"Keeping up with Jones" -- Sunday, January 29th -- Disneyland and IndyIndy! Then departur


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999
Trip report: "Keeping up with Jones" -- Disneyland January 26, 27, and 28

-Rajah/Tammi, Disneyland fanatic, trip photographer, and report writer
-VonDrake/Michael, Rajah's DH, becoming a Disneyland fanatic
-DM or "my mom", Rajah's mom who just wants to do Indy over and over and over...
-DF or "my dad", Rajah's dad who wants to see Indy for the first time.

Trip dates:
January 26, 27, and 28

Stayed at:
Best Western Park Place, right across the street from the walk-in entrance to Disneyland on Harbor

Keeping up with Jones -- named because the primary reason for this trip was to introduce my dad and reintroduce Michael to the Indiana Jones Adventure. Michael had been on it once, but only remembered the queue. My dad had heard my mom and me raving about this attraction and so really wanted to see it. So this quick whirlwind trip was specifically for Indy. And whatever we could fit in around Indy ;)

I definitely slept much better this time than I did the night before. Being in the park from 6:30 AM to 11:30/45 PM will do that to ya ;) But even still, I woke up just before 8. Good thing I did, because the alarm never did go off. I don't know what it was about this place, but neither radio alarm nor wake-up call worked. Thankfully I'm getting enough of an internal alarm that at least this trip I was able to wake up when needed.

It didn't take long at all for me to get ready and packed. I was ready to head over to the park around 8:40, but did have to wait for the others to finish up. It wasn't much after 9 before we were all packed, everything in the car, and checking out though, so we were at the park by around 9:15 or 9:20.

We repeated our procedure of yesterday morning, starting with breakfast at River Belle while my dad got Indy fastpasses, then a ride on Pirates. Once we got off, Michael and I rushed to Splash Mountain to get fastpasses there since neither my dad nor Michael had seen this version of Splash, then we caught back up with my parents once more in New Orleans Square.

By that time, our Indy fastpasses were ready so we ducked into line. This morning at breakfast, I'd written down how the tricks were done in the first triple-room(s) (Destiny, Wealth, Youth). My dad and Michael both wanted to know how the effects were done, but I didn't want to ruin it for anyone else so I wrote it down. This time, they were able to see how it was done :D But, I saw another thing I hadn't ever noticed before and I wanted to see if it was something that changed as well -- namely, some statues I don't remember seeing in the other two chambers (we were in youth).

When we got off of Indy, we only had a few minutes remaining before we could get some more fastpasses, so we browsed around Adventureland for about 15 minutes until the time for our Splash fastpasses, then grabbed another set of Indy fastpasses before we hurried down to Splash. We paused just outside the restrooms for the Hungry Bear so we could pull out our ponchos. Sometimes we need them, sometimes we don't, but with camera equipment and a mother who's recovering from a cold it was better to use them than not.

Once we were all situated, we went through the Fastpass line and got almost immediately to the boat before we had to wait. My mom really wanted to see the queue this time since our mother-daughter trip in May 99 we had front-of-the-line passes and were allowed to bypass the queue. She wouldn't believe me until we got in the boat that she hadn't missed much ;)

We were seated two and two in the 7-person boats: Michael and I were in the front (me in front of him), my mom and dad in the second seats (mom in front), and then another couple behind them. I don't like this seating arrangement because you're packed pretty tight. I definitely prefer the side-by-side of WDW's version. Michael especially didn't like the boat since ours apparently had a tiny leak which got his right foot soaked by the first small drop -- I had the footrest in front of me to brace my feet on so I came out dry ;)

Michael always wondered why I would say that the drop on DL's Splash seems so much worse than the one at WDW even though they're really about the same -- he discovered why this trip. There's almost nothing to hold on to!! And when you're riding one in front of the other, there's even less room to hold onto anything!! :eek: I also find it more frightening to go down slightly spread-eagled as you have to when straddling the bench than I find being able to curl up in a ball tightly at WDW.

This ride was still a hit, though. Despite the fact that I broke Michael's sunglasses ($10 pair, luckily) on that final lift when I could no longer sit forward. :( Michael found something to hold onto while we were going over, though -- me ;) We don't normally buy pictures from rides, but this time I insisted we get one. I'm glad we did because it turned out to be the only picture of all 4 of us at the park :eek: Somehow, I missed getting a group shot while we were there :eek: :( Besides, we had a picture of Michael's first ride on a true Disney ride -- Splash Mountain at WDW -- so we had to have a picture of his first ride on the Splash at Disneyland. :D

Turns out we didn't need the ponchos much, though the camera *would* have gotten a little wet if I hadn't been wearing mine.

Once we got off of Splash and spent forever in line to purchase the picture (or, more accurately, *I* stood forever in line while the others stood around to visit outside of line or went into shops -- I think this was the second-longest line of the trip) we went across the way to the Country Bear Playhouse. Now, I normally hold that the original version, still seen at WDW, is the best followed closely by the Christmas show and that the Vacation Hoedown isn't as good. But for some reason, maybe because I'd been able to dance with Liver Lips the night before, I enjoyed this show more than I ever have before.

I tried asking the CM running the show who it was I'd danced with the night before, but he wasn't really much help. He knew all the bears on the stage, but *didn't* seem to know who had walk-around characters. And, furthermore, I didn't think at the time that it was Liver Lips -- it was only after the fact that I decided (with some input from the DIS and other boards and especially after Toonfinder from mouseinfo posted a picture of LiverLips) that it was indeed my first impression and I *had* danced with Liver Lips.

After Country Bears, we walked back to Indy for one last ride. If we'd thought about it, we would have gotten more fastpasses before going in. However, we didn't, which made this ride our last ride of the trip. We'll definitely have to go back, if for no reason other than to give my dad the opportunity to push the pole in the queue! First time, I got him with it. Second time, I beat him to it. Third, Michael got it before he could. Fourth and fifth other guests beat us to the pole. And he really wanted to push the pole, too. Those of you who have seen the attraction and the pole will know what I'm talking about :D

Naturally, we ended up with the same room again -- maybe getting youth 3 times in one trip was the only way we were able to keep the pace we did ;)

After Indy, we checked the fastpasses again and found that the return time was after we had to leave and the standby line was up to an hour - which was almost all the time we had left. Furthermore, we didn't really want to stand in any line for an hour and we were all getting a little hungry. So we discussed where to go eat. My parents and Michael all wanted to try the French Market, which I wasn't too keen on until they all pointed out that there was a beef stew in a bread bowl listed on the menu. I'd looked at the menu, but stopped reading one or two items before the breadbowl :rolleyes: That sounded good to me, so French Market it was.

Naturally, this was right at lunch time, so the seating area was pretty packed and there was a bit of a line. So we sent my mom to find a place to sit in the seating area of the now-closed Cafe Orleans. It seems that seating area has become an overflow area for the French Market, as we saw several people doing the same thing. Michael, my dad, and I all stood in line for what seemed like 30 minutes but I think was more like 20. Still, that was *definitely* the longest line we stood in this trip.

When we finally got through the line, we emerged with two beef stews, one pork BBQ sandwich, and an angel-hair pasta salad. Along with one side salad and two sides of coleslaw. The beef stew was decent, but nothing spectacular. It's Stouffers :D And I didn't like the cole-slaw at all. I like coleslaw with miracle whip or something similar -- this was with an almost-vinegary home-made mayonnaise or something like that which I didn't like.

When we finished eating, it was time to head out by way of Main Street. My dad slipped away for something (I'm not sure what -- locker run maybe) and Michael disappeared for an errand he wouldn't tell me about, so my mom and I browsed around the candy shop and hoped Rod would start playing again -- he *was* there that afternoon after all, about 3 hours earlier than I expected to see him. But he was on break apparently and visiting with some guests so we just walked on by.

When everyone finally hooked up again, we hunted down the shop (Disney Showcase I think) where we were able to redeem our vouchers for a free Disney Travel Company lanyard and pin. My mom also got a shirt for the 45th Anniversary, and laughed a week later when she saw me wearing what she only then realized was the same shirt -- I'd picked mine up back in May ;)

Feeling sad but satisfied (sad-isfied?) about our trip -- we didn't want it to end but at the same time we got a LOT in for just a day and a part -- we bid adieu to Disneyland and returned to the car. My dad once more drove us to the airport where he dropped the three of us off while he went to return the car. My mom, Michael, and I hunted down the right gate and I had no trouble at all getting the digital camera hand-checked (other than the lady doing the checking being really fascinated with it and such). My dad joined us about 30 minutes later, about 10 minutes before people started lining up.

We ended up in the first 10 to check in, then parted ways to leave two people guarding the bags while the other two went to get something to eat. My mom and I opted to get something to take on the plane which we would eat later (my mom got an oriental chicken salad and I had a chicken ceasar sandwich which was very good). My dad and Michael decided to just scarf down a McDonald's hamburger and fries before the plane left. While they were eating, I joined those starting to line up at the gate even though we still had a good 20-30 minutes.

Pet peeve: If people are making a line to board the plane in one of those "cattle call" boardings, where you're boarded in groups and just grab whatever seat you can find (like with Southwest, the airlines we were using), PLEASE have the DECENCY to actually RECOGNIZE the line??!? Don't go crowding up and forcing your way to the front when people who got there 20 minutes before you did have been waiting patiently in line!! I had a good 10-15 people do this, which made me angry and upset. There's a LINE people! :rolleyes: /soapbox

Other than that bit of a mishap, or rather annoyance, our flight back was pretty much uneventful. We took off a few minutes late I believe and then landed in Phoenix where we had about 15 minutes before they started boarding people again. The flight from LA to Phoenix was full, but the flight from Phoenix to Houston wasn't. Michael and I still had a full row, though, because someone slipped into the seat next to us very last minute (then proceeded to read his paper folded completely open which bumped into me a time or so and into the stewardess several times :rolleyes: -- *fold* guy, *fold* Other than that, he was nice though -- we chatted about the Disney parks while landing). I'd intended to work on another crossword, but I was just too tired so I read a bit then dozed.

One thing I was disappointed about on this trip was that there were no fireworks at Disneyland while we were there (except those associated with Fantasmic, of course). Nature made up for that, though, when we flew over one NASTY thunderstorm!!! :eek: It was too big for the pilot to fly around, so he just went over and the flight was AMAZINGLY smooth other than one or two jolts when lighting flashed right below us. MAN, what a light show out that window! And at night it was even more spectacular. Fantastic sight, though at the time I was a bit worried about hitting an air pocket or something.

Other than the lighting show, the rest of the trip home was uneventful. Now we're ready to go back :D




(Links will return when I find a new place to host the sites)
I decided I want to "linger" over your report so I am priting them off to read at lunch. First I'll stop to pick up some Disney dollars for my trip in June, grab something from McD's and leisurely read your report! Thanks for providing such wonderful lunchtime entertainment.


CBR - 10/98
BC - 10/98
BC - 6/00
GF - 9/00
Dolphin - 6/01
DARN! Weren't they previwing DCA while you were there? (I had heard that there were some "soft" openings - or maybe they were AP previews) Sounds like your trip was a success!

<img src="http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/9541/tcarousel.gif" width=114 height=87 border=0>
Yep, they were previewing DCA when we were there, but we didn't have enough time to fully devote to both parks, and didn't have enough interest to take time away from DL to go to DCA for the short amount of time we *did* have. We'll be seeing DCA another trip, though :D




(Links will return when I find a new place to host the sites)


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