Amanda & Josh's Wishes Wedding - 05.04.15 - SBP/Attic/UK Lochside - The End (Complete)

Wait, people left your reception early? Before cake early? RUDE. I've only been to one wedding in my adult life besides my own, so I don't know if this is a thing, but seriously, super rude. Barring toddler meltdown or family/medical emergency I would have been not happy with those folks.

I love that they're giving out those crystals now! I'm so jealous....quick vow renewal maybe? :D

Even though it makes things really crazy timeline-wise, I think having a DP is the best thing you can do for a brunch wedding. It makes the letdown after the reception so much gentler!

Eeeee can't wait for your DP!
Wait, people left your reception early? Before cake early? RUDE. I've only been to one wedding in my adult life besides my own, so I don't know if this is a thing, but seriously, super rude. Barring toddler meltdown or family/medical emergency I would have been not happy with those folks.

I love that they're giving out those crystals now! I'm so jealous....quick vow renewal maybe? :D

Even though it makes things really crazy timeline-wise, I think having a DP is the best thing you can do for a brunch wedding. It makes the letdown after the reception so much gentler!

Eeeee can't wait for your DP!
Yeah... I definitely would have preferred people didn't leave early for more park time, especially considering the insane price per head... but that's part of having a Disney wedding when you have guests with kids, I suppose. (I've only left one wedding before cake, ever, and that's because we had already been at the reception for almost 2 hours before the food service even started, and there was no booze either.)

A VR sounds great! I say go for it. :lmao: I'm already brainstorming ours... Aulani or DCL? :D

I totally agree about having a DP. It was a great "grand finale" for the day, for sure!
Your wedding is one of my all time favorite Disney Weddings I have seen on these boards. If I had go back and redo my wedding again, i would mirror yours. Everything is so pretty and just perfect. Your venue, the floral, the cake, etc.

It is too bad that your first dance was interrupted but there are always hiccups in every wedding. I can recall quite a few in my own wedding day. I can't believe guests left during your wedding for a FASTPASS. That is so not classy. It costs a lot of money to throw a wedding. Too bad they did not get that. I can understand if a parent has to leave for a fussy child. That is not really their fault but a Fastpass, really? Anyway, it looked like you had a beautiful wedding. Can't wait to see the DP.
I second Jenn on the rude people leaving early!! Not cool especially with your parent dances still pending but your parent dance was super cute I love seeing those! and too bad about having to carry everything back to your room you think Disney would have handled that, o well glad it wasn't too bad! and I am so jealous you got those crystals from the movie have freaking amazing is that! Can't wait to hear about the dessert party! :goodvibes
Yeah... I definitely would have preferred people didn't leave early for more park time, especially considering the insane price per head... but that's part of having a Disney wedding when you have guests with kids, I suppose. (I've only left one wedding before cake, ever, and that's because we had already been at the reception for almost 2 hours before the food service even started, and there was no booze either.)

A VR sounds great! I say go for it. :lmao: I'm already brainstorming ours... Aulani or DCL? :D

I totally agree about having a DP. It was a great "grand finale" for the day, for sure!

I personally am already planning a Memories VR (probably around 15-20 years or so, just because I love love love family commitment or blended family ceremonies in weddings and I want to do one with our own kids once our family is complete :) ) and a DCL one someday, because I want one. Kevin is starting to think I need two VRs because I didn't like the actual wedding!
Your wedding is one of my all time favorite Disney Weddings I have seen on these boards. If I had go back and redo my wedding again, i would mirror yours. Everything is so pretty and just perfect. Your venue, the floral, the cake, etc.

It is too bad that your first dance was interrupted but there are always hiccups in every wedding. I can recall quite a few in my own wedding day. I can't believe guests left during your wedding for a FASTPASS. That is so not classy. It costs a lot of money to throw a wedding. Too bad they did not get that. I can understand if a parent has to leave for a fussy child. That is not really their fault but a Fastpass, really? Anyway, it looked like you had a beautiful wedding. Can't wait to see the DP.
Wow -- considering how many absolutely beautiful weddings have been on here, I take that as a very, very high compliment! Thank you!! Considering what could have gone wrong, the music messing up during the first dance is not a big deal at all. I consider us lucky that our hiccups were so minor! :)

I second Jenn on the rude people leaving early!! Not cool especially with your parent dances still pending but your parent dance was super cute I love seeing those! and too bad about having to carry everything back to your room you think Disney would have handled that, o well glad it wasn't too bad! and I am so jealous you got those crystals from the movie have freaking amazing is that! Can't wait to hear about the dessert party! :goodvibes
Hahaha, I'm sure if we had asked, someone from Disney would have helped us. The stuff we had to take back looked manageable for the two of us, it was just deceptively heavy! :)

I personally am already planning a Memories VR (probably around 15-20 years or so, just because I love love love family commitment or blended family ceremonies in weddings and I want to do one with our own kids once our family is complete :) ) and a DCL one someday, because I want one. Kevin is starting to think I need two VRs because I didn't like the actual wedding!
Blended ceremonies are beautiful. :) I really want a Castaway Cay ceremony... if we hadn't had our Wishes wedding, that's what I would have wanted! They're so pretty. Of course, Aulani is beautiful too... maybe we should just have two VRs, too? Hahaha.
Day 4, Wedding Day! Part Eleven: Dessert Party Part 1

My mom and sister came to our room to help me get back into my dress, and it was a little harder than it was that morning when we had 5 girls there. (You should have seen Josh get me into it on Wednesday for our park pictures…) I touched up my makeup just a bit, and we went to meet Michael, David, and Kristina outside. We shot a little bit along the way as we walked over to the International Gateway.

Around this point, David told us to "walk like we liked each other." Haha. But I was having a hard time keeping up.

The sun was setting now, and everything looked beautiful. The shots we took on the way to the DP are some of my very favorites from the day! The weather was also still beautiful – warm but not hot. There was a bit of a nice breeze, although that turned into a major gust once we got to Lochside. Perhaps because we were closer to the water?

Beautiful sunset.

Most of our guests were already there waiting when we arrived at the International Gateway. There was a bit of confusion because some of them had gone into Epcot after the reception and were already inside, but our guide insisted everyone go in together. So, they had to exit Epcot just to immediately reenter with us. Apparently we got a guide who was a real stickler for rules. I guess I should be happy that we got to take pictures around the UK after the party ended.

Waiting at IG with some of our guests.

Once we were able to enter, our guides led us to UK Lochside. When we arrived, I was excited by how nice all of the food looked. I immediately scoped out our custom Donald Duck cupcakes – they were SO cute! I wish that I had brought Ziploc bags to pilfer them out. There were so many left over… but I doubt our guide would have let us. I did at least have one of the cupcakes, and they were delicious too. The nacho bar was the biggest hit of the night, though. Honestly, more people raved about it than they did any other food served that weekend.

Sundae bar and Donald cupcakes.

Fruit salad. Hopefully someone ate this, because Josh and I didn't.

My beautiful cupcakes.

Part of the nacho bar.

Everyone loved the nacho bar!

I don't think that the centerpieces are exactly what we chose at the PS, but I don't really care. I hardly noticed them, and they were only in a couple of pictures. I'm not sure they were really worth the expense (but they didn't cost much). Thankfully, I am happy to say that I DID eat at the DP. I had a little of everything but the fruit salad. Only one of my Donald cupcakes, though. :( Wish I had gotten a doggy bag of them. Josh and I visited with our families and friends while everyone ate.

Making a sundae (very carefully!).

What was I so excited about in this picture?

Because this little guy was hanging around Lochside with us. :)

The last few minutes of sunlight.

As the sun set, the wind really started to pick up. It got to the point that I was having trouble keeping my veil in place, so Kristina helped me take it off. I gave it to my sister to hold on to, but later realized that I would need it for our park pictures on Wednesday, and they were leaving the Boardwalk at 3:30 am the next morning! We get to that later.

Soon, the announcement came on that Illuminations would be starting in just a couple of minutes. Michael gave us instructions on what he wanted us to do when the fireworks started. We only got to actually watch the slow part of the show, but I love our firework pictures so much that it's worth it. :p

Josh and I took our place by the railing, and soon we heard the first 'booms' of the fireworks along with some 'oohs' from our guests.
I'm loving everything! I'm glad you said not to spend money on DP centerpieces so I just asked for a votive candle for each table. How were the cupcakes? They looked so pretty! The nacho bar and sundae bar looked amazing!!! You captured some beautiful pictures. I think my biggest fear is that it will be too hot and I will sweat so much. . . lol It was nice hearing how nice the night was for you. Can't wait to hear more! :)
Love love love the last few minutes of sunlight picture!!!!

The cupcakes are too stinkin' cute! What flavor was the cake?
I LOVE YOUR CUPCAKES!!! How freaking cute are those! and your ice bar yumm! I am sucker for sweet things! and what a cliff hanger! I can't wait to see firework pictures! :hyper:
I'm loving everything! I'm glad you said not to spend money on DP centerpieces so I just asked for a votive candle for each table. How were the cupcakes? They looked so pretty! The nacho bar and sundae bar looked amazing!!! You captured some beautiful pictures. I think my biggest fear is that it will be too hot and I will sweat so much. . . lol It was nice hearing how nice the night was for you. Can't wait to hear more! :)
Yes, I barely noticed the DP centerpieces, and they are only in a couple of pictures. I don't think it would have been a big deal to not have anything at all! The cupcakes were DELICIOUS. We lucked out that it wasn't too hot the day of the wedding. Either way, generally once the sun goes down, even in the heat of September and October, it usually feels pretty nice outside. :)

Love love love the last few minutes of sunlight picture!!!!

The cupcakes are too stinkin' cute! What flavor was the cake?
The cupcakes were "blue" velvet with cream cheese frosting! They were SO good. Sure wish I had one now... haha.

I LOVE YOUR CUPCAKES!!! How freaking cute are those! and your ice bar yumm! I am sucker for sweet things! and what a cliff hanger! I can't wait to see firework pictures! :hyper:
I'm a big sweet tooth too! And a sucker for salty things... I guess I just like food! :lmao:I know... I can't wait to share the firework pictures. I love them!
Oh wow, your sunset pictures are just stunning. What gorgeous lighting! I agree, those shots around the Boardwalk area are amongst the best so far. I'm glad you actually got to eat at your DP - and what is it about the nacho bar? Everyone loves a nacho bar I guess!

Why did you stop right before the best part? (I feel like I've said that every single post - let's just agree that the whole day is the best part shall we?)
Those Donald cupcakes are so cute!!! More pictures!!! They're so beautiful!
Those Donald cupcakes are quite possibly the cutest thing ever. Also love the nacho and sundae bar! "Build-your-own" bars are always so fun!
Oh wow, your sunset pictures are just stunning. What gorgeous lighting! I agree, those shots around the Boardwalk area are amongst the best so far. I'm glad you actually got to eat at your DP - and what is it about the nacho bar? Everyone loves a nacho bar I guess!

Why did you stop right before the best part? (I feel like I've said that every single post - let's just agree that the whole day is the best part shall we?)
Haha! I had to leave it on a cliff hanger because the wedding day entries are almost over. :( But I guess I at least have the park pictures and the honeymoon TR to do. It's just not the same.

Those Donald cupcakes are so cute!!! More pictures!!! They're so beautiful!
Thank you! :goodvibes I loved them!

Those Donald cupcakes are quite possibly the cutest thing ever. Also love the nacho and sundae bar! "Build-your-own" bars are always so fun!
Thank you! :) I was so happy with how the cupcakes turned out -- and they were delicious, too! Our guests loved the build your own bars. They were a big hit.
Haha! I had to leave it on a cliff hanger because the wedding day entries are almost over. :( But I guess I at least have the park pictures and the honeymoon TR to do. It's just not the same.

I know what you mean - I honestly remember being more sad when the TR of my wedding day was over than on the wedding day itself - I blame the excitement of having the honeymoon, getting photos & videos back, and looking forward to writing the TR for the lack of letdown on the wedding day (or maybe I just have such a crap memory that I've already forgotten being sad back in October!)
People left before cake???!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!!! Yea, seriously unless it's kid meltdown or sickness you don't leave a wedding! People, I swear. :mad:

Your donald cupcakes are so stinkin' cute!! My husband would die for those! Except they would have to be peanut butter flavored LOL.
Donald is his "boy". He does the donald talk to the baby all the time. It's so cute. I wish we had in the budget to have at least Donald come. But it's just so expensive &
there isn't going to be a lot of us. We can get a character interaction at one of the meals or something.

Ok, so Nacho bar added to our dessert party...check. :P

OK, Where did you get your headpiece??!!

Love your TR so far!
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I was wondering if your reception felt too long? You said people started leaving early. I was thinking about cutting an hour from the reception since mine is so early in the morning (I'm not sure if that is even possible lol).
People left before cake???!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!!! Yea, seriously unless it's kid meltdown or sickness you don't leave a wedding! People, I swear. :mad:

Your donald cupcakes are so stinkin' cute!! My husband would die for those! Except they would have to be peanut butter flavored LOL.
Donald is his "boy". He does the donald talk to the baby all the time. It's so cute. I wish we had in the budget to have at least Donald come. But it's just so expensive &
there isn't going to be a lot of us. We can get a character interaction at one of the meals or something.

Ok, so Nacho bar added to our dessert party...check. :P

OK, Where did you get your headpiece??!!

Love your TR so far!
Perhaps Chef Mickey's since you're staying at BLT? :) Tusker House is my favorite Donald meal, though.

Yes, the nacho bar is awesome! :D My headpiece came from David's Bridal. Actually, my dress and veil both did as well.

I was wondering if your reception felt too long? You said people started leaving early. I was thinking about cutting an hour from the reception since mine is so early in the morning (I'm not sure if that is even possible lol).
I really don't think so. I had the same worry you did before the wedding (part of why I added the Dans), but on the day of, it seemed to go by very quickly. Only a small group left early, and that was so they could get more park time. :rolleyes: (Well, one was due to a child meltdown, so that's understandable.) Everyone else stayed the entire time. I don't think it was too long, especially when you consider that you generally will miss almost an entire hour of it when you're taking pictures.
Even if I weren't a big WDW fan, I think your wedding was absolutely the lovliest wedding I've ever seen.


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