One Disney Savant, An Excitable Best Friend, and A Disney Mom Along For the Ride!


<font color=green>Every thread should have a <marq
Sep 23, 2007
Hello friends. It looks like a new tradition is emerging. My mom and I used to try and slip in a quick trip to Disneyworld whenever we had the time. But with her work schedule and my old school schedule (back in high school) our trips were often in October and usually only five days - two of those which were flying :faint: Now, the short tale of how the discovery of this January opening came to be. I was talking to my best friend Taylor on MSN one night as I usually do. She is currently working but will begin college in Spring.

"When does your semester start?" I asked casually.
"February". She replied. Hmm I thought to myself, me too. Does that mean...we both have January off! A whole month! Now it's been about seven months since i've seen her; she lives in Missouri and I live in California. Needless to say that's way too long! So I rack my brain of fun things we could do before we start school. Naturally, my brain goes to Disney :lmao: After all, that is where Taylor and I met. But more on that later.

So I look up some good deals and we're able to get an eight night trip for cheap! The next day on the phone I mention this trip to my mother. Now I had some reservations about telling her even though she's the sweetest mother ever. I thought she might say I should be saving for school. To my surprise I was met with "oh....can I come?" :rotfl: Of course! What's a Disney trip without my fun loving mother? I was going to invite her originally but I figured she wouldn't have enough vacation time. Well now that she's been at her company for a few years she can get that week off!

Everything fell into place without any effort. The only thing missing will be my darling sister but seeing as she's a fancy shmancy animal trainer at the San Diego Zoo she cannot get the time off. Hopefully the fact that she has the coolest job ever will console her a bit ;)

Anyways, on to the introductions!

This is me, Annalisa. You can call me Anna (Ahna) ;) A nineteen year old Disney/Pixar enthusiast (who's mom constantly feeds her habit with frequent trips to Disneyland). Disneyland is my second home and always has been. Walt Disney taught me to be a dreamer. To not be afraid to be different. Because of his work I am currently attending the Academy of Art in San Francisco studying animation. You'll have to excuse some of these photos, my hair is quite a bit longer now.

Taylor. The best friend and master of Disney cruises. We met during our Disney CP last January. Both of us ended up leaving early but because of the whole ordeal we ended up best friends. She's a hard worker and will be going off to college in the Spring! :banana:She wants to study public relations

Mom (Laura). The best mom in the entire world. I seriously wonder how I got so darn lucky. She's my Disney buddy till the end! She trusts my planning and goes along for the ride. She's also an incredibly hard worker and could use a nice vacation. This is her when I said we were going to Disney in january! ---> :woohoo:


And even though my sister can't come I think I owe her an introduction anyways. This is Jess. She is a bird trainer and loves what she does (who wouldn't?!) This is her with her boyfriend Wizard :laughing: I often hear them talking to each other. She has a real way with animals

I have to warn that throughout this PTR there will be pictures from Disney scattered about. I just have so many good ones!

Anyways, that's the gang. And with the flights booked it's official! :cool1: The room is booked, the tickets are taken care of, the ADRs are almost complete, now the only thing we have to do is show up! Taylor is a bit of a nervous traveler but she will get on that plane if a Disney vacation is waiting for her!

And there you have it, a new Disney tradition in the making. Let's hope this one lasts for years to come!

Next post - accommodations!
Does this mean I'm first?!?!? :banana: :banana: :banana: (Babnanas forever!)

I am so excited that you are going in January!

Yay! Thanks for stoppin by!

January seems to be our new time of year ;) The weather is cool, the crowds are small, and the price is cheaper. What's not to love?
Yay! Thanks for stoppin by!

January seems to be our new time of year ;) The weather is cool, the crowds are small, and the price is cheaper. What's not to love?

I wish I didn't have to work in January. Taking a couple of personal days then at the beginning of a semester, IMO, would be completely irresponsible for me to do.


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