Healthy Living from the INSIDE OUT - May 2016 WISH Challenge

Alright, gonna keep going with the same goal - 14 lbs.

Currently 259, hoping to be 245 at the end of May. Should be an interesting month as I transition from the end of the school year to summer break... also have my daughter's birthday.
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I'm in too. Last month I lost 6 pounds from my 8 pound goal, but this month I'm going to set my goal a little higher and try for 10 pounds. I have a lot to lose, so should be do-able and we leave for vacation in the middle of June, so I'd love to lose some more before we leave. Just makes for a more comfortable flight, more energy and overall better vacation!
Just stumbled in the door and realized it is officially the 1st of May! So I'm going to post our first question of the day, collapse into bed, and sleep until noon. :)


QOTD - May 1st

We are going to start out the month with an easy one! If you haven't already, introduce yourself! What is your goal this month? Weight loss? Exercise accomplished? General sense of well being found? Let's talk about any and all of your goals! What to do you to be able to say "I did that" about 31 days from now? What is your plan to make those goals happen? Specifics welcome! How are you going to track your percentage of goal complete each week? Finally, what can we do to help you achieve your goals?

Bonus QOTD - What is your earliest Disney memory?
We are going to start out the month with an easy one! If you haven't already, introduce yourself! What is your goal this month? Weight loss? Exercise accomplished? General sense of well being found? Let's talk about any and all of your goals! What to do you to be able to say "I did that" about 31 days from now? What is your plan to make those goals happen? Specifics welcome! How are you going to track your percentage of goal complete each week? Finally, what can we do to help you achieve your goals?

Hi everyone! I am Magdalene, one of your resident Europeans on this thread. I am from Germany. I am in my mid-forties, am a lawyer working for the state of Bavaria, have a boyfriend (well, he is older than me, so only a boy at heart, but partner or significant other sound weird to me as well) who lives in Florida, neither of us has any kids. Yes, we somehow ended up with a strange trans-continental long distance relationship, but are working at spending more time together and I am really looking forward to him being in Germany for two months this summer!

I like to set myself weight loss goals as I find that that helps me focus the most in all different aspects. I just weighed in at 159.4 pounds this morning and that puts me at a BMI of 25.1. So, I am determined to end the months well into the "normal" weight range, my goal is it to lose 2 kg, that is 4.4 pounds. I seem to mostly hover with my weight in the 160 to 175 pound range and it is finally time to leave that range for good! Besides this I also have an exercise goal as I am signed up to run a 10k on June 2nd. For this my goal is to get a time under 1 hour and 10 minutes. I have run a 10k twice before, usually I am a short distance girl, and both times I was just under 1:10, so my goal is it to repeat this. If I can get faster, then that is great!!

My plan to get there is to continue tracking my exercise and eating through my fitbit app. I have a fitbit one which I love as I would never want to wear an activity tracker on my wrist as to me this is something private that does not need to be shown to the whole world. My friends and family know about my fitbit, but I want it to be my choice to let people know and not advertise it to everyone who happens to see my wrist. I do have a very loose running plan that has me doing a long run every Sunday, currently building up distance there, today I am due for a 9km run, then from next Sunday on I will run 10km every Sunday. In addition to that I will add two short runs per week, mostly Wednesday and Friday, both will be about 30 to 40 minutes, kind of depending on what I feel like. My main goal for the moment is to just become comfortable with the distance! I am planing on another 10k in October and I will see after June 2nd on how I will change my running schedule then, but that is already the next month!

My biggest help in achieving my goals is for the group just being there! I have been following these threads for such a long time and I love them as a place that gives me motivation, support and a place to vent as well as a place to share my success! I love the QOTD and the answers to it as it often makes me think!

Bonus QOTD - What is your earliest Disney memory?

One of my mother's sisters married an American in the 60s and moved to California then. Sometime, when I was about 6 years old, she came to visit with her son and told us about the vacation they did earlier that year to Disneyland and how amazing this was. Ever since then I was dreaming about going to Disneyland as it sounded like the most magical place to visit! I am not sure what my exact thoughts were, as I remember that I was amazed how different it was from my dreams when I finally got to visit it about 14 years later - with my aunt! But even if it was not like my dreams, I was still in awe and it turned me into an instant Disney Parks fan! I have to say, that while I enjoy a lot of Disney movies, I am far more a park fan than a movie fan.

This is me and my wonderful aunt last summer at the Lassetter Family Winery during my visit to California:


And I am happy to report that I am nearly 10 pounds lighter now than I was when this picture was taken!
Just stumbled in the door and realized it is officially the 1st of May! So I'm going to post our first question of the day, collapse into bed, and sleep until noon. :)

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QOTD - May 1st

We are going to start out the month with an easy one! If you haven't already, introduce yourself! What is your goal this month? Weight loss? Exercise accomplished? General sense of well being found? Let's talk about any and all of your goals! What to do you to be able to say "I did that" about 31 days from now? What is your plan to make those goals happen? Specifics welcome! How are you going to track your percentage of goal complete each week? Finally, what can we do to help you achieve your goals?

Bonus QOTD - What is your earliest Disney memory?

I'm Maggie, 43, from DC (but a California native who has been unbelievably homesick lately in spite of living in DC/Virginia/Maryland for more than half my life), and another one of the W.I.S.H. challenge lawyers. I was a super skinny kid, teenager, and 20-something, and then rapidly packed on about 40 pounds before being diagnosed with a cocktail of autoimmune disorders before my 30th birthday (thanks body!). I've added a few pounds every year since then and found myself with the way I looked, in growing pain, depressed, and about 60 pounds overweight last summer. I lost about 20 pounds in a few months last year but then just sort of stalled. The good news is that I've managed to maintain the loss and keep myself just on the overweight side of the overweight/obese arrow (well, not today, but I got off a plane from Orlando seven hours ago). The bad news is that I've spent months struggling to find my mojo again and really get that scale moving down.

Trackable goal for the month: 12 pounds!

That is an enormous goal for me but my scale is currently sitting at 208.2 but at least 8 pounds of that is extra fluids and the ridiculous amount of sugar and baked good that I consumed at Epcot yesterday. I expect that the scale will crash over the next few days and I'll have a weight loss goal of about 4 pounds for the rest of the month.

My real goal for the month is more amorphous. I want to find consistency again. I know the routine that works best for me and leaves me feeling great but I seem to abandon it for the flimsiest of reasons. I need to get my stress under control, go back to making plans, and start taking care of myself again.

The plan: consistency and baby steps to make sure that consistency happens!

  1. Hard core tracking! I'm a big cheerleader for the log every bite (or caloric sip) that goes in your mouth camp. Even if I totally blow my calorie/point goals, the data is priceless to me. Plus knowing I'm going to have to write it down often helps me choose not to eat it.
  2. The return of the meal plan! More annoying than even the song from It's a Small World is the little voice in my head that says, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail." I hate it when the voices in my head are right! But they usually are and this afternoon's main activities are going to be writing out a lunch/dinner plan for the month, visiting the grocery store, and making a big pot of soup.
  3. Exercise! But just for 10 minutes at least three times a week. As a dedicated public transportation user and the mom of a border collie, my daily step count is almost always nice and high. But I have the muscles of Olive Oyl and the flexibility of a stick pretzel. I also hate formal exercise with a burning passion. I need to get over that. I can do anything for 10 minutes (even if I have to count like Kimmy Schmidt) and that includes exercise.
The obstacles: I've got a relatively low key month on the personal side of things but am prepping for a trial in June. I haven't been inside a courtroom in years and I fully expect the fear/stress/anticipation to hit me about 24 hours from now. It is going to be a busy, busy, busy work month and I am a stress eater. I need to acquire lots of carrots and dill pickles because salt and crunch are my big needs. :)

The earliest Disney memory - My first visit to Disneyland was for my seventh birthday. Sadly, I don't remember a thing about the park itself but I do remember the car ride home. Our air conditioner broke, it was about nine million degrees, and mom had a cooler of ice and wet wash cloths that she kept handing around so we didn't overheat. In a shocking display of bad judgment on my part (and remarkably benevolent parenting on the part of mom and dad), I insisted that they keep replaying the cassette tape of It's a Small World I bought as one of my souvenirs. Over and over and over and over again.

Now I must go pick up my children from the kennel! Yay!!!
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I am Stephanie. I am 36. After I started my current job 8 years ago I started gaining weight. I went from working in a daycare to a desk job. I am hoping to get back down to 120 pounds.

My goal is to get down to 135 by our disney trip June 4th. That means I need to lose 7 pounds. I am really going to try and hit this goal.

My goal for this month is to lose 7 pounds. This might be hard but I am up for the challenge.
I am happy to report that my scheduled long run for today worked out wonderfully! Last week I was running through a snow storm, today the weather was perfect for running. 60 degrees and overcast. Wonderful! I tried a new route and I think this will become my standard for long runs from now on. It goes through two parks, is even signposted. I think once I know my way around a little more, I will be able to do variations in the second park (the first park is the one I usually go to, there is an about 1 km long connecting route between the two parks). There even are a few small hills in the second park! Overall it was a great run, I only started to feel a little tired on the last km. I ended up running 9.5km in one hour and 10 minutes. So, if my IPhone GPS was correct, I only need to be a little bit faster on race day to achieve my goal! However, I don't really trust my IPhone in that regard. We will see.
My name is Marie, I'm 27. I need to lose weight, but I think I'm gonna base my goal on the amount of exercise I do versus the amount of pounds I lose, because I feel like my biggest challenge is to stick to a routine, which I always have a hard time doing. I don't think I can count the amount of times I've signed up for a gym and stopped going after two months, even with them taking the money out of my account for the whole 12 months still.

So, my goal is gonna be to do a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise, 5 times a week.

This is not counting leisurely walking, like when I walk to work (10 minutes from home to the metro station, another 5 minutes from the metro station to work), or the 10-15 minutes walk to the grocery store, etc. We don't have a car so we do a lot of walking ;) But even though I've been walking a lot more than I used to since we moved here, it hasn't affected my weight at all.

Bonus question... Hmmm... Well, if we're talking Disney memory overall, not necessarily relating to the parks, I think my earliest memory would be when I was little and we went to see Disney on Ice in Montreal. It was Pocahontas Disney on Ice. I remember getting a souvenir cup with Pocahontas on it - it came with the snowcone purchase, and after looking on Google, I'm pretty sure it was exactly this one (although I remembered it bigger... maybe because I was smaller :P)


I'm not sure what became of it. My mom probably made the elective decision to get rid of it at some point.
Hello, I'm Lizanne. Currently 59 years old, single with no kiddo's, heck I still feel like a kiddo myself. I've struggled with my weight all my life, well kind of, the past four or so years I wasn't even trying and ballooned up to 220 pounds. Last winter was incredibly stressful at work and I kept getting sick, then one day after seeing Oprah's WW commercial I realized she was telling my story so I picked up the phone and joined the online program right there and then. So far I've dropped 29 pounds and am feeling much better, but I'm not even half way to my ultimate goal.

My May goals are split into non-vacation and vacation. I head out to WDW, for my annual spring migration, on a red eye next Friday evening... Less than a week away, yahoo! My goal for next week is to drop 2 pounds and get into the 180's... 189.9 will do! My vacation goals are to eat healthfully and keep the weight gain to around 3 pounds and also to average 20,000 steps per day. Post-vacation it's to lose any weight gained plus another pound or two.

Earliest Disney memory... I do remember watching the tv show as a kid and can picture the credits with the castle and Tink. But I don't recall that we even knew Disneyland existed or if we did, understood what it was. In the late 1980's I moved to the WDC area and had the idea that my then 11 year old niece would fly out and we'd drive down to Florida to go to WDW. Both the drive and the Disney World parts of the trip were a lot of fun and it started the tradition of taking nieces and nephews on a trip with auntie when they were 11, and the tradition of me going at least once a year. Since I moved back to Seattle in 1996 that trip has been in the spring, so I can get my first dose of sunshine. But the past few years I've also gone down in the fall or at Christmas time to meet up with friends... Last year it was both for a total of three trips! I've sure gotten my money's worth out of my AP!
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QOTD - May 1st

We are going to start out the month with an easy one! If you haven't already, introduce yourself! What is your goal this month? Weight loss? Exercise accomplished? General sense of well being found? Let's talk about any and all of your goals! What to do you to be able to say "I did that" about 31 days from now? What is your plan to make those goals happen? Specifics welcome! How are you going to track your percentage of goal complete each week? Finally, what can we do to help you achieve your goals?

Bonus QOTD - What is your earliest Disney memory?[/QUOTE]

Hi! I am Amanda. I am 27. I've always been overweight and I have gained and lost weight a few time over my adult life. I've started losing some weight again and plan on just losing from now on :)

In addition to losing 4 pounds this month, I want to run the 13.11 (half marathon) in one goals. I have been working on the couch to half marathon program and have completed all the session except the race do to the weather, my schedule, and my body refusing to work together. But I am determined to do it and will keep trying until I do. I will just be tracking my pounds, but will post WHEN I finish my run.

I started making progress in my weight loss when I did a "whole 30" at the end of the month. Unfortunately, I let myself reform some bad eating habits so I am redoing it with some slight tweaks. I just finish day 5 and this time is definite easier than the first time I tired. I still get sugar craving, which is the worst part, but I seems to be able to settle them with fruit and keeping busy at the moment. I have a few friends that are also doing it with me, so that is very helpful.

This is my third month participating on these threads. I think they are helpful because it nice to get encouragement from everyone and be able to share with people who are also
Just stumbled in the door and realized it is officially the 1st of May! So I'm going to post our first question of the day, collapse into bed, and sleep until noon. :)

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QOTD - May 1st

We are going to start out the month with an easy one! If you haven't already, introduce yourself! What is your goal this month? Weight loss? Exercise accomplished? General sense of well being found? Let's talk about any and all of your goals! What to do you to be able to say "I did that" about 31 days from now? What is your plan to make those goals happen? Specifics welcome! How are you going to track your percentage of goal complete each week? Finally, what can we do to help you achieve your goals?

Bonus QOTD - What is your earliest Disney memory?

An introduction - I'm a 43 year old mother of three kids from the suburbs of Chicago. I am also a lawyer, with my own practice that is not very busy right now (just finished a couple of cases) so I'm mostly a stay at home mom. I also take on (too many) volunteer roles with regards to my kids and their school/activities. I can't help it; when people need help, I step up.

I have been overweight basically all of my life, but the last 6 years have really done me in. I think it was the move from a full time job in the city (public transport, walking a lot for work) to being self employed in the car dependent suburbs. I just didn't move as much. And I was home more, which meant that I had more ready access to food. Together, they are a bad combination.

I "hit rock bottom" after our vacation last year. I could barely buckle the seatbelt on the plane and there were some other physical situations that brought to light just how large I had become. I made a change and started tracking everything I eat on MFP and made a commitment to getting 10,000 steps a day. I also set a rough goal of 100 carbs or less per day, 6 days a week (with one free day). My plan is working and since July 11th, I am down 90 lbs.

My goal is to lose 10lbs this month. I've come close the past two months (9+ lbs, but not quite 10), so maybe this will be the month! I am going to keep doing what I am doing. Eating well, logging and getting my steps.

I will have some challenges this month- two of my volunteer activites are very busy this month which will impact time available to get my steps (elementary school yearbook due to printer on May 20th and club soccer tryouts throughout the month of May), and three food related celebrations will make it harder to stay on track foodwise (Mother's Day, my husband's birthday and My sister's 50th birthday party), but I shall persevere!!!

We leave on vacation June 15th, so this is my last full month before the trip. I've got some big milestone goals that are within reach before we head out on vacation (things like hitting ONEderland (under 200lbs), being overweight instead of obese on the BMI chart, and losing 100lbs), but I have promised myself that this isn't a race and vacation is not some kind of drop dead date where I'll be a failure if I don't accomplish all of these goals. I need to take things one week at a time, one day at a time if necessary. I'm doing this for my future health and it takes as long as it takes!

Good Luck to everyone!

Bonus QOTD: I never went to Disney as a kid. My first trip was when I was in my 20's when my husband had a trade show in Orlando and I came along for a couple of days. It was early October, 2001 (within a couple weeks of the terrorist attacks) and the parks were almost empty because so many people were nervous to travel by plane and nervous to be in large, crowded public places like Disney. We had a wonderful time and felt the magic immediately. On that trip we went to Magic Kingdom, Epcot and Animal Kingdom. Didn't get to Hollywood Studios until about 10 years later!
Okay, I finally had a few minutes to catch up. I'm so excited to see so many returning faces!

We are going to start out the month with an easy one! If you haven't already, introduce yourself! What is your goal this month? Weight loss? Exercise accomplished? General sense of well being found? Let's talk about any and all of your goals! What to do you to be able to say "I did that" about 31 days from now? What is your plan to make those goals happen? Specifics welcome! How are you going to track your percentage of goal complete each week? Finally, what can we do to help you achieve your goals?

Hi everyone! As many of you know, I'm Sarah (obviously, that's very surprising given my username), and if you're looking for me away from the DIS, I'm on instagram (and twitter) as slkworks and on MFP as SarahLovesTink. I've been through my whole story before, so I'm just going to summarize it for now: I like eating. Apparently more than I like looking and feeling better than I currently do. I should probably fix that.
I really wasn't sure what I was going to do for a goal this month. I was thinking about a non-scale goal because it's a little less pressure for me, but after not having access to a scale for the past few weeks, I realized that not being obsessive about a number makes me more likely to allow myself to slack off. I am going to go with a small goal, though ... I'm thinking 3 lbs.
Of course, I haven't done my official May 1st weigh-in yet (hopefully I'll have access to the scale tomorrow and can do it then), so I don't know where 3 lbs will get me.

My plan ...
1 - Stick to my exercise plan: running 3x/week, cross training 2x/week, and walking or other low-intensity exercise 1x/week
2 - Track my food whenever I'm in front of my computer/phone (which is often, but not always), and make an effort to make good decisions even when I can't track
3 - Take at least 15 minutes every day to focus on myself - whether that's exercise time, reading, watching TV, or just lying in bed thinking about nothing. After last month, I need to start focusing on taking time for myself and not letting other people dictate my schedule

Hopefully this plan, along with the awesome support from this great group of people, will set me up for success!

Bonus QOTD - What is your earliest Disney memory?

Disney memory in general? Asking my mom what happened to my favorite Little Mermaid dress (the answer ... a stain that she couldn't get out)
Disney parks memory? Main Street Electrical Parade in 2000 (my first trip)

My real goal for the month is more amorphous. I want to find consistency again. I know the routine that works best for me and leaves me feeling great but I seem to abandon it for the flimsiest of reasons. I need to get my stress under control, go back to making plans, and start taking care of myself again.

I'm so glad you said this.
I think a lot of us struggle with this - finding consistency. Sometimes when you find something that works, you feel so great ... but as soon as something gets in the way, you stop doing what you know works. Once you get back to being consistent, it will be easier to start seeing results on the scale!


Not a great start to the month so far, but not terrible either. Passover just ended, and that's a pretty big holiday for me, so I'm still kinda adjusting to my normal routine. Hopefully tomorrow things will be a little better.
Have a great Sunday/Monday everyone!
I'm Paige! I'm 23 and from Kansas City (Missouri side). I've lost a total of 55 pounds and I'm almost to my initial goal.

I feel like I've been hitting a wall of motivation lately and my weight loss has stalled. Still losing weight but I feel like most of the month is spent gaining and losing and maintaining and I'm tired of it!

I'm shaking things up a bit for myself this month. My goal is to only have "dessert" once a week (which will probably be Sunday's). I do a terrible job of hoarding points and then splurging on cool whip and pudding and those points can be better spent elsewhere. I think this will help keep me more even keeled.

I'm also going to have an exercise goal of 5 days a week. Doing something. Running will take up 4 days but I want to shake up my work outs a little. No weight loss goal this month.


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