Can't believe I saw this...

Here we go again. :rolleyes: I don't need someone giving up their seat to me just because I'm a woman, and you can't tell by looking at someone if they're a "capable strong man".

Yeah... I'm not sure what "chivalry" on the buses has to do with peeing in inappropriate places. That can of worms has been opened many times before and doesn't seem particularly relevant to this sophisticated discussion on pee. ;)
Yeah... I'm not sure what "chivalry" on the buses has to do with peeing in inappropriate places. That can of worms has been opened many times before and doesn't seem particularly relevant to this sophisticated discussion on pee. ;)
Please, let's talk about pee. Not "chivalry" on the buses. Again.
I think everyone should just start wearing signs that list their own personal rules they live by at WDW. "I will/won't accept a seat that's offered to me. I will/won't offer my seat to others (reasons optional). My family does/doesn't pee in the pool, in line, in the bushes, on other guests. I do/don't care if you cut in front of me in line for the following reasons...," and so on. That would save us all the trouble of daring to politely ask, the unbearable mystery of what someone may or may not think, and the horror of being surprised when someone does something that in any other public setting is considered to be rude.
I think everyone should just start wearing signs that list their own personal rules they live by at WDW. "I will/won't accept a seat that's offered to me. I will/won't offer my seat to others (reasons optional). My family does/doesn't pee in the pool, in line, in the bushes, on other guests. I do/don't care if you cut in front of me in line for the following reasons...," and so on. That would save us all the trouble of daring to politely ask, the unbearable mystery of what someone may or may not think, and the horror of being surprised when someone does something that in any other public setting is considered to be rude.

What about, "if you try to give me your seat I'll pee on you!"?
We just returned and had the unfortunate luck to see -

A mother hit her toddler in line for Peter Pan. It was the first time my son (10yo) ever saw a parent physically hit/hurt a child and let me tell you, it broke my heart to have to explain "why" someone would intentionally hurt their own child.

Two grown women get into a shouting match AND one throwing an arm over who was next in the breakfast line at Capt Cooks.

A mother covered in vomit trying to herd two toddlers away from Minnie Mouse while holding the baby (source of the vomit shower). Boy did I feel for her! I was digging my wipes out of my bag but two CMs came to her rescue before I could help.
Not pee related - but last week, in HS, I saw a boy around 10, place his sister, around 6, in a headlock and throw her to the ground. She was lying there sobbing, while the mom, who never broke stride, did nothing more than turn back and yell at them both to keep up. I spent a lot of time this trip trying to explain to my own children why some children, and their parents, behave so poorly.
Not an actual severed limb. Or prosthetic arm.

Throwing an arm as in she threw her arm out and in front of the other woman to physically push her back from the check out area.

I thought it might be an expression I wasn't familiar with.
They have codes for everything. If its a bodily fluid, there is a code. If you can imagine it in your wildest dreams, someone has cleaned it.
I was th this past May. We had just got off of Peter Pan and DS 5 wanted to ride it again. The queue was 50 min but we decided to go for it. 10 minutes in my other DS 3 had to pee. We got out of line and asked CM if we could rejoin my DH and DS they said absolutely. When we returned CM was no where to be found soI decided to make my way back to DH. There was a group of 4 who would not let us through after I explained the situation they literally locked elbows and would not let us pass. So I waited in line until I saw DH passed my son to him and got out of line and had an icecream in the end I won but some people can be very rude.
I was th this past May. We had just got off of Peter Pan and DS 5 wanted to ride it again. The queue was 50 min but we decided to go for it. 10 minutes in my other DS 3 had to pee. We got out of line and asked CM if we could rejoin my DH and DS they said absolutely. When we returned CM was no where to be found soI decided to make my way back to DH. There was a group of 4 who would not let us through after I explained the situation they literally locked elbows and would not let us pass. So I waited in line until I saw DH passed my son to him and got out of line and had an icecream in the end I won but some people can be very rude.

Try to keep in mind that to them you were being the rude one. Disney really doesn't have a rule with regards to allowing parents back in line if they need to step out with their child. Many will be fine with it, but some won't be. Bad luck you ran into people who wouldn't let you pass. It is too bad the CM who told you you could rejoin the line wasn't around to help out.
I had to go badly on POTC the other day. There was no way I was getting out of line so I just waited to get drenched on the big drop and let it go. I figured it was the perfect time... no one noticed with six inches of water in the bottom of the boat.

JOKING OF COURSE. I was just trying to cross-promote threads. :)
Try to keep in mind that to them you were being the rude one. Disney really doesn't have a rule with regards to allowing parents back in line if they need to step out with their child. Many will be fine with it, but some won't be. Bad luck you ran into people who wouldn't let you pass. It is too bad the CM who told you you could rejoin the line wasn't around to help out.

Ugh. This isn't a "two sides to every story" situation. Anyone who goes to the level of locking arms to keep a mother and her toddler from rejoining their family is a messed up person. That is simply ridiculous behavior, at Disney World or anywhere else. People like that need to sit down and really think about their priorities and hopefully walk back from being the kind of people they have become.

And you can always unhook a chain or go under a railing to avoid obnoxious people, if necessary.
Ugh. This isn't a "two sides to every story" situation. Anyone who goes to the level of locking arms to keep a mother and her toddler from rejoining their family is a messed up person.

But how would they know that the mother was telling the truth about trying to rejoin her family? Unfortunately, "I want to rejoin my family" is a common ploy to try to cut the line.


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