Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

Praying extra hard for you and your family, Zelly. I know you will face this with grace and courage, as you do everything. Lots of love to you :hug:
Praying for you, your doctors and your family! I just want you to know that reading this journal is one of the main reasons I believed I could start running at 48 without ever having run before in my life! You always made the races look so fun! You run with a smile on your face (at least for pictures, lol), and I wanted to run and race and feel like that! Your journal encouraged me to try run/walk and be proud of what I accomplished! Thank you for the inspiration! Your story is still being written! ❤️
Praying for you, your doctors and your family! I just want you to know that reading this journal is one of the main reasons I believed I could start running at 48 without ever having run before in my life! You always made the races look so fun! You run with a smile on your face (at least for pictures, lol), and I wanted to run and race and feel like that! Your journal encouraged me to try run/walk and be proud of what I accomplished! Thank you for the inspiration! Your story is still being written! ❤

Oh thank you for that. Reading others journals and trip reports certainly inspired me over the years. I'm glad mine was able to inspire you as well. ❤️
So sorry to hear - you are always such a wonderful contributor to this board and an inspiration to many. My prayers are going out to you and your family.
Thanks to all for the uplifting thoughts and prayers.

I've had a surgery to help stabilize my spine and am halfway through my 14 radiation treatments. Those are beginning to get rough but hopefully can push my way through. Still uncertain about next therapy as the nature of my cancer is still a bit uncertain. Looking to get a second biopsy and hoping for those tests to give us more options for treatment. Keeping up the fight and hoping this crazy COVID world of ours can regain some normalcy again one day.
Sending you lots of love and hugs - just seeing these updates today. You’re a true inspiration to me, and I’ll be sending every good vibe I have your way.
A brief update on the state of things for me. It's been a difficult few months. When I last left off I was getting radiation on my spine. I finished those treatments and although they had some ugly side effects, it did improve the pain in my back. About 6 weeks ago, I had to have a rod placed in my right femur as a tumor had eroded the bone and it was at risk for a bad fracture. That surgery went well and I had some additional radiation on my leg afterwards that I finished about 2 weeks ago I think. I'm on an oral chemo regimen with pills I take daily for two weeks and then a week off. I generally feel better (not counting side effects from treatment) and so am hopefully that the chemo and radiation is doing it's job in controlling tumor growth. I'm walking pretty normally again (I had two weeks of total non-weight bearing in advance of the femur surgery) and while I still have pain, it's manageable with medication. I should be getting a CT scan and bone scan in a month or so which will be our first test of how the treatments are working so certainly hoping and praying for a good outcome there. I'm back working part-time and hoping to get back to full time work in August. I fatigue relatively easily, but aside from that, It's nice to be back to some kind of normalcy in my life (not counting all the non-normal of COVID days). So, that's it for me. It's been tough few months, but hoping for some better times ahead. Still reading and still enjoying everyone's posts here and we are hoping marathon weekend happens and that we can come and spectate and enjoy some happy time at our favorite place.
I really hope the best for you and that you will be able to come hang out with dis-peeps and have that happy vacation time in January. I'm going to add to my motivation for training "get in good enough shape to both run the marathon and have lots of leftover energy to see people like Zelly & Chris-mo"


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