The Final Frontier (An Alaska Trip Report - UPDATED 4/25)

I've been to a few places where they claim ownership of the phrase, "Don't like the weather? Just wait a few minutes."
And they're probably all correct.
Wonder which would have the worst (best?) extremes?
Wow, you must have had horrible luck with them. I've had many chocolate croissants that I loved. Pastry with warm gooey chocolate filling is wonderful. I can't say I've had very many I hated. This was one of them. The lack of chocolate was just pathetic.
Well, then I guess I have. I've only had a handful... and they've all reinforced my thought of "Why did I order this?"
We look like we're having fun!
I would hate that for you, but it certainly is within the realm of possibility. It's certainly a good idea to prepare for it.
I will, and I'll still enjoy the experience even if it does rain non-stop. I'll be (finally) able to at least experience life on a cruise.
Exactly! :laughing: Similar to Hawaii, where eventually you just start saying, "oh look, another waterfall."
Drove one of the most scenic drives in the world (Road to Hana) and the rest of the family definitely got "waterfalled out".
Eh. Tomayto, Tomahto.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I would definitely seek out the national parks first.
I'm hoping maybe the next time I do a road trip, it won't be "must speed to destination, no stopping!!!"
And doing the disco as well!
I'm sure they have a very long waiver form everyone has to sign before they start the race.
"May cause injury or death."
I guess you're on a cruise that begins/ends in Vancouver?
We were originally going to do a one-way cruise from Vancouver to Seward.
I looked at the one ways, but wanted to keep the costs lower for my first cruise.
I asked about the chocolate-almond croissants. I don’t care for almonds, but I figured if they were just crusted on the outside, I could brush them off and be left with an ooey, gooey, flaky chocolate-filled croissant, which would be right up my alley. And man, did they look good.

I feel the same way. Chocolate is good, Almond not so much. I would have been disappointed as well.

This was a resounding success, especially if you judge a success as “better than a PB&J sandwich”.

I would gauge that as a success!

It was marathon day in Seward.

I hate Marathon day in Long Beach. There is only one way to leave my neighborhood.

Immediately, we found a key benefit to being there on race day: the Seward Brewing Company was actually open for business. I guess they figured the race would bring enough people downtown that it would be worth opening up on a Wednesday

Well that is a benefit!

This is one of the best deals on a room I’ve ever gotten. It was listed as a suite that could sleep 5 (what? I only have 5 people in this family as near as I can recall). But this ended up rivaling the family suite in Yosemite as one of the biggest rooms we’ve ever had for our family. It was perfect. At 40% off, it was a steal.

That looks like a great room!
And they're probably all correct.
Wonder which would have the worst (best?) extremes?

Good question. I'm not sure I want to be the one who performs that study.

Well, then I guess I have. I've only had a handful... and they've all reinforced my thought of "Why did I order this?"

Well, not everybody has to enjoy everything. Sorry they've been lousy experiences, though.

I will, and I'll still enjoy the experience even if it does rain non-stop. I'll be (finally) able to at least experience life on a cruise.

Hope it's fun! And I hope you at least get a couple of sunny days. Cold rain is pretty miserable.

Drove one of the most scenic drives in the world (Road to Hana) and the rest of the family definitely got "waterfalled out".

Yep! It's still pretty, but you get to the point where you realize you don't need to bother stopping.

I'm hoping maybe the next time I do a road trip, it won't be "must speed to destination, no stopping!!!"

It all depends on the destination...and what's in between.

I looked at the one ways, but wanted to keep the costs lower for my first cruise.

Makes sense. It's an expensive way to travel!
I feel the same way. Chocolate is good, Almond not so much. I would have been disappointed as well.

Wow! We agree on a food choice! I'm gonna go buy a lottery ticket right now.

I would gauge that as a success!

At that point, anything was better than PB&J.

I hate Marathon day in Long Beach. There is only one way to leave my neighborhood.

I grew up in Dover, DE. There is a NASCAR race twice a year there, and the locals always knew never to leave the house on race weekend.

Well that is a benefit!

Being able to eat is underrated.

That looks like a great room!


But chocolate covered almonds???? :cloud9:

Good question. I'm not sure I want to be the one who performs that study.
I will.
I need a break from my regular day/evening/night job.
Well, not everybody has to enjoy everything. Sorry they've been lousy experiences, though.
Well... Next time we're together, point me towards a good one and I'll give it another shot.
Hope it's fun! And I hope you at least get a couple of sunny days. Cold rain is pretty miserable.
I'll come prepared either way. :)
Yep! It's still pretty, but you get to the point where you realize you don't need to bother stopping.
It all depends on the destination...and what's in between.
If North Dakota is in between... speed is of the essence.
Makes sense. It's an expensive way to travel!
I'll either wish I hadn't gone at all (exceedingly doubtful) or wish I'd extended.
Well, not everybody has to enjoy everything. :rolleyes:
I will.
I need a break from my regular day/evening/night job.

Heaven knows that's true. I don't know how you keep up.

Well... Next time we're together, point me towards a good one and I'll give it another shot.

If my memory serves, my primary objective for next time is to treat you to some good authentic barbecue.

I'll come prepared either way. :)

Always a good idea.

If North Dakota is in between... speed is of the essence.


I'll either wish I hadn't gone at all (exceedingly doubtful) or wish I'd extended.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Even in clouds, the scenery is amazing. We did find that we prefer planning our own road trips to cruising. Not that cruising was bad by any means, but it just wasn't the way we like to do things. Mostly I don't like being on someone else's schedule.
Chapter 10: Great. More Boats.

Ever get that feeling of déjà vu?

This update is going to feel very familiar if you read the earlier chapter on Glacier Bay, but I promise this was a completely different day and experience. Would I ever lie to you?

Besides the parts about the exploding helicopters, I mean.

Once again, we would be spending approximately 8 hours on a boat tour of a national park—this time in Kenai Fjords. As with the other parks, most of the acreage is undisturbed by roads, so the boat tours are the primary means for tourists to visit. We were up bright and early to make sure we didn’t miss the 8:30 a.m. departure time.

We drove into the town of Seward and parked in the satellite lot owned by the touring company. From there, we took a small shuttle bus to the small boat harbor to check in for the tour. We even had time to walk over to the National Park visitor center so Drew could turn in his workbook from the day before and get his 4th Junior Ranger badge of the trip.

The tour operator we’d chosen was Kenai Fjords Tours, and we were sailing on the Glacier Explorer. We boarded the ship and found a seat around a table on the first floor that would be our home base for the day.


As we pushed away from the dock, the captain began speaking over the intercom. He was kind of a goofball, as he never introduced himself other than saying he was the “disembodied voice in your head.”

Goofballs are always welcome on my adventures. As if you didn't know that.

In what was perhaps a good omen for spotting wildlife, the crew immediately pointed out a bald eagle that was perched by the piers as we entered Resurrection Bay.


Once again, we had overcast skies as we started our voyage into deeper waters. Some of the light/shadows produced by the clouds over the mountains were striking, though.


Ever get that feeling of déjà vu? Oh, sorry, I already asked that. Once again, there were otters doing the backstroke.


I could never get tired of the various rocky islands dotting the bay. The beauty of the natural scenery is just overwhelming.


As we cruised along the various islands, we scared a flock of puffins into flight. That’ll teach ‘em!


The disembodied voice apparently also had a disembodied eye somewhere, because he spotted bald eagle #2 for us (center of photo).


Before long, we found a humpback whale cruising the shoreline.


Is that enough wildlife for you? No? Well, there was a dolphin who decided to race behind the boat in our wake for a minute or so. I wasn’t fast enough to get to the back of the boat for a good photo other than to catch him just after a leap.


And here’s bald eagle #3 on the day.


Maybe you’re bored with bald eagles. How about another up-close-and-personal visit with a whale?



We finally cruised out of Resurrection Bay and into the open ocean, and the wildlife sightings died down for a bit.

Unless you count this:


It kind of looks like he’s perched on a frozen dolphin there.

We took a turn around some more islands and began cruising north into Aialik Bay. While we were moving through this area, the crew served lunch to the guests on the ship. Lunch consisted of déjà vu—excuse me, a chicken wrap, chips, bottled water and granola bar. Certainly not a bad meal, and eating also provided the key benefit of giving Drew something to do other than ask when the tour would be over.

The boat also sold refillable mugs for $7 that you could use for bottomless refills of Coke products. So we bought one and then shared it amongst ourselves. I know, you’re going to start crying “COVID” and stuff, but at this point, we’ve all been sharing one hotel room for a week and a half. If one of us has COVID, then we all have it.

When we reached the northern end of the bay, we were confronted with the awesome sight of the Aialik Glacier.


It’s 4 miles long and…well, I don’t know how high it is. It’s a lot of ice.


We hung out here for quite a while, once again enjoying the sights and sounds of ice calving into the sea. And this time I…almost caught it on camera. You can see the spray from the chunks hitting the water in the center of the photo here.


But as they say, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. So we just enjoyed the deja view, complete with kayakers included for scale.


Obligatory family photo:


The crew worked to fish glacial chunks out of the water and brought them up on deck so we had the chance to hold a piece of an actual glacier. Now there’s a thrill! It’s a cold, slick, icy surface. It felt almost as if we were holding a chunk of ice.

The boat turned back around and we headed out of the bay. But we didn’t follow the same path back to Seward. Instead, we headed out into the ocean once more. After a while, the disembodied voice informed us that they had a report of a pod of orcas out in the sea, so there were working on finding them for us. Sign me up!

All we had to do was sit back on the boat, enjoy the view, and let the crew do the work. And—oh, look! Orcas.


There were 5-7 of them, and we spent a good deal of time watching them dive and come back up for air. I’d never seen orcas in the wild before, so this was a thrill for me. Although my thrill was lessened when my kids informed me that apparently killer whales are the biggest jerks and bullies in the ocean. I did not know that.

Well, whatever. It was still cool to see them.

We began our return trip to Resurrection Bay, and just like our earlier boat tour, the sun began to peek out of the sky while we enjoyed the scenery. Here’s some photos so you can do the same thing.




I was fooling around with settings on my phone and clearly over-processed this one. Sorry about that.


The last stop on the tour was Fox Island in Resurrection Bay, where we docked and went ashore to enjoy an early dinner.


Was it a great meal? No. But it was fine. Chicken, salad, corn, dinner roll. Nothing fancy, but it was included in the price of the tour. So we had that going for us, which was nice.



We hung out on the “beach” outside, which consisted of mostly rocks. And as the ancient law decrees, where there are rocks by a body of water, then yea verily, thou shalt attempt to skip those rocks.

And thus it came to pass.


They sounded the horn to board the boat again, and then we were treated to by far the best part of dinner as we boarded. We got a dessert of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies, still warm from the oven. Chocolate chip cookies follow much the same shelf-life rules as McDonald’s french fries—for the first 7 minutes out of the oven (fryer), they are quite simply the greatest food you will ever eat. Literally cannot be topped. After that, the enjoyment factor follows a graph similar to a radioactive half-life decay of an element, although much of that shelf life still falls into the pretty-good-decent-fine area.

It’s not a perfect comparison, as I would argue that the shelf life of chocolate chip cookies far outlasts those of the french fries, but you get the idea. Eating one in those first 7 minutes is the key.

That was a very enjoyable final leg of the boat ride.


Even better, they had leftover cookies waiting for us as we disembarked once we reached the Seward dock. Naturally, they didn’t taste quite as good as the fresh ones, but they were still fairly high on the half-life taste curve. It was tempting to hold up the line and stuff a few more into my pockets. I wouldn’t do that, though. I’m too nice.

I told Drew to do it instead.

Coming Up Next: Our final day, where we follow our age-old family tradition of procrastinating the end of our vacation as long as possible.
Heaven knows that's true. I don't know how you keep up.
I can't. I'm so burned out right now it's not funny. I’m just wiped, right now. So glad today (and Lord willing, tomorrow) is a day off.
If my memory serves, my primary objective for next time is to treat you to some good authentic barbecue.
You don't have to do that, of course... But won't say no. :)
I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Even in clouds, the scenery is amazing. We did find that we prefer planning our own road trips to cruising. Not that cruising was bad by any means, but it just wasn't the way we like to do things. Mostly I don't like being on someone else's schedule.
I get that.
Funny thing. I've been looking at the shore excursions and one that appeals a lot is a self-driving/self-guided jeep tour. So I can do that on my own time.
Ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
Didn't you just say that?
Would I ever lie to you?
Of course you would.
Besides the parts about the exploding helicopters, I mean.
Wait! I thought that was true!!
We even had time to walk over to the National Park visitor center so Drew could turn in his workbook from the day before and get his 4th Junior Ranger badge of the trip.
So how many does he have now?
The tour operator we’d chosen was Kenai Fjords Tours,
That's good. Because if you'd chosen Kenya Tours, you'd have a problem.
As we pushed away from the dock, the captain began speaking over the intercom. He was kind of a goofball, as he never introduced himself other than saying he was the “disembodied voice in your head.”
In what was perhaps a good omen for spotting wildlife, the crew immediately pointed out a bald eagle that was perched by the piers as we entered Resurrection Bay.
Nice shot of said bald eagle, too.
Once again, we had overcast skies as we started our voyage into deeper waters. Some of the light/shadows produced by the clouds over the mountains were striking, though.
I'm hoping for similar on my cruise. Well... clear would be great, but... not completely socked in is better.
Ever get that feeling of déjà vu? Oh, sorry, I already asked that.
No, I don't think so.
Once again, there were otters doing the backstroke.
Hoping to see otters. I've seen every other animal you've mentioned, I think. No wait. Moose. Haven't seen moose either.
Every time you point your camera, it's just... wow.
The disembodied voice apparently also had a disembodied eye somewhere, because he spotted bald eagle #2 for us (center of photo).
Good eye. That one's hard to spot.
Before long, we found a humpback whale cruising the shoreline.
Is that enough wildlife for you? No? Well, there was a dolphin who decided to race behind the boat in our wake for a minute or so. I wasn’t fast enough to get to the back of the boat for a good photo other than to catch him just after a leap.
Nah. I don't buy it. I think someone just tossed something in the water. "Tell all your friends it was a dolphin. They'll buy it."
Maybe you’re bored with bald eagles.
Nope. They're such a cool looking bird.
How about another up-close-and-personal visit with a whale?
Do you think it was the same whale? Or can you positively state it was a different one?
Nice clear shot. :thumbsup2
the wildlife sightings died down for a bit.

Unless you count this:
I do not. :snooty:
eating also provided the key benefit of giving Drew something to do other than ask when the tour would be over.
This does not surprise me.
The boat also sold refillable mugs for $7 that you could use for bottomless refills of Coke products. So we bought one and then shared it amongst ourselves.
Good deal if you split it among all of you. ::yes::
I know, you’re going to start crying “COVID” and stuff, but at this point, we’ve all been sharing one hotel room for a week and a half. If one of us has COVID, then we all have it.
Actually, no. First thing I thought was that you're all the same family, so smart move.
It’s 4 miles long and…well, I don’t know how high it is. It’s a lot of ice.
Huge. Impressive.
You can see the spray from the chunks hitting the water in the center of the photo here.
Cool shot.
So we just enjoyed the deja view

And yet... nicely done.
complete with kayakers included for scale.
Thanks for that. Really puts it in perspective. Bigger than I thought!
Obligatory family photo:
Nice one too. :)
The crew worked to fish glacial chunks out of the water and brought them up on deck so we had the chance to hold a piece of an actual glacier. Now there’s a thrill! It’s a cold, slick, icy surface. It felt almost as if we were holding a chunk of ice.
And—oh, look! Orcas.
Cool! (again)
We paid to specifically see them and here you stumble upon some. Nice.
I’d never seen orcas in the wild before, so this was a thrill for me.
It was for me too. :)
Although my thrill was lessened when my kids informed me that apparently killer whales are the biggest jerks and bullies in the ocean. I did not know that.
I prefer to think of them as intelligent. But maybe that's just me.
I've seen the video where a pack hunts a seal on an ice flow. It's an amazingly cooperative and intelligent hunting technique.
Look at all that green! Was not expecting that.
Was it a great meal? No. But it was fine. Chicken, salad, corn, dinner roll. Nothing fancy, but it was included in the price of the tour. So we had that going for us, which was nice.
Fine is perfectly... um... fine when it's included in a tour.
We hung out on the “beach” outside, which consisted of mostly rocks. And as the ancient law decrees, where there are rocks by a body of water, then yea verily, thou shalt attempt to skip those rocks.
we were treated to by far the best part of dinner as we boarded. We got a dessert of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies, still warm from the oven.
And... mmmmmm...
for the first 7 minutes out of the oven (fryer), they are quite simply the greatest food you will ever eat. Literally cannot be topped. After that, the enjoyment factor follows a graph similar to a radioactive half-life decay
::yes:: I'll agree with that.
(Don't let that go to your head.)
Even better, they had leftover cookies waiting for us as we disembarked once we reached the Seward dock.
It was tempting to hold up the line and stuff a few more into my pockets. I wouldn’t do that, though. I’m too nice.

I told Drew to do it instead.
Our final day
What?!?!? Already? But we're just getting started!
Seriously... very much enjoying following along on this trip. Fascinating!
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I can't. I'm so burned out right now it's not funny. I’m just wiped, right now. So glad today (and Lord willing, tomorrow) is a day off.

Ugh. I'm sorry it's been such a rough stretch. Someday I hope they can bring enough people on board to make your schedule more sane.

You don't have to do that, of course... But won't say no. :)

If you've never had real BBQ, then it's definitely one for the bucket list. And maybe the best reason to visit Texas.

I get that.
Funny thing. I've been looking at the shore excursions and one that appeals a lot is a self-driving/self-guided jeep tour. So I can do that on my own time.

That sounds pretty fun!

Didn't you just say that?

I don't know, I wasn't paying attention either.

Of course you would.


Wait! I thought that was true!!

It felt true, that's the important thing.

So how many does he have now?

Oh, gosh. I lost count. We've been to so many sites.

That's good. Because if you'd chosen Kenya Tours, you'd have a problem.

They had very limited routes out of Seward. That was the deciding factor.

Nice shot of said bald eagle, too.


I'm hoping for similar on my cruise. Well... clear would be great, but... not completely socked in is better.

I'm hoping for the same for you. Good weather would be a huge blessing.

No, I don't think so.

Didn't we just go over this?

Hoping to see otters. I've seen every other animal you've mentioned, I think. No wait. Moose. Haven't seen moose either.

I would suspect otters will be easier to spot from a cruise than moose. Once you're ashore, though, your chances are good.

Every time you point your camera, it's just... wow.

That's actually a pretty good description of all of Alaska.

Good eye. That one's hard to spot.

He did a great job finding wildlife all day. I think the boats radio each other throughout the day to let them know where whales and other animals have been spotted.

Nah. I don't buy it. I think someone just tossed something in the water. "Tell all your friends it was a dolphin. They'll buy it."

Dang it. Can't put anything past you!

Nope. They're such a cool looking bird.

Agreed. Very majestic.

Do you think it was the same whale? Or can you positively state it was a different one?

This was a different one--found near a different island. Unless he followed us that whole way.

Nice clear shot. :thumbsup2


I do not. :snooty:

Fine. Be that way.

This does not surprise me.

Hard to get a little kid to do anything for 8 hours.

Good deal if you split it among all of you. ::yes::

It worked out well! We got plenty of refills.

Actually, no. First thing I thought was that you're all the same family, so smart move.

Hey, I think I need to quote this for posterity.


And yet... nicely done.

We're not above Dad jokes in this corner of the boards.

Thanks for that. Really puts it in perspective. Bigger than I thought!

Yeah, these glaciers are massive. I can only imagine what they all looked like several decades ago.

Nice one too. :)


Cool! (again)
We paid to specifically see them and here you stumble upon some. Nice.

We knew it was a possibility, so I was hoping that fortune would smile upon us. Thankfully, it did.

It was for me too. :)

It might be the only time I ever see them in the wild, so it's great to be able to appreciate something like that in the moment.

I prefer to think of them as intelligent. But maybe that's just me.
I've seen the video where a pack hunts a seal on an ice flow. It's an amazingly cooperative and intelligent hunting technique.

They're incredibly intelligent. But I was also told that they'll "play" with their food, needlessly torturing it before the kill. Or that sometimes they just kill other creatures for the heck of it, without even bothering to dine afterwards.

Look at all that green! Was not expecting that.

I love all those outcroppings and islands/seastacks in the water. Really beautiful and other-worldly.

Fine is perfectly... um... fine when it's included in a tour.

::yes:: It definitely adds some value for the money. And we weren't expecting a top-drawer feast.

::yes:: I'll agree with that.
(Don't let that go to your head.)

(Screen-shotting this one as well)

What?!?!? Already? But we're just getting started!
Seriously... very much enjoying following along on this trip. Fascinating!

I've been mostly covering a day in each update, so we're about 10 days in now. So, yeah, that's about all I got!

Well, I really appreciate you saying that. Especially as one of my 3 readers! :rotfl2:
Ugh. I'm sorry it's been such a rough stretch. Someday I hope they can bring enough people on board to make your schedule more sane.
Yeah... It turned out I didn't get those days off. I got one, but that's it.
However! We are currently training 3 new people, so hopefully in about 6 months we'll have staff.
(although one is a compassionate transfer and will probably retire in about 3 years. but then again, I'm not far behind that, so I don't care too much. :rolleyes:)

Speaking of work, just finished passing some messages between one of your B1 bombers heading to Ellsworth and base. Didn't you visit there fairly recently?
If you've never had real BBQ, then it's definitely one for the bucket list. And maybe the best reason to visit Texas.
Hmmm... Maybe I need to get down to Texas...
I don't know, I wasn't paying attention either.
Paying attention to what?
It felt true, that's the important thing.
Oh, gosh. I lost count. We've been to so many sites.
I feel a spreadsheet coming on.
(I just finished doing that, actually, with all my Harley poker chips.)
I'm hoping for the same for you. Good weather would be a huge blessing.
Sure would be nice! :)
I would suspect otters will be easier to spot from a cruise than moose. Once you're ashore, though, your chances are good.
I want otters cavorting with moose in the water. Otherwise I want a complete refund.
That's actually a pretty good description of all of Alaska.
Had a feeling. :)
Dang it. Can't put anything past you!
I am very sly.

That's what people tell me anyway, before the put things past me.
This was a different one--found near a different island. Unless he followed us that whole way.
Hard to get a little kid to do anything for 8 hours.
Ain't that the truth!
Hey, I think I need to quote this for posterity.
Please. I don't really need to know about your posterior.
We're not above Dad jokes in this corner of the boards.
Yeah, these glaciers are massive. I can only imagine what they all looked like several decades ago.
If it's anything like my experience with the Columbia icefield (40 years apart)...
They're incredibly intelligent. But I was also told that they'll "play" with their food, needlessly torturing it before the kill. Or that sometimes they just kill other creatures for the heck of it, without even bothering to dine afterwards.
Hmmm... I've seen that too. But... are they really doing it needlessly? I don't claim to understand the group dynamics or instincts of a killer whale pod.
(Screen-shotting this one as well)
Oh sure. There you go just shotting over everything I say.
Well, I really appreciate you saying that. Especially as one of my 3 readers! :rotfl2:
I'm preeeeetty sure ya got more than 3!
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This update is going to feel very familiar if you read the earlier chapter on Glacier Bay, but I promise this was a completely different day and experience. Would I ever lie to you?

Maybe.....stretch the truth?

He was kind of a goofball, as he never introduced himself other than saying he was the “disembodied voice in your head.”

Goofballs are always welcome on my adventures. As if you didn't know that.

Yeah, no surprise here.

We finally cruised out of Resurrection Bay and into the open ocean, and the wildlife sightings died down for a bit.

That's too bad, you saw quite a bit back there!

It kind of looks like he’s perched on a frozen dolphin there.

I had to look from my computer to actually see what was going on. From my phone I thought it was a dolphin. Don't his feet get cold?

Lunch consisted of déjà vu—excuse me, a chicken wrap, chips, bottled water and granola bar.

Well I guess the chicken wraps are easy to store and most people eat chicken. :confused3

But as they say, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Nobody says this anymore and it's one of my favorite phrases!

So we just enjoyed the deja view, complete with kayakers included for scale.

Thanks for including them. I had no idea how massive that glacier was without the perspective.

Obligatory family photo:

Very nice! Your boys are so tall now!

The crew worked to fish glacial chunks out of the water and brought them up on deck so we had the chance to hold a piece of an actual glacier. Now there’s a thrill! It’s a cold, slick, icy surface. It felt almost as if we were holding a chunk of ice.

I don't know why people are always so excited when the people on the boat do this. As you said, almost like holding a chunk of ice. :laughing:

Although my thrill was lessened when my kids informed me that apparently killer whales are the biggest jerks and bullies in the ocean. I did not know that.

I did not know this either, and after reading the comments, that's not nice. I don't mind when my cats do that to bugs, but seems not nice when it's larger creatures.

Was it a great meal? No. But it was fine. Chicken, salad, corn, dinner roll.

Looks like a pretty solid dinner. And as you said, it was included in the price. No waiting or trying to get a reservation.

Chocolate chip cookies follow much the same shelf-life rules as McDonald’s french fries—for the first 7 minutes out of the oven (fryer), they are quite simply the greatest food you will ever eat. Literally cannot be topped. After that, the enjoyment factor follows a graph similar to a radioactive half-life decay of an element

I totally agree with this. Whenever we go to McDonald's (which is more often than I would like to admit), we always order our french fries "cooked to order, please make sure they're hot". Some places really understand what this means and we get fries that have just come out of the fryer and almost burn your tongue. Other places seem to think that if they just hold them up to the heat lamp before they put them in the bag that's OK.

It was tempting to hold up the line and stuff a few more into my pockets. I wouldn’t do that, though. I’m too nice.

I told Drew to do it instead.

Great use of your children! And who's going to admonish a guy with that cute little face?
This was about a 4.5 hour drive from Talkeetna, so it wasn’t necessary for us to be in a great hurry.

Nice to have a down day now and then on a vacation.
Job #1: Find something for breakfast. By this time, we’d been subsisting on Pop Tarts for breakfast (if the hotel wasn’t providing anything) and PB&J sandwiches for lunch for an entire week, and we all needed a break.

I think I'd need a break from that after 3 days. I'll give you an A+ for your tenacity. And tolerance.

serving all sorts of overpriced coffee drinks (just like Starbucks, only with better coffee)

Which describes 99% of coffee shops anywhere.
Don’t these look better than a Pop Tart?

Everyone got their treats and coffee and we piled back into the van to start the drive south. I bit into my chocolate, croissant, newly freed from its almond cocoon.

LOL! I JUST ate an almond croissant yesterday for breakfast and LOVED it!! Almonds and all.

This was just a hunk of bread. Once again, I was victimized by Alaskan False Menu Advertising, which feels like it should be a felony.

Naturally, this was when the rain and fog moved in.
This is becoming very predictable.
Turnagain Arm is very shallow and affected greatly by the tides. It’s one of the locations in the world where you can witness a bore tide rolling in if you happen to be there at the right time (sadly, we did not).

I'd never heard of that before! Fascinating!

We made a right turn just at the edge of town and drove about 8-10 miles west, where we found our fourth national park of the trip: Kenai Fjords National Park.

That AP is really paying off!

Once we broke through the treeline, the breezes returned and all was well again. The glacier, while still impressive, had retreated far up the mountain.


As you say, still impressive. But... sad.

You know what’s really sobering? Finding out you missed out on seeing Bigfoot.


Dang it!

It was marathon day in Seward.

Of course it was!

we found a key benefit to being there on race day: the Seward Brewing Company was actually open for business.


Lydia Jacoby Olympic Race/Town of Seward reaction

Big mom points to Mrs. Jacoby for filming the whole thing on an iPad, which will never not look awkward. I love that Lydia looks as surprised as everyone else.

That was so fun to watch!! Absolutely loved that!

but was greeted with warm cheers and a news crew ready to interview him on his feat. I can only hope I have that much energy when I’m that age.

I wish I had that much energy NOW. :rolleyes2

I will go sit in a corner and think about what I’ve done (or not done, as the case may be).
I had to keep her from stealing too many sips.

I mean... she could have gotten her own beer.
Besides the parts about the exploding helicopters, I mean.
We even had time to walk over to the National Park visitor center so Drew could turn in his workbook from the day before and get his 4th Junior Ranger badge of the trip.
He was kind of a goofball, as he never introduced himself other than saying he was the “disembodied voice in your head.”

Neato!! Looks like he sits here a LOT!
The beauty of the natural scenery is just overwhelming.


Sooooo pretty!!!
Before long, we found a humpback whale cruising the shoreline.


I like this shot for its minimalist composition.

Certainly not a bad meal, and eating also provided the key benefit of giving Drew something to do other than ask when the tour would be over.

:lmao:They should have given him a sticker book bingo game for his little completist heart.
The boat also sold refillable mugs for $7 that you could use for bottomless refills of Coke products. So we bought one and then shared it amongst ourselves. I know, you’re going to start crying “COVID” and stuff, but at this point, we’ve all been sharing one hotel room for a week and a half. If one of us has COVID, then we all have it.

Finally, some common sense is spoken.
We hung out here for quite a while, once again enjoying the sights and sounds of ice calving into the sea. And this time I…almost caught it on camera. You can see the spray from the chunks hitting the water in the center of the photo here.

I am imagining that the sheer giganticness of this is hard to picture here. At 4 miles long I'll bet those "chunks" were huge and the splashes enormous!
Obligatory family photo:

And it's a good one too!
Although my thrill was lessened when my kids informed me that apparently killer whales are the biggest jerks and bullies in the ocean. I did not know that.

And this lessens the thrill how?
And as the ancient law decrees, where there are rocks by a body of water, then yea verily, thou shalt attempt to skip those rocks.

And thus it came to pass.
So sayeth The Mark.
Yeah... It turned out I didn't get those days off. I got one, but that's it.
However! We are currently training 3 new people, so hopefully in about 6 months we'll have staff.
(although one is a compassionate transfer and will probably retire in about 3 years. but then again, I'm not far behind that, so I don't care too much. :rolleyes:)


So at least the end is in sight?

Speaking of work, just finished passing some messages between one of your B1 bombers heading to Ellsworth and base. Didn't you visit there fairly recently?

Let's see...we were in South Dakota in 2016, I believe. We were in the vicinity of Ellsworth when we visited Rapid City and the missile site. Still one of the coolest historic sites we've seen in this country.

Hmmm... Maybe I need to get down to Texas...

It's virtually impossible not to find good BBQ down there.

Paying attention to what?


I feel a spreadsheet coming on.
(I just finished doing that, actually, with all my Harley poker chips.)

You are more right than you know! I'm trying to put together the complete Ultimate Family Ranking spreadsheet for all of our travels since we've now visited all 50 states. I figured that would be a fun way to end things once this TR is over and look back on where we've been. It's hard for everyone to find time to get into it, though.

I want otters cavorting with moose in the water. Otherwise I want a complete refund.

Make sure you send a strongly worded memo to the cruise line!

I am very sly.

That's what people tell me anyway, before the put things past me.

Flattery. It gets you to let your guard down.

Please. I don't really need to know about your posterior.

You know enough to be a pain in it! :laughing:

If it's anything like my experience with the Columbia icefield (40 years apart)...

Yeah...sad to see them disappearing so fast.

Hmmm... I've seen that too. But... are they really doing it needlessly? I don't claim to understand the group dynamics or instincts of a killer whale pod.

From what my kids told me, they will occasionally kill something just for fun--not bothering to fee afterwards. I don't know how often that actually happens.

Oh sure. There you go just shotting over everything I say.

It's what I do.

I'm preeeeetty sure ya got more than 3!

Well...if there are more than that, they don't comment!
Well...if there are more than that, they don't comment!
Sorry Mark - I am one of the people who reads all your reports but I am not a big commenter. So add me to your readers.
Can't wait to see where the family (or some of the family) goes next. Any thoughts on 2022 vacations?
Maybe.....stretch the truth?

Who, me? :rolleyes1

Yeah, no surprise here.

I prefer my guides to have a sense of humor.

That's too bad, you saw quite a bit back there!

It was a lot! It was actually nice to get a break and be able to sit down instead of running all over the boat trying to take photos.

I had to look from my computer to actually see what was going on. From my phone I thought it was a dolphin. Don't his feet get cold?

I guess not? I don't really know.

Well I guess the chicken wraps are easy to store and most people eat chicken. :confused3

For a mass-produced lunch, it was fine. Still better than PB&J.

Nobody says this anymore and it's one of my favorite phrases!

It is a good one. I think any phrase that you can work "hand grenades" into is a worthwhile one.

Thanks for including them. I had no idea how massive that glacier was without the perspective.

It kind of boggles the mind to see something that huge.

Very nice! Your boys are so tall now!

It's unbelievable how much they've grown in the last year or two. I'm a shrimp now!

I don't know why people are always so excited when the people on the boat do this. As you said, almost like holding a chunk of ice. :laughing:

Yeah, I don't know what they were expecting to find.

I did not know this either, and after reading the comments, that's not nice. I don't mind when my cats do that to bugs, but seems not nice when it's larger creatures.

Most of my info is coming from my kids, so I don't know how often these types of things take place.

Looks like a pretty solid dinner. And as you said, it was included in the price. No waiting or trying to get a reservation.

And that lack of stress is worth it. It was getting old trying to figure out which restaurants were open on what days due to staffing issues.

totally agree with this. Whenever we go to McDonald's (which is more often than I would like to admit), we always order our french fries "cooked to order, please make sure they're hot". Some places really understand what this means and we get fries that have just come out of the fryer and almost burn your tongue. Other places seem to think that if they just hold them up to the heat lamp before they put them in the bag that's OK.

I'm usually too impatient to make them cook a fresh batch for me, but it does make a difference.

Great use of your children! And who's going to admonish a guy with that cute little face?

Drew definitely gets away with a lot more than I do!
So at least the end is in sight?
How did we get back to your posterior again????
Let's see...we were in South Dakota in 2016, I believe. We were in the vicinity of Ellsworth when we visited Rapid City and the missile site. Still one of the coolest historic sites we've seen in this country.
Might have to pay it a visit some day.
It's virtually impossible not to find good BBQ down there.
So no research necessary…
You are more right than you know! I'm trying to put together the complete Ultimate Family Ranking spreadsheet for all of our travels since we've now visited all 50 states. I figured that would be a fun way to end things once this TR is over and look back on where we've been. It's hard for everyone to find time to get into it, though.
Cool. Would be curious to see the results.
Make sure you send a strongly worded memo to the cruise line!
Flattery. It gets you to let your guard down.
So that’s why that happens.
You know enough to be a pain in it! :laughing:
From what my kids told me, they will occasionally kill something just for fun--not bothering to fee afterwards. I don't know how often that actually happens.
Is it fun, though? Or essential training?
Nice to have a down day now and then on a vacation.

We're really not used to that experience at all! It almost feels like I'm wasting time.

I think I'd need a break from that after 3 days. I'll give you an A+ for your tenacity. And tolerance.

It all comes down to $$$. Buying 6 lunches a day is just too much for the budget to bear.

Which describes 99% of coffee shops anywhere.

No lies detected!

LOL! I JUST ate an almond croissant yesterday for breakfast and LOVED it!! Almonds and all.

I always thought you were a little nutty.

This is becoming very predictable.

Don't worry, the weather will change every five minutes or so.

I'd never heard of that before! Fascinating!

I wish I'd timed our drives a little better to see it. I think the most famous/dramatic one is the Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada.

That AP is really paying off!

::yes:: Too bad it didn't cover the cost of the tour.

As you say, still impressive. But... sad.


That was so fun to watch!! Absolutely loved that!

We caught the race live during the Olympics. What a thrill! So unexpected.

I wish I had that much energy NOW. :rolleyes2

Seriously. I know that of which you speak.

I mean... she could have gotten her own beer.

Oh come on, you know the first rule of wives: What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine.

Neato!! Looks like he sits here a LOT!

I didn't look for evidence, but that does appear to be his "spot".

Sooooo pretty!!!


I like this shot for its minimalist composition.

Oh, good. That's exactly what I was going for at the time. :rolleyes1

:lmao:They should have given him a sticker book bingo game for his little completist heart.

I was getting annoyed that the killer whales weren't interesting enough.

Finally, some common sense is spoken.

It seems like we all veer between taking the virus way too seriously so as to impede any semblance of life, and not seriously enough to improve conditions/care for our fellow man.

I am imagining that the sheer giganticness of this is hard to picture here. At 4 miles long I'll bet those "chunks" were huge and the splashes enormous!

You could definitely hear them, even from a quarter mile away. Pretty neat to experience.

And it's a good one too!

Hey, thanks!

And this lessens the thrill how?

I just didn't know they could be so...mean. I thought they were all friendly like Shamu.

So sayeth The Mark.

So let it be written, so let it be done.
Sorry Mark - I am one of the people who reads all your reports but I am not a big commenter. So add me to your readers.
Can't wait to see where the family (or some of the family) goes next. Any thoughts on 2022 vacations?

Hey, thanks for chiming in after my passive/aggressive comments! Glad I didn't scare you off. :laughing:

Dave is graduating high school this year, so we're planning a big sendoff for him. We're planning on visiting Southern California.


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