Anyone in Syracuse, NY, pin trading


Earning My Ears
Feb 12, 2005
Hi, my name is Matt, I am 12 years old,
I am interested in starting a pin trading night at the carousel center mall, kids age 10-15. If you are interested please contact at so we can set a time and date.

Hope to see you soon, Bye!
Hi, my name is Matt, I am 12 years old.
I am interested in starting a pin trading night at the carousel center mall, kids age 10-15. If you are interested please contact at so we can set a time and date. So if you live in the Syracuse, NY area, please e-mail me.

Hope to see you soon, Bye
Hi my name is Zach, I live in the Syracuse area and would like to join your pin trading....that is if you are still having it. I'll be 10 in August and have been collecting Disney pins for 2 years.


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