The Running Thread - 2016

I'm pretty down-in-the-dumps, and my training has definitely suffered this weekend because of it.

My initial diagnosis of bursitis ended up in worse news in a follow-up from a specialist.

I always knew that my hips would likely need surgery because of how lopsided my body is, and because of the atrophy in my left calf from all the time I spent in casts because of surgery on my foot. I didn't realize it could happen this quickly.

Chicago will be my last "race". Dopey 2017 will likely be my last "challenge". I'm still working with my doctor on ways that can get me through Dopey 2018 and then I'll hang it all up. At least that's my goal right now. He's been very specific that once I have a hip replacement - be it full or even partial, running just isn't in the cards if I want to avoid future surgery.

I wish I'd started this journey earlier. There are so many places I want to see and races I want to run, and I don't think it's going to be possible for me to ever do them now.

Womp womp.

OK. Enough of my sad trombone act. I hope everyone else had a great weekend!

I have been away for a while so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Sorry to hear this @Keels. I agree with everyone that you are an inspiration to a lot of people. You also provide a wealth of knowledge. I hope that the specialist is not completely accurate. You can take it real easy and join us in the way back.

My aunt and a close friends mom recently had hip replacement and they have done well. Not running mind you but moving good.

Now for a little humor to keep it all lite....

You could also join us at the events and be one of the balloon ladies. But you need to remember that since you would be in an official capacity, you cannot have a beer at mile 24 with @FFigawi.

Another option if it does happen that you can no longer run, become a math teacher to help everyone out.
Just noticed we have folks with races early this week. So, starting earlier than normal this week I wanted to let everyone know we have the following folks with races this week!

25 - @disneydaydreamer33 - Temple to Temple 5K (NG / N/A)
25 - @The Expert pert - Deseret News Classic 10K (NG/ N/A)
26 - @Anisum - Run the Vineyards Rock the Night Away 5k (39:00 / N/A)
30 - @SFGamerBabe - Rocky Mountain Half Marathon (2:10:00 / N/A)
31 - @CheapRunnerMike - K-Town Long Course Triathlon (3:20:00 / N/A)
31 - Chaitali - Riley's Rumble 8k (NG / N/A)

Let me know if you need to revise your goal for your race this week. Good luck to all!

BTW, is today some sort of holiday I don't know about to have a race on a Monday and Tuesday? Or, did I place these races in the wrong month?
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I'm pretty down-in-the-dumps, and my training has definitely suffered this weekend because of it.

My initial diagnosis of bursitis ended up in worse news in a follow-up from a specialist...
I'm so sorry, @Keels. I can imagine how upsetting and frustrating this news must be. :hug: What about walking - any possibility you could continue to race by race-walking instead of running? Or cutting back to shorter distances?
@Keels I'm sorry to hear about your bad news :( I hope things work out and you can continue to participate, either with a different sport (i.e. swimming or cycling), or in a different way (walking, etc.) like others have posted above.

@LSUlakes I have another race to add for this weekend. Mostly just doing it for fun with friends as it has a reputation for being hot and hilly. If it gets too hard, I may increase the walk portion of my run/walk interval.

July 31 - Chaitali - Riley's Rumble 8k (NG / N/A)
I'm pretty down-in-the-dumps, and my training has definitely suffered this weekend because of it.

My initial diagnosis of bursitis ended up in worse news in a follow-up from a specialist.

I always knew that my hips would likely need surgery because of how lopsided my body is, and because of the atrophy in my left calf from all the time I spent in casts because of surgery on my foot. I didn't realize it could happen this quickly.

Chicago will be my last "race". Dopey 2017 will likely be my last "challenge". I'm still working with my doctor on ways that can get me through Dopey 2018 and then I'll hang it all up. At least that's my goal right now. He's been very specific that once I have a hip replacement - be it full or even partial, running just isn't in the cards if I want to avoid future surgery.

I wish I'd started this journey earlier. There are so many places I want to see and races I want to run, and I don't think it's going to be possible for me to ever do them now.

Womp womp.

OK. Enough of my sad trombone act. I hope everyone else had a great weekend!

Really sorry to hear that. I hope that your able to make it through Dopey 18 and that lots of new possibilities open up.

I can't be the only one thinking that's an Okapi... #KilimanjaroSafari
that's how they make them.
@Keels sorry to hear about your news. Stay positive and one way or the other things will work out.

ATTQOTD: I think burnout is a natural bi-product of committing so much time and energy to training, so I try and remind myself it will pass. Although, when you are going through it the light at the end of that burnout tunnel is pretty dim. One thing that helps me is to think up non competitive or time based type images of my upcoming event. I try to imagine how awesome its going to be running through the parks, how cool it will be to run through my hometown, thinking about seeing my family and how supportive they are, etc.

I also try and slow down and run at whatever pace feels comfortable. Even if its way off my goal pace, I just try and settle into a pace that I know will allow me to enjoy my run.
ATTQOTD: The only time I really hit burnout was marathon training last "fall" - summer just would. not. end. here in FL and I was hitting the big mileage in what was, for all intents and purposes, summer. I still wanted to run; I just wanted to run in weather that didn't leave me feeling like death, lol! I literally only had one long, long run in decent weather - I got a cold front for my final 22 miler and I swear, it felt easily half as difficult as the 20 miler two weeks earlier. I'm really hoping things cool off sooner this time around, but if it's the same, at least now I know what to expect. :scared:
Just noticed we have folks with races early this week. So, starting earlier than normal this week I wanted to let everyone know we have the following folks with races this week!

25 - @disneydaydreamer33 - Temple to Temple 5K (NG / N/A)
25 - @The Expert pert - Deseret News Classic 10K (NG/ N/A)
26 - @Anisum - Run the Vineyards Rock the Night Away 5k (39:00 / N/A)
30 - @SFGamerBabe - Rocky Mountain Half Marathon (2:10:00 / N/A)
31 - @CheapRunnerMike - K-Town Long Course Triathlon (3:20:00 / N/A)
31 - Chaitali - Riley's Rumble 8k (NG / N/A)

Let me know if you need to revise your goal for your race this week. Good luck to all!

BTW, is today some sort of holiday I don't know about to have a race on a Monday and Tuesday? Or, did I place these races in the wrong month?
Hi @LSUlakes - really appreciate you tracking these - could you please add these upcoming races for me?
Aug 6 - OldFashioned 5K (28:59/ N/A)
Sep 17 - Dulles Days 10K (59:59/ N/A)
Sep 25 - Prince William Half Marathon (2:15:00/ N/A)
Oct 15 - Lake Powell Half Marathon (2:59:00 - running with family/ N/A)
Jan 5 - WDW 5K (NG/ N/A)
Jan 8 - WDW Marathon (4:40:00/ N/A)
Thanks everyone for the kind words. They all help so much!

I'm meeting with another specialist tomorrow for second opinion. The cutting back on races - specifically the challenges - is just an effort to reduce pain and put off replacement surgery as long as possible.

At this point, it's best case that I just learn to manage the aches and pain and make it through Dopey in 2018. If technology stays the same, I'd be looking at AT LEAST a 12-month recovery period before I'd be even allowed by doctors to start ramping up to a 5K distance again. And even then, running is one of the activities that unfortunately shortens the lifespan of the current options for replacement joints. That said, there was a chance I was looking at ultimately having to have it replaced AGAIN later in life (I'm only 35, so even with a 20-year lifespan, that puts me in line for a second replacement in my mid-to-late 50's. Yay?).

So, that's where everything stands at this point. I've dialed my training back this week - mostly, because my mind just isn't in the right place. But hopefully after my appointment tomorrow and a long weekend away this weekend with the husband, I'll be able to return to training refreshed and reenergized with a new outlook to make every mile count, since I seriously don't know how many I truly have left.

Anyway. Thanks again for all the good thoughts and kind words. Y'all really know how to put a smile on a gal's face!
I'm pretty down-in-the-dumps, and my training has definitely suffered this weekend because of it.

My initial diagnosis of bursitis ended up in worse news in a follow-up from a specialist.

I always knew that my hips would likely need surgery because of how lopsided my body is, and because of the atrophy in my left calf from all the time I spent in casts because of surgery on my foot. I didn't realize it could happen this quickly.

Chicago will be my last "race". Dopey 2017 will likely be my last "challenge". I'm still working with my doctor on ways that can get me through Dopey 2018 and then I'll hang it all up. At least that's my goal right now. He's been very specific that once I have a hip replacement - be it full or even partial, running just isn't in the cards if I want to avoid future surgery.

I wish I'd started this journey earlier. There are so many places I want to see and races I want to run, and I don't think it's going to be possible for me to ever do them now.

Womp womp.

OK. Enough of my sad trombone act. I hope everyone else had a great weekend!

I'm so sorry to hear this. There was a time when I thought I'd never run again, so I know how you feel. I still don't know if I'll ever run distance again. My doctor has already mentioned to me more than once that I may never do another half. Right now, it's just a suggestion, but we'll see what happens after that.

I guess the best thing to do is think about what you have done, not what you have yet to do. Have you tried fast walking? I don't know if you will be able to do that, or if it appeals to you at all, but I had a 5K that I couldn't run last month, and the walking was a pretty tough workout. It wasn't as challenging as running, but it was a lot better than I expected.

I can't be the only one thinking that's an Okapi... #KilimanjaroSafari

I LOVE that ride. It does look like an Okapi!

Thanks everyone for the kind words. They all help so much!

I'm meeting with another specialist tomorrow for second opinion. The cutting back on races - specifically the challenges - is just an effort to reduce pain and put off replacement surgery as long as possible.

At this point, it's best case that I just learn to manage the aches and pain and make it through Dopey in 2018. If technology stays the same, I'd be looking at AT LEAST a 12-month recovery period before I'd be even allowed by doctors to start ramping up to a 5K distance again. And even then, running is one of the activities that unfortunately shortens the lifespan of the current options for replacement joints. That said, there was a chance I was looking at ultimately having to have it replaced AGAIN later in life (I'm only 35, so even with a 20-year lifespan, that puts me in line for a second replacement in my mid-to-late 50's. Yay?).

So, that's where everything stands at this point. I've dialed my training back this week - mostly, because my mind just isn't in the right place. But hopefully after my appointment tomorrow and a long weekend away this weekend with the husband, I'll be able to return to training refreshed and reenergized with a new outlook to make every mile count, since I seriously don't know how many I truly have left.

Anyway. Thanks again for all the good thoughts and kind words. Y'all really know how to put a smile on a gal's face!

That right there is what you're going to have to do. Enjoy what you've got left instead of thinking about what you won't be able to do any more. You don't want to get to the end of this journey and regret that you didn't enjoy it more. Go down swinging, girl!
So, forgot to write a race recap from Saturday. There is a more detailed one on my training journal, but here are the highlights:

  • Hot and humid
  • Lost pace early on first substantial hill
  • Leaders, those at my intitial goal pace (8:00/mile) and faster, went wrong direction. Ran 14+ miles
  • Walked more than I wanted
  • Hitched on to 10:00 pacer for miles 7-9
  • Finished last mile strong-(ish)
  • PR of 1:39:16, first 10-miler
That's the short version of it. Plan on trying again next year and hopefully being more successful.
Burnout? I don't know if my current rut counts but between the July Florida heat and finally hitting the end of the first trimester my milage has suffered something fierce...

Also knowing my planned race season is pretty much gone while for a good reason still is 'frustrating' but if I finish Space Coast in Nov I think I'll be able to accept loosing my other 4 fav races..

(Oh M if your reading this.. Shhhhhh)
Burnout? I don't know if my current rut counts but between the July Florida heat and finally hitting the end of the first trimester my milage has suffered something fierce...

Also knowing my planned race season is pretty much gone while for a good reason still is 'frustrating' but if I finish Space Coast in Nov I think I'll be able to accept loosing my other 4 fav races..

(Oh M if your reading this.. Shhhhhh)

Wait, am I reading that correctly? Are congratulations in order?
I'm pretty down-in-the-dumps, and my training has definitely suffered this weekend because of it.

My initial diagnosis of bursitis ended up in worse news in a follow-up from a specialist.

I always knew that my hips would likely need surgery because of how lopsided my body is, and because of the atrophy in my left calf from all the time I spent in casts because of surgery on my foot. I didn't realize it could happen this quickly.

Chicago will be my last "race". Dopey 2017 will likely be my last "challenge". I'm still working with my doctor on ways that can get me through Dopey 2018 and then I'll hang it all up. At least that's my goal right now. He's been very specific that once I have a hip replacement - be it full or even partial, running just isn't in the cards if I want to avoid future surgery.

I wish I'd started this journey earlier. There are so many places I want to see and races I want to run, and I don't think it's going to be possible for me to ever do them now.

Womp womp.

OK. Enough of my sad trombone act. I hope everyone else had a great weekend!

No, NO, NO!!!! This is simply unacceptable news @Keels and hopefully another opportunity will present itself before the finality that the hip replacement entails. Maybe there is a "bright side" that will come out of all of this. Find another Doctor. Preferably one that likes beer!
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ATTQOTD: Burnout?

Hmmm. I trained so haphazardly in the past that burnout was always a factor.

But this training cycle is different. I have a plan and I'm sticking to it and it's become........ADDICTIVE!
I will have completed 14 of the 28 weeks after next week and know that more mileage and heat and humidity are headed my way.
Bring it! I'm just going to keep going one day at a time, 5 days (sometimes 6) a week, and before you know it November will be here and I'll be
in the best running shape of my life and ready to crush my marathon.
Todays QOTD was suggested by a fellow poster to follow up the last QOTD. Thanks for the suggestion and anyone with any ideas feel free to send me a PM with a idea.

QOTD: When you start feeling burnout during a big training season, how do you get yourself out the door for training runs?

I can think of three things that help me:

1) I do try to cut my schedule up into small segments, in terms of accomplishment. So as opposed to looking at or thinking about multiple weeks. I just look at one week and focus on getting through that. For me it makes my schedule feel more managable.

2) And I know this is not the best thing to do... But I reward myself every so often with my favorite thing in the world - Ben & Jerry's Coffee Coffee Coffee, Buzz Buzz Buzz ice cream. When I have a major mileage week or other significant issues pushing me to take a break I just tell myself get through it and you get to have your favorite. Nothing tastes better!

3) Not to sound corny, but I read this blog. So many times your stories and thoughts are truly inspiring. I get psyched, motivated and at times feel challenged by all that you share in your running efforts.
Raced the Bluewater Olympic Triathlon on Saturday and beat my 2:15 goal, finishing just under 2:07 despite the 100º heat index...good enough for second place overall!

If you want the long-winded recap it is in my training journal (with lots of pictures!)

Great job Mike. But the whole time I was reading all I wanted to ask you is this. When you qualified for Boston during the Disney marathon where did you place for that race? I am just curious.

I got in my run today and while I was happy to get in one more run, I was somewhat wrong. It wasn't that enjoyable. It was so hot. I felt like someone lit me on fire for 5 miles. All I could think of was PrincessV, LSULakes, Keels, and the rest of you people down south. I usually don't bring my water belt for anything less than 10 miles but I brought it today and I used it all. It took me about 45 minutes to cool down when I got home.


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