Nicole, in southeastern Massachusetts, and this summer is all about transitions here. - My DS (an only) just graduated from high school and will be off to college soon. So a lot of my W.I.S.H. focus will probably be on handling stress in healthy ways. :duck:

I'm also sticking with my 500 minutes exercise challenge in the other thread, and making an effort to cut back a little on morning coffee.
Hi. I'm Cristin, a kindergarten teacher from southeast PA. I'm married with boy/girl twins who turn 15 in less than a month. I'm currently working on packing up my entire classroom because our whole school is moving into another building for one year while our school is renovated. It's hard packing up everything after teacher for 20 years! But it will get done...it has to by next Friday. So I've got two weeks. Oh and I have to keep teaching in the meantime. Anyway, my main goal for June is to maintain. I want to maintain my healthy eating habits, maintain my daily workouts, maintain my progress towards my "walk to Disney" goal, maintain my weight and maintain my stress levels. Now I'm off to do my workout...
Joining in with motivation Monday quote

"The Art of Weight Maintenance: A guide to help you lose the weight and keep it off... forever!" by Heather Robertson and wanted to share this quote with you.

"What I’ve found is that it’s less about being motivated than it is about being conditioned with your habits — having the keystone habits in place that will keep you doing those things even when motivation is waning, which it will. One of the biggest misconceptions is that you have to feel motivated in order to do the behaviors necessary to keep you at your goal weight. I have found just the opposite to be true; if you do the behaviors, you then receive motivation. You feel better. Those behaviors bring on a determination to do more healthy, positive things."
For those as common-sense-challenged as I am, here's a newsflash.... NINE CATS IS TOO MUCH!!!!

:worship: to you for helping those little kitties out. Although, I am reminded of that Big Bang Theory episode where Sheldon adopted MULTIPLE cats as well!

I got a new program there which puts more emphasis on the core and I can feel how this is already having positive effects in my posture

That is great you are noticing the difference in your core and posture! This is an area I know I really need to work on too.

My goal this month is to maintain my goal weight, at least 20 minutes activity 5 days a week and the last two weeks of June to actually lose 3-5lbs for some “wiggle room”.

Good luck with that "wiggle room"

Somehow we had no spring this year and we went from: it's too cold outside to run, to: it's too hot outside to run within a couple of weeks...

Yes - weather is crazy here too!

this summer is all about transitions here. - My DS (an only) just graduated from high school and will be off to college soon. So a lot of my W.I.S.H. focus will probably be on handling stress in healthy ways.

Good luck to your DS starting out at college - such a big change - I am lucky my oldest boy started university this year - but he is staying at home and we live a 10 minute walk from campus. That will be a big change for all of you!

Anyway, my main goal for June is to maintain. I want to maintain my healthy eating habits, maintain my daily workouts, maintain my progress towards my "walk to Disney" goal, maintain my weight and maintain my stress levels. Now I'm off to do my workout...

Great goal - hope you had a good workout
Motivation Monday

Image result for star wars motivational quotes

Today's quote was in honour of a special event at Disneyland this past weekend ...
The opening of Star Wars Galaxy's Edge!!!

Motivation for me this month is coming from a refocus on why I needed to get healthier at the start of the year - cough, cough not so good blood work numbers. Also, we have a family special even in August - a niece's wedding - so really wanting to drop a few more Kgs by then!

What is motivating you this week?​
Joining in with motivation Monday quote

"The Art of Weight Maintenance: A guide to help you lose the weight and keep it off... forever!" by Heather Robertson and wanted to share this quote with you.

"What I’ve found is that it’s less about being motivated than it is about being conditioned with your habits — having the keystone habits in place that will keep you doing those things even when motivation is waning, which it will. One of the biggest misconceptions is that you have to feel motivated in order to do the behaviors necessary to keep you at your goal weight. I have found just the opposite to be true; if you do the behaviors, you then receive motivation. You feel better. Those behaviors bring on a determination to do more healthy, positive things."
Yes! Making healthy choices =results =motivation!
Motivation Monday

Image result for star wars motivational quotes

Today's quote was in honour of a special event at Disneyland this past weekend ...
The opening of Star Wars Galaxy's Edge!!!

Motivation for me this month is coming from a refocus on why I needed to get healthier at the start of the year - cough, cough not so good blood work numbers. Also, we have a family special even in August - a niece's wedding - so really wanting to drop a few more Kgs by then!

What is motivating you this week?​
What a great theme! I need to stay focused and make good choices so I continue to fit in my clothes (last summer I was 26lbs heavier, nothing fit) and just feel good! I am probably the oldest of our little group, but in my mind I’m still in my forties and I want to be active without the aches and strain of being overweight.
Hello all... I'm Lizanne, living in Seattle Washington. I'm in for another month. My goal and motivation for June is going to be to focus on happiness. I've really struggled with low moods lately, and there are some things I need to unravel to get back on an even keel.

I'm blessed to be heading out to WDW end of this week, which should really help with my happiness levels, shouldn't it? I'm almost ready to go, I even got my vacation toes put on this weekend, including happy little Minnie white dots on one of my big toes.

I've got a lot to accomplish this week, and it isn't starting off in the best manner... my computer would not boot up this morning while plugged in to its cradle, so I'm having to use it as a laptop which means I'm not displaying on my two monitors- grrrrr! Hopefully we'll get it sorted out, else its going to be a very lonnnnngggggg day.
Hi I am Stephanie from Northeast Ohio. I am married with 2 kids. DS is 13 and DD is almost 12. This month will be a somewhat slower month and not fully by choice. DD is having her ankle surgery on the 19th. This will make the second half of the month slow down. Also school ends this Wednesday. Yay!!!! I am so down with school for the year. It is so much easier for me to get to work when I don't have to make sure the kids are ready too. DS did get homework for the summer. I am not looking forward to this. It will be graded too for next year. I can't get him to turn in work when it is due the next day. It is not much so hopefully this won't be a fight. He just need to read a book and answer questions on it though there will be a lengthy discussion in it when school starts in the fall. I make he wait until August to do this so he remembers all of it. He also has a math packet. We might try to get that done earlier.

My goal this month is to get a total of 1350 active minutes, per my fitbit, for the month. This equals out to 45 minutes a day. I need to keep it simple as I am not sure what the second half of the month will bring. I am bracing for the worst though and hoping for the best. I just wish we knew more of what to expect. Her doctor said some people coming for there follow up and are good to go. No boot, no PT and back to normal. Others it could be PT and a longer time in the boot and more pain. We also don't know if she will need to stay the night. It all depends on how she handles things.

DS also has baseball so we need to work things out around the 2 of them. It might be only one of us goes to games until she is better. We will just switch off on who goes.

My inspiration is going to be to not be like yesterday. Yesterday I had 2 doughnuts for breakfast, mac and cheese for lunch and ice cream for dinner. No more of this. So far today I had a nectarine and a salad. So I am starting today off right.
Joining in with motivation Monday quote

"The Art of Weight Maintenance: A guide to help you lose the weight and keep it off... forever!" by Heather Robertson and wanted to share this quote with you.

"What I’ve found is that it’s less about being motivated than it is about being conditioned with your habits — having the keystone habits in place that will keep you doing those things even when motivation is waning, which it will. One of the biggest misconceptions is that you have to feel motivated in order to do the behaviors necessary to keep you at your goal weight. I have found just the opposite to be true; if you do the behaviors, you then receive motivation. You feel better. Those behaviors bring on a determination to do more healthy, positive things."
This really spoke to me. Our school has been focusing on the 7 Habits of Happy Children (which is based on "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey). We have been practicing these habits ourselves while also teaching them to the children. We need to create habits that are going to produce the results we want. And I agree that the progress towards those results are going to motivate us.
Motivation Monday

I have been motivated by the progress I've made and the compliments I've been getting lately. I was able to clean out my shorts drawer this weekend and wow! What a difference since last summer. Around mid-summer, I gave in and bought myself some new shorts because my others shorts were uncomfortable. But I'm happy to say that those new shorts are way too big and the old shorts fit comfortably again!! And I don't want that to change.

I'm also continuing my walk to Disney. According to Google Maps, it's about 1048 miles from my house to Bay Lake Tower (where we will be staying in July). Since January, I have walked 774 miles, which puts just past Savannah, GA. Only one state away! But about 274 miles left to walk in about a month.


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