And Just Like That- Season Two

How did they go from “I can’t go in there ever again” to “they have hotels?” Bad writing.
Agreed. The writing is just cringey and off. It used to be so stinking good in the original series. Now it’s just ick and opposite of what the characters or anyone would say and do in real life.
Today’s episode did feel a bit more like SATC. Carrie is happy with Aidan and everything is moving so fast. You just know she will break his heart for a third time.
Today’s episode did feel a bit more like SATC. Carrie is happy with Aidan and everything is moving so fast. You just know she will break his heart for a third time.
I am halfway through the episode and I can see it coming. She won't move to VA and he won't move to NY and long distance won't work. Classic city girl and country boy dilemma. I already feel bad for Aidan. I always liked him but thought he was too sensitive, soft and sweet for Carrie. She needs more of a bad boy.
So in both movies she was happy with Big and now she’s regretting it? Although I will say that her pattern of finding a new man and then abandoning her friends is typical Carrie.
I finally had a chance to watch all the Season 2 episodes that are currently out. My thoughts so far in no particular order:

* It’s better than Season 1 - not by much & still not up to the level of SatC, but it is better. And there have been some really good moments/scenes. One particular one that stuck in my mind was when Carrie joined her jeweler friend in her bed after the jeweler friend had been robbed while going through her own memories of Big’s death - “We can lie here for a while, but eventually we’re going to have to get back up.”

* There’s still a lot of awkward writing - but not as bad as Season 1… it’s like they *almost* get there w/ the dialogue, but just not quite… some of it is cringe-y, & I, as the audience, end up w/ anxious/2nd hand embarrassment feelings as I watch. But then there’ll be a scene or line which brings me back in.

* I like Che better. I really liked the scenes that showed Carrie’s & Che’s friendship. I still don’t like Miranda’s character. Miranda & Che are in 2 completely different places & even ages/stages in their lives, &, additionally, both are too selfish/self-centered - albeit in different ways - to ever really be the kind of partner that the other one needs.

* How can Miranda be upset w/ Steve for sleeping w/ someone else when that’s EXACTLY what Miranda has been doing? How can Miranda question Carrie for wanting to go to Virginia w/ Aiden when she upended her whole life to go to LA w/ Che? Miranda is awful. And WHY does no one call Miranda out for her hypocritical behavior? Steve absolutely deserves the house.

* Who has the kind of extravagant over-the-top winter coat/duvet cover/cape/Met Gala costume-ish thing that Carrie traipsed through the snow in just hanging out in their closet for casual, everyday blizzard wear?

* I really like Nya & Lisa & would enjoy more scenes w/ them - I wish they both joined in more w/ Carrie, Charlotte, & Miranda - like all of them together for brunch.

* One of my favorite scenes was Nya w/ her chocolate soufflé on Valentine’s Day.

* I also really enjoy all of Lisa’s & Herbert’s scenes - one of my favorites was Herbert showing up for Lisa’s film interview. (Oh & Herbert’s George Washington costume - perfect!!)

* Stanford was always one of my favorites, & I still hate that the writers just had him divorce Anthony via long distance… I know that they were contending w/ the Chris Noth drama, but I still wish they had honored the actor’s death in a better way that was more authentic to Stanford’s character. When Carrie said that her kimono had been gifted to her from Stanford, it made me irritated all over again.

* Seema is NO Samantha, & they’re (both the writers & the actress) are trying too hard to force it. She just doesn’t have the same vibe & verve, & she ends up coming across as too awkward & not natural at all - which doesn’t do the actress any favors.

* I think they sometimes try to make Charlotte & Harry the comic relief which makes Charlotte a caricature of herself at times. But I do love the dynamic between them. And I like that Charlotte is back working at an art gallery. The scenes w/ the dress that she chose to wear for her 1st day were relatable!

* Having Charlotte back at an art gallery & setting Miranda back up at the charity but in a workplace environment is a neat little re-set... in a way back to their former selves but still uncomfortable & anxious/unsure due to how things have changed in work environments over the years & now working w/ women younger than they are…

* I always loved Aidan. And his scenes w/ Carrie make me anxious. She’s just going to break his heart again.

* This is a petty thing - but I don’t like when Carrie wears her hair scraped straight back in a bun or a tight pony tail. It makes her looked pinched & older. But, after she got back w/ Aiden, she immediately started looking softer & younger… the scene where she’s in bed w/ Aiden & the sun is shining in from the window & her hair is down & wavy, she looked the former Carrie.

* I miss Carrie’s narration at the beginning & end of episodes.
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* How can Miranda be upset w/ Steve for sleeping w/ someone else when that’s EXACTLY what Miranda has been doing? How can Miranda question Carrie for wanting to go to Virginia w/ Aiden when she upended her whole life to go to LA w/ Che? Miranda is awful. And WHY does no one call Miranda out for her hypocritical behavior? Steve absolutely deserves the house.
Yes! To all of this paragraph, but especially when she wasted no time questioning Carrie and Aidan.

* I really like Nya & Lisa & would enjoy more scenes w/ them - I wish they both joined in more w/ Carrie, Charlotte, & Miranda - like all of them together for brunch.
I agree. Instead they keep pushing Seema down our throats as the “obvious” Samantha replacement. Seema comes across as so harsh in actions, words and even her costuming. Samantha (and Kim Cattral) was able to convey power and passion as Samantha without having that harshness to her. Kim Cattral was the perfect combination of sass and sensitivity as Samantha. Just not feeling it with Seema.

* Seema is NO Samantha, & they’re (both the writers & the actress) are trying too hard to force it. She just doesn’t have the same vibe & verve, & she ends up coming across as too awkward & not natural at all - which doesn’t do the actress any favors.
I really like Seema. I think she has some Samantha qualities, but is making the character her own.

Like someone else said, I like Che and Carries friendship. Hate her with Miranda though.

I love that the cast is more diverse.
I really like Seema. I think she has some Samantha qualities, but is making the character her own.

Like someone else said, I like Che and Carries friendship. Hate her with Miranda though.

I love that the cast is more diverse.
I also really like Seema. she is fierce in a different way than Samantha. In some ways she comes across as more genuine than Samantha.
I finally had a chance to watch all the Season 2 episodes that are currently out. My thoughts so far in no particular order:

* It’s better than Season 1 - not by much & still not up to the level of SatC, but it is better. And there have been some really good moments/scenes. One particular one that stuck in my mind was when Carrie joined her jeweler friend in her bed after the jeweler friend had been robbed while going through her own memories of Big’s death - “We can lie here for a while, but eventually we’re going to have to get back up.”

* There’s still a lot of awkward writing - but not as bad as Season 1… it’s like they *almost* get there w/ the dialogue, but just not quite… some of it is cringe-y, & I, as the audience, end up w/ anxious/2nd hand embarrassment feelings as I watch. But then there’ll be a scene or line which brings me back in.

* I like Che better. I really liked the scenes that showed Carrie’s & Che’s friendship. I still don’t like Miranda’s character. Miranda & Che are in 2 completely different places & even ages/stages in their lives, &, additionally, both are too selfish/self-centered - albeit in different ways - to ever really be the kind of partner that the other one needs.

* How can Miranda be upset w/ Steve for sleeping w/ someone else when that’s EXACTLY what Miranda has been doing? How can Miranda question Carrie for wanting to go to Virginia w/ Aiden when she upended her whole life to go to LA w/ Che? Miranda is awful. And WHY does no one call Miranda out for her hypocritical behavior? Steve absolutely deserves the house.

* I also really enjoy all of Lisa’s & Herbert’s scenes - one of my favorites was Herbert showing up for Lisa’s film interview. (Oh & Herbert’s George Washington costume - perfect!!)
I think that Miranda isn’t mad that Steve is sleeping with someone else. She’s mad that she didn’t know and has thus been feeling guilty and obligated to be there for him and Brady. She thought Steve was all lonely and forlorn because of her decision to leave him and be with Che, but he had actually moved on and she’s like “Well dang, I could have been living my best life if I wasn’t worried about you”! 🤣🤣

And I giggled like a kid when I saw Herbert’s George Washington costume 😝
From this weeks episode, I am now sure that Carrie will break Aiden’s heart again.
I was just coming here to say that.

At this point, though, he should know to RUN the other way when she comes calling. Fool me once… well this would be the third go round at this point, right? He’s so dumb to trust her and welcome her back with open arms.

I love that the ex laid down the law about the boys. Fun fact: the actress who plays Aiden’s ex, Kathy, is married to Ron Livingston. Ron Livingston played Berger the Carrie’s ex who dumped her vis post it.
I was really hoping Aidan would be Carrie's end game. That no matter if or when there are more seasons of AJLT, Aidan would be her forever person.
I was really hoping Aidan would be Carrie's end game. That no matter if or when there are more seasons of AJLT, Aidan would be her forever person.
It would be nice because he brings a lightness to the show and familiarity that the new series really needs. But I don’t think the writers will ever let Carrie be settled and happy.
It would be nice because he brings a lightness to the show and familiarity that the new series really needs. But I don’t think the writers will ever let Carrie be settled and happy.

I agree, it's nice to have Carrie happy and I think the actors have good chemistry. I agree that they want her in turmoil and dating.

I understand that was the premise of SATC. It was fun to watch young NY ladies navigate the dating scene. Now that they are older it's a different spin on the dating scene i.e. divorce, death of spouses, emotional baggage, social media, dating apps etc. It's a different dating world and I think they want to explore Carrie in this new dating world.


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