Simply having a wonderful Christmas Time -12/24-12/31/12 UPDATED 3/4

Interaction with Santa Goofy, DHS 12/24



A few photopass from EPCOT




Im going to go edit my MK post and put some in there. :goodvibes from our early morning visit.
So we left from Tomorrowland, with our eye on Fantasyland. The sun was up and out now, and there was a photopass photographer on the bridge from Tomorrowland to the castle. (MOM!) no actually they never complained about pictures. Maybe because I've snapping picture like crazy since before they were born. :rotfl2:

She didnt have a tripod, so DD7 asked her polietly if she did magic shots. She said why yes ma'am I do! What did you have in mind? DD11 asked about stitch, and she said, I dont do those, but in AK you can get it. I do some though you want to try? We said "SURE!"

So....ta da! (I heart magic shots)



then my fave...

the a family one


The photographer told us that the line was building for Enchanted Tales with Belle, so we grabbed FPs for Under the Sea and hopped in line for ETWB. The sign said 50 mins - and it was totally right. exactly 50 mins.




DD7 was looking at me, even though I was trying to get her to look at the photopass photog. :rotfl2: (they are well trained to pose I guess for me)

Totally worth the wait! It was ADORABLE. The theme of the queue and the cottage were great, and the mirror was way too cool. The wardrobe was cool too. The CM asked if anyone else wanted a part, and DD11 raised her hand, but they didnt see her and she was bummed about that. The little show is cute too, and they let other people get in line for pictures.

After our visit with Belle, it was time to use our FP for Under the Sea. It was cute, but not a "must do" if we go back. Paused to take this photo


Then back to get FP for Peter Pan. We got bonus FPs for Philharmagic, and while I was getting the FPs, the kids found this:


THEN, we just happened up on, none other than....




Yes, that is a near empty Fantasyland, at about 915am 12/26/12!!!

From there we went to Philharmagic - we LOVE that show, and then we had enough time to ride Its a Small World before our PP FP was ready.

Enjoyed it- except we got stuck in the polynesian area right next to the Hula dancers. For like 15 mins. I was very tired of hula by the time we got out. DH snickered and said - at least we arent in the room where they are singing the song in all the languages...


It was the exact opening of our FP time for Peter Pan (1035 am) when we came out, so straight over there we went. I LOVE Peter. And so do the DDs. I rode with DH11 this time and DH rode with DD7.

If you are keeping score, between 7-1045 we rode Buzz 4x, Space Mtn, Stitch's Great Escape, Laugh Floor, ETWB, Under the Sea, Philarmagic, IASW, and Peter Pan, and posed with 3 different photopass photogs

It was now about 1045...what fun would be next? got a lot done the day after Christmas in the early morning! Great job :thumbsup2
I love your Mickey (lanyard) ticket holder. Where did you get that? I really want to lighten my load on our next trip. I was always afraid of the lanyard holders....afraid my ticket or room keys would fall out. This one looks like it would be nice and safe. Do you mind sharing where you bought it?
We decided we should make our way to some lunch, and everyone wanted Cosmic Rays. So we made our way over back to Tomorrowland.

And, who did we happen to stumble across? PUSH! None of us had ever seen PUSH, so that was a neat treat. We didnt take pictures we just watched him dance. He was dancing to "Dynamite".

Then to Cosmic Rays! DH, DD11 and I got burgers, and hit the toppings bar. DD7 wanted chicken nuggets. I liked the "cant sit until you have food rule", and I liked them seating us. As soon as we got food and got our toppings, we were seated immediatly. So it was about 1130 when we finished our lunch, and it was SLAMMED! Its like people just magically appeared. :rotfl2: We came out of lunch and were like WHERE did these PEOPLE come from??? :rotfl2:

So next up, the Peoplemover. We figured that would be a nice way to let our lunch settle, and take in the sites. Very relaxing ride. From the peoplemover, we spotted a very important person to my DD11, and as soon as we got off we had to head to see....



It looked like it might threaten to rain, any minute...

DD7 was itching to get to Castle Couture, so we decided to let her do some shopping. It started to sprinkle on our way to the shop, and just as we got there, the bottom fell out! So, we passed some time shopping for DD7 to pick out the dress she wanted, for her BBB appt on Friday. She chose Tinkerbelle, including wings and the flower ring for her head. While we were picking out, trying on and buying, DD11 was shopping and bought a couple of BFF necklaces for her best friends.

Of course as soon as we bought it DD7 had to put her Tink dress on, and then we got out the ponchos. We weren't gonna let a little rain stop us!! We made our way in the rain over to...


It was raining SO hard, no one was out. there was a 0 min wait for Magic Carpets, but we decided to keep going and to Pirates. Most people were hanging out under awings and not moving, so the line wasn't building at Pirates. We rode Pirates, I love that ride! Then shopped in the gift shop. A coworker had asked me to pick up the Pirate Periodic Table tshirt for him, he wanted it over Thanksgiving, so we got that and the girls got swords and DD7 also got a periscope.

When we came out of the store, the sun was out, it was heating up and the crowds were back! It was about 130, so we decided that a DOLE WHIP was in order!! :cool1:

DH and I got Floats

DD7 got the orange/vanilla

DD11 got pineapple/vanilla

While we were sitting, we realized we were very very very tired. Like so tired the thought of walking made me want to cry. :rotfl2:

We sat there for about 20 mins, and decided that it was time to call it a day. It was about 230, and we have reservations at the Plaza at 5, but we didnt even care. We made our way to the front of the park, when DD7 spied her FAVORITE Character!!



Then a very weary crew walked toward the bus stop. A POFQ bus was there, but we saw the door close and heard him put the bus in gear, but we waved, and HE WAITED Talk about pixie dust. The thought of waiting 20 more mins was almost unbearable!! There was only one other couple on the bus, they had seen us and pointed us out, and the driver said if it was ok, he'd wait. They said it was. We thanked them all so much! so 15 mins later we arrived at the resort. We tried to tip the driver for waiting (I know its not a tipped position but we wanted to try in this case, since he didnt HAVE to wait) but he wouldnt take it, but he was very appreciative of the offer.

It was now about 3- we had reservations in 2 hours that I KNEW we'd never be able to make, so would we find anything else to eat?

Stopped at the concierge to ask.....

Wonder what they said?
So it was about 3pm when we got to POFQ. The Mardi Gras man was opening the door and giving out doubloons.

DH and the kids sat on the bench while I went to see if concierge could help us out with our reservation. Thankfully, the Plaza isnt one that requires a credit card, so I knew I wouldn't be taking the hit cancelling.

The CM at Concierge was so NICE. I dont remember his name, unfortunatly, I was so tired I could barely remember mine. But he looked for dining for us, we decided to get something late, so we could take a nap. There werent many things available, but he recommended the Wave in the Contemporary. I took an 830 pm reservation, which is late for us, but I figured if we took a nap and rested that would be fine. Plus we had plenty of snacks around if we needed a bite before then. Took the print out, and headed to our room. Told the girls if they'd let me and DH rest, Id take them to the campfire at 530. DH hit the bed, and was asleep in minutes, I took a couple aleve, and ran a big ole tub of water and soaked my feet for about 30 mins. The kids wanted to as well, so after I got out, we ran it again and they did too. Then I took a nap.

The kids were angels while we napped, quietly watching disney channel and relaxing too, the did eat some of their candy apples from yesterday. And we all had a little caramel popcorn. About 515 I got up and got ready to take them to the campfire. It was a little chilly, so we took our cups and got some hot cocoa. Then, it was marshmallow time!!


weee bit charred


You got your first one for "free" but after that the CM asked questions, and if you answered you got another one. After they had about 6 each :lmao: another CM came out and told us that since there had been such trouble with the computers at check in, that the arcade was on free play. Apparently the computers went down about 3, and they couldnt check anyone in or give tickets, and it was nearly 6 by this point - which I'm sure lead to a lot of irritated people. The kids BEGGED to go to the arcade :lmao: so I txted DH and told him we were going to play in the arcade.



The kids played for awhile, until word got out and the room filled up. We went back to our room for me to prop my feet back up, and wait until time to leave for the Wave.

About 7 we made our way to the bus stop, I wasnt sure how long it would take to get to the Contemporary, and I didnt want to be late. It was a quick ride to MK, and the monorail pulled up as we did. We had PLENTY of time, so we rode the monorail all the way around the loop. The girls had never been on it, so they enjoyed it. Second time we came to the Contemporary, we got off. Saw the gingerbread tree, DH had to pick up some visine, his eyes were dry, and we made our way down to the Wave.

The Wave was by far, hands down, my favorite meal of the trip. We had the BEST server I have had in a long time. His name was Shiloh, and he was awesome. In fact, he made such an impression on us, I mentioned him to the hostesses on the way out, the registration desk at the Contemporary, and wrote guest services an email. But I am getting a head of myself. As we walked up, I realized I didn't have the slip the hotel gave me. And we weren't on the list. They hostess didn't even bat an eye. She asked me when I made the reservation, I told her that it was about 3 - she said that explains it, the system went down right after 3. They assured is it would be short wait, and in less than 10 mins they were leading us to our table.

For dinner, DH and I both got Ahi tuna, DD11 got a chili steak with udon noodles, and dd7 got cheese pizza.

My tuna with corn salad/relish was the best thing I put in my mouth this trip.

Dh liked it too, though he liked Le Cellier better.

DD11 liked hers too

For dessert this was my plate

the kids were tickled that the truffle had "edible gold" on it, they both ate part so they could say they ate gold.

DH and DD11 both got this one


DD7 got the make your sundae.

Shiloh took this picture for us

After a long, tiring day, he was the perfect server to help us relax, rest and refresh. I can't sing his praises high enough! It was almost 10 when we left the resturant, but we felt MUCH better. We got on the monorail to head back to MK, hoping to beat the throngs leaving after wishes. And guess what? The fireworks started, and we could see them from the monorail. It was beautiful. The girls ooohed and ahhhhed. we arrived at MK before they were over, and watched the rest on our way to the bus. A bus was there, and we were home, and in bed in no time.

Tomorrow as early at AK - think we can make 3 early days in a row? got a lot done the day after Christmas in the early morning! Great job :thumbsup2
I love your Mickey (lanyard) ticket holder. Where did you get that? I really want to lighten my load on our next trip. I was always afraid of the lanyard holders....afraid my ticket or room keys would fall out. This one looks like it would be nice and safe. Do you mind sharing where you bought it?

Me too. I dont mind at all. I got it on EBAY, I think it was about $6, maybe $8. It was perfect! I love the fact that it zipped up. They had several different kinds, but I liked the Mickey. Later I saw them on Amazon too, maybe a little cheaper? I kept all our tickets, and FPs in it, and I put receipts in it during the day.
I think we will have to try The Wave on our next WDW trip....which *may* be Dec 2014 (we're going to DL Dec 2013).

I also noticed that POFQ always had a bus waiting when we would have a line 4 deep in the queue for POR! :( One time we actually took the bus to POFQ and walked to our room at POR......we were pretty close to our lobby/foodcourt area so the walk wasn't horrible.

You did great with the rides the morning after Christmas! Don't you love mornings like that?
I think we will have to try The Wave on our next WDW trip....which *may* be Dec 2014 (we're going to DL Dec 2013).

I also noticed that POFQ always had a bus waiting when we would have a line 4 deep in the queue for POR! :( One time we actually took the bus to POFQ and walked to our room at POR......we were pretty close to our lobby/foodcourt area so the walk wasn't horrible.

You did great with the rides the morning after Christmas! Don't you love mornings like that?

Ohh do it! The Wave was great. I'd eat there again!!
We were very very pleased with the bus service at POFQ. And yes, the mornings were AWESOME!

All my readers, I'm sorry for the long pause. Friday just after lunch we got word that my BIL was being airlifted to Vanderbilt University hospital, he'd overdosed himself on painkillers and nerve pills. This is my husbands brother, and it was 5 months to the day that my FIL passed away. We rushed to Nashville, but we didnt make it in time. He passed just before we got there. Needless to say, its been a very very rough week, dealing with his passing, and helping their mom make funeral arrangements. We just got back home today, and I hope to get going again soon.
So third full day in the most magical place on earth, and we are up early for...

ANIMAL KINGDOM!!! We are at the bus stop like we should be, bright eyed and bushy tailed, at 7am. We make it before opening, And its COLD!!!! None of the four of us have been to AK before, we LOVE animals as a family, and we are excited!



We line up, first at our turnstiles and wait for the opening! About 15 mins early, they let us through the turnstiles. We are headed first to Expedition Everest. DD7, though she had said she wasnt riding anything scary, she decided she wanted to try it.

We were held at the rope for a few minutes, and I snapped this


After being held by the rope for a few minutes, we walked to EE. We got FP on our way up, and were to the front of the queue in no time. RIGHT as we were about to load, DD7 said, NOPE! And out the chicken exit the two of us went. We waited in the gift shop for DD11 and DH to come off the ride. We knew there were about to get there before we saw them...


They LOVED IT & wanted to ride again, and DD11 wanted a bag from the store, so I bought her the bag while they got back in the standby line. Also bought a little Yeti. When they got off the 2nd time, it was FP return time in about 10 mins, but they both thought 2x was plenty. When we came out we noticed SB was up to 30 mins and the FP return times were for 3 hours later. We gave our set of FPs to a couple hoofing it toward the machines, and they were so excited they could walk right on!! :rotfl:

We strolled through the park, and found some African drums.



Next up, the thing I was looking most forward to this morning...

Kilimanjaro Safari!!!! We made our way to the line, and it had a SB time of 5 MINS!!! It was still very cold, but the animals were absolutely beautiful.
We had a great driver, and I snapped tons and tons of pictures. I've included some of the best.
















DD7 was tickled so much by the driver telling us that ostrich's forget which eggs are theirs and it takes most of the day to remember. She has told everyone that will listen.

After our trek through the African plains, we walked the trail nearby. It was cold though, and the monkeys and apes were not out to be seen. Can't say I blame them. HA. But this big fella was posing


It was getting close to our reservation at Tusker House, so we made our way back. We stopped to watch some people playing drums, and then it was time to check in for our 10:15 breakfast!!
I am so sorry to hear about your BIL and coming on the tail of loosing your FIL my heart breaks for your DH and the family. Great update but please take time out to be with the family. The TR can wait.
I am so sorry to hear about your BIL and coming on the tail of loosing your FIL my heart breaks for your DH and the family. Great update but please take time out to be with the family. The TR can wait.

Thank you. After 5 days of it I need a break. We got back to our home today, we are 5 hours away from DHs mom and the rest of the family. I need the distraction away from the mess that he left his Mom and brother to clean up. We were able to go on our trip because of my FIL, and it was in his memory. I need to keep working on it, to finish what we started. :goodvibes
Oh Val I'm so sorry about your news :worried: that is just the pits!!!! Your poor MIL & the rest of the family sad!

You're right though we all need a distraction now & then and this trip is such a beautiful memory for you & your little family and your FIL's memory <3

On a lighter note....thanks to your links to the DISigners in your pre trip report I am slightly obsessed :rotfl2: Funnily enough I didn't even know that part of the dis existed but I sure do now hehe

I am loving your report & can't believe AK was just your third full guys sure did pack a lot in!!
So sorry to hear about your BIL. :hug:

Love your safari pictures!! We have never been on either trail. Always something to do on the next trip. :goodvibes
Oh Val I'm so sorry about your news :worried: that is just the pits!!!! Your poor MIL & the rest of the family sad!

You're right though we all need a distraction now & then and this trip is such a beautiful memory for you & your little family and your FIL's memory <3

On a lighter note....thanks to your links to the DISigners in your pre trip report I am slightly obsessed :rotfl2: Funnily enough I didn't even know that part of the dis existed but I sure do now hehe

I am loving your report & can't believe AK was just your third full guys sure did pack a lot in!!
HA! I didnt know about the DISigners either until I read about it in a TR. they are AMAZING!

So sorry to hear about your BIL. :hug:

Love your safari pictures!! We have never been on either trail. Always something to do on the next trip. :goodvibes

We only went on one trail, but it was very pretty. Id like to get to the second one some time.
It was time for our reservation to Tusker House, so we made our way to the check in stand. After just a few minutes, it was time for our photo with Donald!!



We waited about 10 minutes after our photo and our table was ready. We were put in a room with only a couple of other families. We were hungry, and the food was pretty good! All of us loved the juice. We had time to get our plates ready before the first guests showed up.




Then it was time to DANCE!!


AND we were lucky and got to see the MOUSE again! This time though he made all of us get photos.



After a relaxing and filling late breakfast, we left Tusker House, with plans to see a couple of shows and then head back to the resort.

DD7 wanted to see "Its Tough to be a Bug" she LOVES Its a Bugs Life.


Unfortunately, she didnt see the sign about it being scary. And she was fine, until the hornet scene- she HATES flying stinging critters, so that part was bad. I thought the show was cute though.

After that we made our way to catch the next show of the Festival of the Lion King. We waited about 30 mins before the doors opened, but it was worth it!! Very adorable show. DD7 was picked to be the elephant.



When we came out of FOTLK, we decided that it was time to head back to the resort, so we could rest up for our WISHES Dessert Party!!!

On the way out, the girls bought Cheetah/Giraffe Mickey Ears, and we posed for some photopass photos.





We boarded the bus, and back to the resort we went. Tucked everyone in for a nap, and I headed to the laundry to wash some jeans. Next on our agenda....Wishes Dessert Party!!!
I'm here! Loving your report so far and hey, that's some awesome Santa loot on top of the trip! Great job :thumbsup2

Oh, and I'm a TX girl but a HUGE Saints fan! Can't miss your hubby's Drew Brees jersey! Geaux Saints!


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