Can't believe I saw this...

Yeah... I have a winning moment. One time I was working at the Jungle Cruise and we were stalled a little bit behind some boats that were slow to unload. A little girl was bouncing up and down saying she had to pee, she had to pee, she had to pee. I continuing stalling jokes/ saying that we should be going back soon but her mom said something along the lines of: "You don't have to hold it, it's okay"...SO THIS GIRL PEED ALL OVER THE BOAT. I was literally in shock. I thought maybe she was wearing a diaper or something but......nope. IT was like the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me tbh.
Why do kids deny they have to pee?!?

At a place like WDW or DL (or any other amusement/theme park for that matter), it could be that they're just excited to be there and don't want to take the time to do something that will delay them from getting on a ride. In other scenarios, I have no idea. ;)

I can't imagine these people who tell their kids they don't have to go… um, what's the motivation for them saying they have to then?

I've had it happen multiple times lately where I was sure I had to go and then when I sit down, nada. Maybe some kids have had the same thing happen enough times that their parents think they're just screwing around? Unfortunately though, I think the more likely explanation is that the parent doesn't want to stop what they're doing to take the kid.
What is even worse is when the parent tells the kid that they really don't have to go.:sad2:

I've never told my daughter that she really didn't have to go. She is five now, and this hasn't happened in a while. A while back, she would go and 10-15 minutes later ask to go again so I would ask"do you really have to go." I would always stop though because being safe is better than being sorry. Many of those times, she really didn't have to go again. I get where some parents may be coming from in saying this. It is annoying to constantly stop for bathroom breaks when they don't really go. However, I always error on the side of caution.
ALSO, while at Wilderness Lodge, on our way to the boats to MK, we noticed a Mom and small daughter by the hot tubs. The Mom said to the little girl, "hurry up". The girl squatted in the hot tub for a few seconds and stood up. The Mom then said, "All Set"? And back to the pool they went.
Which is why I do not use hotel hot tubs. Disney I may consider, but could probably count the number of times on one hand in 25 years. And I do not sit in them with children.

At a hotel waterpark at a themepark in the UK (Alton Towers) children under the age of 5 are not allowed in hot tubs and it is very strictly enforced by the lifeguards. I think there are seversal reasons for this, one is the sanitory issues of kids and pee, also young children can't regulate their body temperature properly and finally it isn't as relaxing if kids are in a hot tub!
Of course kids over 5 can still pee where they shouldn't but that is almost always bad parents rather than bad children.
I know from experience that if you have to exit a line with a preschooler who needs to go to the bathroom, a CM WILL let you back in line, and they WILL let family members hold a place for you, etc. They'd much rather do that than have the kid "let it go" right there. You'll get the stink eye from other guests on the way out and the way back in, but that's life if you go to WDW with a 3 year old. I've had to run out of line at least once with every 3 year old I've brought to WDW, even right before boarding, even with my littlest who had been very reliably potty trained for a year at that point.

I will say this - one night a few years ago we were waiting for the Disney bus, it was probably 10 at night (it was already very dark), and a little boy about age 6 was just dying from having to pee so bad, hopping from side to side, etc. I knew it was minimum 30 minutes before the boy would get to a bathroom, factoring in the bus arrival and ride. None of us knew where a bathroom was at the TTC, it was too dark to see, all we could see were the bus stops and bushes for what seemed like at least 50 yards, and there was no CM to ask. His parents kept telling him to tough it out. I leaned over and told his parents that I'd taught elementary school for 7 years, and in my professional opinion that boy wasn't going to make it another three minutes, let alone a half hour. Told them if it were me I'd send him to the bushes over in the dark or there would be a puddle on the bus. He went, I don't think anyone else even knew. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
At a hotel waterpark at a themepark in the UK (Alton Towers) children under the age of 5 are not allowed in hot tubs and it is very strictly enforced by the lifeguards. I think there are seversal reasons for this, one is the sanitory issues of kids and pee, also young children can't regulate their body temperature properly and finally it isn't as relaxing if kids are in a hot tub!
Of course kids over 5 can still pee where they shouldn't but that is almost always bad parents rather than bad children.

I would say most hotels here have a sign that under 12 must be supervised. Sadly age restrictions are rarely posted. I've never seen any rules enforced at hot tubs anywhere. We have one at home .... and I just see public ones as big petri dishes. :crazy2:
I would say most hotels here have a sign that under 12 must be supervised. Sadly age restrictions are rarely posted. I've never seen any rules enforced at hot tubs anywhere. We have one at home .... and I just see public ones as big petri dishes. :crazy2:

Thats the thing, parental supervision doesn't work with dumb parents. I was quite happy at the pool we were at that lifeguards were actively telling people that hot tubs are not for under 5s. I think there was a general rule for supervision anyway in the whole pool complex.
I know from experience that if you have to exit a line with a preschooler who needs to go to the bathroom, a CM WILL let you back in line, and they WILL let family members hold a place for you, etc. They'd much rather do that than have the kid "let it go" right there. You'll get the stink eye from other guests on the way out and the way back in, but that's life if you go to WDW with a 3 year old. I've had to run out of line at least once with every 3 year old I've brought to WDW, even right before boarding, even with my littlest who had been very reliably potty trained for a year at that point.

I will say this - one night a few years ago we were waiting for the Disney bus, it was probably 10 at night (it was already very dark), and a little boy about age 6 was just dying from having to pee so bad, hopping from side to side, etc. I knew it was minimum 30 minutes before the boy would get to a bathroom, factoring in the bus arrival and ride. None of us knew where a bathroom was at the TTC, it was too dark to see, all we could see were the bus stops and bushes for what seemed like at least 50 yards, and there was no CM to ask. His parents kept telling him to tough it out. I leaned over and told his parents that I'd taught elementary school for 7 years, and in my professional opinion that boy wasn't going to make it another three minutes, let alone a half hour. Told them if it were me I'd send him to the bushes over in the dark or there would be a puddle on the bus. He went, I don't think anyone else even knew. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

There is a bathroom near the entrance/exit of every park. We always made a stop before heading out. I wish more parents would do the same.
I would say most hotels here have a sign that under 12 must be supervised. Sadly age restrictions are rarely posted. I've never seen any rules enforced at hot tubs anywhere. We have one at home .... and I just see public ones as big petri dishes. :crazy2:

Being supervised isn't enough if a parent thinks it is OK for their child to pee in a public hot tub. Hotels should have more staff to make sure kids aren't entering the hot tubs at all.
I don't get this at all. What the heck is it teaching the child?! If they're allowed to go anywhere, in lines for rides, on rides, in bushes, etc, what's stopping them from doing the same at home? Just peeing in the living room because they don't want to walk to the bathroom?!

My son is 2, and we potty trained him in August. He hasn't had an accident since, but I swear we make about 20 bathroom trips every day. We were at Epcot yesterday and we stopped to use the bathroom before we got onto a ride, before we sat down to eat, before we left the park, literally before we did anything. Every single time he made an effort to go. My husband had to miss the end of the Candlelight Processional because DS said he had to go again; it sucked, especially when you pay for a ticket, but it is what it is.

People are gross.
Thats the thing, parental supervision doesn't work with dumb parents. I was quite happy at the pool we were at that lifeguards were actively telling people that hot tubs are not for under 5s. I think there was a general rule for supervision anyway in the whole pool complex.

Being supervised isn't enough if a parent thinks it is OK for their child to pee in a public hot tub. Hotels should have more staff to make sure kids aren't entering the hot tubs at all.

I guess I wasn't really addressing parenting issues, more that the example of the UK resort age restriction and the overall safety of hot tubs.

At least at the UK resort they enforce the rules they have. At Disney and most other resorts you never see rules enforced regarding supervision and ages even when there are lifeguards on duty. AND I've rarely seen any posted age restrictions on hot tubs which is pretty sad considering they are absolutely not big bathtubs for young children and unsafe. If it were my choice then anyone under 12 would not be allowed in hot tubs.

Because of the heat anything introduced into the water is a risk if the chemicals are not perfectly in sync. I have a hot tub and it doesn't take much to throw the chemicals out of sync - and we don't host visitors nor pee in our tub. I've seen Disney hot tubs closed and drained but how long did it take.... It's not just pee but other "issues" that may be introduced that irk me as well.

In regard to parenting..... bottom line there are PLENTY of bathrooms around Disney and parents need to take their kids on a regular basis to empty out. In the fun and excitement they may not tell you, some lines and rides are long and honestly some adults may find themselves with legs crossed if they forget to take a pit stop.
Disney does have a procedure. It isn't fun to clean up but I had my fair share of calls to custodial as a CM to help with a urine clean up. It would not be a protein spill/ code-v as those are vomit exclusive. My area called them yellow spills and a code B for the solid waste. Had a CP acquaintance quiet his second day because he had to go get poop out of the play area in Mission Space exit. From what I heard he went to his manager and said he didn't go to college to clean up someone else's poop.

It is totally disgusting, clean up procedure or not. She could have told the CM at the FP entrance that her little one desperately needed to pee and I'm positive they would have let her back in line when she got back.

Unfortunately, not true. They do not let you back in. Found this out when a bathroom emergency arose after a 2 hour wait for Soarin. With another hour wait left to go.
Sounds like that mother created a really magical Disney memory for her little boy that day.:sad2:
Unfortunately, not true. They do not let you back in. Found this out when a bathroom emergency arose after a 2 hour wait for Soarin. With another hour wait left to go.

Soarin CMs seems to be rough. Most other people here have posted that they were given rider returns card (I'm guessing probably rider swaps) to be able to come back.
Unfortunately, not true. They do not let you back in. Found this out when a bathroom emergency arose after a 2 hour wait for Soarin. With another hour wait left to go.

That stinks.

But it's still no reason to go in line.
Very true. I worked at one of those paint your own ceramics stores one summer while in college. After showing this woman's daughter where bathrooms were, I came back out onto the floor to witness the mother holding her toddler over the trash can. The little girl was nude from the waist down, peeing in front of a floor to ceiling window facing a busy street. The mother saw my look of shock and replied, "It's alright. I'm potty training her."
ALSO, while at Wilderness Lodge, on our way to the boats to MK, we noticed a Mom and small daughter by the hot tubs. The Mom said to the little girl, "hurry up". The girl squatted in the hot tub for a few seconds and stood up. The Mom then said, "All Set"? And back to the pool they went.

Yikes! No! I love hot tubs! :(
I know from experience that if you have to exit a line with a preschooler who needs to go to the bathroom, a CM WILL let you back in line, and they WILL let family members hold a place for you, etc. They'd much rather do that than have the kid "let it go" right there. You'll get the stink eye from other guests on the way out and the way back in, but that's life if you go to WDW with a 3 year old. I've had to run out of line at least once with every 3 year old I've brought to WDW, even right before boarding, even with my littlest who had been very reliably potty trained for a year at that point.

I will say this - one night a few years ago we were waiting for the Disney bus, it was probably 10 at night (it was already very dark), and a little boy about age 6 was just dying from having to pee so bad, hopping from side to side, etc. I knew it was minimum 30 minutes before the boy would get to a bathroom, factoring in the bus arrival and ride. None of us knew where a bathroom was at the TTC, it was too dark to see, all we could see were the bus stops and bushes for what seemed like at least 50 yards, and there was no CM to ask. His parents kept telling him to tough it out. I leaned over and told his parents that I'd taught elementary school for 7 years, and in my professional opinion that boy wasn't going to make it another three minutes, let alone a half hour. Told them if it were me I'd send him to the bushes over in the dark or there would be a puddle on the bus. He went, I don't think anyone else even knew. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I think that was understandable and a totally different situation from the ride queue situation, because for the latter, there were bathrooms available nearby outside; the parent just didn't want to take her child to them. Glad you spoke up and helped that family.
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Being supervised isn't enough if a parent thinks it is OK for their child to pee in a public hot tub.

Everyone pees in the pool but no one wants to admit it, kinda like picking your nose or indulging in self gratification. It's really not that big a deal. There's chemicals they put in the water to kill the germs.


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