Running around the world to get to Hopkinton


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 2010
This is me. You would not believe how hard it is to find a good running sombrero.


I like running and fortunately I’ve got a crazy group of friends that shares the spot on the Venn diagram of liking silly costumes, Disney world and running.


I’ve kind of been at the same place in my running life for about the past 4 or 5 years. While I’ve been through Hanson’s once and it enabled me to do two slightly faster races I still felt like I’d platoed. I talked about wanting to qualify for Boston, but it seemed out of reach. While I’ve been intrigued by DB’s plans it wasn’t till I read through all the testimonials that I was able to get over my fear and ask him for one.

This is my journey through that plan and hopefully several more in the hopes of qualifying for the 2020 Boston marathon. In order to do that I’ll need to run a 3:20 Marathon sometime after mid September of 2018.
So here's the plan. Right now I am midway through a 9 week 6x a week DB plan training for my A race. (I switched from a Nike Plan mid cycle which is why it's so short). This is a half marathon and primarily my goal is for me to really understand what I am capable of doing.

Today is Day 21. So far in this cycle I've only had two really bad days.

The first was an EA run. It was raining out, and my watch malfunctioned. Mentally it just exhausted and drained me and I wound up cutting the run short. Lesson learned. If it's really crappy out, just run on the treadmill.

The second was a T pace run. Those usually fall after my rest day. Unfortunately that week I had to fly to Buffalo for a customer meeting. It wound up being a 22 hour day and then on top of it I was worried about not hitting my step goal (which is like 13000 steps) so I spent all the time in the terminals waiting for flights walking with my work backpack on. I wound up walking 7.5 miles so I hit my step goal, but I was really drained the next day. Lesson learned. Rest Days are for actual rest don't worry about hitting arbitrary goals.

I think my big issue with rest days are that I am really concerned with my weight. I know that I'm about 15 pounds heavier than my ideal running weight. Even know I know I need rest I mentally freak out and think if I don't hit my step goal that I am going to start putting back on weight that I have worked hard to take off. Logically I know that's not true and that it's more about what I eat and that my body needs time to rebuild muscle so that I can continue to train, but I have a hard time listening too that logic.

Today is a rest day too. Fortunately, I don't have to travel today. I did go to the gym but only to work my chest and back some, I am giving my legs time to recover this week.

While I was at the gym, they decided to test the fire alarms at all the different athletic buildings on Campus. The people in the Natatorium were kind of ticked. I can't imagine what it would take to burn down the pool.
Following along! Yay for that BQ goal! I am aiming to BQ for 2021. We'll see if I can make that happen. (Says the girl who has never ran a marathon.)

Traveling can definitely cause problems with your training plan but at least you can learn from it.
Following along! Yay for that BQ goal! I am aiming to BQ for 2021. We'll see if I can make that happen. (Says the girl who has never ran a marathon.)

Traveling can definitely cause problems with your training plan but at least you can learn from it.
Thanks for following along. I hope that you can make your BQ happen too.

Travelling throws all kinds of monkey wrenches into training plans, but it can also give you an opportunity to get out and see an area from a different perspective. If I have an overnight trip I try and get out and go for a run in whatever city I am in. Unfortunately this was a day trip with a 5am flight (Hurray for a 4:30 am boarding time) to Buffalo in the Winter. All those things scream "no run for you".
Following along!

Rest Days are for actual rest don't worry about hitting arbitrary goals.

Absolutely. I think of a training plan as 50/50. 50% is the actual running and the other 50% is the recovery/rest from it. If you hurt yourself on the recovery/rest days, then you'll compromise the training. For me, I only get about 5000-7000 steps on my off days. #slothlife on Mondays for me.

I am aiming to BQ for 2021. We'll see if I can make that happen. (Says the girl who has never ran a marathon.)

Look at you putting those goals out there! You know what I always say... If you want it.... :D
Following along!
Welcome Coach!

Absolutely. I think of a training plan as 50/50. 50% is the actual running and the other 50% is the recovery/rest from it. If you hurt yourself on the recovery/rest days, then you'll compromise the training. For me, I only get about 5000-7000 steps on my off days. #slothlife on Mondays for me.

I know this to be true, but inside my head there is a little voice yelling. "You are not going to close your Calorie ring today on your Apple watch." (It correlates fairly closely to steps)

Hope the run today went well.
Following along!

I have to say ... super impressed that you can run in a sombrero. That does not seem like it would be comfortable.

Good luck with your BQ goal - that's definitely tough, but it sounds like you're willing to put in the work it will take to get there, which is awesome!
Following along!

I have to say ... super impressed that you can run in a sombrero. That does not seem like it would be comfortable.

I was really glad it wasn't windy. I had originally planned on wearing that costume for the Half last year, but since it got cancelled we used it for the 5k this year. I didn't mind it for a 5k but it would have been a pain to wear it longer.
Today's random running picture is from the tiny town of Driver Virginia. DS and I stopped for a selfie with it at the turn around.


On my running calendar today is a T run. Basically its a lactate threshold run. (A hard run whose pace you could hold for an hour) For me that's somewhere between my 10k and half pace. My boss wound up scheduling a meeting over my running time, so I wound up cutting the cool down portion of the run short. That stinks but I guess it's better than missing the run entirely.

It's kind of stormy and nasty here so today's run was on a treadmill and it was mentally really hard. When I am pushing myself hard I wind up making all kinds of excuses. It seems like it would be so easy to jump off the treadmill, push the stop button or even to slow down just a bit. Today I just kept repeating to myself "You can do this, don't give up" over and over during the run.

Tomorrow's going to be fun. I have an 8 am flight to Pittsburgh and I don't get home till 11. Somewhere in there I have to fit in an 6 mile EA run.
Oh my I love your Panchito costume! I bet you & your Dapper group have a blast at races. Good Luck chasing your BQ down, I had the wild idea put in my head recently but it's scary to me to even think for sure!
Oh my I love your Panchito costume! I bet you & your Dapper group have a blast at races. Good Luck chasing your BQ down, I had the wild idea put in my head recently but it's scary to me to even think for sure!

Thank you so much, it's been a ton of fun. We've been interviewed by RunDisney at the end of the race both years that we did it, and we made the official recap video both times. It's fun interacting with everyone and the costumes are pretty bright so they seem to stand out.
Today's run was 6 at EA pace. I had to fly to Pittsburg for a flight this morning so I had to be done running by 6:20 am. It made for an earlier than normal wake up call.

Since I am thinking about flying today's random running picture comes from Hyde Park in London. I have always really loved this Peter Pan statue, so whenever I am in London I try and make a point to run visit it. It's kind of wierd though because it seems a little more Pied-Piperish than the Disney Peter Pan we all know.
Joining in. LOVE your running costumes and your remark about Venn diagram made me laugh. Really excited to follow along on your journey!
Following along! Love the random running pics. I don't know what that is photo-bombing you and your son, but I like it, lol!!
It's kind of stormy and nasty here so today's run was on a treadmill and it was mentally really hard. When I am pushing myself hard I wind up making all kinds of excuses. It seems like it would be so easy to jump off the treadmill, push the stop button or even to slow down just a bit. Today I just kept repeating to myself "You can do this, don't give up" over and over during the run.

I have that demon on longer (and sometimes shorter) treadmill runs. For some reason it always seems easier to ditch a treadmill run partway through than when I'm outside. Anyone have a psychological explanation for that?
Following along! Love the random running pics. I don't know what that is photo-bombing you and your son, but I like it, lol!!

Welcome!! I’m glad you’re here.

I have that demon on longer (and sometimes shorter) treadmill runs. For some reason it always seems easier to ditch a treadmill run partway through than when I'm outside. Anyone have a psychological explanation for that?

I don’t really know why that is but the stop button really calls out to me when I’m on it. I find mantra’s help me. There is an article in this months Runners World about mantras that talks about how much impact they have.
This weekend I had a long run that included a marathon tempo and a shorter EA today. I really struggled the marathon tempo pace, it seemed like I was 10 or 15 seconds per mile either under or over pace the whole time.

Today’s random pics is my favorite happy little tree. It always made me smile when I ran by it.
Following along....though reconsidering if there are more pictures of crazy long snakes coming down the pike!! :scared:


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