
  1. G

    I'm new here. How much would it cost for a solo traveler?

    HI, I'm new here. Long time Disney enjoyer, never visited Disney world, and would love to make new friends here as well. I've always wanted to have a trip to Walt Disney World, and i'd like to start saving up, but i'm not sure how much it would cost me. In your own experience for a full solo...
  2. D

    TLDR: Husband lost job weeks after planning and paying for our disney trip . Its non refundable. Should we still go?

    Hi there. Im a sahm to a sweet baby boy and I'm having a serious dilemma and mental crisis at the moment. Sort of needing some advice or support.. Myself as well as my husband have been disney fans since childhood. Met when we were in our late teens/early 20s (We both had rough childhoods...
  3. S

    Budgeting for a Disney Honeymoon

    Hello! My fiance and I are planning a DisneyWorld Honeymoon for April 2022, and I'm trying to figure out how much we should be saving to spend. I have a little list here of things we really want to do in and around the parks that might add extra to our budget(?) Wild Africa Trek Keys to the...
  4. Carol_

    What are you buying on impulse?

    I try. I really do. But this pandemic can’t hold me back! I bought shares of McDonald’s today and I’m feeling the rush of an impulse shopper! What have you bought recently on a whim?
  5. 3TinksAndAnEeyore

    Airport Proximity to DLR and Ground Transportation Information Superthread (READ FIRST POST FOR OVERVIEW!)

    UPDATED 1/07/20: Please Read the Last Few Pages of This Superthread to Keep Up to Date on the Many Recent Changes in Ground Transportation to/from DLR Area Airports! Updated 4/20/18 Table of Contents Airports California Car Seat Law Tour Bus Companies Shuttle Services Taxi and Ground...
  6. J

    Upcoming Discounts or packages?

    Hi all, My family is looking into a trip out this June, I was wondering if we have any discounts that may be running that time or special packages? Any advice helps. Thank you!
  7. R

    Food budgeting?

    I'm trying to grasp how much is a good amount to budget for food each day. It's only myself and my boyfriend. We're staying in the All Star hotels so we've got the Quick Service breakfast credit which we're planning on using for dinner each day. It comes with a drink too! I've priced up all...

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