new to collectible pins


Earning My Ears
Jun 16, 2001
We will be going to WDW for the first time in Dec. Do you think my 3 and 5 yr. old would enjoy collecting pins? We (adults) did this during the 1996 Olympics and had a blast. Are the pins at the Disney Store what I should purchase to trade? Obviously, I need help about where to buy and how to trade (children will be the one's trading).

Any help would be great. Hope that I not asking too many questions! :)

Hi, Kat, and welcome to the DIS!! :D

Right now the only Disney Stores that sell pins are the Magical Moments pins available at the Disney Gallery Stores. There are only about 15 (give or take) across the US, and none in the Atlanta area.

DW Lauri and I don't have kids, but we've seen a few children trading pins, so I don't see why they wouldn't enjoy it. In fact, I bet the adults will get hooked too. :) Lauri and I started on our honeymoon and all I wanted was a pin from each park to decorate my camera bag strap.

Definitely do your homework before you go. A lot of great information and tips can be found on this board and on others on the internet.

Have fun!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I also consider myself a "novice" pin-trader, enjoy it, but don't know too much about value, etc. Are you going near Christmas? I went in January, so for Xmas I asked for any pins from the Disney Store. Then I traded with CMs for whatever I liked the looks of. First time in Epcot that I tried to trade with a man who had about 300 pins (it seemed) and he looked at mine and said "No, you don't have anything I want", I was crushed and only traded with Cms after that-a lot more fun.
I dont see why your child wouldnt enjoy pin trading it involves people of all ages. As far as picking up pins the disney store will begin releasing 100 year pins in September I believe. Therefore I would recommend that you pick up some of them to trade. In addition, there are some websites such as they have 100's of disney pins for really cheap prices.. you can use those for trading too. Anyway have fun in December when you go I am sure that your child will have a blast if they start pin trading you too!!!

I have a 5 year old (almost six) and an almost 10 year old. They both enjoy trading pins. The best bet for the kids is to trade with the CM's. They all wear lanyards and must trade for any pin they don't already have. The only problem with my kids is when they want a LE or rare pin and all they have are rack pins. That's why the Cm's are the best for the kids.

My five year old doesn't even really care what he is trading. He just likes the trade.

We are going down in November. I have been purchasing pins on ebay when they are really inexpensive, sometimes they will go 2 or 3 pins for $10 (granted they are the pins no body wants, but the CM's will take them and that will make my kids happy!)

Hope you have fun

Chris :jester:
My son was 7 during out first 'PIN' trip......he and I traded with the CM....that was the most fun....he just choose what he liked! There was not rhyme or reason!
But that made it the most fun!
Also, just as much fun for him, the CM would talk with him and give him stickers. He got their autograph in the autograph book and we took a picture, just like we did with the characters! It was a wonderful way to remember all the details of our trip!
Have fun!
I appreciate all of the information that everyone has provided. I appologize for not responding sooner but our PC was not connecting to the internet for 2 days. :(

Since I was unable to retrieve e-mail/internet, I called the Disney store today and the lady told me that Walt Disney's 100th birthday was coming up. She said that they did not have pins (as you mentioned) and she wasn't sure if they would get anymore but, she was hopeful.

I know that my husband and I would easily get hooked trading because we had a blast during the 1996 Olympics here in Atlanta. My main focus (or it should be;) ) is for my children to enjoy trading. As long as they have fun and get the pins they want, then that is all that matters. I'm sure I will be wishing they would choose certain ones.

Thanks again for the help and I will be watching the forum!!!!!



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