Amanda & Josh's Wishes Wedding - 05.04.15 - SBP/Attic/UK Lochside - The End (Complete)

Love the reception photos! I especially love the centerpieces - they are so simple and beautiful!
I love love love love that cake! And I love your reaction even more!

Hahaha, I want mimosa's too.

Ok, what was your tables centerpieces called? The ones with the rope around them? That is so cute. I might just want something that simple for our table or on the memorial table.
Is the flower a hydrangea?
Your cake reaction face is just fantastic - the most appropriate reaction to cake! Such a shame you didn't get to try the tea cups though :(

I remember seeing the stream of your first dance and wondering what was up - it was such a sweet song and such a beautiful moment between you two.

Love the reception photos! I especially love the centerpieces - they are so simple and beautiful!
Thank you so much! :goodvibes

I love love love love that cake! And I love your reaction even more!

Hahaha, I want mimosa's too.

Ok, what was your tables centerpieces called? The ones with the rope around them? That is so cute. I might just want something that simple for our table or on the memorial table.
Is the flower a hydrangea?
The centerpieces for the tables were just based on my request. Really, I just showed the florist a picture of something similar and they replicated it with a few tweaks based on what I wanted. :) They're white hydrangeas. I loved how they turned out! They didn't cost too terribly much, either. So win-win! :thumbsup2

Your cake reaction face is just fantastic - the most appropriate reaction to cake! Such a shame you didn't get to try the tea cups though :(

I remember seeing the stream of your first dance and wondering what was up - it was such a sweet song and such a beautiful moment between you two.

Yes, food! Although, to be honest, looking at the food pictures kind of bums me out. Just because of how little I actually got to eat! :lmao:
Day 4, Wedding Day! Part Eight: Toast, Food, & Dapper Dans

Warning: this post is pretty image heavy… but everyone wants to see the food, right? Haha. Immediately following our first dance, we had the toast. Dustin actually performed our toast as well, because my sister and several other members of the bridal party requested an out due to nervousness. I transcribed a snippet of the toast below, as well as I could do it. LOL

"All right, so it is my understanding that we will be eating after this, so I'm going to knock it down from 5 pages of my favorite book to just 3. (laughter) That's not true – the last thing I read was The Hunger Games, and I don't think that really applies. Josh and I, we met in kindergarten. My very first week of kindergarten! Both of us have terrible memories, because neither of us can remember if it was my first day where I got on the wrong bus or the second day where I was finally on the right bus. That's how long we've known each other. (laughter) But Josh has been in my life ever since then. I think we bonded over our mutual love of Mega Man and video games, and I'm glad to say that has not faded. Friends all through middle school, all through high school, roommates in college, I lived with them even a little bit after I graduated… so, a long time.

Amanda, a little bit later in life. From the info I got during the interview sessions to make sure I had these dates right, she was only 10 years old – which sounds a little weird, but I was only like 12, so... (laughter) We bonded over our love of Sailor Moon. Again, we have similar interests. She made such an impression on me, and Bowman and I were such similar people, I introduced her to Bowman online and that's where it all kind of started. So that's where I take all the credit from, that very beginning there. They officially got together, I believe it was senior prom, so high school sweethearts - and all through college! I mean, Bowman had tons of women asking him for dates, and he would just turn them all down, flat out. (laughter) So romantic and sweet.

And now, here they are today, several years later, right where I knew they would be (murmur) – what was that? (Amanda: SEVERAL!) Okay. A FEW years later (laughter) (Amanda: Twelve!!!) Oh no, nonsense. (laughter) But right where I knew they would end up. I am so happy for both of them, and I am glad I got to be part of this day with several of my friends that I've been friends with along with Bowman, all here right now today. It means a lot. I am so happy for you guys. And also, I picked out that dress! (laughter) So, again, all me! But from this point on, I promise it's all about them. And I know that your future will shine even brighter than your past together. I love you both. Congratulations!"

Listening to the toast.

Immediately following the toast, one of the servers walked me through the buffet to make a plate for me. I got a little of everything but the pork. Sadly, I didn't eat very much but picked a little at everything. From what I tasted, my favorites were the pasta, the crepes, and of course the waffles.

The buffet.

Pasta. It was good… wish I had eaten more!!!

Pork and seasonal vegetables.

Yummy potatoes.

Mickey waffle bar in all of its splendor.

My beautiful waffles.

Making me a plate… sigh.

Egg station.

They also brought out a special dish for me to the sweetheart table: paneer tikka from Sanaa. I had completely forgotten about mentioning that at our tasting. So, here is part of why I hardly got to eat. Very shortly after we sat down with our plates, the Dans appeared to perform their second set. They asked me where I would like them to be, inside or on the balcony, and I said we would come out and watch on the balcony. By the time I got back almost 20 minutes later, I was distracted and only nibbled here and there. Sigh… Luckily, all of our guests really seemed to enjoy the food.

The Dans.

During one of the songs, they had Josh come up and join them.

Josh and the Dans

I was loving it!

Ending with a kiss.

After the set ended, we went back inside. Josh ate while I distractedly nibbled here and there, and we made our marriage Facebook official. We also had fun visiting with our guests. When the Dans came back for their final set, they stayed inside for that one. It was also my favorite (although I obviously didn't see the first one). I felt a little bad, maybe a touch annoyed, because the majority of our guests just stayed out on the balcony and were being a little noisy during the performance. I debated getting up and closing the doors, but thought that would just bring more attention to the situation. Oh well… Josh and I loved it, and that's what matters. Ha. David also streamed that set, which I thought was really neat.

Afterward, we posed for a picture with the Dans and thanked them.

Just a few minutes later, Diane came and told me, "The Ducks are en route. Do you want to meet them outside?" I was so geekishly excited! :woohoo: This was one of the things I was looking forward to most about the day. Josh and I waited at the entrance to the Attic, ready to greet them and escort them inside.
Ahhh your wedding day just gets better and better! I am such a big foodie I LOVE seeing food pictures and those mickey waffles looked amazing! and too bad you didn't get to eat much of your food but I totally understand being wrapped up in all that excitement! And how cute your husband sang with the Dapper Dans! and too bad people were being noisy during their song inside! :sad2: and your groomsmen speech was amazing! How sweet that you both have had such a life long friend like that truly amazing!

and ducks en route!! Can't wait to hear all about that! and never to picture heavy! more pictures always as a general rule of thumb! :p
Ahhh your wedding day just gets better and better! I am such a big foodie I LOVE seeing food pictures and those mickey waffles looked amazing! and too bad you didn't get to eat much of your food but I totally understand being wrapped up in all that excitement! And how cute your husband sang with the Dapper Dans! and too bad people were being noisy during their song inside! :sad2: and your groomsmen speech was amazing! How sweet that you both have had such a life long friend like that truly amazing!

and ducks en route!! Can't wait to hear all about that! and never to picture heavy! more pictures always as a general rule of thumb! :p

I love seeing pictures of food too! These bum me out just a little, but at least I ate a little more at our DP. Haha. Yes, thankfully Josh is a good singer. :rotfl: People wouldn't want me singing with the Dans! And... yes, the Ducks! One of my favorite parts of the day. Can't wait to share. :)
Foooooooooood! I'm glad everything was delicious, though it's sad you didn't get a chance to eat as much. At least it was for a good reason - the Dapper Dans are always fantastic! Please tell me you at least got some cake later?!

I can't wait to see your duck reaction shots - I bet they're amazing!
Foooooooooood! I'm glad everything was delicious, though it's sad you didn't get a chance to eat as much. At least it was for a good reason - the Dapper Dans are always fantastic! Please tell me you at least got some cake later?!

I can't wait to see your duck reaction shots - I bet they're amazing!
I did get to eat some cake! Phew. We actually made it through a respectable amount of our top tier through the week, too. But the fondant was really hard to peel with plastic utensils, so we had to basically eat around it in a big mess. Anything for cake, though! :lmao:

Hoping my duck pictures don't disappoint! Haha.

Love the Dapper Dans.

Food looks delish! That is too bad you didn't get to eat much of it.

Keep 'em coming!
Oh well. At least everyone else enjoyed the food! I love the Dapper Dans too. We have a hard time seeing any their performances in MK because we almost never make our way back to Main Street until we're leaving. It was nice having them come to us. :D
Beautiful photos!!I love your Cinderella Carriage photos on the Boardwalk. You'll definitely remember that moment for the rest of your life! How unique! The weather on your wedding day looks absolutely perfect!
Beautiful photos!!I love your Cinderella Carriage photos on the Boardwalk. You'll definitely remember that moment for the rest of your life! How unique! The weather on your wedding day looks absolutely perfect!

Thank you! :teeth: It was definitely an awesome moment, for sure. We really lucked out with the weather. It was sunny, breezy, and not too hot. I said I wouldn't complain about the weather during the rest of the trip, so long as the wedding day was nice. Haha. It didn't get too hot until later in the week.
I'm loving your TR so far, everything seems just perfect! I'm taking mental notes about scheduling for our day... I'll get cranky if I don't eat! Lol! I'm undecided about speciality transportation for the ceremony (although I love the landau coach), and your pictures in Cinderella's carriage are saying me towards wanting it! Let's hope there's space in my budget. You can never be too picture heavy, pictures are good! Can't wait for the rest of the day!
I'm loving your TR so far, everything seems just perfect! I'm taking mental notes about scheduling for our day... I'll get cranky if I don't eat! Lol! I'm undecided about speciality transportation for the ceremony (although I love the landau coach), and your pictures in Cinderella's carriage are saying me towards wanting it! Let's hope there's space in my budget. You can never be too picture heavy, pictures are good! Can't wait for the rest of the day!
Thank you! :) The landau coach is beautiful, and it looks great on the Boardwalk! But we got lucky that all of our guests were either at the BW/BC or had cars. Not having to provide transportation helped us keep the coach in our budget.
Day 4, Wedding Day! Part Nine: Donald & Daisy, Cake Cutting

Josh and I waited at the door to the Attic until we saw Donald and Daisy coming down the hall. Like a little kid, I'm pretty sure I nearly shouted "HI DONALD! HI DAISY!" when I saw them walk up. Wonder if that footage will make the wedding film. Hahaha. We greeted Donald and Daisy with hugs, and they motioned for us to escort them inside.

For their grand entrance music, we chose what seems to be a lesser known Donald theme. I'm not even 100% sure of the title since I've only seen it on one of the old Disney sing-along VHS tapes, but it's "Quack, Quack, Quack, Donald Duck" or something like that.

Welcoming the Ducks.

We were told to have a few additional songs prepared for dancing and cake cutting with the Ducks, so we chose the Duck Tales theme, "Happy," the Disney version of Mambo Number 5, and the Disney song medley from the Magical Express. Josh isn't much of a dancer so he didn't dance the whole time, but I did. Not many of our guests jumped in and danced with the Ducks either, but I didn't care. I was having a wonderful time. :lmao:

So much fun!

Donald especially had some pretty good dance moves that day. He did several pretty enthusiastic spins, which made it into our sneak peek film. Haha. Honestly, having the Ducks there was one of the best parts of the day. It was a blast! Originally, we only planned to have Donald, but I'm definitely glad we decided to have Daisy as well.

Our littlest guests were a little apprehensive about the Ducks, but I think they warmed to them eventually. :)

A few guests joined in on the dancing a little bit later.

After a few songs, we were told that it was time for cake cutting. Thankfully there was someone there to talk us through it. I know that the cake was going to be cut immediately following anyway, but it was nerve wracking making the first cut in that beautiful cake!

One of my very favorite pictures from the day. :D

Donald noticing the Duck statue by our cake.

This was so cute. As the cast member was working to peel the fondant from the piece we cut, Donald got impatient and started tapping his foot. It was a hoot.

I had warned him beforehand: absolutely no cake smashing. Haha.

After we cut the cake, the serving staff took it away to cut pieces and box our top tier. While waiting, Donald and Daisy posed for more pictures on the balcony. Any guest who wanted one could get a picture with the Ducks. Even though not too many people joined in on the dancing, almost everyone wanted their picture taken with Donald and Daisy. :)

Unfortunately right about this time, the wind really picked up.

Looking off at Sea Breeze in the distance.

Donald and Daisy suggested this pose. Super friends handshake...? Whatever, it's cute. LOL

Most of our guests got pictures and then, just like that, it was time to say goodbye. They signed our guest book and we escorted them back outside.

Bye Donald! Bye Daisy!

Now it was time to eat that delicious cake and for parent dances.
Ducks! They're adorable and you look so totally happy to have them. Clearly it was the right decision.

Yesssssss the Ducktales theme song! Probably one of the great theme songs of all time.
OMG i love the Ducks!!! That is very Donald like for him to tap his foot impatiently waiting for the cake to be cut! and the handshake thing is cute what awesome memories you are going to have I can't wait to see your video hopefully the dancing with the Ducks makes it in it seems so cute!
Your wedding was just beautiful. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the dessert party turned out. We had Mickey and Minnie at our VR in 2011 and it was such a treat. The pictures are priceless..
Ducks! They're adorable and you look so totally happy to have them. Clearly it was the right decision.

Yesssssss the Ducktales theme song! Probably one of the great theme songs of all time.
Yes, everyone seemed to love that we had the theme song. However, I realized that none of us knew all the words. We only chimed in for the "DUCK TALES! WOO!" parts. Hahaha.

OMG i love the Ducks!!! That is very Donald like for him to tap his foot impatiently waiting for the cake to be cut! and the handshake thing is cute what awesome memories you are going to have I can't wait to see your video hopefully the dancing with the Ducks makes it in it seems so cute!
I can't wait for the video either... but I know it's going to be awhile! I'm sure my shameless dancing will be in there somewhere. :rotfl2:

Your wedding was just beautiful. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the dessert party turned out. We had Mickey and Minnie at our VR in 2011 and it was such a treat. The pictures are priceless..
Thank you! I can't wait to get to the dessert party either, because those are some of my very favorite pictures from the day! :) I love seeing character pictures at the weddings! Just adds a little extra touch of Disney. :)
Day 4, Wedding Day! Part Ten: Parent Dances & Final Reception Moments

After Donald and Daisy left, it was time for the cake to be served. At this point, the reception was beginning to wind down.

Delicious cake.

Okay, the fact that we both have food on the table means this actually happened earlier in the reception. I was thinking it was at the end for some reason. Anyway, Diane gave us the last DFTW present: a crystal from the chandelier in the Cinderella movie. Each couple will be getting one until they run out of them.

Cool picture of the crystal with our rings.

We spent a little while visiting and eating cake. By now, several of our guests had left (and missed cake!) because they had Fast Passes to catch or they had fussy little ones. Here are a few pictures from the moments of lingering.

David asked me if we were planning to do parent dances, and I realized that I had completely forgotten about them. I felt bad because their coverage technically ended a few minutes beforehand, but they stayed to capture the dances for our wedding film. For the dance with my dad, I chose the version of "The Way You Look Tonight" from Father of the Bride. Josh chose "What a Wonderful World."

Before we knew it, the reception was over. :( Somehow, everyone also managed to leave without helping us carry out our stuff. LOL. Josh and I had to carry a rolling suitcase (full of the décor), the box with our top tier of cake, and the box of our left over chocolate tea cups back to our room in our wedding attire. Thankfully we made it okay – cake is heavier than you might think!

When we got back to our room, we were surprised to find that flowers had been delivered while we were gone. They were from DFTW floral department. They stayed beautiful the entire time we were there. They were still pretty when we checked out, and I hated throwing them away. :( But I wanted to keep the cute vase.

Flowers delivered to our room.

A lot of people have asked me whether or not I left my dress on between the reception and dessert party. No way! :lmao:I did keep on my corset and slip, though. Before we left the reception, I had asked my mom and sister to come to our room before we left for the dessert party so that they could help me get my dress back on. I always assumed that I would use the lull period to take a nap, but I was way too excited and wound up to do that. I looked at some pictures that had been posted on Facebook and re-watched the live stream of our ceremony.

I dozed off for maybe 15-20 minutes before it was time to start freshening up before we headed out. I was still a little bummed that the reception was over, but I was super excited about our dessert party!
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