Waving Goodbye To My 20s - Aulani Trip Report - Update 9/25 Going Home (The End)

Wow! Some of the things you reported on, like the "artwork" were seriously not expected.

I have a feeling that if I ever visit this island with Fran the Arizona will not be on our tour list. I've never discussed it with her, but her mother lost her 1st husband in the Pearl Harbor bombing. Fran's father died just after I joined the DIS so I don't think I've gone into what a terrible human being he was on this forum. I'm pretty sure if the two of us go to Hawaii, she doesn't want to see the death place of her mother's only love of her life.

I'm sorry that some of the families didn't feel it necessary to pay proper respect at such a site.

I try to report on things I find interesting like the "artwork" but it makes sense too - young men on Navy Ships in the middle of the ocean with some free time have to find some ways to entertain themselves. I was talking to some of my coworkers that used to serve in the Navy (along with showing them some of the other artwork on the Missouri) to which I got a response that some of that was nothing to what they saw while on ship.

I 100% respect why you wouldn't want to visit the Pacific Memorial with a family history such as Fran's. *hugs*

Wow! The pics of your tours really make me want to do this! I think I will leave the kiddos, but my husband would truly enjoy the "heart of the Missouri" as he's an engineer too.

Your husband would totally enjoy it then! Probably not the best for young children as you said but that is what babysitters can be used for!
Visit to A Local Strip Mall

As we took the bus from the Ford Island back over to the USS Arizona Memorial, I was searching on my phone to find something to eat in the area. I was getting dangerously close to that “hangry” stage of hunger and I figured my husband was too. I ended up looking for places to eat by opening Maps on my iPhone and just searching for food in the general area. I ended up finding this place called “Cajun King” that looked like it had good options for both myself and my husband while also being really reasonably priced for Hawaii.

When the bus stopped, we walked back to our rental car and began driving to our destination! The traffic was bad due to the construction of the commuter rail but we endured and eventually we pulled into a shopping plaza in the middle of a very Korean community in Aiea. This didn’t bother us as we figured where we were going was definitely not a tourist place but still had decent ratings online which meant locals really had to be happy with it and hopefully it would mean the service would be fast.

This place was a dive - the tables had paper coverings (which made sense with many of the items being shelled seafood) but there were a few tables of locals totally chowing down on the crab leg specials!

It didn’t take us long to decide what to get and our drinks arrived shortly.


Mmm, Coke Zero!

My husband and I got an order of the cajun fries to split. Although, they were more his thing as I had a carb with my meal. The cajun spice on the fries were super tasty!


Cajun Fries

I went with the Cajun Shrimp Lunch Special with White Rice. As I’m a girl born and raised in Florida, I’m super used to having shrimp served in this manner. Yes, it meant I had to work for my food to unshell it but the flavor at the end of the work was well worth it! I was also super happy at the paper on the table as it gave me a place to put my shells so my plate could stay clear for my food! The shrimp had a nice kick to it. The rice was well, rice - nothing really special but at least filling for someone in the ‘hangry’ state.


Cajun Style Shrimp Lunch Special

My husband had the stir-fried string beans with garlic. He was really happy as the beans were cooked just enough to still have a bite to them. The flavor was great and the serving portion was huge!


Stir-Fried String Beans w/ Garlic

After our lunch, we went inside the Korean Supermarket next door. We ended up picking up ourselves some drinks for the next few days, Shrimp Chips for me (I love traditional Shrimp Chips!) and candy for my husband. It was super cheap for all of it!


We drove back to the hotel to shower and nap as we had done a lot of walking between the Arizona and Missouri!​
Your visit to the Arizona looked very moving. I visited once almost 30 years ago but would like to go back. Crazy that the oil is still leaking to the water's surface. It makes me sad that some don't treat it with the respect a memorial deserves by talking, laughing etc.

Looks like you found a good local lunch spot!
Great report....with using points and bring DVC, could you tell us about the Hawaiian " tourest" hotel tax...and how much per day it is...

Thank you...

Robin & Angel " D"
Your visit to the Arizona looked very moving. I visited once almost 30 years ago but would like to go back. Crazy that the oil is still leaking to the water's surface. It makes me sad that some don't treat it with the respect a memorial deserves by talking, laughing etc.

Looks like you found a good local lunch spot!

The audio tour stated it leaks 2 to 9 quarts of oil a day. They think it currently still has around 500,000 gallons of oil still in its hull so basically, its never going to stop leaking oil for probably another 1000 years.

Great report....with using points and bring DVC, could you tell us about the Hawaiian " tourest" hotel tax...and how much per day it is...

Thank you...

Robin & Angel " D"

The 'tourist' tax wasn't a lot. I just pulled up my receipt in my email and it was $8.68 a day so a total of $60.76 for the 7 nights we were there. Not a lot of money in the realm of the vacation as a whole.

When we had gotten back to the hotel after our outing, my husband did not want to go back out for dinner but still wanted a nice meal. As the Four Seasons was now open next door to Aulani, we figured that might be a good option. We looked over the menus before we had our nap and decided to try out Noe as it looked like it would be a good option for us.

After our relaxation in the room, we walked over to the Four Seasons and loved how beautiful the hotel was!


Entrance of Hotel

As we had no idea where we were going, we had to ask the front desk directions to the restaurant as there wasn’t obvious signage to tell us where to go. It was immediately downstairs from us so we went down the marble staircase and our hostess sat us outside on a gorgeous patio overlooking their chapel and stream.



Our waitress came for our drink order but my husband was being super indecisive so he decided against a cocktail just yet as we debated the menu. I knew what I wanted as I like my scotch and the scotch cocktail sounded interesting to me. I was really pleased with my selection too!


Il Padron - Blended Scotch, Amaro, Amaretto, Orange Bitters, Laphroiag Spritz, Hand Carved Ice

When she brought my cocktail out, she brought us out freshly made focaccia bread and took the rest of our order and my husband’s cocktail order.


Focaccia Bread w/ Olive Oil

I went with two appetizers to start my meal. The first was the shrimp appetizer. The shrimp was cooked perfectly and had just enough lemon flavoring. The tomato sauce wasn’t even needed for it!


Lemon Shrimp, Tomato Sauce

I also had a salad. While I think Kale is completely overdone most places now - but this salad was totally balanced. The sweetness of the apples played off the sharpness of the parmigiano that you didn’t mind the bitterness of the kale at all. There were also some nuts in there to help with the texture!


Baby Kale, Cucumber, Apples, Parmigiano

My husband surprised me and went with whipped ricotta with truffled honey. It seemed like an odd choice for him but he seemed really happy with it! A little one note of flavor and texture but it was his dish and not mine :)


Whipped Ricotta, Truffled Honey, Almond

His cocktail arrived as I was almost finished with my first one so I ordered a second! At first he was put back by it as it wasn’t as sweet as I think he thought it was going to be but then I pointed out that campari is a known bitter liquor he was like “oh yeah” and started enjoying it more.


Il Padron - Blended Scotch, Amaro, Amaretto, Orange Bitters, Lapgroiag Spritz (on the bottom almost gone and seconds on the way) + Jungle Bird - Blackstrap Rum, Campari, Oahu Pineapple, Lime Juice

My husband went with soup for his entree. He had decided he didn’t want a huge pasta dish for dinner and figured this would be a nice alternative and something he hadn’t tried before. He was very happy! At least now we have something else he can eat while we our out since usually there isn’t meat in it (broth not included - he isn’t that strict)


Minestrone Soup

I went with a chicken dish mainly because I had gotten steak the day before but I still wanted something super protein like. I was really happy with this! The chicken skin was perfectly crispy without being greasy and the chicken was juicy. I really was happy with the green scallions and the walnut pesto was a nice touch.


Chicken Paillard, Green Scallions, Walnut Pesto

Our server offered us the dessert menu but we decided to pass on it as we were both full from all that food! She brought us out complimentary glasses of champagne for it being my birthday. (I fully admit I totally milked that this trip)



This was such an excellent meal! Upon leaving dinner, I was definitely a bit tipsy from the champagne and the scotch cocktails but luckily all I had to do was walk back to the room for the night! We called it a night as we planned on getting up early in the morning for Diamondhead!​
The audio tour stated it leaks 2 to 9 quarts of oil a day. They think it currently still has around 500,000 gallons of oil still in its hull so basically, its never going to stop leaking oil for probably another 1000 years.

The 'tourist' tax wasn't a lot. I just pulled up my receipt in my email and it was $8.68 a day so a total of $60.76 for the 7 nights we were there. Not a lot of money in the realm of the vacation as a whole.
Not bad....hex.....Aulani is in our near future..
Definitely putting the Four Seasons on my list! Setting, cocktails, food, and service all look and sound amazing! Any advantage to being there for sunset or that's not how it is positioned? I forget, have you tried any of the restaurants at the Four Seasons in WDW?
Good timing on checking out your latest post as we're hunkered in for the night watching Lilo and Stitch.:-)

Your meal looks amazing (especially all the copious amounts of alcohol :-)). What were your shrimp wrapped in? Looks interesting, just can't figure it out. I'm presuming, but is the 4 seasons right next to Aulani?
I'm enjoying reading your trip report! And thanks for all the details. If we ever go back, there are things I'd like to try that we didn't get to this trip.
Your lunch and dinner sounded really good. I'm not big on shrimp with their heads on.

I'm just getting ready to prepare dinner and both your updates were on food! Now I'm even more hungry!
Not bad....hex.....Aulani is in our near future..
Do it! It was so worth it!

Definitely putting the Four Seasons on my list! Setting, cocktails, food, and service all look and sound amazing! Any advantage to being there for sunset or that's not how it is positioned? I forget, have you tried any of the restaurants at the Four Seasons in WDW?

The service, cocktails and food and setting were all top notch! Totally what you would expect from a Four Seasons. It was a relaxed pace - not something to rush in and out of. Probably not much of an advantage for sunset - there are a decent amount outbuildings like the chapel or things that would block the main views of the sunset. We haven't tried any of the restaurants at the Four Seasons in WDW yet. We want too - we just haven't been able to squeeze it in there with all the other new ones along with our favorites! Add in all the new arrivals in Disney Springs and I'm not sure how I'm going to squeeze too much more in the next two trips!

Good timing on checking out your latest post as we're hunkered in for the night watching Lilo and Stitch.:-)

Your meal looks amazing (especially all the copious amounts of alcohol :-)). What were your shrimp wrapped in? Looks interesting, just can't figure it out. I'm presuming, but is the 4 seasons right next to Aulani?

You know I love my alcohol! (Although, I may be paying for it next post)

I love Lilo & Stitch (since well obviously, you know who my favorite Disney character is) Hope you all enjoyed your lovely family movie night! The shrimp were wrapped in rice noodles and fried just enough to be made crispy. The Four Seasons is next door to the Aulani so easy walking distance although it is up a hill - it opened it doors in May so still fairly new and not fully occupied yet. The main restaurants had just started taking open table not long before our trip!

I'm enjoying reading your trip report! And thanks for all the details. If we ever go back, there are things I'd like to try that we didn't get to this trip.

Glad you are enjoying reading along with my report! If we go back, there are a lot of things we still want to do as well - 7 nights was just enough to get a good taste of what Oahu had to offer but leave us wanting more. We have some other places on our to-do list first though!

Your lunch and dinner sounded really good. I'm not big on shrimp with their heads on.

I'm just getting ready to prepare dinner and both your updates were on food! Now I'm even more hungry!

I used to not be a big fan of shrimp with heads on - but I've gotten over it over the years - especially after traveling to some places where its normal for that (especially with Prawns more so) luckily they are easy to just remove and place to the side and not think about again.

Glad I made you hungry before dinner! Hopefully you had something tasty to prepare :)

My next two updates will not be food related ;)


My goal is to try to get this trip report finished before I leave for Opening Food & Wine Weekend - that leaves 24 days for the 15 more updates I have planned. I need to get moving! I am traveling though starting today until Thursday for work where I'm going to Minneapolis, MN, Buffalo, NY and just outside Tortoto. Hopefully, I can get some time to work on my updates in the evenings or on the planes. We'll see!

We had set an alarm for us to wake up at 5:00AM so we could get out of the room by 5:15AM. Well, that didn’t work exactly as planned. We left later than I wanted to but eventually we got on the road, I think by 6:00AM. I may have been speeding on my way to Diamondhead as I wanted to get in the main parking lot and get there before it was too hot. We did arrive before 7AM. I paid for parking at the main gate and we were still able to get a spot in that main lot!





As we started our hike, the group of Japanese Tourists were leaving so at least we missed their mass entrance to the park!


First Main Lookout:



As we continued up the mountain, I realized a few things…
….Steep Inclines suck (I’m such a Florida girl)
….My husband is a jerk (Go faster! Keep Up! You can run in Florida, you can do this! )
….The first 74 stairs set kicked my butt
….I was really having to pay more attention to my footing than I expected too as I didn’t want to risk rolling my ankle and I forgot to wear my brace (Stupid me!)
….I might be reaching the point where I can’t get tipsy then try to do super strenuous things the next day

My husband took a photo of me going up those stairs that will never see the light of day as I look horrible.


I was very thankful for the rest stop at the 2nd lookout to catch my breathe.

Second Main Lookout:

As I had some water to try to cool myself down, my husband was ready to keep going. I just keep looking at the 99 stairs that laid ahead and was thinking “nope” at least not yet. As he was impatient - I told him to just get on with it and I’ll just wait for him there since he kept getting annoyed I was slowing him down.

So here are his photos from the top:







When he got back to the lookout I was at, we headed back down. Going down was so much easier! I was actually moving faster than he was even with having to watch my footing a lot more than him.

We stopped by the restrooms to have a sink bath since we had more places to go this day and I forgot to bring a change of clothes for us. We finished off our bottles of water.



When I got to the car, I looked to see how long we actually took at Diamondhead, especially since my husband thought I was moving so ‘slow.’

Any guesses?




50 minutes - including the restroom stops at the beginning and end! No wonder I was beat!


I kept my thoughts to myself and put in the address to the Waikiki Aquarium in my phone. They didn’t open until 9AM so we had a little time to kill. We pulled over on our way there to this nice photo point looking up towards Diamondhead




Cute Aquarium

So since our hike didn’t take as long as planned (*coughcough*) and the little overlook was just a 5 minute pitstop, we arrived at the Waikiki Aquarium a little earlier than they opened. Luckily, we have cell phones and we can entertain ourselves until they opened. Apparently a summer camp full of very young children (5 or 6) were also visiting the aquarium today. We hoped we would be able to ‘outpace’ them going through the exhibits.


The Waikiki Aquarium is the 2nd oldest Public Aquarium in the United States - having opened its doors in 1904 to show the world the creatures from the reefs around Hawaii. Admission is only $12 per adult.

Luckily, we were able to keep ahead of the summer camp and enjoy the exhibits. They had a lot of fish and coral from the shallow to deep seas around Hawaii and the Pacific Ocean and information about them.













The most interesting part to me was the Hawaiian Monk Seals they have on exhibit. These seals are highly endangered (~1200 left in the wild) and only live in the Hawaiian Islands. The two seals they have living at the aquarium were rescued as pups and rehabilitation was attempted but failed. One was released but had to rescued again as he had eyesight problems and wouldn’t have survived long in the wild.






We were done with the aquarium in about an hour. As we knew lunch wouldn’t be open until 11AM, we walked around the area near the aquarium. There is the Waikiki Natatorium War Memorial next door which we tried to go look at but discovered it was actually closed. Upon research about this “War Memorial” - it was built to be a public ocean water swimming pool, complete with bleachers built in 1927 in remembrance of the 179 Hawaiian men that were killed in WWI. It was officially closed in 1963 but the structure still remains.




We headed back to the car to head to the Koko Marina for lunch!​
“A Cold Beer In My Hand. Life Is Good Today.”

After our trip to Waikiki, we headed towards the Koko Marina to visit the Kona Brewing Company. We filled up the gas tank since we had finally used up most of the tank from the traveling around the island. The shopping plaza that Kona Brewing is in has a bunch of swim wear shops and shoe shops. While we looked around before Kona opened, nothing caught our eye and we saved our money!


Pretty View


Brewing Kettle

Kona opened right at 11AM and we were seated with a great view of the marina. We were able to see some of the boats come and go during our lunch there - including the excursions for dolphin viewing.

Our server was very friendly and super knowledgable about their beers. They had some beers that are only available by draft at their restaurants so we were happy to get to try those as we have had their bottled versions in the states at a few beer festivals and at Disney.


History of Kona


Front of Menu

Here was my sampler. Those not on a circle were seasonal brews. Unfortunately, I didn’t write down what they were called but I remember liking them!


Beer Samplers #1

My husband’s sampler was really close to mine except for one beer.


Beer Sampler #2

Both of us were starving at this point as we did not eat breakfast and we had done a lot so far this morning with the hiking and the aquarium. We decided we both were going to get an appetizer and entree for lunch and figured we should be full, especially with the beer added in.

My husband started with the Naalehu Nachos - which he got without meat. He was happy with this as he loves cheese, corn and beans. I didn’t try any but he was very happy chowing down as I enjoyed my appetizer.


Naalehu Nachos

I finally got some fresh ahi - only six days into the trip! It was so very worth the wait though. Their tartare tower had three different flavors that each allowed for their own flavor profile. Luckily the wonton layer between each of the tartares allowed the palette to be cleansed before going into the next one. My favorite was the spicy tobiko as it had the most flavor, followed by the sesame oil as it just felt right. I wasn’t too happy with the wasabi honey as I felt it didn’t know what it wanted to be. I’ve done sweet and spicy before but wasabi just doesn’t seem to work for me as a flavor that works with honey real well. I unfortunately made a dumb mistake in eating some of the rice. It was decent rice but I should have left more room for the next course.


Ahi Aloha Tower - Three Different Styles of Tartare including Spicy Tobiko, Wasabi Honey and Sesame Oil

My husband went with a standard option of his! A good old fashioned caesar salad. He was happy and didn’t have much to say about it.


Caesar Salad

I have many good things to say about my dish though. The imu pork was perfectly cooked and tender. The flavor was great as was the slaw and cheese on top. What wasn’t great was that my stomach didn’t have enough room for all of the goodness to go inside. Even with making the decision to skip eating the bun, I couldn’t finish all that meaty goodness!


Imu Pork Sandwich w/ Salt & Pepper Chips

We were super happy with this lunch. We headed back to the resort with a pit stop along the way since well, I’m an awesome person who loves her husband even if he is mean when we hike.​
"You're Never Too Old To Become Younger"

On our way back to Aulani, my husband set the address for something else. I think I’ve established the fact in my many trip reports that we tilt towards the nerd side of life. My husband wanted to go to a place for his enjoyment - Other Realms LTD - The Comic & Game Specialist It’s located at a shopping/medical/business plaza out of the tourist area of Honolulu. It took a bit to walk around the center and actually find the place as it was in the far back of the center (Building C) but we found it and proceeded to spend some time there while my husband looked at the comics and games and things. I ended up picking up one as well (I just started reading it on August 21st on my flight for a work trip - reading an Alien comic book might be frowned upon by some people that sit next to you though..)

So, $125 later, we left with the following...


Outer Realms Comics

And then we headed to Aulani.

On our drive back, we were discussing what we were going to do before we headed to dinner later that evening. It was on this drive back, Pokemon Go was released through the Apple Store. Well, my husband had found his entertainment for the day. I had debated on doing the spa and somehow my husband convinced me it was totally ok to just go despite having already super indulged myself a few ways on this trip. I wasn’t going to let him change his mind! He even called the spa while I drove and I was able to get an appointment set up for 3:30PM. This was ample time to get back to the hotel, shower, relax, and head over to the spa early to enjoy their exclusive areas.

Check In went smoothly and a guide showed me the spa and what all I could enjoy in the hydrotherapy garden until it was time for my treatment. The aromatherapy showers were nice but not something I would hang out in for long periods of times and then I just soaked in the hot tub for a while before I took a quick dip in the cold plunge pool.



Cold Plunge Pool


Hot Tub


Aromatherapy Showers

Back at the ladies’ locker room, I used the dry sauna to dry off before allowing myself to just relax in the relaxation room.



See, isn’t that just awesome relaxation?

The room host offered to bring me some hot tea and I took her up on the offer and she returned with a peppermint, chamomile and lemongrass teas. I sipped these as I just relaxed and played on my cell phone and enjoyed the warm wrap around my neck and feet.




My therapist was a little late in picking me up from the relaxation room but that didn’t bother me too much. I ended up going with the Certified Organic Facial.

With DVC, instead of giving a discount, they offer you a complimentary upgrade to the next higher priced facial. As the next higher priced facial wasn’t something that I felt was needed for my skin, I declined my upgrade and even the therapist admitted that the DVC discount isn’t the best for facial treatments due to the lack of choices at the various price points.

My treatment was very relaxing and she complimented my skin. It’s funny when a therapist tells you that I probably didn’t need to have a 4th facial this year with her as my skin was looking pretty decent, especially for turning 30. It was a little dehydrated but I was also on Day 6 in Hawaii and the sun does like to dry out the skin. At least I hadn’t done a bunch of sun damage to myself!


Gift at end

I fully admit I probably didn’t need a 4th facial at this point in 2016 but my one new year's resolution for the year was to ensure I take great care of my face. I actually started using day and night moisturizers more regularly. I’m glad it's working!

After treatment, I headed back to the room and got ready for one of the dinners I was most looking forward to for this trip. It was the one opentable restaurant that had required a credit card to reserve our table and had a minimum 48 hour cancellation policy. To say I was excited was an understatement! Would it live up?​
Alan Wong’s

We left Aulani around 5:30PM to head into Honolulu for our 7PM dinner at Alan Wong’s. I continued to be thankful for Apple Maps and it being able to get me there without getting lost through all those downtown streets. Alan Wong’s has valet parking but for the life of me I couldn’t see the valet so I just pulled into the parking garage and scared the daylights out of the valet since he was just not paying attention. Oops! I’m sure he got over it when we tipped on our way home at the end of the evening.

We headed up the elevator to the 3rd floor of the building. You see, Alan Wong’s is located inside a small business tower in the middle of Honolulu. If you didn’t know what you were looking for, you could very well miss it. We were let out directly into the restaurant where we did have to a wait a few minutes before we could be seated, especially since we had arrived about 20 minutes earlier than our reservation time.

Eventually we were seated along the back wall where they had placed many of the 2-people parties for the evening. I’m just glad they didn’t put us outside! I love seeing how they had the front of house staff sign the menu for my birthday which was totally a nice touch!


Signed Menu

As we looked at the menu, I got a cranky husband again - kinda like how I did at Morimoto's. He had been looking at the menu and didn’t see a single thing for him entree wise. I had told him that Alan Wong’s is a favorite among vegetarians but he wouldn’t believe me one bit. At least not until our server came to take our drink order and go over the menu. The server explained that instead of just having a few vegetarian options, the chefs like taking anything on the menu, no matter the protein, and accommodating it for vegetarians and he rattled off a few examples. There were a couple options that couldn’t be made vegan friendly. After our drink order was taken (Ginger Mule for me and a Diet Coke for him), I had to say, “told you so!” and finally he was in a better mood. My drink arrived quickly and I was happy with its flavor.


Ginger Mule

We had ordered the local butter tasting as I wanted to know what $7 worth of butter tasted like at a place like this. I mean, yes, they had given us another dip for the bread service but this had to be fancy butter if I had to pay for it, right? (My husband thinks I’m silly)

Well, the butter was in fact very tasty. The Hula Cow Salted Butter was my favorite but you could tell the difference between each of the options given.


Local Butter Tasting - Naked Cow Bariy Butter, Hula Cow Salted & Unsalted

My husband went with a salad that the server had recommended for him as it was easily made vegetarian friendly with the removal of one topping. He declared it to be one of the best salads he’s ever had and actually finished off the entire plate!


Sweet Land Farm, Wahiawa, Goat Cheese Salad, Candied Almonds, Macadamia Nuts, Tea Candy

I went with a smaller appetizer as I knew I would also want dessert. These dumplings had a lot of flavor but you had to be careful on how much of the Szechuan Chili Sauce was on the dumpling as it was hot! Definitely glad I had bread with my fancy butter to cool off my mouth afterwards.


Pork & Shrimp Hash Dumplings, Soy Mustard, Szechuan Chili Sauce, Parmesan Cheese

My husband’s entree turned out to be everything he wanted and more. The lemongrass black bean sauce was something different than he has ever had before but he really enjoyed it with the linguine and with the multitude of vegetables throughout the dish. He only had to pick out mushrooms but the rest of the dish he would eat!


Vegetable Linguine, Chili Garlic Lemongrass Black Bean Sauce

I went with one of the signature Alan Wong dishes for my entree. I was actually torn between two different ones but I’m glad I did this one. The short ribs were so expertly cooked that I was in heaven. If I could have gotten away with licking my plate of the sauces I would have but I am an adult and sometimes do have to behave as such.


Twice Cooked Short Rib, Soy Braised & Grilled “Kalbi” Style, Ginger Shrimp, Kochu Jang Sauce

I also had picked these mashed potatoes as my side. I’m usually not the biggest mashed potato fan but there were perfection! The cheese was throughout with flavor and the brûlée of the cheese on top was even better. I did make a mistake of having a bit shortly after it was placed on the table but was quickly going for my water as it totally was too hot for consumption! At least you know it was fresh!


Parmesan Cheese Mashed Potatoes

After our mains, we looked at the dessert menu and both found something that caught our eyes and of course it wasn’t the same dish. As we hadn’t ordered a lot of desserts this trip, we just went for it and both got our own as we weren’t sharing!

I went for the Kualoa Farms Banana Cream Pie. This pie was such a nice surprise in flavors. The lime whip provided a nice tartness to the dish that balanced the sweetness of the banana cream and vanilla ice cream.


Kualoa Farms Banana Cream Pie - Hanoaka Farm Lime Whip, Vanilla Ice Cream, Brown Sugar Crisp

My husband went for the super chocolate dessert as he does love his chocolate! He devoured it without saying much so that had to have been a good sign!


Waialua Chocolate Crunch Bars, Milk Chocolate Macadamia Nut Crunch, Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse, Waialua Chocolate Ice Cream

We were both beyond stuffed at this point. This was a lot of food for us nowadays and apparently, it wasn’t everything! They brought out a special dessert for it being my birthday. I ate two bites of it to be polite and it was enjoyable but I was too full to even attempt to try anymore as I didn’t want to be ill.


Guava Cake

We paid our bill (warning - sodas here are not free refills but that's our fault for not asking since soda wasn’t listed on the dinner or drink menus) and headed back downstairs to get our car from the valet. I totally overtipped because of the previous scare and drove back to Aulani for bed and for us to decide what we would be doing the next day as it was kinda up in the air at this point!​
Awesome updates!! With a couple of exceptions (generally of the athletic & educational variety, LOL) I pretty much want to copy your whole trip!!!! Kona, the spa, and Alan Wong's all look fantastic!!
That tuna tartare looked amazing! Really no free refills on soda? That just seems very odd to me?


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